
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•Here to keep my journal, to learn from O/others in the lifestyle.

Thank You for Your interest in this submissive.


10/31/2008 7:48:34 AM
I thought that I should up-date this journal as it has been sometime.

I have spent the better part of this year getting to know people in the greater Los Angles BDSM society. I have learned much this year and still realize how much I truly do not know.

I have been fortunate enough to have met several M/s couples that I highly admire, meeting and knowing these individuals is wonderful but at the same time it pains me because I see what I crave/desire in these relations, it does give me hope that people ARE truly living this life as close to 24/7 as possible.

So, I still seek. I do not believe that I will find a match on the internet so that is why I attend some functions in hopes of connecting with One.

I know that it is to slave and I now have a greater respect toward the true Dominates in regards to that even as submitting is a gift, I feel a greater gift is to the One that takes over and molds the person that they are in charge of.

Still walking alone and still trying to find my way, Thank you again for reading, keeping up with this girl and for your time.


3/28/2008 1:20:56 PM
If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best teach it to dance."

George Bernard Shaw
1/29/2008 8:40:51 AM
The boxes were just collected by the shipper and i intend to soak in a hot bath with lavender sea salts.

i hope that A/all are well and i will not be able to be in contact for the n ext few days.

Thank You for taking time in reading this journal.

1/28/2008 2:47:18 PM

I guess that the situation that i find myself in over the past couple of months seems to be uncommon in regards to the idea that we, my former Owner and i are still taking care of one another?

We have been living apart from one another for the past 2 months but being that i will be relocating back to the country of my birth, it is not like this move can happen over night. We are also both responsible adults and hold no ill feeling toward one another, actually we both only want the best for the other.

We are not in any “fight” and are parting as caring friends. i am certain that i will miss him as he will me and even though we were not able to make the M/s layer of our life work we still do care very deeply for one another.

On that note, i am trying to leave the house in the best order that i can. I defrosted the deep freezer and threw away thing that i knew that he would not use or like, that took a whole day to defrost and get the freezer back to temperature. i cleaned the house from top to bottom. i have cleaned out the closets where my things were, whiping them down. I will leave the area that i am currently in, in a state of order.

He has handled the shipping of my personal possessions, talks/negotiating that had to happen in Dutch or French. Dealing with the financial aspect of letting me go back to America.

This is a 'one-way' ticket and i do not step away from this man lightly because he is a very good/caring person and i am sure that there will be tears cried by both of us in parting.

I gave everything that i could to be his slave in Belgium and he holds no fault towards me.

Thank You for reading and i hope that the next journal is more uplifting.



1/25/2008 3:44:38 AM
As the time gows closer for me to leave, the stress level also increases.

i was able to get my road bike taken apart and packed safely in it's clamshell travel case. i worry about the carbon handlebars/stem, i am going to have to tag the box with warning in hopes that the baggage handlers will be careful with it *crosses fingers*

i was also able to book my flight, i will be returning to the So Cal. area towards the end of next week.

Thank You for taking time to read and learn more about this submissive!

1/22/2008 11:26:06 AM

I finished packing my belongings today, i have to weigh them and give an inventory of the content of the boxes for customs to accept or inspect.

Tomorrow i will dismantle my road bike and try my best to pack it, in it's travel case as carefully that i can.

Bears are still not packed... lol, they maybe included in my checked baggage, not sure yet. They are just stuffed objects, anyway.

i hope that this journal finds Y/you all well.



1/22/2008 6:35:49 AM

Well today started off good for me, i did my measurements this morning and was surprised to see that i have lost 2cm on my hips, waist and under my chest, i have lost 1cm on my bust and on each of my thighs. So it looks like the effort that i am making in working out is paying off, that is a positive thing.

i have almost finished packing my boxes and finished sorting out all the clothing/shoes to give to charity. i was proud that i was able to sift through so much and was happy that i could donate somethings that i have not worn in 5 years to charity.

i showed my former Owner, thinking that he would be pleased. He thought that it was very wasteful of me to give so much away, he said that i must have not had to work very hard for those things. i explained that i did work hard to get those clothing but i had not worn them in years, that some things did not fit anymore or they were out of style, that some were stained and that they would not have to be shipped back to America. He seemed mad and told me that i could do what i wanted with them but that i could leave them here and he could ship them to me later, if i decided that i wanted them.

i took the bags, packed them in the car to take to the collection center. i returned to his office to tell him that i was leaving to find him on the phone with the shipping company. The company gave him a 'rounded' quote of how much it would cost per 50kg, it was not cheap. In the end he agreed that it was best to give the things that i could or did not use any longer to charity, i think that he understands that i do not want him to have to waste any unneeded money to return me back to America.

So, i took the things to the collection place and bag by bag inserted them into the chute with hopes that they might bless or help someone else in need.

