i wish to have a female slave or transgengered pre or post op. if you want to be concered then please let me know via mail message and i shall give you a way to contact me
12/3/2009 3:07:00 AM
The True Tale Of A False Reality......
Prelude... Hello I am Thomas and the tale inside this book is my past life story over the course of the last few years. You must understand that life is very strange and that life is very unique for each of us. I know it will seem strange, but why would I allow what you read to be in print if it wasnt true. I am very aware of reality and the the alternative state of mind in which perception becomes distorted hence the name of this book. My story starts at a point of my life where I was trying to make a life for me and my family yet made all the wrong choices in doing so. I was taking the worst path I could to try to achieve the right and happy life I had dreamt of for so long. So i decided to try to alter my reality and take a diffrent path to make happiness a possble prospect for me, and that is where our story begins. So one day in october i was called by my mom and asked to move out to where she was living and I decided to give it a try I called Hill and told her i was going to move and work on life and try to better myself and then after a whole lot of time consuming planning i went to the town of Susie Missouri. I spent a while out there but I snapped and I couldnt take it anymore. Hill had decided that the so called friend of hers was more important to me and started to want to have a realtiionship with him. On top of that life in genreal was horrible and i want to go back to Kansas City, Kansas so I tried to kill myself in order to sucrure a way back to home. I ended up going home and I was put away in a mental home and spent my days sitting around pondering life and past mistakes while writing down thoughts and feelings in my journal. This is where the story begins and now that you know why and where I am lets countinue and you can see what can happen when reality and illusion become one and the same.
As the world takes hold of each of us we are forced to battle our demons that live in each and everyone of us. When we decide to confront one demon we facede with the great task of accepting a truth that will forever change our lifes. The change may not be the best, but in the end it will make us better. The many thoughts that crossour minds are always disorinating and confusing. In the time I have been locked up here I have gone through many thoughts. The words that are scattered in my books and tablets that sit on my desk are a testiment to the fight of personal torement and pain I must face head on, but in order to do that I have to find the weakest point in my mental wall of anguish. For 6 months I have read books and tried to resaerch them to find a plausible answer to that very problem. Time is running out so I must go through it all again. If I read back through the words I have wrote then maybeut maybe the answer will be in them. So I go to my room and grab my books and read trough trough them as I sit on a bench outside.
As i sit here i start to pour through the journal entries.......
journal entry ......
As a man of many personalities and visions I am bound to say it blunt ,yet to speak what I write is hard. Do you see that you are the same way? Can you express feelings more clearly one way more than the other? If you only see one heathly option than follow it, yet as I speak I notice I have lived thorugh my words. Words which haunt my visions. The way I feel tears me up so I write then never read it. Why do this? So my feelings dissapear never to be felt again. Is this healty? No.....not in the least. Ever notice how no matter how much it helps ease the pain that pain will always remian inside you? I have i only fear one thing in life and that fear is myself. Nothing ever sets out to hurt you more than your own actions. They call this a test of god....I call it self destruction. We set out to destroy ourselfs and only stop once we are dead. This is how we are trained to survive life. And we do it as much as possible.
journal entry............
The first thing you learn in sunday school is the verse John 3 16, and that christ died on the cross for our sins therefore telling us that we can sin as much as we want then turn right around and pray to him and all of our actions will be forgivien. This is not the way we should raise our children. If you sin You should ask for forgiviness after you can acknoledge the fact your actions were wrong and why they were wrong. You should be able to atone for your sins before you ask him to. This is my theroy.
journal entry.................
Ok so I finally cracked, and well I have no idea how this all will end. Even my closet friends are a threat to me. I dont think I will be able to come back throught the door of insainty. I will now have to become what I have dwelled on avoiding for years. We all eventually become what who we pretend or fanitize to be. I have so many sides if i were a rubics cube you couldnt complete me propely. I lost myself to demons and sin. Lust, greed, hate, abuse, submissiveness, dominance,sickness, eating disorders,my ego, narsitic tendienceis, and hatefullness are everyday feeling good in small doses. Well consider me the over-acheiver you hated in high school. I take them all, and plant them in my soul add miracle grow,water, and rogaine then allow them to fester and grow. They become a ball of emotin so powerful that pandoras box seems like a jack in the box. It becomes to powerful to control, and consumes me to the point where mental functionality shuts down. Depression and agression follow. If everyone is after me who do I turn to? Certianly not family, friends, and not myself. Thusly this is a question i cant even answer. The emoitons have created a void that will be hard to fill since it makes the black holes in space seem small and pathetic. there is me somewhere in this mess of emotions and I just hope i can fix it myself for everones sake.
journal entry...........
Few things in life can trully make us feel alive. They say life, liberty, and love are these things. I dont believe this truth to be evident in all we do through out our life. We spend it searching for love, and beileveing we really have liberty to do as we wish. We see that in truth love is a joke. Life is a never ending circle in which we will always bear witness to our pain. Liberty is a tight rope in which we actually have to stop and think about the steps we take or else we fall off and the law takes over, so what makes me happy? Being alone with a woman with a brain. Working my job, and writing what is one my mind. What fuels others? Is it a need to suceed, an inner hatered,or is a feeling of love? We may never know that unless we ask. The only stupid question is the one left unasked. I ask you how then can we make life what we want it to be? Simple really just live life everyday to the fulliest extent you wish to take it.
journal entry...........
What drives a man to screw up his life? Could it be life itself? Is it possible we doom ourselves as early as childhood? A visioucious cycle in which greed and lust is allowed into life lessons. We learn from mistakes throughout life as if a jesture of good faith that the needed lesson will become embedded in our subconcous. How many times do we repeat bad things? We tend to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Things like over-eating, smoking, drugs, greed, material obsessions, swearing, blasmhafy, and of course sex. These things are taught to us as being bad, yet as adults we just justify them as habits. You see no one trully learns from mistakes we just adapt in order to justify what is wrong in our actions. A visious cycle doomed to counitiue till we destroy ourselves. Then will we finally learn our lessons? Does the final outcome warrent teaching our children habits are ok once you become adults? I think not.
As I sit here reading through this first journal I begin to ponder thoughts that were long buried away. Why am I so dark and depressed? What happened to me that made me so cycnical? Where in my childhood did I pick up such bad ideals? So many questions and yet there is no answers just more questions. If i keep reading I might open a flood gate of emotins and demons will just pour out, but if i dont then what will be come of me? I decided to countuine on and keep reading in hopes that the answer will present itself before it is to late for me.
journal entry............
Question.... What is the point of friends and family? They always turn on you dont they?
When you are finally certain that it is okay to relax they take their knives stab and twist deep inside your belly.
Answer.... Because we are coundiotioned to believe that they are meant to be your allies when in reality dont all alleingences fade and doenst bllod turn bad? Science and Reality even christianty all points toward the same thing. Traitors are the only traiotors when they where your friends to begin with. What is the only way around this? Death is the ultimate escape.
Henceforth I am in short suscide is an escape for all. My mind is shot and my feelings are numb. Hatred breeds pain and all i feel is hate. There is no more love, no more caring, no more nothing, yet I contuniue to search for the answer so death isnt the only way out for everyone that suffers everyday of their life
journal entry.....
Welcome to the world i created where pariona riegns and hatred is an everyday feeling. Heatache and misery are running rampat. Children dont exist due to the conditions we adults created. With no love there is no care for ourselves henceforth no love to bring about the act of child birth. The leader of this world is an evil and tyranical didctator of absoulote control and void of a heart. In each of us there is a simalar battle raging. Please dont give in. Fight the battle and life might just turn out bearable if not exciting and fulling. Let the proper amount of humainty and loathing control your emotions and life will work itself out for the best.
journal entry......
I throw in the towel and wave the white flag. No one should take this pain. No one should deal with the burden that rests on my heart. The pain and grief I have caused others is surmassing on my soul and the stench of blood and tears are encircling me to the point of no return. That very pain emcompasses my heart and lays heavy on my soul so much so it actually seeps into my very essence. Death is the way to make it all go away... the way to make it all stop. I am a failure. I never make the right desicions and cant please one person either alive or dead. When asked to explain why I never have an answer. When asked whats wrong all I can ever answer is nothing because no one cares to the point that is trully needed....not even me. If I dont then I know they wont. All my past friends are stupid fucks that are ready to ditch me for another or hate me for who I am and what I stand for. I think why....why would they could they? How could they damamge our friendship so easily and without any remorse?
I just realize I was never trully thier friend just a third wheel or a tag along. Like the dog people feel sorry for so you let the little guy hang around. The poeple I live with now are turning against me as well and from here I have no where to go so I am going to finish what the god lord started so many years ago. I will state that to those that cared I am sorry but death invited me and well I decided to r.s.v.p. and to those that dont well then you all can just go fuck yourselfs. In short goodbye.
journal entry.........
Today is the day that hearts collide. Pain will increase ten fold and mothers take their children inside to protect them from the outbursts and roits that will be invoked due to the suffering of millions of tormented souls that finnaly deciede to end their grief if not through words then through violence and pain. Blood will flow through the streets as it once flowed throught thier veins, yet even as they hang on to their last breath of life something is evil is born right below their feet. An evil well beyond the stories we were taught in sunday school. The monster under your bed looks like santa claus next to the creature stirring under the mass heap of bodies that lie scatted amongst the streets. It is born of a clusterfuck of of emotions ranging form envy to fear and all the hatred and suffering the people have felt over the centuries have caused it to go insane with bloodlust. The only way to calm this massive beserker is to relase the hatred it feels towards the human race. It tears through the asphalt and stumbles about. Once it catches its balance and composes its self it starts on a rampage. The beast realeses all the hatred that it had bottled up. There is no way to stop it no way to make it go away. This is the end of human life as we know it and all the wrongs will be made right. There will be no one left to fell pain. No one will have to suffer any more. The bullies and biggots, the rednecks and extremists, the terriost and the crocked government officals will all reap what they have sown. Hate fuels the the rage and allows his bloodlust to grow more fury and rage. Nothing will be left standing and his path of destuction will be massive and gruesome. Forget running for it will not protect you from the man made horiffyingly demon. This is a vision of our future if we dont change our actions and alter our perception towards our fellow man. The demon my not be real but the destruction he brings is. Mankind has the power to help or hamper and if we dont stop to think of the reactions to our actions then in the end there will be no one left to tell the tales of our fatal error.
journal entry........
Here I sit hating life and all the things in vovled with it. The people I know, the things I do, even the way my life is going. They are all dead ends. A path in which it requres more engery to back up and find a diffrent path then it took to get to the dead end to begin with. Suscide is at the end of every path I walk and to turn around from that is extremly taxing on my soul. Pain breeds hate, hate breeds violence, and violence always leads to destruction whiether it is self infilcted or wide spread. I pledge from this day on to ignore all others and only care about myself. To look out for number one. Fuck everyone and everything else. May the world fear me because I am cabale of mass destruction and world wide hysteria. I pledge to destroy them all and things they hold near and dear to them will be worthless once I crush them as well. Their land will be pouloted, thier air poisioned, and thier food supply destroyed. Kill them all and let god sort them out.
Upon reading these last few entries I noticed that I am far more disturbed than I was aware of. In fact it was as if a whole diffrent enity wrote these words. Was it possible that I was more than one soul? A tangled web of personalities and emotions that were just lying under the surface waiting to get the chance to come out and reap destruction and mayham on civilaiation, and what of the kinder yet more cynical entries i read first? What would that enity trully want to do? Can I be so dilutted i never tryllu understood the seriousness of my inner thoughts, or did I know and just decided to turn a blind eye in hopes it would all go away? So much to comprehend yet things where starting to make some sense? Some answers were actually hidden in the under lining meaning behind the entries. I must keep reading and descover who or what has been allowing myself to be so distorted.
jounal entry..........
I keep hearing voices. I have dreams about death. Dreams in which everyone I know dies in some form by my hand or by a sport of sorts. Then there is my other dream. It starts off with stamps that are possessed and then in a freak turn of events come to life. It ends with me in a coffin, only the coffin is a car. Caring the car is four crabs. They were caring me into the water to rest in an enternal watery tomb.
My mind races and I cant focus. It feels like a roller coaster only I dont move an inch. I blackout, yet remain aware. I dont remember what happens to me from time to time. My heart races just like I ran a mile and I cry non-stop.It is becoming harder to remain calm and not scream, yell, and lash out. My inner needs are killing me, and my greatest need is overcoming me. I am yearning to be a baby again and for the last few years it has become overpowering. I also feel like there is two sides of me. One of those sides is happy and the other yearns for havioc and chaos.
