
cpl2ownU - photo 1
cpl2ownU - photo 2
cpl2ownU - photo 3
cpl2ownU - photo 4
cpl2ownU - photo 5

Feel free to say hello...

We are looking for like minded people in the greater Bangor area. Couples preferred. The union of two only increases ecstasy.

Only looking for safe / sane people.
Also, we do not enjoy playing alone; please show respect when contacting us.

Word to the wise and friendly note to all subbies… beware of Dom-predators on this site.

7/29/2009 7:48:20 AM
A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.  ~Ingrid Bergman
 Age: 29
 Duluth, Georgia