It has just been a roller coaster of a day emotionally for me today. i can not wait until i have a sense of peace again and calmness in my life.

Trying to take care of me.

Thank You in reading about this submissive.


1/21/2008 11:03:35 AM

i spent most of the day packing, cleaning and doing laundry.

While sifting though paperwork, books and things i had go through the notebooks that i used/created when i was busy studying Dutch. i had amassed several large binders full of personal notes, studies or assignments that i had completed. i realized, while sorting through these papers, just how hard i did work in integrate myself into this country. i worked very hard to learn Netherlands (or Dutch) and while it has re-programmed my mind to learn languages i wonder if it will ever be useful?

Funny, even though i did learn Dutch and tried my best to integrate into the Belgian way of life... no one ever talked to me or tried to, they all talked around me but i could understand what they were saying... lol :D

The third language that i was busy learning was/is French but i am considering allowing that study to sit on the back burner while i study Spanish instead. Spanish is a more useful language in America then Dutch or French ;)

So, i pulled all the papers out of the binders and set them neatly in the trash; i did, however, pack a Netherlands study book and a Van Dale dictionary so that i will be able to keep/train the language skill that i have learned.

i hope that is entry finds A/all well, happy and safe.



1/20/2008 8:31:18 AM

Packing up...

Got boxes, plastic and tape yesterday, i had already sorted through most of my things and will donate a 1/3 of what i have to charity.

i started packing up my things today in boxes to be shipped back to America. i have lined the boxes with plastic because some of my clothing was damaged/water stained when it originally arrived from America to Belgium, i am hoping that the plastic will protect it better.

*crosses fingers*

i have books that are being shipped so i am putting some books in every box so that i do not end up with one REALLY heavy box of books.

i have packed 6 boxes so far and i think that i am almost halfway, not sure tho.

The last thing that i will pack will be my collection of small teddy bears, most of them hold a personal memory for me, i will make sure that my bears are protected and shipped carefully.

Taking care of me... or trying to do the best that i can.

Thank You for taking time to read this journal and to learn more about this submissive.


1/16/2008 5:09:31 AM


i woke up this morning at 3:30 am in hopes of spending some time online with those in America to only find out that my Internet connection was down, yet again.

i did some reading/research on some articles that i had pulled off the net the day before in regards to exercise, physical fitness, diet and nutrition. i was able to make several pages of notes about the various topics that i read, interesting stuff.

i have an overall goal to lose body fat and gain muscle but there are underlining reasons to do so.

The main one is to get myself back into the healthy form that i was 6 years ago when i was wearing a size 6. When i was at this size my weight was around 160 because i was very muscular but feminine. i was encouraged by a Dominant that i was fortunate enough to spend time while i was in California in my body structure goals, He would also have me in a size 6 as well.

Another reason is that i would like to become a certified fitness trainer with a focus on strength training and distance cycling. The two sports can go hand-in-hand if done properly with bulking up the rider. Being that i would seek to be a fitness trainer, i would need to look the part!

And one of the last and most important reasons is that i would like get my body back in shape is when and if i do find Dominant that would take this slave on as an Owner and that i would submit to be His personal property, i would like to deliver myself to Him in MUCH better physical shape, be healthier and to have my head in the proper place to be able to release myself completely to Him. i have and will continue a stretching routine as, above mentioned Dominant, might enjoy binding, restraints or suspension of His slave.

i do realize that the One that Owns me will mold me to His liking, i am hoping to find an Owner that would enjoy a strong, fit slave to serve Him.

Thank You for taking the time to learn more about this slave.



1/15/2008 8:51:19 AM
my last journal entry was written on my flight back to Belgium when things and feelings were still uncertain to me.

That was written over a week ago and i have not been able to post it because of problems with the Internet.

i will be returning sooner then i expected to America, with the friendship/support of my last Owner.... well actually he has been my only Owner to date.

i hope that this entry finds A/all well, happy and safe.

1/15/2008 8:20:07 AM
i feel as though i am on auto pilot as i sit like a sardine in a fully booked fight to Newark. i am not looking forward to discussing the 'cold facts' of the split of our couple, actually it makes me feel quite ill.

i have made a choice that i will start doing activities that will calm me, i will take better care of my diet and i will drop 2 clothing sizes.

i felt good knowing that i did/could take care of myself for the month that i was back in America, well in all actuality i have been taking care of myself for the past 4 years even though i was living under his roof. As a slave i was allowed to do pretty much anything that i wanted to, there were very few rules and the rules were of such a nature that i would have found 'breaking' one of them morally wrong.