I stopped real quick and noticed the first refrence to the other enties inside me. I must of been sub-conisoulsy aware of them and in my writing they all seem to surface. All the emotions and needs I hide from even me cant be contained once I unleashed take my pen to paper. I now am sure that I must contiune reading the words I have written. I have proof that I can fight the demaons that consume me.
journal entry...........
When flowers bloom and the sun rises while the world sleeps open to surprises.
Women wake worried about their breath while men wake to worry about things in depth.
the children sleep with visions of cheery thoughts while seniors wake with hopes of one last fling.
As the day passes before thier eyes thoughts race through their minds. Where, when, and how? What and why? Is their a god? Will she think I am cute? I hope mommy makes a pie for dessert! Where are my keys? How am I going to get the bills paid? I miss my spouse. Where are my kids?
While this all takes place emotions carry thier souls on. Like a roller coaster with a missing track going up and down till it finally crashes in a fiery explosion. Life kicks them in the teeth, yet they crawl into bed. They lay there till they fall into a dream state. They repeat this every day in hopes of something better than the day before. People are dependable to always struggle on no matter what lies ahead.
journal entry..........
There is a time when a man must come to terms with all that confronts him. Depending on the time the terms can be diffrent. Dreams haunt our souls and skeletons rent our closets. To fight with inner demons is always a personal battle. On the other hand skeletons can be evicted by anyone with a mouth or a paper and pen. You see you can live a life without ever having a skeleton realased. Someone always wants to know more about you tthough so in retrospect you will excert more energy trying to hide them then to deal with them. If only demons worked the same way. If you could get around dealing with them without all the stress of concealing them then you wouldnt be brought down. Life would run so much smoother. Sounds like a nice wish right? What about those around you? demons effect everyone else around you as well henceforth once you allow someone else to try to fight your demons those demons can consume them as well. I am a man of very many demons. To name a few.....oh hell why bother putting it off on someone else. I am a of solitude. Destined to walk the path of life alone. As I walk I keep my I keep my head hung low in sorrow. others look upon me and worry, or wonder, even think I look for pity. If they only knew I walk my path looking for the one who will show me life is worth living. That isnt supposed to be a hardship all the time. I have a job I enjoy, but I cant trust anyone I work with. Everyone wants to twist the knife that is already four inches deep in my soul. I claim to be a complete asshole.....only to know I am a baby at heart. Misery consumes my body, soul, and mind. Everyday it gets harder to fight it off, and it devors me bit by bit. I continue to fight thoughts of susicide, but everyday it grows harder and harder. When there is no one to turn to what do you do? Pain, sorrow, and nothing but sadness are not what a person should feel. Heartache and love are not meant to be one and the same. Why is it at the age of twenty-four I feel as if life has no meaning?
journal entry..............
When love comes into someones life they open thier hearts wide and let love take over. For a time they are happy then one day that love turns the person from being at peace to putting thier life in peices. Happiness turns into depression. People walk through thier life seeing and hearing only what they wish. For this reason alone we take our heartfelt risks and sink lower in life if we fail. I want remind all that you conrtol your fate, and the path you take is always forked with serval diffrent paths. Te path you take is up to only you. Remember that land you will find the piece of mind you seek in life.
Once again I was caught off guard. Did I write this as well? Everything i have read thus far has been bleak and cold, yet this last page was so bright. The feelings of comfort and support were so clear and just. It made sense in what was meant by the words. To hold on to hope is the one way everyone can overcome adversity. I can see that all of me is not so dark, and it is clear that there is a war raging on deep inside the recesses of my mind. I know the answer lies in the underlining meaning, and I want to keep reading but it is time to eat. I grab my books and head towards the cafertia for lunch. I know that even though I have been here for a few weeks I have yet to make any friends. I cant risk allowing another to effect me when I am so close to finding the answer to the equasion. I reach the cafertia and grab a tray. i gather my food and sit down to eat. Just going through the motions they call it, but if that was the case would I still insist on sitting alone and emmersing myself in books and journals? Who knows people with degrees think they know everything thusly no matter what my take on the matter is it will never be right. As I sip my tea I pick the journal back up and contiune to read where I left off.
journal entry........
Birds of a feather flock together while hearts entwine and we feel devine.
Just then the book was ripped from my hands by a staff memeber. I was still holding the spine of the book though and he only got the page i was reading. He spoke to me in a stern and irrtated voice.
" you know you arent allowed to bring anything to the lunch room"
I tried to reply
He cut me short.
"Dont give excuses and dont think you will get this back till you leave our lovly facilty. If you open that book again then I will take them all from you. Now eat you have ten minutes left."
With that he turned away and went to another table to stop some other group from horseplaying. I was pissed. Now I wont be able to finish that entry. I pray that the answer wasnt on that page. The first line was so cryptic and the words rang through my head. I decided to finish eating so I could go back to my perch on the bench. Once i was done i put my tray up and asked to be excused. I was allowed to leave. As I trudged down the hall a fear seeped over me and I swore I heard a voice. I looked up and then turned one was there. Just then I heard it again.
" Give up Thomas this is a futile effort on your part. The truth you seek doesnt exsit. The true reality is that even if you can find the backdoor inside your soul you wont be able to fight us all. Fruitless waste of energy on your part. Just give in, and be what we want you to be."
I turned to see who was screwing with me and the hall still remained empty. I must of caused something inside me to stir. That voice must be the one I was refering to in the journal. I hurried back to the bench to resume my quest knowing that I have made my mark on the demons that haunt my dreams. I know had proof that there were in fact enities residing inside of me. There must be because the voice said "us". I finally reached my destionation and sat down. I thumbed through the book till I found the ripped page. Once I did I resumed reading confident that today I would find excatly what I i was searching for.
jouranal entry.....
Smiles and frowns. The emotions that control us, move us, even express us are shown everyday. Happiness and sadness are the basic portion of everyday life. Yin and yang, good and evil, man and woman, and young and old. No matter how you cut the perverbile deck it will have to always be an equal amount of each. If there is one without the other the tides of emotions will proceed to destroy the so called "natural balance of life". The rule of life is the strong eats the weak then the weak grows stronger thusly creating a cycle to be repeted over and over again. In example a couple gives birth to a child, and as the child ages he amasses knowledge and builds strength while his parents are losing the very same attributes. In the end the child will repaet the same process. Animals fight for dominance and we make documentries so we can sit at home and watch them in awe. Where as humasn fight for dominance and we glorify it through diffrent outlets like books, magizines, news repirts, and even reality tv. Why is it nessacary for the human race to oppose peace and promote war? Simply put if we didnt the value of competion would deminish and our society would fall apart.
journal entry..........
The travels of a young man
One day there was a man. This man traveled across the land. Till the year he met a woman. wearing nothing other than a dress that was hand woven.
he had a lonely existence. It felt like a sham. his dreams were shot. Emotions closed inside as tight as a clam.
She changed his opioin. She opened his eyes. The world was his for the taking. The riches come to those that try.
When she was close by the world passed by ever so slow. Things seemed to crawl to a stop. Into a state of nirvina he always sank.
Life passed on. Time went by. Happiness was abundant. She was the apple of his eye.
Old age came. Bones grew weak. Diease crept over her. Just like the darkness that approached as the sunset.
He awoke one day and turned the sleeping body of his wife. He wanted to tell her happy birthday and to give her gift.
The life was gone. The air was drained. Blood stained the ground around her head. For her to be alive is all he desired.
Shocked and amazed. Hurt took over his thoughts. Why did this happen? Why not me? As he cleaned the blood from her face.
He went to his knees. He prayed for the answer. Begged for her life in place of his.
Without her there he relasped and reverted. His hatred and dispair was all for not.
So he dug a grave. Into the ground he layed her. In the dress she wore when they met. He laid her with care and a tear.
His thoughts were muddled. Hatred filled his bones. He dicided what to do. another hole he dug.
His hands blistered and his face was smeared with a mixture of blood and sweat. bloody and battered his body appears. In the hole he lays.
Diease to the life of a loving couple. Yet know they stand together once again. Happy once again.
This story was strange. A odd mixture of despair and hope. Why is everything I write starts off and ends on the opposite end of the spectrume? I stop pondering and resume reading.
journal entry.......
I had a dream that went something like this. It started in a strip club. There were eight women dancing just then the lights blacked out. When the lights came back on there is a woman laying there with a man cutting out her heart. He looks up at me and there is distiqusing features besides this smile that seems to eminate an evil aura of its own. It made me cringe as soon as I laied eyes on it. Then it all went black again, but this time screaming and yelling. I could hear crying and stampeding footsteps. When the lights come back on again there is a bakers dozen of men and seven women sitting there. The lights flicker and in a instance another woman is gone and I can hear a scream in the distance then the sound of someone running. I turn around and walk to the back area of the club and see her lying on the stage. Her arms and legs are ripped off. I look away and see him again. Nothing on him has changed and the smile is now pulsating. I turn and scan the room everyone is in tears of fear and then i hear the trash is going to be taken out everytime. this sends a chill down my spine for some reason. What did he mean and who was he? Could that of been me? Just at that point I awoke in a cold sweat. Fearfull of the dream I decided to write this down and forget it.
journal entry..........
There was a man. This man was alone. The man lived in misery. This man decided on a plan.
There was a woman. This woman was always pre-occupied. This woman was alive. This woman had a future.
There was a child. This child was always wondering. This child was hopeful. this child had a dream.
This is all one person. This person is me. This person is delusional. This person is the after effect of changing so much to fit in that the orginal soul is lost in limbo.
There it is . The answer is right there in front of me I had my answer. I set the book down and start to unravel the puzzel. Soon i would have my therapy appointment, but till then I would sit here and disecct this till I come to the end conclusion.
As I sit there on the bench I stare at the ground trying to comprehend what is going on around me. The world seemed to keep moving while I was stuck in the same place. It was as if I was dying then being reincarnated into the same body. Strange feelings crept over me and I sank into a pit of emotionless depression. Others walked by and even though I could only see thier feet I knew they were looking at me. Sometimes they stopped to try to speak to me, but I never responed to them. I was dead set on solving this puzzel. I foresaw trouble when I decided to overcome this emotional obstical course. Someone stopped and started to speak to me again. I just tuned them out as I do all the others. They started to tap me on the shoulder, but I still refused to look up and acknowldge them thinking if I ignore them long enough they will go away. Instead of leaving they started to tap with alot more force then before so I decided I should look up and see who it was. There was an urgency in the tapping that made me feel uneasy. As I looked up I saw the head nurse standing above me. She looked highly irritated, and I knew if I didnt answer I would be punished by the hospital stuff somehow. I spoke to her in a hushed whisper in order to keep from further upset her.
"What can I do for you, mam"
She stood silent for a moment and I gave her a vacant look that I give everyone here. After what seemed like an enitrny she spoke in a surprisinly kind manner.
"Thomas, It is time for your thearpy session. Please go see Dr. Rose in the sunroom. She has been waiting patienly for the last ten minutes, and i dont advice making her wait much longer."
I replied to her without any hesitation in the same hushed whisper as before.
" Yes mam"
With that I stood up and slowly headed inside. As I drug my feet across the ground I thought of how much the head nurse reminded him of the type of woman I had searched for my entire life. She was a bigger woman with a dominat personality complemented with a mothers kindness. She was one of the only four people in the entire hospital I could talk to. Now as I neared the doctor I begun to feel a type of regret that I couldnt find an answer to. Questions that always halted my progress in therapy and in my search for the answer to altering my bleak reality. If onlys and what ifs flooded his mind yet once again. When he got out of therapy he would have to try to see the head nurse once again. She always made some sort of strange feeling stir deep inside him. Yes he would go see her. He was so deep in thought he walked straight into the door smashing my skull on the glass and knocking me to my feet. I just sits there rubbing head. This happens at least twice a week due to the fact I never look straight ahead, but always at the ground. The door opens and I have to jump back in order to not get smacked again.
"So there you are. See I have told you you need to pay more attention to the things around you"
I look up and saw a rare sight. The doctor was holding out her hand to help up.....and she was smiling. Dr. Rose never smiles around me, but why would she want to? All she ever hears from me is insults, complaints, and arguements. I have never been able to tell her anything that is crucial to her because I myself dont know the answers to the questions she asks. Not to mention she reminds me of my finacce. She was the splitting image of her with the curly red hair and glasses to boot. She also had her firm and shaply rack and body. Dr. rose was also able to speak in the head strong manner that made me want to fight and argue with everything she said to me. She reminded him of all the good and bad times he has been through with his fiancee for the last seven years. It always made me so sad to be around her. I lifted myself off the ground without her help and walked into the sunroom. As I sat down She came into the room and shut the door. I just stared at her as she pulled up a seat and sat down. She spoke in a very disconcering manner.
