9/29/2011 4:20:50 AM

I haven’t been writing here enough to please You, it’s so hard for me to express all of my thoughts and emotions on paper here for the world to see.  It makes me feel so vulnerable and open to criticism, which is really terrifying for me.  I have lived my life wrapped in a cocoon of perfection, striving for most of my life to meet everyone’s needs and winning approval and admiration.  But never in any of those years was I honest about who I am or what I want. You saw that within moments of meeting me, also making me feel vulnerable.   I absolutely love the time I spend with You, its extremely liberating to not be expected to be anything other than what You tell me to be, to not have to do anything other than what You tell me to do.  It’s all I want. 

                I have hated this week, where my schedule has prohibited me from being with You and I know the coming weeks will be just as bad with fall break coming up and that my opportunities to serve You will be limited.  My knees ache to kneel in front of You, my mouth aches to serve You and receive Your cum, my bottom aches to feel Your correction.  I am so anxious for our time together this week, I would have come to You last night even though I was exhausted.  I am grateful that You knew I wouldn’t be able to serve correctly that tired. 


9/13/2011 6:57:22 AM
Vulnerability: you strip away my defenses and my masks and reduce me to my most basic needs and I thank you for it and I continue to show up giving You free reign over me.  Not only do I show up but I sit here aching for You when I’m away.  Every fiber of my being screams at me to stay away to stop the insanity of allowing You to push me, punish me or use me.  It is so much easier to be with someone who is willing to do all that I ask but instead I come to You and sink to my knees and ask to try and serve You.  And somehow in the process lose all of my ability to function adeptly at tasks I can usually do in my sleep. Suddenly instead of being completely capable I burn my hand making an omelet, forget to vacuum a whole room and constantly feel unsure and lost.  These masks are so integrated into my being I don’t know where they end and where I begin. My  labels,  the labels that the world sees and knows they feel so false when I am with You but I need them I know who I am with them and if You take them away who will I be.  You push, you pull, you ignore me and I wonder is there a reason a purpose for all of it or is it just because it pleases you to do it.  Is there an end a plan but the peace comes in that I don’t need to know the end,   I just need to trust, and I do.  You tell me that You won’t use Your knowledge to harm me and I know that that it is true, I feel no fear I know I can trust You.  The power, You have is much more powerful than what someone can do to cause pain. The fear I have is of the power you wield, the power you can employee with your presence.  How much I fear disappointing you that you’ll decide I’m not worth the bother.  This is so much more then I expected when I told you that I liked to play but that I craved more I had no idea what I was asking for, no idea why I was asking for it and I still don’t really begin to understand but I know that I have to show up, that I ache for the chance to show up.  That submitting is as much apart of me as breathing.  Giving You this power scares me, being this vulnerable scares me. 
 Age: 25