i will return back to Southern California to live and to continue searching for a new Owner and communicating with the very few that i am in contact with at the moment. i am not certain that i will find One that will be a good fit because it seems that the people that ARE active in the lifestyle seem to be heavy sadists seeking masochist submissive slaves. i do have masochist tendencies, i however am not a requesting party for heavy pain. i would submit to a sadist, if He understood and was skilled to bring up a new submissive's pain threshold, i would take a greater degree of pain at His hands to bring Him pleasure.

i will return back to Southern California stronger, with my head in the correct space, fitter and armed with some well thought out questions for Dominants that show and interest in Ownership. i would like Dominants that approach me or that i approach to realize that it is going to take me time to think, sort through feelings and come to a sane conclusion.

i have been in contact with a handful of Dominants that show a sincere interest in Ownership and there are a few that i feel could be very good candidates. This entire process is not easy for me and i sometimes get those scary overwhelming feelings again, the one's that i got the first time that i sought a Owner. Because of those overwhelming feelings my profile has been turned off for over a month, i do still read profiles and make notations of Dominants that i find seem to have a level of skill and class. I have yet to approach very many that i have noted because i know that beginning communication with them at this time would not be an ideal situation.

i have tried to teach myself how to approach a Dominant with respect, i do feel i need to learn to be more humble and to keep my ego in check. i realize that taking on a slave is a lot of work for a Dominant, that we submissive people will need to be molded to suit the Owner's taste/likes/dislikes and that the molding is a very time consuming process. i have my share of baggage, when opening myself up completely to a Dominant i feel extremely vulnerable and i do understand the need for transparency in a D/s relationship. It can, however, be very hard to share everything and to be transparent to someone that i do not know. i realize that the Dominant also needs to know what type of person, material that He has to work with and if He is willing to take that slave on or not. i feel that i am finding a balance in my thinking and a better understanding, respect for the lifestyle and the people that are involved in a M/s or D/s relationship.

Thank You for Your time and effort in getting to know this girl.



12/15/2007 1:24:46 AM

i have returned to America/LA area  to re-connect with my very dear friends and to look at things with another eye.

i have been here for a few days, i have gotten to spend sometime with a couple of friends and am looking forward to meeting up with the other 2 friends.

i have to make sure that i keep my structure, as it is important in my focus and not get caught up in making plans all the time for this month that i am back... i am learning how to say no in the best intrest of my well being... i, however, know that i am a people pleaser and that i have missed these few close friends greatly, i just have to find a balance :)  and i feel that i will and can.

i have thought long and hard about what encircles my neck. i have a mindset that i will not wear anything around it unless it is a slave collar, so my neck will remain free of jewelry, naked and waiting, willing and desiring.

Thank You for Your effort in getting to know this submissive!


12/15/2007 1:06:46 AM
Song:Nobody knows

Nobody knows but me
That I sometimes cry
If I could pretend that I'm asleep
When my tears start to fall
I peek out from behind these walls
I think nobody knows
Nobody knows no

Nobody likes
Nobody likes to lose their inner voice
The one I used to hear before my life
Made a choice
But I think nobody knows
No no
Nobody knows

Oh the secret's safe with me
There's nowhere else in the world that I could ever be
And baby don't it feel like I'm all alone
Who's gonna be there after the last angel has flown
And I've lost my way back home
I think nobody knows no
I said nobody knows
Nobody cares

It's win or lose not how you play the game
And the road to darkness has a way
Of always knowing my name
But I think nobody knows
No no
Nobody knows no no no no

Oh the secret's safe with me
There's nowhere else in the world that I could ever be
And baby don't it feel like I'm all alone
Who's gonna be there after the last angel has flown
And I've lost my way back home
And oh no no no no
Nobody knows
No no no no no no

Tomorrow I'll be there my friend
I'll wake up and start all over again
When everybody else is gone
No no no

Nobody knows
Nobody knows the rhythem of my heart
The way I do when I'm lying in the dark
And the world is asleep
I think nobody knows
Nobody knows
Nobody knows but me
12/10/2007 2:14:33 PM
Artist: Goo Goo Dolls    

Iris (main chorus)    

And I don't want the world to see me.
Cause I don't think that they'd understand.
When everythings made to be broken.
I just want you to know who I am...
12/5/2007 1:31:32 PM
herJourney's Journey..... looks like fate has stacked the cards in her favor, she is returning for a short visit back to the States to clear her mind and to unplug for a bit.

This one is *really* looking forward to seeing her friends that helped her so much on her way to Belgium :) it has been more then 4 years since they have been together! and her 4 closest friends are VERY dear to her heart!

As she 'unplugs' in Belgium she will be 're-plugging' in the States as she will bring her laptop with her.

Now the list grows... things to do, clean the house, pack and so forth.

12/1/2007 1:23:19 PM
The walk...