"You will not be able to do this without my help. The sooner you realize this the better off you will be. I am the last hope you have as well as the last doctor on this staff that will deal with your attudiue, so either you work with me or you will be sent away to another hospital and trust me i will arrange it to where you have no freedom when you get there. If you dont allow me to help you help yourself with something as petty as helping you off the ground then maybe I should allow them to transfer you. Would you like that? I think not. If you dont make a break-through by the end of our session I will wash my hands of you. I hope you understand what I am saying to you Thomas. Now shall we begin."
As she finished her speech I heard a creak. I turned towards the door and noticed one of the patients had opened the door and was ease-dropping. Dr. Rose screamed for him to close the door and he slammed it. We could hear him running down the hall.
As I turned around I fell out of my chair. With in seconds my head connected with the floor and I slipped out of concuiousness. As I faded away I saw myself as a child standing right in front of me grining maliciuosly. Then I was in a room with the younger me. I wasnt able to see my parents but I knew I wasnt alone with the other me. There was a mirrior in the room and he walked over to it and started to stare vacantly into it. Then even though the child never moved the image in the mirror moved. I got closer to see what had moved and was shocked to see a creature in the mirror staring back at me. Then as the little boy moved the creature did as well. I realized that finally it was starting to make sense. The creature was the little boys true form. It was almost as if the little boy was the devil himself. I want to say something to the younger me to get the answer I needed , but as I went to speak the room started to fade away and then I was back in the sunroom again. I screamed out in a mystified scream. I felt robbed and cheated. The answer was right there and I couldnt find out anything. Well at least I know that there trully is demons that have manifested inside me. I looked up and saw Dr. Rose standing above me with a look of concern on her face. I spoke with a accomplished tone.
"I now have part of the puzzel to the egnima that has been haunting me"
"The answer to what?"
She was obisoulvy convinced I was suffering from a concussion and trully concerned, yet not making an effort to hide the fact she thought I was delusional. I was not aware I was out for twenty minutes. She had called in the staff for help with me. I was till oblivious to the staff standing around the room. I spoke again this time I am trying to show her I know what I am talking about and not crazy.
"The point were it all started. I know what caused me to lead myself down the path I walk this very day, and more so to the point that I am aware that I have at least one other entity walking with me the entire time."
As I finished I actually noticed the other people in the room, and they were standing there slack-jawwed and amazed. They had never heard him speak that much at one time. I was not here for thier stares and amusement anymore and I intended for every last one of them to know it.
" All of you like what you see, if so please stay and intrude on my private thoughts and feelings because you know those high-school diplomas you all used to get your piss-ant jobs must certainly quailfy you to be in here giving your opioins. Wait no they fucking dont so get the hell out of here and respect the patient-doctor
confidentuallity act. "
They all just stood there still in shock
" I said now! " I was so pissed off and this was far beyond what I was willing to deal with. I turned to look at Dr. Rose and she looked at me. After a moment she motioned for them to leave, so they did. I could tell they were angry at me, and why not they where just humilated by a nutjob. More so they had only been there to help him. They were weary about leaving and you could see it in the way they swaggered out of the room, but once they were told to leave us they had no choice but to go. They knew as I did they would find out more later in the staff meeting. I turned away from the door much more careful this time so as to prevent yet a third accident. When I was facing the good doctor once again she spoke to me with a probing manner seeking answers to my sudden outburst.
"You said how you havent been alone, yet I never told you that I suspected you had multiple personalities. So how did you find that out?"
"When I passed out I saw one of them and I have been reading through my journal. There are refrences to to others inside me."
I replied to her confident in what I am saying.
She was shocked. She tripped over her words for a few moments then paused to compose herself then in a slow pace she proceeded to reply to my statement.
"Ok I am now at a complete loss for words. Are you making this all up in order to keep from being tranfered?"
"No, I was going to fake something to stay. You are true enough in that fact, yet when I fell I had a sort of out of body flashback and saw myself at the age of five. Not to mention I saw what I really was back then, and trust me it is a frightening image." I replied defianentlty.
"Ok I believe you. You were unconciuos so I can specualte the truth beyond your story, so Thomas what exactly did you see? More so how is this going to be the answer to ending your downward spiral?"
She asked inquistivly.
I answered her in a calm manner fiiting to her needs.
"Well I saw myself in a room with a mirror. I was staring vacantly into the mirror....."
She was getting antsy.
"Go on"
"In the mirror I saw a demon. The devil to be exact. Thats when it came to me. Everytime I have looked in the mirror a feeling of anger and hatred sweeps over me, and I cant control my actions anymore. The younger I was the stronger I believed I was. I was so passive agressive I managed to manifest an identy that could be the angry and abusive kid I wanted to really be therefore taking the balance out of a normal childs emotional cycleand inevivitably either side would try have a bigger impact then the other. I went through changes and diffrent enviroments which caused my 2 enties to devolp their own coping habits, but once again with the imbalance of an emontional cycle my mind rejected the coping methods thusly creating more identies. Each one trying to overcome the other ones. So as I have never trully been in control of my acutal self then the goal I set for this hospital stay is actually a case of pardon me for this but I will have to do some soul searching."
Dr. Rose spoke to me with praise.
"Very good Thomas. We will have to work on isolating the triggers you spoke of instead of the personalitys. If we fiqure out the things that activate each entity then we can find a way to piece then together to allow you to complete the puzzel that is your real self. Now I want you to fiqure out each entity over the course of this week, and see what triggers each one of them to come out to play to speak. Before you wig out on me it has been brought to my attention that I resemble someone that is very close to you. This is a good thing because like her I will not turn my back on you. So that is the last of your entiys and and the devil is the first. I am correct?"
I simply replied.
"Yes doctor"
She spoke in a much kinder tone now. All the anger was gone.
"Alright then. You work on it and please call me Susan."
I was flattered.
"Ok Susan, but how many more there are I dont know "
She remained kind spoken.
"That is why I gave you a week. I want a complete list. NO shortcuts or half-assing. Do we have a understanding?"
I replied happily.
"Yes mam we do"
This time I meant it when I swore to it and planned to keep on trying to uncover the truth that was hidden in the deepest resscess of my mind. There is no way for them to hide from me anymore. They have slipped and open the perverbale backdoor I was looking for, and they led me right on in.
Susan stood up and opened the door
"Good I will see you next week our time is over"
I walked out of the door and as it closed behind me I was quite pleased with the way this day was going.
So I had finally found a place to start and for that reason alone he was beginning to feel a little more. The emotions were very fleding, but were definently there for the first time in so many months. The loniless I have been cursed with will go away soon enough. Imagine after so long the feelings starting to flow thruough my soul once again. It was a miracle on par with the birth of christ. At least it was that big to me. I do tend to over-exagerate from time to time. Well I headed to find the head nurse. I fiqured she would be at the nurses station. After the amount of time I have been here I should be able to locate her without much hassel, and more so I should get around to actually interducing myself properly to her at the very least learn her name. Who knows maybe she will be able to shed some light on my homework assignment I had been given. I did know the fact sometimes an outsider sees more than I can. The outsider doesnt wear blinders that the human mind projects upon one self. There was only one way to find out. I was near the station. Well it is time to dive further into the rabbit hole. I turned a corner and there I was there. I asked to where the head nurse was. They told me that she was on her hourly checks. I asked if I could wait for her and was told that if I went to my room they would notify her that I needed to speak to her. I turned around after thanking them and walked to my room. As I proceeded down the hallway I thought of the of the different feelings I have surpressed so long ago. Feelings like love, hate, envy, jealousy, anger, and pride. I dont remember being happy ever. I am sure there was a time when I was. I reached my room. I stopped to look around to see if anyone was in the hallway, but the hallway was empty so I went on in. I dont want anyone else to know I was in here right now. My room is filled with oblects of my past that made me think and rememeber my goals and what goals I work for. My desk was nicely organized and I sat my jounal down and pulled out my chair. There were post-it notes and note cards lying around the room and posted on the walls full of little poems and thoughts that came to me through out the day. I went to the restroom before I sat back down to read so more of the journal. As I sit down to use the toilet I look around and all I can see is blood. It is all over the toliet, bathtub, and the sink. The blood is from my teeth and even though I have tried to wash it off so many times before, yet the stains refuse to go away or fade. I flush the toliet and wash my hands then head to my desk. I know I am a dark man and full of many dark secrets and they are all locked away inside these four walls. I pick up my journal and start to read another entry.
journal entry........
If a man spends his day contempalting bullshit theroies and blantant parinioas what is the man trully doing? could he be hiding from life, people,fears or even himself? I will have to say yes he is because I am that man. I fear others not for them or their thoughts, but for their actions and behaviors. I also fear myself and all I say and do will one day come back to haunt me with such a force that I will suffer from reactions so fierce that death will seem as pleasent as sex. On a large grade scale in the grand scheme of life I am clearly incompetent and quite stupid. I cant do shit right and if I do I only screw shit up. I pray for the day I will make it all right again.
journal entry...........
There was a man that lived in a time of despiar. No one was happy in the town he had chose as home...not that he was aware of the other towns or if there even were other towns for communication was long gone. The holocast cleared out all electronical deviced decades ago. There were times he wished he never made the descion he made those many years ago. You see this man is the responsible party. Responsible for the end of modern civilization. In a tine of senceless war he was very powerful man. The goverment comminshined him to create a imp large enough to take out an entire continent. He had seen this as a chance to end war on both sides so with the funding he needed he then set to work on an emp large enough to the world. The end design consisted of a charge that shot out to the satilites which circled the globe. The charge was triangulated and send down wiping out continent after continet then reversed and took out the satilites which caused them to go burseck and malfunction sending thousands of scraps heaps crashing to the surface killing 1,000 times more land and people than the was had taken in twenty years. Riots had broke out in streets. Looters turned vicious upon the discovery of the electronics to the stole were unless Wilhno unhicks the cops and armed forces were useless. And this begun the new era or desilation. The idea designed for safety and life sawing ended in nuclear launches only to have 4 document warheads. Actually detonate the rest were taken by the tripes that had claimed there own stakes of land. The world was over ran with canibils and pure madness for a couple of decades til the tribes came to peace and formed cities. Now everyone is working for the same cause. To bring to justice the man that caused the disaster with a bounty fo the scientist had ever so pricy for it was the grand daddy of food for the one town that finds him and kills him. No one even knows him yet, they unite to find him. The irony here is "A weapon made to bring people together in peace brought the world together in hatred." Rumor was they wre in to him so he decided to go downtown and announce that he is turning his over to HIM which stand for Hatred Inside Men. This group now controls the town and are extremly evil men with blackness in their hearts so tormented that satan wouldn't take them from their stoop for the fear they would toss him into the pit of fire. On his way there he saw 2 children in the street instead of playing with dolls they were stabbing a mutilated dog and giggiling like school girls in love. Upon this horrifice site he hung his head low all the to the towns center. When he arrived at the gate he told the guard he had info on the wanted man and they let him inside. Once there he told them he was the they were searching for and requested two things before they pulled a revolver out of his pants (1) feed all who live here, (2) on his tombstone please put he tried his hardets to stop the war. They agreed then he shot himself in the head. Such is the way of the savior.
journal entry......
Even now as I am with my friends, lonliness consumes my very being. Eating me like a slew of hyiannas in the great syengety. Depression continues to make my life miserable. I can't get her out of my mind. All I see if her and the fact she is what I want inside and out, yet I cant have her in my life due to circumstances. Pain and grief seem to be all I am allowed to feel. Why must I feel this way? Is it really nessacary to hurt?
Is there trully a way to get away from it all? Will god save my soul if i take my own life? All unanswered questions that haunt my very well being. I cant take it anymore. The pain is way to much for me to contunue on so....upon completion of this collection I will seek out a way to end this grief and find the happiness I feel I have earned and in doing so I should be lucky in finding the one who will do it all with me.
I decided to find the answers to the identies. I searched my soul and finally I think I had the answers. I picked up my pencil and turned to the last page of my journal.
