I appreciate your investment of time. I am most keenly ( though not exclusively) interested in individuals with a NEED to serve, and especially (but again, NOT exclusively) those of fluid gender, or who believe they have become unstuck along the gender spectrum. That includes the Intersex condition, trans-gender or cross-gender orientation, or anyone who questions, or longs to escape from, their society-imposed gender "assignment". This also includes, but is not limited to, those who identify as intersex anywhere along the continuum (examples DSD, AIS, hyperplasia, Klinefelter Syndrome, micropenis, conditions formerly known as hermaphroditism, undescended testicles, trans-gender, or other gender-development or DSD issues) and have longed to submit themselves to open, full exploitation of their "condition" for the purpose of catharsis, or relief through service and surrender. Be aware, although I am one of you, I am strict yet caring, unyielding, yet giving. You MUST have a NEED to serve. We are a tiny fraction of the population, yet this is our chance. Believe what you have read. It IS true. You really have finally discovered what you have always hoped for, yet never dared to believe actually exists. Reach out to me.
12/1/2012 10:37:01 AM

I always develop a unique, formal specific, detailed plan for any who would serve me. Recently I was asked about those plans. This was my reply:


Like all the plans I have developed and implemented, the ultimate goal would be to turn you into a pleasure provider, for myself and any others it would amuse me to assign you to serve. The process includes a discovery component, wherein I explore your talents, capabilities and limits, a training component, in which you learn (among other things) protocol, positions, my preferences, my expectations for you, and also an indoctrination component, which means I use what I have learned about you to exploit your innermost needs, using them to bond you to me so that you become more and more devoted to me and my pleasure, such that your feelings become secondary, even non-existent. You will come to believe that I am the only one who truly understands you, really sees what you are desperate to have seen. It is a slow, deliberate detailed process which will often be unpleasant for you. You will be monitored carefully. It is NOT for everyone. Many have begun it. Only those with a true NEED to serve in their nature continue for any significant amount of time.

 Age: 32