
6/11/2014 2:07:19 PM

Promesa /promise


No importa lo que hayas visto
ni siquiera lo que has sentido
o cuantas veces tu corazón haya latido
a cada beso de otros labios recibidos.

Has de ser como el mismo día,
que nace y muere
en la línea del horizonte infinito,
reintentándote a cada segundo
inimitable para las innumerables almas frías,
que vagan por este mundo
sin tener claro un destino.

Con el silencio de tu presencia
y el eco de tus pensamientos
has de romper las cadenas de la monotonía
que tienen preso el incesante deseo
que arde en el interior de tu cuerpo.

Aunque te encuentres limitado
por esa amalgama de carne y huesos,
que se hace más vieja a cada momento,
bajo el llameante sol lejano
proyéctate como la larga sombra
que cubre el camino a tu paso.

Vive y sueña, rie y llora
pero nunca olvides
que de momentos
está hecha la vida,
por ello no cierres los ojos
para que nada te pierdas.

No matter what you've seen
even you have felt
or how many times your heart is beating
kiss each other lips received.

You have to be like the same day,
born and dies
in line with the infinite horizon,
reintentándote every second
inimitable cold for countless souls
that roam this world
without a clear destination.

With the silence of your presence
and echo your thoughts
You have to break the chains of monotony
prisoner with the incessant desire
burning inside your body.

Even if you find limited
a single amalgam of flesh and bones,
that becomes older every moment
under the blazing sun far
Project yourself as the long shadow
covering the road on your way.

Lives and dreams, laughs and cries
but never forget
moments that
life is made of,
why do not you close your eyes
to miss anything.

Copyright: all rights reserved.
The copy, total or partial is forbidden without express authorization from the author

5/22/2014 1:28:03 AM
< id="source" class="goog-" style="box-sizing: border-box; overflow-y: hidden; overflow-x: auto; padding-right: 20px; height: 591px; padding-bottom: 32px;" dir="ltr" tabindex="0" name="text">
Thanks for reading this poem
to keep alive these words
to do that again
from becoming part of another.
Sharing feelings
through simple strokes
in black
on white paper.
But the color is not important,
what matters is the echo
single letter in the innermost,
of your being that is now free
for these moments.
Free, because you do not think anything,
no chains that hold your soul
vague for now
the ethereal world of words.
Free Soul, vibrant heart,
spirit that dream again tomorrow,
began this poem thanking you,
and in his twilight says,
stay with me
the beauty that awaits you
when you finish reading
these lyrics.

Copyright: all rights reserved.
The copy, in whole or partial is forbidden without express authorization from the author
 Age: 36
 Willamette Valley, Oregon