At the age of five I was angry and thusly Demon was born.
at the age of eight i started to become very femine so Stephiane was born.
at the age of 13 I began to realize that my childhood was lost and i was lacking the proper up-bringing needed to help me grow up and more so I realized that I wished I was a girl so my mother would accept me. She always said she wanted a girl not a boy , so Baby Stephiane was born.
At the age of seventeen I meet my first group of friends and started to date. The power i had over others went to my head and thusly Guido was born.
At the age of 18 I married and took control over everything that went on in my life and thusly Sir was born.
At the age of 21 I had been with my fiancee for 3 years and found that i tended to shrink away from power and Slave was born.
At the age of 22 I was so angry that all the things that I had tried to achieve fell apart and I wished to do was end the world and my own life and that is how Ackrin was born.
As I read through this journal I can see where each one has come to the surface in one way or another. Yet I know one thing for certain only one of them has the balls to come right out and sign their name to what they wrote. Ackrin was the worst of them all. He trully is the most destructive of them all. I must find a way to stop him and the rest of them as well. If I sit down and write down each occarance then maybe I will have more to go on.
I twidle the pencil around in my hand and nibble on the eracer from time to time trying to recall all the events needed to be remebered. After about ten minutes I believe I have the memories I need and I proceed to write them down corisponding with each year and event.
Age of Five "School"
No one liked me, no friends couldn't do anything right, bad grades, and a real pain house. So I devoloped this demon to handle the stress of all the things that I couldn't control. In my demonic personality it didn't matter what happened to me if somthing went wrong I should cause everyone to suffer. I tried to kill my dad and sister, stole from the teacher. I then proceded to punch, bight, and all around bullie the other kids. I destroyed school property, and to top it all off I sexually harrased any female in the school that I could find.
Age 8 "Sister's and lack of full time male friends"
Jealous of all the extra things the girls got from I parents and the other boys they devolped female tendicys that grew into a full-pledged girl. I did all the things I could to be as girly as my sisters. I even got confused because the female version of him wanted boys. Not to mention I devolped a love for house work and shopping.
This is when things got worse for I. Demon and Stephanie waged their own war from the battlefield that was my thoughts. They caused each other trouble when one did something the other didn't like. If I spent to long at the mall Demon freaked out and took control and I would be a hellion so that they wouldn't get to go home. If Stephanie tried to play like a girl for to long Demon ruined that as well. Stephanie on the other hand was prone to crying fits when things never went her way. She grew to behave more and more like an infant and that is when the next entity showed itself.
12 1/2 Internal fighting- The fights gave way to Baby Stephiane. Baby Stephaine was so little and depentant she started to hang on to anyone that would give her the smallest bit of attention. She particually chased after the woman and girls that were authortive and kind. This is because when Baby Stephiane was out the others could not hurt me as long as I was given direction and purpose. When someone cared for Baby Stephiane the others were forced to take the backseat for the ride. I devolped a kind of mutal agreement with Baby Stephiane and together we sort of formed a faction of peace and control. Well this could only last for so long. Eventually I forgot how I made this peace and, when I started to mature and gain control over my life I created yet another new identy.
17-Work and Relationships-Guido. I got into the workforce and devolped a need for the power it could entail. Then my search for power I grew enraged. Then in my search for power and respect I got engaged. Work and my fiancee steadly grew tired of I childish ways, and thusly he grew more mature and less childish. Shoving all the other enties back even further then when before. I gained respect, and led an entire group home in some very violent crimes and vicious attacks towards my enemies or anyone that threatened me. Well in a sense that was the straw that broke the camels back.
The entites fought to come out and resume control of me. The battle caused me to have uncontroable fits of mixed emotions that caused me much grief. Well I now needed a new ally to fight them back so I devolped Sir.
19-As a way to fight the others-Along came this extremly dominant and violent enties with only one goal in mind. Maintian the life I had devoloped and, there was agressive fighting that was raging on inside my head. The other enties were far greater foes than Sir was. So many times I had changed my persona that there was no real way to allow one to be completely dominant and, the one place every single entiy came out was in the bedroom. I had left my wife and gotten engaged again. She was so angry with me because I was constantly in a different mood every time she came around me. This led her to cheat on me for long periods of time, yet I was afraid to leave her. History repeats itself once again and the worst identy was born.
23-Life in general_Tired of trying to fight everyone and afraid of losing my new fiancee I become submissive. This entity was meant to stop all the others from reaking havoc on my life, but they still came out one by one. Each one wanting some part of them to show through in my actions and demenor. Thats when the entity we will call Slave was lost in the commotion and Ackrin was born. I become void of emotion and started to grow angry and thusly started to seek a way to kill everyone including myself. I couldnt be reasoned with when Ackrin was in control. I dont know much about him because he found a way to cause a sort of bloodlust black-out and I never really remembered anything I ever did.
Now I need to work through them all, but which one do I try to take on first? Which one will cause me the least amount of trouble. What a brain-bender. As I ponder this new delimia the door to my room creaks open. I jump up and run towards the door at once. On the way I trip and fall hitting my head once again.
"Damn" I muttered rubbing my head.
I pick myself up and took off towards the door again. As I got in front of the door it swung open and I was knocked backwards. As I was thrown bak from the impact I felt odd and light-headed. I looked towards the door. I fit the floor with a sicking thud. I glanced up at the door and saw it was the head nurse that had come in. The last thing I saw was her coming to myside then I blacked out.
As I regained my sight and could compute what I was seeing I was in awe. I was inside a place that looked like a room created out of grey matter. It appeared to house a nerve central for a war. My eyes gained more foucus and I saw a group of people variying in age sitting around the table in the middle of the room. Then it dawned on me as I put all the pieces together. They were the entitys. Somehow I had found a way into my brain. I looked around the room and noticed some files strewn about. They all were labeled with variuos memories from my past. The table was about six feet away and I figured if I I crept silently enough I could get close enough behind them and ease drop on them. After contemplating the way I should get over there I made my move and worked my way over to a filing cabnet that was located right behind the table. I sat down and gathered my senses to sink in all they said.
"Since this is the first time we all have meet together as a unified group we all should introduce ourselfs. Since this was my decsion to call this meeting I feel I should go first. My name is demon and I have been here the longest I know Thomas better then any of you. I control the majority of his anger and destructive tendices.
"I am Stephiane. I control the femine side or what is construed as his gay tendices.
Baby Stephiane
"I am Baby Stephaine. Just call me baby for the sake of avoiding confusion. I control his co-dependant and affection tendices and behaviors.
"I am Guido. I control the assertive and leadership qualities in Thomas.
"They call me Sir. I am the domiant gene in his body.
I have no name they just call me Slave. I am only here becuase you all needed a fall guy. I am weak and allow others to walk on Thomas.
I am Ackrin. As we all noticed When Thomas was reading his past journals and he was trying to piece together this puzzel he had a hard time describing me unlike the rest of you. This is because I am new and he knows very little of me. In fact he only knows what I want him to. That is why I delibertly signed my name to what I had him write. I am the trump card he wishes he could out do and overcome. With my help he will succumb fairly quickly.
"Yes I agree with what Ackrin is saying. Thomas cant fight us all if he doesnt know where to locate the orginal "copy" of himself. We will control this sistuation as we always do. Only we will have to work together for once.
"I second that idea. All those in favor raise your hands."
I peeked over the cabnet to see who all raised there hands in hopes that there would be a weak link. One that he could use as an ally. Two of them didnt raise their hands. My quess is the one that sat with his head down was Slave and the other was not hard to fiqure out. It was Baby. The one that looked like a tyranical war-monger spoke and I could tell by his voice he was Ackrin.
Well majority wins. Will the two weaklings please dismiss themselves from this meeting. Besides it smells like Baby needs a new diaper. Slave go and take care of it.....NOW."
As Slave got up and picked up Baby from the booster seat Ackrin spoke again.
"And Slave, Baby better be changed and bathed when we come to check in on you to later. Do you understand me?"
Slave just shook his head in silent confermation. He turned and left the room. Once they were out of the room I sat back down to think about what just took place. I think I just found my much needed allies. I could count on them in my fight for sanity. I decided to follow them and recruit them, but as I stood up the room seemed to fade away yet once again.
I cursed this bad luck of mine. I was back in my room once again. The nurse was holding my hand, and was asking if I felt ok. This was perfect.
Once the nurse was sastified that I was ok she she spoke to me and informed me that my doctor had glimpsed what I had written before I had passed out. Susan must of been here while I was unconcious. The nurse said they had an idea of what to do with me to help with my problems and that it was an extreme approach but a proven one. Just then she picked me up and started to coddle me. Strangly enough I begint to feel odd. Was this baby coming out? It sure felt like it. Then the nurse called me her little baby and asked me if I perfered Stephiane or Steph. She was calling Baby out in an effort to single out one personality at a time. It seemed to work and suddenly I was compeled to call her mommy
Was it right to do that? I thought it wouldnt be so I tried to say something else. To ask her what she was doing but she stopped me and told me to call her mommy. I was unsure and I took the time to think about it. Was this all really happening or just another illision created by my hidden desires. The nurse looked at me strangly and then she begin to speak to me in a fashion that resembled an over-protected mother freaking out over a little scrape.
Nurse mommy
"Honey are you ok? Did you fall down and Get a boo boo? Mommy will kiss it and make it all better."
I was more aware of the change in my actions and emotions now. Baby had came out freely and was behaving just like she wanted. Baby had found some way to beat the others back and for the first time in a long time was back in control without any interference.
"Yes mommy I hurt myself, and I want the bad people that want to hurt me to go away"
"What bad people and how are they trying to hurt you?"
"The bad people that live in my head with me. They tell me to do bad things, and when I dont do them they take over to do them theirselfs."
I see well I will do what I can to make them go away. I promise. For now how about a bath, and then I will lay you down for a nap and a story. Does that sound like a good idea."
I had refused to bathe or eat for so long the hospital staff had gotten to the point of making me do it against my will. They had to step in like this after I had landed myself on a gurrny and had a tube down my throat from the lack of dietry supplements. I had spent 4 days getting back to a satifactory weight.
Now though I knew once again I had a choice to answer or keep silent, but I also knew I no longer had control to over my actions. Baby was going to take this offer willing and eagerly. She was starved for affection and this was the perfect opportunity for some.
"Ok mommy. You promise that you will keep them from hurting me?"
"I promise."
She got up and helped me get undressed. She drew my water and helped me take a bath then she led me to my bed. She tucked me in and read me a story. As she left the room she told me
"Stay in bed till someone came to get me. I was now under a twenty-four hour watch. Susans orders. If this plan is to work and the bad people were to stay away I had to play by the rules."
I shook my head as a motion for understanding.
She closed the door and I fell asleep. The last thoughts I had before I dozed off were thoughts of Baby. I hope I will get to meet Baby in person once I fall asleep. My eyes grew heavy and I thought I saw Baby and Slave sitting in the chair by my desk, then I was out cold.
I was in another room, but the chair was still there.I looked at them and rubbed my eyes. They were really there so I asked.
"Are you baby?"
"Yes. We came to you not the other way around. We are both connected to your kindness and compassion. The others are not therefore we can meet like this without any interference from them. It has allowed you to see the images you have seen throughout the day. Now we dont know where the orginal You is located, but we do know that once you can conquer the others we will be forced to go away as well. Slaves theroy is that we are all pieces of the orginal you. The only way to piece together the puzzel as you put it is to beat the pieces back into place. You will have to take them on one at a time and defeat them at their own games. This will be a hard task to overcome now that they have become allies. Each one of us came to be because you couldnt balance a single one of your emotions. Now you are forced to learn to do just that. Once you learn to do that this should be a walk in the park for you. If you feel over-whelmed talk to that nurse, because she has qualities the others are scared of. They never wanted you to be ok. That is why you are on the verge of losing everything you have left that is important to you , that is what you havent lost already. They wont be able to push her away like they have done others in your life. That is where you must start. You must first attack Ackrin because he is the youngest and the most dangerous of us all. Once you have defeated him the others will start to vie for power and control. That will be the time to strike down on them. This may become a long drawn out war but one that will be worth it in the end. If you can be patient and wait for each one to emerge then you will be able to beat them one on one. With all that being said you must leave now. I will contact you before your next therapy session with a way to beat Ackrin. For now dont think about it though or he will know what we talked about."
"Well what do I do then? I cant write and I cant think about any of this as well?"
Talk to as many people as you can. It will help cause a type of mental typoon that will stir things up and thusly provide ample distraction."
