
kaisehr - photo 2
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kaisehr - photo 6

Take a minute and read the profile to figure out that I'm not a weirdo (looks like I was one of a few out here). I am a German citizen, but just moved to Virginia Beach for my employer. I'm not necessarily looking for a play partner, even though that would be great. But me being here is more about being part of the scene, meeting new people and making new friends. I just love to meet new open minded and relaxed people. So I don't care about what you are, what you do for living, if you are boy, girl, gay, dom, sub or whatever. But honestly, if there was the chance to make new experiences, I am open for that ... of course. Anyway, I'd be happy to connect. Even though I mostly don't start mail contact. Since I don't do the copy and past thing, it just takes too long. But I promise to answer every single mail.