This one took a walk today without direction, she just walked and then came to a cross road, she stood there for a long time not knowing which way to go. left, right in front.

she turned back around in the end because she was not sure if she took any of those roads that she would not stop walking. and then she turned a corner and keep walking until she had to turn back around because she did not want the people that care about her to worry.

she walked for over an hour... feeling stuck... feeling overwhelmed but still caring about the people close to her.

she realized that she has to step away.. to take a proper perspective and take care of herself, even though she does not want to.

The hardest steps to take are the one's that have no path... quote... herJourney
11/30/2007 9:15:51 AM
Fasted Cardio ;) This morning she got up and straight from bed laced up her running shoes for an hour session of fasted cardio, exercising in the morning before eating.... it is one of the best ways to burn fast quickly but it can make one feel queasy. It felt good to breath the crisp morning morning air.. yes she realizes that this is not an exercise website..*snickers*

Thank You for taking time out of Your important day to read this one's journal.

11/29/2007 1:30:47 PM

this one has gotten questions regarding her profile photo seems that she is kneeling in a Gorean fashion... that was not intended, she took the photo herself, she also did not want to place a clear facial photo for a number of reasons.

she has not been trained in this lifestyle and she knows little about it, she is not a kajira.

she is going to upload another photo as she does not want to mislead others on this site.

Thank You for taking the time and effort in reading about this one!


11/28/2007 5:03:07 PM
This one stayed up too late last night talking with her very best girlfriend that she has not been in contact with for a while due to feelings of not wanting to profile herself as a lie to this person.


she did her chores around the house/prepared food.

she did her French audio lesson and found herself to be fidgety however, after realizing that she was able to pull focus. she did a double lession with half listening/speaking-half writing drils

she did her music study, focusing on holding long notes and scale training, she played a song or two.

she thought A LOT about her submissive direction in her life. she feels that she is back on track, she feels a need to order herself and to push herself forward. she hopes that with the current sudies that she is training that it will be an asset to her next Owner.

Thank You for taking the time to read this journal and making the effort to get to know this one.


Ps. Country Music as a hard limit is meant as a joke to show that she does have humor about her ;)

11/28/2007 8:32:58 AM
This one updated her Intrest and skills. where she placed expert she would like to make clear that she is at least above average to expert. she would like to check the box of under the category 'Skills' as being an Gourmet Chief but she has had no formal training and is self taught in this feild, she did at one time in her life consider the possiblity of attending Culinanry school.

she thanks You for Your time and effort in reading her Journal.

11/27/2007 12:05:46 PM
this girl woke up sore from the hour of weight training that she did the day before, feeling good to be alive and kicking. <br>

she has done everything that she had listed except for her French lesson, the day is not over yet.... *smiles*<br>

she turns off her profile for most of her 'day' because her focus is turned to being Owned by one that lives in  North America. and because she is getting a large amount of replies, she does not care to be rude in not answering mails that are honest and thought provoking. she has begun a list of possible future Owners of profiles that she has come across, the list sits beside her computer.. pen to paper, so to speak.
Thank You for the time and effort it takes to keep track of this one as her journey into submission, slavehood moves forward.
11/26/2007 3:27:59 PM

Today this one took a hard look at herself and decided that she had just been coping. she is setting a daily schedule for herself to try to regain some structure, lose structure it may be... he goes!

she will

Cross stitch for 1 hour in the morning to help her reflect on her feelings

Breakfast with conversations over current life status or current events

General chores around the house to make it a pleasant place to be.

Checking the refrigerator to see what in need of re-stalk, re-cutting

Check in on the Internet to add to her profile or journal

Exercise for 1 hour, weightlifting plus cardo (would ideally shift this to the morning when feeling stronger)

General bathing/self care 1 hour

Playing her Clarinet/Music study 1 hour

French audio lesson 30 mins

in between... living life as it comes to her.

11/26/2007 12:46:23 PM
This submissive changed her handle today to one that suits her state of mind better, the old handle was only up for one or two days and she was not active with it.
11/26/2007 12:28:17 PM

<p>This girl moved halfway across the world, giving or selling most every possesion to be a collared slave to a Master in Belgium. She did so with strong 'in love' feelings and romantic notions clouding her thoughts. she did not follow any protocal in the lifestyle when first meeting, she was not aware that such things exisited. The Master profiled himself as having 10 years of experience being trained by another Master which, in the end, turned out to be a false claim. she however chose to stay by his side in hopes of fulfillment, also her pride did not want her to 'fail'.
her Master fell deeply 'in love' with her over the first few months that she was under his charge. she had a few sessions of extremely light pain/play involved and that play ended after the 3 months. she was then, from time to time, bound after she had requested a session, she was also used for sexual gratification of her Master while the relationship slipped into vanilla.
she is today faced with finding another owner that can give her the lifestyle elements that she craves and the structure that she seeks. This girl has FULL support of her previous Master because he too acknowledges that he can not give her the Master/slave lifestyle that he once promised her.
 Age: 32