"And good luck Thomas."
Then they were gone. I heard Mommies voice again. It was muddled and unclear. Then it became clear. She sounded like an angel sent from god himself to brighten my day. I had awoke once again. I looked up and saw her holding a bag. What was in store for me now?
end chapter 8
I started to speak, but the nurse cut me off.
"we had a staff meeting while you were taking your nap about the sudden chance in your attuidie and demeanor. Susan asked me how you behaved after you left the session. i told her you seemed to regress back to the age of an infant. you had become completely depenant upon others which was not how you were prior to the session. then i showed her the time line you had left on your desk. i had taken it when you were alseep. i was aware of your homework assignment. susan feels it is best to keep you at this age for the time being, so i will staying here all day for the the next week. i will be your mommy as you worded it eaileir. you will do as i say and stay where i put you during the days and at night i will lay you down and you will stay in bed till i come get you in the mornings. do you undeerstand what will be taking place?"
i thought this will be hard. there is now no time to take my mind off the challenges that lay in front of me. How will i defeat ackrin now? better do as they say though seeing as there is no way to make them change their minds now and if i dont more problems could arise and set me back even further.
"yes nurse i do understand. this is now my treatment plan, and any disobeyment will mean i get transfered to another treatment hospital."
"that is correct and from now on you are not to speak because babies dont speak. You will call me mommy whiether we are in your room or in front of other people. also babies dont do anything on their own, so i will be dressing, changing, batheing, and feeding you. no more solid foods for you. the entire next week you will drink from bottles and eat baby food. susan already got you the supplies needed for this therpitical attempt. we are using a special milk that will force you to use your diapers thusly forcing you to have to rely on me. the doctor thinks you are finally ready for a breakthrough, and it is the baby enity that is ready to be defeated and forced to go away first. so we are going to allow baby to come out and actually be real till she is satified with what she wants. once she is satified and goes away we will stop this and you can go back to being yourself. we will review our notes before your session next week."
i just sat there bewildered and stunned. was this all really happing? i actually was being forced to rely on her for everything not to mention follow her where ever she goes and do whatever she says. This is defiently going to cause a true upheavail deep inside me.
"now then it is time for you to get dressed because you are late for dinner. lay down stephiane. be a good baby girl and do as mommy says."
relucantly i did as i was told to and laied down. she pulled out a frilly pink dress, a bonnet, and a pair of plastic underwear out of the bag. I thought that was all she needed but she reached back in the bag and pulled out a diaper, baby powder, and desitien. They are going to make me walk around in diapers? this is not what i want, yet saying one word will cause me to get transfered and keep me from my fiancee even longer not to mention keep me from my own salavation. i must do what they say if i wish to reach my goals so i will just grin and bear it. i trully feel helpess now and i am not even in the outfit yet.
"now baby please raise up your tush."
i did and she put on the diaper cream then lightly sprinkled me with the powder. she then put on the diaper followed by the rubber panties.
"Now sit up so i can pit on your dress."
i treid to pull away from her. i wasnt going to wear that dress where everyone could see me. she grabbed my hand and pulled me in front of her.
"You will do as i say or you will be in a world of trouble."
i wanted to die now. just curl up and fade away. this is so humilating. I teied to speak , but he second i open my mouth to protest she stuck a pacifier in my mouth. she looked me in the eyes and spoke in a stern manner.
"Babies dont speak. lets go to dinner and no more tantrums or no story tonight!"
I knew i couldnt fight this anymore, so i got up and went with her. There was no one in the hallway as we walked to the cafetria. they all must be there already eating real food unlike what i will be getting. I knew that as soon as i walked in they all would imeddiatly start to stare at me. I had no idea what was really in store for me.
When we entered the cafertieria the nurse stopped and made an anouceement.
"Can I have everyones attemtion please."
the dining room feel silent. Everyone turned to look at the nurse. When she was sure she had their undivided attention she spoke up again.
"We have a new patient. I would like you all to meet Baby Stephiane. I would like you all to be nice to her. She will be everyones baby sister for the next week. If anyone here sees her try to do anything on your own you are to come and tell a staff member imediatly, but feel free to play with her. Do you all understand me?"
The crowd all muttered "yes"and shook their heads in agreement. They all seemed to be a little confused with this whole sistuation. I was glad I wasnt the only one. the nurse had more to say.
"Good you all can resume your meals now. Thank you for your time."
I was horrified. What had she done. Tears started to flow freely and i fought back sobs. My knees grew weak and I started to buckle over. The nurse noticed this happening and took my hand. She led me over to an over-sized high chair. It was obivously put there for me. She put me in it and strapped me in. She put down the tray and pulled out two cans of baby food and two bottles. She set them on the tray. She wiped the tears out of my eyes, and spoke in a kindly matter.
"Oh are you hungry? You must be thats why you are crying well here you go stephiane lets feed you."
She took the pacifier out of my mouth and feed me a bottle. She cooed over how good a baby i was being and how much I was eating. When the bottle was finished she pulled out a spoon and dipped it in the baby food jar. She put it in my mouth and tried to get me to swollow but it tasted horrible so I spit it out.
"now stephaine you know you have to eat. Open up for the choo choo."
She wiped my mouth off and proceeded to continue to imitate a train as she put the spoon back in my mouth. I had to swallow. It was just as bad going down as it tasted. After she had feed me both cans of food my stomach started to ache. I had to use the bathroom. I tried to unstrap myself to go to the bathroom but the nurse stopped me. She scolded me.
"You know that you shouldn't mess with those."
I started to cry again. She just put another bottle in my mouth. She made me finish it as well. Halfway through the bottle I couldnt hold it in anymore. I i let loose and dirtied my diaper. She noticed but just made me finish the bottle anyways. One of the patients turned to the nurse with a look of concern on his face. He spoke in a disqusted manner.
" I think she needs a diaper change mam."
"I think you are right Franklin. Thank you for noticing. That shows that you all are willing to be big brothers and sisters to her."
She got a diaper wipe and cleaned off my face. She asked franklin to take the tray, spoon and bottles to the kitchen to be cleaned. Then she unstrapped me and took my hand. She led me out of the cafertia and led me back to my room. Once we were back in my room she asked me to stand there and went into the bathroom to draw a bath. Once it was running and at the temp she wanted she came back into the room. She took my hand and led me to my bed. She laid me down and told me how proud she was of me for being a good baby at dinner. she also told me how proud she was that I made my first dirty diaper. Then she paused and took my hand. She told me that meant I was a healthy baby. She lifted the dress off me and took off the diaper and rubber panties. She cleaned me up and led me to the bathtub. After scrubing me up and rinsing me off she drained the water. She dried me off and led me back to my bed. She proceeded to put on a new diaper and new rubber underwear, then she put me in a one piece nighty. She sat down and fed me another bottle while she read me a story. As i was dozing off she locked my bathroom door to keep me from breaking the rules. Then i was out there must of been sleeping meds in the milk because i couldnt stay awake. I came to in a nursery. I was back in my brain again. Baby was sitting in her crib staring at me. Where was Slave thought silently. I looked around the nursery and saw him over by the door. He locked the door then slunk over to the crib. He lifted his head and spoke.
"Ok I locked the door so they cant come in and bother us, not to mention they sound-proofed the room so they dont have to hear baby crying and/or so we cant hear their plans.
"Good now we can discuss the sudden change of events. the events that have unfolded today have caused the entites to rethink their plans. They are going to lock us in here permentaly if this doesnt stop soon. they have lost control of you, and they dont like it one bit.
"So this is a good thing?"
"Yes it is. More so the kidness that nurse is showing you is weaking Demon. The dominating she is showing is weaking Sir as well."
"Well that is a very good thing indeed. This means that I have a change to beat them now."
"But what?"
"Stephaine is getting stronger because they are treating you like a girl, like wise guido is also growing stronger the more you fight the treatment."
"Slaves right. If you want to beat them then you need to contunie with their treatment plan, but remeber not to fight it. If you can handle this then when you sleep tommorow night we will come and visit you again. We will show you where to find Sir, Guido, and Demon so you can take them on in their weakened states."
" Ok, but what good will it do? Even if i beat them you said that each one is a puzzel piece of me. To detroy them is to destroy a part of me!"
"Correct, But Slave found a way to lock each of us up like they did the orginal copy of you. This way they are still intact but will never be able to take cvontrol of you again."
"Thats right. The war room you saw when you first came in is actually the orginal puzzel. Each one of us is part of the table in the center of the room. Once each one of us is either willing to go back or weakened enough to be forced back into place we will be stuck for the rest of your life. Once we have all rejoined the table then you will be whole and the copy of you that is much yearned and sought for will be relealsed. You have to get them into one of the chairs and make them stay long enough for the chair to sink into the floor. That is the only way to get them back into the table. Once you have gotten them into the chairs we will go willingly."
"Are you sure about all of this?"
"I was spying on Ackrin, and saw him lock away the orginal copy of you which was a great twist of fate for us. Now we dont have to search for the copy plus we know how to get it back in control. Now all you have to do is complete the first half of your journey."
"Ok now what about Sthephaine? How do we fight her?"
" We will get her in therapy next week. We cant spread our focus in too many directions or we will fail in our efforts. So dont worry just do as you are told tommorow, and hope you weaken them enough to destroy them."
"Ok. I will see you two later."
With my final words the room faded away and all I saw was darkness. I was sleeping, but not able to dream thats why i saw all the darkness that filled my soul. This is exactly what I am trying to prevent from being a permenant thing. Baby must have shown me here in an effort to add a sense of urgency to my efforts. It worked I know feel like i have to do this exactly as it was explained to me. I closed my eyes in an effort to embrace the darkness. It worked and I just relaxed waiting to awake and start anew tommorow.
The next morning I awoke to the nurse standing over me. I smelled horrible. I must of dirtied the diaper over night. The nurse had a diaper out and told me it was time for a diappy change. I raised my legs while she changed me. She put me in a new dress and a new bonnet, then she stuck a pacifier in my mouth. We left the room and went for my breakfast. She led me to the cafetira and once there she repeated the entire process of strapping me in and pulling out the food. I had two bottles of apple juice and a can of crushed pears which tasted far better than last nights dinner. When i finished breakfast she cleaned my face and led me to the family room on our unit. I was placed in a playpen that they must of set up over night.She left the room after informing them all to keep an eye on me and make sure i dont hurt myself. They said they would so once the nurse had left the girls of our unit came over and cooed over me telling me how cute i was. I could hear the laughter hidden in their words and it was humilating to me. I sat in the play pen till lunch. I ad been sitting in a dirty diaper for a while but no one cared enought to go get a staff memeber which added to the humilation. When lunch time finally arrived the nurse came in and changed me right there in the family room. Could this get any more humilating? I only prayed it wouldnt. After i had on a clean diaper she led me to my room and fed me a bottle of the milk I was given last night. I was out for a few hours then she came in and woke me up. She put me back in the playpen and left for a while. the patients made me play with kiddy toys and read me stories. I was feeling like the world was laughing at me and i couldnt do anything to stop them. When it came time for dinner I was put through the nasty food and stupid high chair all over again. Once I was done I was bathed and given the med milk and I was out like a light. the nurse tucked me in and closed the door. As she left she whispered to me.
"You have been such a good baby girl today. You need to sleep now because you have a big day ahead of you tommorow."
then the door closed for the night and I drifted off into slumber. Once again I was in the nursery. Baby and Slave were sitting there waiting for me. They had watched all that had taken place today and heard all the choas that it had caused amongst the enenties.
"If you are ready We set up a ruse meeting in the war room for you. Demon, Guido, and Sir are all in there trying to fiqure out who called the meeting but they wont be there for long so you must hurry. They are all fairly weak so defeating them should go on without a hitch. You must not forget you are in your own mind and whatever you can imagine will come true and like wise they can do the same thing. So once in there you must do your best to make it go as quickly as possible. Are you ready? Can you do it?"
"I believe I can. Lets go!"
So Baby Directed Slave to lead me to the war room. We left and crept down the hall everly careful not to make our precence know by the others. We left our minds blank as well no reason to risk them knowing what we are doing before we get there as well as this way there will be no unwelcome company. Even though were were in the clear as far as I could see Slave stopped umbruptly. I looked at him as if to say whats wrong. I soon fiqured it out. He was going no further I was going the rest of the way alone. Slave pointed down the hall And away I went. As I reached the door at the end of the hall I looked behind me and Slave was no where to me found he must of scattered. I pulled the door open slowly to avoid early detection. ONce i was in I acessed the sistuation. I saw all three of them sitting at the table. They had no idea i was here yet time to make my precence known.
