General Rules:
Control over slave is 365/24/7: slave will be under MASTER.
The MASTER has the right to punish slave at any time for any infraction or merely for personal pleasure.
Though, the health and well being of slave will always be considered and will remain the responsibility of
the MASTER. MASTERS orders and wishes supersede all others.
References to slave: slave will be referred to as "it", "thing", "slave", or l. slave will refer to slave as
It will be required to wear a form of Ownership at all times, such as a collar or neck chain as designated
by its MASTER.
slave will be summoned verbally by one of the aforementioned references or by two short hand claps.
slave attitude to MASTER and others: slave is to always retain a deferential attitude. it is to always
maintain an attitude of respect to all others.
slave head/eye are to be kept below the level of MASTERs knees. Eye contact can only occur with direct
order from its MASTER.
slave is to kneel when appropriate in the presence of MASTER. Appropriate times include, but are not
limited to, greeting and acknowledging MASTER entering a room, arriving or departing the household.
slave is to keep hands behind back when standing or kneeling in the presence of Master and not needed
to please, or otherwise follow directions of same.
Speech is not allowed by slave. slave will enter the room MASTER is in and walk diagonally to MASTERs
Right hand, kneel and wait to be acknowledged to speak. In EMERGENCY ONLY may the slave freely
verbalize MASTER without punishment.
slave is never allowed to close the door to any room slave is occupying, this includes bathroom if
allowed and while bathing or showering without express permission.
slave has no right to privacy whatsoever.