"Why hello you three must be here for me. Well I am here to call this meeting to order. First order of buisness......I will end your hold on me. How would you like to handle this?"
" I will make you sorry you ever stepped up to us. You dare to defy even one of us let alone all three of us?"
With that being exclaimed he stood up with a whip in each hand. He must of thought it up well two can play that game. I will wait for my change then I will react in the proper manner for now i must remain calm. He struck at me with one of the whips. I caught it with my hand and allowed it to wrap around my arm. Then he struck out with the other I whipped around and caught it with the other hand from behind me. Then I spun around in a furious circling motion. I wrapped the whips around my enitre body.
"What is the point in that now you are trapped and complety bound up? Are you trully that stupid? No wonder we can control you!"
AS he finished it the last of his sentence I imagined that i was an eletrlical wire flowing with thousands of volts and that the whips were conductors. Sir was knocked unconcious from the shock. I unwrapped the wires and carried him to a chair. The chair started to sink with him in it I turned to face the other two.
" Now which one of you would like to go next?"
They stood there in amazement. They seemed to be speechless as well. This couldnt be going any better for me.
"Come now one of you has to think you can do better than that."
By now Sir was gone. He had been locked away and put right back where he belonged. I felt stronger and more confident and also alot more dominanting. I decided if they didnt want to decide who was next i would chose for them.
"Demon you are next in line. We can fight or we can handle this through a simple competion winner take all. What do you say? I win you go down on that chair you win I will go down myself forever alieving you of my interference and allowing you control in my place. Do we have a deal?"
"sure we have a deal. I chose the game though, and it is one of your worst fears. You have to survive a sim program i created which automatically gives me the edge but the sim is one of a zombie invasion. The one with the most heatlh and kills at the end of the sim wins. Oh yeah and you have no way to heal yourself. It will take skill and a level head which you dont have. Muhahahhhahha."
"fine with me the limit is 5000 zombies or the ten minute time limit. Lets go!"
Now despite the fact this was only a sismulation I knew Demon would cheat. So I did the first thing that came to mind. I imagined a fall out shelter and Got inside. I Shut the door and Imagined a nuclear strike. Outside i could hear the muffled screams of the zombies and of Demon himself. This game was over long before it started. The sim shut down and i was declared the winner. The end result was 5000 plus to his 1 kill. Demon was enraged. He was screaming and yelling. He started to charge at me with incredibly speed. As he got within inches of me I shook my head in disgust.
"Demon you cant play by the rules you created? Oh well a sore loser is still a loser. Buh bye!"
As i finshed what I was saying a strong vacumm of wind sucked him back towards the table. He was pulled into a chair and held there as it sunk into the ground.
"A deal is a deal and you did agree to it."
I waved at him as he struggled to be free once again. Just before his head disappered below the floor I could see a look of fear in his eyes. He knew this was the end for him. I could only imagine what was coursing through his mind in those last seconds of life for him. Once again I felt stronger and this time I had more fire in my eyes. I felt like a huge part of me just fell back into place. My confindence was higher at this moment then it had ever been in my life. I turned to the last one left. Guido had been watching in awe. He seemed impressed with my actions and quick wit. He walked over to the table and had a seat. He motioned for me to sit down as well. I did only because i was aware you had to chose to go down on your own or to be forced down so there was no threat in either of us sitting down to talk. I knew I would have to impress Guido if i were to get him to go down without anymore fighting. I would have to wait and see how to do that though so i walked over to the table and took a seat. Guido looked me square in the eyes and spoke in an extremly assertive manner.
"well Thomas I can see you have finally taken some initive to gain control over your life. Quite frankly there is no reason for me to hang around anymore, but if I am to go down willingly you need to assure me of something."
He paused scanning me to see if I was paying attention. ONce he was satisfied he contunied on.
"Can you continue to holdon to the urge thatyou can maintian all the aspects of your life no matter what comes your way? If not i could fight you for the control you offered our late friend Demon. I am weak and you know that. You are even stronger now that you have defeated the other two. Therefore as long as you can promise me that I will not put either of us through this charade."
"I promise to do all I can to maintain a sound state of mind and prevent another faction from forming."
"Good enough for me I wish you a better life then you have had up to this point. Goodbye Thomas."
Before I could say anything Guido was sinking into the floor. As he sunk down further into the vast abyass that seemed to rest directly under the very spot they were sitting he gave one final, yet grave warning.
"Watch out for the others. One of them is not what or who you think they are. They wont show you their true intentions until it is to late. You must be prepared for this instance to take place it will be inevidenatable. good luck!"
I thought about the corcerned look in his eyes and the tone of his voice when we gave the warning and I knew at once that he was trully sisncere. I tried to firqure out who it was but i couldnt do it I was to exhausted. I would try to do it later. I had taken out three of the entites and surly felt better but not at top peak condition. I needed to go back to reality very soon. I had been here to long. It felt like the longer I stayed in here the less energy i had. I stumbled back towards the nursery, but as i was on my way back I heard voices coming my way. I ducted behind a door and listened to what the voices were saying.
Voice One
"Thomas is just allowing us to grow sttronger with the approval he gave towards the treatment plan they are putting him through.
The voice was to muffled to be able to tell who it was.
Voice two
"The truth is the more he deals with it the stronger YOU get, but if we combine forces than we will become unstoppable so much so that no one will be able to materize in his mind ever again. And no more enties means less power will be divided amoungst us all. We have done so much planning and now all the pieces are falling right into place. He is playing right into our hands.
Voice one
"Yes. When we merge our life will finally be all we hoped for. Well you better get out of here before anyone sees us and starts to ask questions."
Voice two
"Your right with this temorary alliance we dont want the others to know what we have in store. I will catch up to you later."
I heard the voices stop and then footsteps leading away from the door. After a few minutes I was sure they had left. I had no idea who they were because i couldnt make out any distuniqes features of their voices through the door. I opened the door and made my way back towards the nursery once again. Once i reached the door it opened up as soon as I went for the door knob. I walked in and it closed behind me. I turned and saw Slave behind the door so I mentioned to him he scared me . He apoligized and said he wouldnt do it again. Then I mentioned that I had a fear that Ackrin and Stephiane were planning on joining forces. He seemed to ponder this for a moment but then answered my indirect question.
"Well just let Baby and I check into it for you ok? Just keep up your therapy for now. We will come to you once we know more on it. I promise. Also rememebr to keep your mind clear off all thoughts of what takes place in here. You have only taken care of three of them and they were the easy ones. Dont slip up know and have it all be for naught."
I looked around the room and noticed the crib was empty. I turned back to Slave and questioned him again.
"Where is Baby anyways? I dont see her in her crib or anywhere else for that matter."
"I put her in the bathtub. If you need to talk to her she is through the door on your left."
He turned and pointed towards the door. I went to it and opened it. I walked in and noticed another door in the bathroom as well as a wetspot on the floor. That was odd. Why did it look like someone was standing here only recently? Maybe it was Slave. I scanned the rest of the room and saw Baby sitting strapped in a special seat in the tub. I had seen them before they are to keep a child from moving and slipping in the tub. Great invention for sure. It surely has saved many a childs life. I spoke to Baby.
"Baby I am leaving now. I will see you within the next few days correct?"
"thats right. Just keep going as we discussed and things will contiune to go our way."
With that being said I seemed to faint. I was back in my room. After i scanned to see if I was alone I closed my eyes to get some sleep. I pondered what the nurse had said about a big day and fely more complete than I ever had. I drifted off fairly quick and slept like a baby. No pun intented.
I awoke to my legs being held above my head. I felt a cold wipe in my rear end. I was being changed.
"Good morning. Are you ready for your big day Baby Stephiane?"
I was curious just what this so called big day entailed for me. What could possibly be difrent today from the last two days? I wanted to speak , but knew if i did i would be breaking the rules to my therapy. I decided to try to speak anywyas. As I opened my mouth she put a bottle in it. She hadent even put on my dress yet. She looked at me and spoke in that motherly manner I had be come used to by now.
"Finish your bottle my precious baby so I can get you all pretty for your big day. I am so happy for you."
I shook my head. I did as I was told having no idea at all what was going to happen today. Even more confusing was the statement she made about making me all pretty. I polished off the bottle and she took it from me. She dressed me in a pretty pink frilly dress complete with the matching pink frilly rubber panties. She then proceeded to put my hair in pigtails, then she led me to the family room and set me in the playpen. there were chairs circling my pen. I stared at them and thats when it hit me. Today was group therapy day and they intended for me to sit through it. They were actually going to make me attend the damn meeting behaving like an infant. the others in the unit have never been nice to me in therapy groups as it was, but now they were being given a reason to pick on me some more. As the thoughts flew rapidly around the inside of my head the other patients started to file into the room. Susan was the last to enter the room. She closed the door and sat down. She spoke in a demanding manner that got the attention of all the others in the room.
"Will everyone please sit down and rememebr to use their inside voices so we dont scare Baby Stephiane."
The group answered her in unision.
"Yes Doctor."
"Very good group. By now you all have sen the baby. I want to go around the room one by one and get your imput about Baby Stephiane. We will start with Franklin.
I felt even more humilated than I had the day before. I felt the urge rise up inside me to yell and scream at the doctor. I knew if i did then I would not be controling my emotions, and all the work I had accomplished this week would go by the wayside. The entities would gain strength and he would lose his shot to regain his sanity, so I just sat there and dealt with it all. Tears were filling my eyes as I sat there listening to everyone in the group. There were vaired comments and jokes as well as questions and complaints on why i was acting like an infant. I was growing sick to my stomach and wanted so bad to fend for myself and tell them all this wasnt my idea but the staffs idea. Just then the world grew a thousand times worse for me because I dirtied my diaper again. I couldnt tell anyone because i wasnt allowed to speak. I just sat there hoping someone would notice and change me. When no one did I started to ball and throw a fit. Susan just gave me a bottle and went on with group. I was enraged once again. I spit it out and cried louder while flaing my arms around and kicking my feet.
"I think that she needs her diaper changed doctor."
"I think that she will have to wait untill group is over franklin."
With that susan reached back into my pen and put the bottle back into my mouth and held it there till I calmed down. She looked at me and spoke in a kinder manner than she had ever spoke to anyone in that room.
"Honey you look tired. Why dont you lay down and take a nap?"
I knew what she meant. She wanted me to lay down with my bottle and to stop disturbing group. I did as was suggested of me.
"Now shall we resume our group discussion?"
I just zoned out and fell asleep. When I awoke everyone was gone. Group had ended and no one had changed me. I started to cry again but no one seemed to hear me. I cried even louder than I had in the meeting. after about five minutes of my crying the door opened up and it was the nurse. thank god I could finally get changed. She bent down and looked at me. Instantly you could see she knew what was wrong with me. She lifted me up and walked me down the hall. Once I got to my room and she laid me on the bed.
She told me that I was very dirty and needed a diaper change bad. So She changed me and bathed me then laid me down on the bed. I slipped back to sleep and the room grew dark. I awoke in the nursery yet once again. There was no one in it this time. The nursery had been torn apart and Baby and Slave were no where to be found. I messed up and something bad had happened to them. I felt like I must go and find them. I decided to go and search the area to see what had happened to them.
As I crept out of the nursery I imagined My trusty baseball bat in my right hand. I had it For protection before i was admitted to the hospital. Once it appeared in my hand I contuined to creep down the hallway. I was careful to check in every room in the hallway. As i was making my way through the maze of hallways I suddenly felt stronger. I suddenly heard a voice. I looked around to see who was there but the area was clear of any other people. Then the voice spoke again and this time I could make out what it was saying.
" Thomas it was Baby. She is working with stephiane. They are trying to turn you back into a baby again so they can force you to learn how to be a girl and not a guy. Basically they wish to reprogram you. I know this sounds strange, but you must find Ackrin. He has gone into hiding Since he found out what those two were planning. If you dont find him they will. You must move fast. Hurry."
Then the voice was gone. I had to move fast. The other two were already searching for Ackrin. I tore off down the hall running as fast as my legs could carry me. All of a sudden there was a blackout and I stopped dead in my tracks. I had to think fast or else I was a sitting duck. I imagine a pair of night-vision goggels. I scanned my surroundings and saw ackrin at the end of the hall on my left. He was bound and gagged laying in a heap on the floor. I called out to him and he didnt bother to look my way. He must be unconiuos. They must of tricked him. I was amazed they found a way to render him helpless. This must of been Babies work. She certainly was smart enough to set everything and everyone else up to this point. Damn her! Why did I allow myself to be a pawn in her game? None of this makes any sense at all. I moved caiously towards Ackrin with my bat hoisted in preperation of a pre-emptive attack. I managed to get to him without any problems. I had to take him to the war room to gain his strength quickly. It was the only chance I had to beat the terrible twosome. I had an idea. I pictured myself in the war room and almost instantly I was there. I was so glad that worked I just gained a better chance of beating the girls. I laid Ackrin on a chair and watched it sink into the floor. Once he was contained with the pthers I felt another surge of power. It was like a shot of adrielne had just been shot directly into my heart. I felt allmost super-human......Now I must find the older Stephiane. I tried to picture her in my head in an effort to locate her in an instant, but it failed and I was taken back to the nursery. What an odd miscaculation on my part. I stood there for a brief moment trying to fiqure out what I did wrong. I shook it off and Turned to see Baby Or more to the point what used to be Baby. She was defiently diffrent now. She looked like an exact replica of me, or at least of me the last few days.
"wondering why you are here? Dont bother trying to act like you werent trying to fiqure it out I can read your thoughts because they are my thoughts as well, or did you suddenly forget that? As for how I look please allow me to explain the obivious to you. I fused with Stephiane and the others ......well I think you felt what happened to them. Why do you wish to continue to fight us? Once we fused we became what you secretly always wanted to be not to mention that we have allowed you a way to act in the desired manner in your everyday life not just in your dreams. How do you plan to stop us? We not even real. None of us have been real."
"i dont understand. How can what you say be possible? I mean I have been talking to me and leading me for the past few days."
"No actually you have been leading yourself. You created this entire senirio as a way to avoid gaining control of your emotions and actions. None of what you have thought you have been put through the last few days really took place. The reality of the matter is that you have been in a coma since you smacked your head in the sunroom. your mind had been fighting to gain control of your sub-concious ever since. You have done everything in this so called dream state that you had thought about in real life."
"Ok. Going by your line of thought why did I destroy the others if I didnt want to be better?"
"Because you did not want any interference betwwen them and us."
"you mean I wanted this final confertation?"
"Yes. You wanted to see if you could make your wants simply go away."
"I am offically lost."
" You see we were never trully problems in the literal sence, but with you you lingered on what you wanted so much we all became problems. you dont handle wanting something well, and you never have. The happiness you thought it would bring you was a short lived one was it not?"
Baby paused for a moment to make sure that everything was sinking in. Then she resumed in her explianation.
"The happiness you have searched for your entire life lays past the door behind me."
"Well if i wanted this then I will do to you as I have done to the others. I should of done it along time ago before it got to this point."
"what point is it you speak of?"
"the point where I have to resort to dealing with things in this sort of manner. From know on I will face all wants, needs, and problems head on."
I walked over to the spot where Baby was standing and grabbed her by the hands. I lead her to the war room. I knew that despite the fact she was so powerful and cunning she had a weakness. She was an infant in most accounts and will do as I say as well as go where I lead her. She may not like it but will be powerless to restit me. Once we arrived in the room I lifeted her up and strapped her into the last chair.
"You are in timeout. Dont move or make a noise. Be a good girl and you wont be punished like your friends were."
Baby sat there is shock. Her eyes had grown wide and her jaw was at her chin. How could this be happening? She had gone thrugh so much to put the pieces into place the way she had wanted them too. All her hard work went down the drain. She started to ball hysterically. As she threw her temper tantraum she realized she was beat and at the moment that thought crossed her mind the chair begun to sink into the floor. She had admited her own defeat. Once she was gone I heard a loud cracking noise. The table was cracking in serveral places. It now looked like a giant puzzel. As I watched the cracking continue the floor began to shake. I Had no idea what was in store for me now. I ran for the door not wishing to stay and found either. I ran towards the nursery in a frenzed rush. Through the corriders I ran dodging falling pieces of the celing that were crashing to the floor sparatically. Finally i reached the nusrey door. I grabbed the door handle and flung the door open. I ran towards the door that Baby had shown me. It was my only hope in escaping this nightmare. Just as I reached the door something grabbed me from behind and pulled me back. I spun myself around and saw a hidous beast sneering down at me.
"who....who are you?"
Hideous beast
"I am the truth you came in searxh of from the very beginning. I am the reason you cant lift your eyes up to see what the world has to offer you. I am the real and once represed you."
"You have lied and ran from so many people you dont even know what you really look like? You have tried to blend in with so many groups that you have accumualted bits of each of them inside you. If you cant stop dividing yourself amoungst them all you will be forced to stay here for the rest of your short life."
"How can I prove that I can stop that if I am stuck in here?"
"Simple you have alrady destroyed all the enties as you have dubbed them now you must remove them from inside me."
"How do I do that?"
"You have tell the truth. Tell the truth about me. In retrospect the truth about you."
"I understand what you are saying to me. You are who you are and You cant change that likewise neither can I."
With that said alternate realtiy verison of me altered his form and became the spitting image of myself. As he changed shape he also lost his hold on me. He dropped me and I hit the ground with a thud. I pulled myself to my feet and watched him finish his tranfertation.
he finished and looked up at me and spoke to me alot more calmly.
"Go now and dont forget to be true to yourself, Or we will meet again. Go now and make a new life for yourself."
I thanked him for his self lees act of kindness and left out the door. I ran down a hallway then suddenly awoke in hospital bed. My fiancee was there by my bedside praying that I would be ok. She had our son with her. He was the first to notice me awake. He cooed and shook till Hill looked up and noticed me. I now understood all of what had taken place. I took that journey to allow myself the chance to grow up and be the man I should be for my family. The last piece of the puzzel had finally fell into place. I looked at hill and And started to give her a long over due apology.
"Hey there Honey I am so sorry for all I have done in the past to you and everyone else i have wronged as well as for the distance i have placed inbetween our son Loki and myself. I can promise you that the problems that had controled my life have been taken care of and will no longer effect me again. From now on I will Face all my issues head on."
"Good to hear that Thomas. We are just glad you are okay. You have been in a coma for three months. You have been laying there quiet and motion
less the entire time except for the random outburt, scream, or sobbing you have done ever so peridically. I have been so worried about you."
"I am glad you actually still love me enought to be here waiting and watching over me. I am so sorry I wasnt there when you needed me to be, but like I said all that is going to change."
As i spoke those final heart-felt words I drifted back off into slumber. I was happy I knew what I was going to take to make my life complete and was trully excited about finally living my life the way I should.
. 14 .
As I slept Hill sat down on the chair next to the bed. The decescions she had to make were as hard as the journey I had just traversed to make myself better so I could be just what she wanted. The entire realtionship that she and I had shared together had been rough. I made her deal with my ex-wife while i was still married to her. I made up a lie about my best friend so I could make her jealuos. Then there was all the fist-fights we had gotten in. The long hours at work, and the fact I but work before her all the time. The fact I wouldnt quit smoking and the fact I kept her at home all the time. Then there was all the affairs she had that caused years of fighting. She had affairs for months at a time then she felt the need to lie about them. She knew that I didnt want to be around her because of what she had done and I didnt want to fight with her over it. Now that they have dealt with all of this heartache and suffering, she remembered she had told me to wait for her and that they are still together, yet she is with another man. She never thought I would take the time to fix my issuses and better myself, but now that I had she has to decided who means more to her. This is alot tougher than she thought it would be. Even more devasting was the fact their son needed his father. What was she to do? Hill had never been good at showing her emotions towards anyone for anybody. SHe really never felt sorry for any of her actions and is almost always easily angered. Maybe if she left right now with justin she would be able to just forget about me. This is the tought that went through her head over and over again. When I came out of the coma and she saw I was alright she saw what she wanted. She saw I was ok. Besides I would just think I had imagined her. The reasons for her were growing and multipling expodentially. She had enough reasons to leave now and thusly she did. She gathered all her stuff and bundled up our son and left the room. She got to the lobby and called Justin.
"Justin come get me. I cant be here anymore."
"Is everything ok baby?"
"Yes it is now. he woke up and told me to leave."
"I am sorry baby. I love you though. You know I am here for you no matter what."
" I know honey. Just come and get me I will be outside the main entrance of the hospital."
"Ok I will be there shortly."
With that she hung up the phone. She felt bad for lying to him, but if he knew the truth....... If he knew that I had changed then she wouldnt have the chance to fiqure things out. As she sat outside holding their son she started to tear up and their son saw this and started to cry. She rocked him and comforted him softly whispering.
"Oh honey Your daddy loves you and we will be with him soon."
She looked out the window and noticed Jusstin had just arrived. She was heading out to his car when a nurse flagged her down.
"You are Hill right?"
"Yes why?"
"Your fiancee is calling for you."
"Please tell him that I was never here. Tell him I was figment of his imagination. It will be the best for both of us if he believes that ok? Thank you."
When she had finished what she was saying She headed out to Justins car. After she had strapped in loki she set the diaper bag on the seat next to him. She kissed him on the cheeck and shut the door. She got in the passengers seat and Justin turned to her and inquired about what had just taken place.
"What was that about?"
"Nothing! Now just drive."
Justin didnt feel like arguing with her right now, but he could tell there was something she wasnt telling him. As he drove he felt avery diffrent and defiantly negative vibe coming off her. He knew something was going to happen within this next week. He decided to take her home and give her the space she wanted.
Hill was staring vacently out the window lost in thought. What was she going to do? Who did she want to stay with? The same questions were still racing through her head even though she was now miles away from me. They were causing her to become extremly stressed. She noticed there was blind spots in her vision. She tried to take her mind off the sistuation, but it didnt seem possible.
Finally they arrived at their house. Justin was rambling off something but she wasnt listening to him. She got out of the car and took Loki out of his carseat. They went inside and she took him to his room. She took off his coat and laid him down for a nap. She decided to join him and laid down next to him. She held him tightly the way only a mother can embrace their kids. Justin was at the door trying to say something to her but she just turned on the radio and turned it up till his voice was drowned out. She knew she couldnt deal with him right now. He came over to the bed and sat next to her, but she just rolled over and ignored him. He nudged her shoulder and tried to get her to talk to him, but to no avail. He mumbled something under his breath got up and stormed out of the room. That did nothing but remind her of Thomas back when she used to do the same thing to him just to piss him off. Only this time she was behaving this way because she was mad at herself. Could that be why she did with Thomas as well. She wished the thoughts could be silenced with the music as well, yet she was no fool there is no way to make her thoughts go away. She just left the man she loved for serval years at a hosptial in a coma, not to mention she lied to Thomas and Justin. If she were in Thomas shoes would he of done the same thing to her? No thats the one thing about Thomas he cared more than he should about them being a family. For example...when she told him she didnt care if they were together he decided to wait for her and be loyal all at the same time. He trully had faith in their love. Hell he spent six months in therapy and another three in a coma and the first words to come out of his mouth?
"I am better so now we can be a family."
Why did she run? Was he right nine months ago when he said she was just scared to marry him? Why did she go to the hospital? Was it really to make sure that he was ok or was she really worried and wanted to be the first thing he saw when he came too? More so why did she get so angry when he told her he got better for her and their son? Then Justin had to push her as well. Why does he have to love her. She has grown stressed and very angry, so much so her vision was coming and going. She decided it would be a good idea to take a bath so she got up and stummbled into the living room and asked justin to watch Loki. Then as she turned around she collapesed and lost conciousness. Justin jumped up and ran to her. He slapped her face and screamed at her.
"Hill talk to me. Wake up. I am sorry please dont die."
He freaked out and called an ambulence. He tried to preform cpr on her, and finally he got her to start breathing again. She slowly came to and he tried to hug her, but she just pushed him away. Hurt he just sat there staring at her. He fought off tears and asked her....
"Why are you acting like this? What is going on? Did he say something to you that hurt you this bad?"
"just leave me alone"
There was a knock at the door. Justin got up and opened the door. The paramedics where outside with thier bags. He pointed them towards Hill and they came in and started to question her.
Paramedic 1
"Mam are you ok? How do you feel?"
"I am fine. You can leave now!"
Paramedic 2
"Unfortantly nowe cant. New city ordaince saysif a medical officer is called to a location for any reason the said victim has to accompany us to the hosptial for a check up. So please dont make us have to call for an escort for you."
"Ok. Fine whatever it takes to get you off my back."
So they left. Justin got in his car after he asked his sister to watch Loki. He was worried about Hill so he decided to go to the hospitial, plus he wanted have a face to face conversation with Thomas. He wanted to know exactly what he did to piss off Hill and make her feel like she does now.
Meanwhile In the ambulance Hill has managed to grow upset once again and thusly blacked-out once again. They checked her in at the hospital e.r. The checked her out and decieded to move her to the nuraloical unit. The irony in this is her room was two doors down from Thomas' room. Once she was situated she told the nurse
"I dont want any vistors.......period."
The nurse was the same one that had chased her down earlier. The nurse just shook her head in disqust and walked away. She shut the door and left Hill in silence. Out in the hall Justin was waiting for the nurse. He knew Hill was in that room, but as the day had gone thus far he pretty much knew she wanted to be left alone. He asked the nurse in a sincere manner about Thomas' where abouts.
"Excuse me could you possibly tell me where Thomas Cook is?"
"Can I ask who you are?"
Justin didnt know what to say. He fiqured he would try to lie to her. It was a long shot but all things concered it was worth it.
"I am Hills cousin. She wanted me to check on him given her state of health at this time. It would be hard for her to do it herself."
The nurse seemed hesitant but went ahaead and told him.
"Ok he is in room 6869."
"Thank you mam."
With that he walked down the halltowards Thomas' room. He was ready to find out the truth. There was no way Thomas was going to get away with hurting her this much. Justin walked into the room. He moved quietly over to Thomas' bed. This was the first time he had ever seen Thomas in person. He cant wrap his mind around it. What did Hill even see in this guy? He bent over the bed, and grabbed Thomas by the neck. He started to twist and shake him violently. Thomas awoke and started to gasp for air. He mangaed to gasp out a few words.
"Who....who the fuck are"
"Its me , Justin. I want to know what you said to upset Hill so much. She got so upset she is here in this hosptial because she blacked out and her heart stopped.........twice. How the fuck are you going to tell her you dont want to be with her anymore? She sat here and waitied by your side for god knows how long. Night and day she dropped her entire life to watch over you!"
"What? I told her I was better and that we could be a family again."
Justin let go of him and took a seat on the chair where Hill had sat for so many nights. He tried to understand what was going on. Why did she lie to him? Does she want to be with him so much that she would lie to him about what Thomas said to her? Thomas was struggling to get up and out of his bed. Justin was in so much shock he didnt even notice. Thomas fell out of his bed and in the process ripped out his ivs. He started to crawl towards the door. He hadnt used his limbs in so long that it was a shock that he could move at all let alone crawl. Your limbs shrink and deteriate when you are in coma but that wasnt going to stop him when the woman he loved was was here and needed him. He crawled out the door and down the hallway. He streched his head up and looked at the names on the files on the doors. Two doors down he found Hills room and crawled in the door. He reached the bed and did his best to crawl up to get into it but he just fell flat on his ass. He called out to her.
"hill I love you and once I heard you where here i knew you needed me by your side to comfort you. Please understand when I told you nine months ago I believed in us that I was serious. Apparently You want to be with Justin. That must be why you are here now. I never wanted to see you here again. I really love you. I cant seem to find a way to show you."
I heard movement then felt someone lifting me off the ground. They pulled me onto the bed. I looked over ans saw it was Hill. She had tears in her eyes. I knew not to say anything else. I struggled to lift my arm to put it over here to concole her. Once i did I held her till I fell alseep again. This was the moment i had waited for so long. It was to bad I had to wait till we were in a hospital to live it.
Meanwhile Justin was still sitting in Thomas' room try to recover from the shock. He couldnt decide what to do now. Should he leave her or stay right here by her side, and make Thomas stay away? The descion was a tough one. He was so deep in thought that he didnt even notice the nurse walk into the room thirty minutes later.
"where did Thomas go?"
"I dont know he was here a few minutes ago."
Wow he was so deep in thought he never noticed Thomas crawl away from the room. Now he understood why Hill was behaving the way she was.
Justin exclaimed in shock
"Oh crap. I forgot about Hill."
He got up and ran to her room. What he saw when he got there blew his mind once again. Hill and Thomas were asleep in the same hospital bed. He really must care about her if he crawled all the way to her in his condition. Justin approached the bed and gently woke Hill. Hill looked up at him and he smiled softly back at her. Justin whispered to her so as not to wake Thomas.
"Hey honey. I am going to go home and look after Loki. I think you two need to work things out. Just rememebr that he did crawl all the way down here because he was worried even after i choked the life out of him. He does love you and so do I. I think we will be happy as long as you are happy in the end."
Hill just smiled and watched as Justin left the room. She knew he was right about everything. The descion was in her hands and nither one of them was going to push her into making it. They just wanted her to be happy. She pulled Thomas closer and fell back asleep. She had secretly wanted this feeling of closeness from him for a long time. Now that she had it she felt the pain of the world wash away from her. She smiled again and drifted off to sleep.
Justin walked to the nurses station where they were frantically looking for Thomas. They could understand how a coma patient just got up and walked away. Justin watched for a few moments then smiled and interupted them.
"Excuse me. I found Thomas."
"hills room."
"But that is next to impossible. He hasnt moved from that bed in three months. His muscels shouldnt of allowed him to move at all."
" Simple really. True love. I told him Hill was here and hurt. He used ever ounce of his strength to crawl to her. Now I have seen they are both okay, so I am going to ask kindly of you all to just let them sleep for a while. They both need to be close. It would be very theraputic for both of them. I mean they are both here because of each other in the grand scheme of things anyways."
"Hold on while we discuss this."
The nurses all huddled around the table and disccused if this was a plausible idea. After what felt like forever they turned to Justin and spoke.
"We will leave them be for a little while. If something goes wrong you will be held liable. Are you ok with that?"
With that he left the hospital. On the way out he felt like he was going to lose her, but then again he could never really be sure when it came to Hill. She looked happy up there just now, yet that could change at the drop of a hat. He got into his car and drove home. He managed to completely push the entire thing out of his head by focusing on Loki. Once he arrived at his house he went in to check on LOki he was asleep. After a quick lunch Justin went to sleep as well.
Back at the hosptial.
Hill finally woke up to find Thomas still asleep at her side. Justins last words ringing through her head as well as what Thomas had said when he came to her side. She had to make a descion and soon. The men in her life had done so much for her. Now she had to decide which one gets hurt. After some deep thought she decied to give Justin a shot because he had that magical way of keeping her happy. Thomas always tried but seemed to fall short on most accounts. Then again whats to say he hasnt changed that he did crawl here just to comfort her. She got out of the bed and quitely gathered all her stuff. She crept out of the room and took off down the hall. She got to the lobby and used the phone yet once again. She called home and asked Justin to come get her. He wanted to know where and left it at that. She hung up the phone and walked outside to wait for him to arrive. Once he got there and she got in the just looked at each other. There was a long uncomfortable silence then Hill spoke.
"I am going to give you a chance. Thomas will understand. He just wants me to be happy besides he is not going to be going anywhere for awhile. Lets go home and just pretend this never happened."
Justin was stunned. Was this really happing? Oh well she is the one making this descion and he was going to leave it at that. He kept his mouth shut and procced to drive home. Once they were there it was like Thomas didnt exist. This entire charade went on for three months that is when the call came that changed everyones life ....... again.
It was december first and the holiday season was taking its toll on Hill like it does every year. She had grown real moody and hateful towards everyone. The call came in the afternoon and Hill answered it. She put the phone down and went to another room where no one would hear her. She was on the phone for about 20 minutes then returned to the living room. Justin was scared that thomas had died and that Hill was going to break down.
Meanwhile in the hosptial Thomas awoke in a cold sweat. He was looking for Hill again. When he didnt see her he started to frantically hit the page buttton. The nurse came rushing in.
"Whats wrong?"
"Where is Hill?"
The nurse cringed it had been roughly three months and despite all the effort he had made to become reabilitated he still forgets she is not here. It was clear he loved her more than anything else in the world. He had been planning a wedding for them both this last three months on top of trying to become able to walk down the isle of the chappel. The entire nurses staff had felt for him and helpped finacally as well as found a curch and a pastor to wed him and Hill. They didnt think she would show but they were afraid he would just quit trying if he didnt have this to work for. He had picked out the dress for her and the suit for him and had picked the music and his vows were written all that remained was for him to call hill and finalize the deal. The nurse knew today was the day for the call but feared the response she would give him.she looked at Thomas and told him to go ahead and call Hill.
"After we get to the church today you can go ahead and call Hill or would you rather have one of us call for you?"
"I would rather you all call her it is bad luck to see or talk to the bride 24 hours before you are married and we all know i have horrible luck as it is why invite more upon me."
Thomas chuclked at this. The nurse could tell he was struggling to remain calm. They left the ward and proceeded to the hospital van. They got in and she drove to the church. On the way there she called the hospital and asked them to call Hill at her house and invite her to her own wedding. Once they got to the church they got out and thomas was amazed at all the had done for him. The church was beautiful . The straw that broke the camels back was the huge heart over the poudem where they would give their vows that said "true love reablitates all". He was in tears. The nurse led him to his changing room and helped into his tux.
"now all we can do is wait for her to show. Please have faith that she will show. Be stronger than you have ever been in your life."
"I will. I have waited a year for her. A year for this defining moment in my life. I will not in fact i refuse to just give up on her now."
With that said they finsihed getting him ready. They pulled up chairs and waited for her to show.
Back at Justins house Hillari was standing in the living room deep in thought. What will she do? She gave him a year and was not really sure she wanted to pass this up. Thomas had overcome all obsticals and put together the entire wedding while being stuck in a hosptal that was devotion that no one else would ever be able to give her. She started to tear up. Justin knows something bad is about to happen or be said and braces himself for it.
"Justin do you rememebr when we first met? I promised Thomas if he got help and showed me that he trully wanted me that I would get back with him?"
"Yes but you left him in the hospital like he didnt matter one bit, so why bring this up now?"
"Well He went through with our plans for a wedding. He bought the rings and worked so hard in physical therapy just to be able to walk down the isle to me. Now I have to descide you or him."
"Is it really that hard?"
"You know it shouldnt be but I cant believe that after everything I did to him he actually went through with everything and forgave me. He worked hard to be back with me and his son. He drug his body down the a hallway to comfort me despite the fact that that is next to impossible to do.Not to mention he never would of fallen into the coma if he hadnt of cared enough to seek the help I wanted him to get. I have to choose him and I am sorry but that is what will make me happy."
"Good. I was wondering when you were going to go to him. I could alwaystell you really loved him. Go to him."
So Hill jumped in her truck and sped off to the church. Justin follwed her With loki and his sister. He fiqured Thomas probably wasnt able to invite anyone to the cermony so he would bring someone. On the way there Hill was in tears while justin spent the care ride trying to expain the sistuatuion to his sister. Once the reached the church Hill ran inside and was immeadlty stopped by the nurse.
"Hey slow down. Its bad luck to see the groom before the wedding. Now lets get you ready. Please follow me."
So they walked towards the back room to get hill into her dress. While they were getting ready the nurse noticed how happy Hill looked.
"So this is making you happy?"
"Yes I never thought he would do all this for me. He had been promising it for years."
"Well if you are happy and surprised imagine how well he is going to feel when you walk down that isle. He has been praying that you would keep this promise to him. You better not think that he doesnt love you. Everything that is here now is here because he worked to make it happen."
"I know and I will cherish this moment."
She was finally ready to go out and put a new fresh start on a relationshipthat has been so hard to maintain for so many years. The music started and Justin walked her dowwn the isle to give her away. He then went and sat down. They said their i dos and gave thier kisses, but when Thomas went to kiss Hill he collapesed. He fell backwards and started to cry hysterically.
"Why are you crying? Are you ok?"
"I am, but I tried so hard to make this a normal wedding for you. Then this happens. I am sorry I really tried."
"Thats ok. It was perfect. I love you no matter what happens. No matter what happens I always have and always will. Now lets get you up so you can get to the hospital so you can get well enough to hug me and hold your son. This time we will all be there for you. We love you Thomas and thank you."
Hill helped him up and led him to the van. She got him in and kissed him once again. As she walked away she looked at her finger. This beautiful ring cemented what they had been through and laid the ground work for so many more adventures together. She couldnt wait for the future to begin.
The false realtiy had become a truth and the battles thomas had fought had been won for the one true emotion we all search for love.
.............. FIN ...............
 Age: 28
 Manhattan, New York