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i am submissive by nature, I always have been. Some may see that as a weakness, when in reality it has enabled me to live a life pleasing to both myself and others. A submissive often times takes on roles in her everyday life that may seem contrary to her submissive nature, be it in her professional life or personal life. A girl's ability to listen to other's wants and needs, her flexible nature and her need for 'peace' in her life, all promote success in her career and ability to raise a family. It is though, her relationship with her One when she is allowed and expected to be herself, that is most fulfilling to her submissive nature. Tthose that know me, know im very open and honest about how i feel, sometimes too honest. Respect is not a given with me, it is take the time to get to know her, Yyou just may be surprised at what she has to say.... � � Love is patient and kind, it is never jealous, love is never boastful or conceited, it is never rude or selfish, it does not take offence, nor is it resentful. Love takes no pleasure in others� sins but delights in the truth; it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes. Love does not come to an end. There are three things that last, faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love.
9/9/2016 11:11:05 AM
Just a girl muddling through life
Trying to avoid all the conflict and strife
There's nothing too complicated about me
What you get is what you see
I know who I am, to this I am true
Some get to see inside of me, but only a few
I am not a doormat for anyone to use
I enjoy the pleasures of pain, not abuse
A masochistic sexual creature lives inside
Also one with dignity and pride
I walk proud with my head held high
But crave to feel humbled as I kneel with a contented sigh
My submission has only been known by a few
Giving respect in that way only where it is due
This is me, who I am
Am I so hard to understand?
2/4/2015 1:02:28 PM
Always the "friend" or girl next door..never the submissive..
1/27/2015 2:58:57 AM
What's wrong with people..or perhaps it's just me..but what happened to hello, how are you? Instead I get, nice ass, how long has it been since you had cum on that face. Yes I'm a submissive, yes I am a slut, but I'm not your get to know me before asking such personal questions, or is that too much to ask...
3/27/2014 12:47:34 PM
To answer most of the emails I get..I'm from Nova Scotia
3/28/2012 1:05:36 AM

Justified Ends...


If the means jusitify the ends, what does it mean when you end something before it starts, or break something before it bends?

To end with no beginning, you prevent what may be to end the quest before it starts, will be the wrong road you'll see..

If its good it will last awhile, if not Wwe will go our own way, Wwe won't have to wonder "what if "on a lonely future day.

If Wwe let things go their own way, Wwe have to try our best, Wwe have to keep faith in ourselves, to let this trail pass its best...

3/1/2012 1:15:03 AM

Beside me


The glow of innocence, radiates from her sleeping face , nestles gently in a warm pillow. The rough of His touch, brushes the velvet of my cheek as He caresses my hand in His.


The oceans in His eyes, fill my soul with its intensity, surging with the tide of emotion held within. The sensation of His touch, awakens her flesh and her mind and feeds a craving only He can satisfy.


Thoughts of Him burn bright, binding her to Him in the darkest of nights, when He is not beside me......

2/28/2012 10:29:43 AM

your inside...


To undertand, knowing and feeling. Emotions in words of another person in your heart.

Knowing and feeling is not expression lends ignorance borrows denial. No one's feelings thoughtfully express a file of choice. Allowances breed, access accepted, heart opens wide.

To know and express the feelings of another with feelings extract in absent concern leaves no comfort. If you know not how to express yourself, tell me now, ill show you the new side of your inside...


-just wants to shine inside and out-

2/24/2012 3:46:04 PM

Intend and Believe...


There is so much to learn and experience from each soul we encounter in a lifetime. Believe that each soul must choose their own path according to their own instinctual compass. Believe that the love we chase on our earthly journey may be so obscured by societal influences that often it may not be love at all.


True love knows no cause for jealousy, knows no use for anger or selfishness, or seeks faults of any kind. Intend from this day forward to love patiently through this life, give consistent support and guidance allowing each soul to find their own direction.

Enjoy each experience we share together, love purely, forgiving completely, and honestly without question, deliberation or compensation. Believing in that the balance of our choices will bring soulmates together again, and again.....

2/12/2012 9:25:01 AM

He knows...

He knows not the thoughts that swim through her head, yet He does with each word she writes, he deciphers each one with care. How do You know what i think or feel, when You dont know me well, could she be like a mirror, He sees Himself in, she is the image of a twin soul, is it?

Could it be true that You may be the lost part of her soul or not. Funny how words can make you see a part of you, that they also see. Whose who know for sure, for words are not only writte upon parchment with ink. If one day Wwe are come to meet, the truth be known to each....

2/6/2012 11:18:11 AM

i went on a journey to find someone who was lost, searched in crazed mental mazes, staggered through dark emotional hallways, crossed vast deserts of pain, walked miles of depression, swam deep in endless fears, confronted steep jagged issues, fought many memories of corruption, looked into disconcerting eyes, met countless empty faces..

i went on a journey to find someone who was lost, but she was with me every step, and was found in the mirror...

2/5/2012 7:23:56 AM



i long for a time

when i see your face everyday

Your arms around me

Keeping me close and safe

Protecting me, loving me

Allowing me to be myself

When i wont need to pretend

To keep you beside me

When days are full of life

Smiles are born of true joy

and night is no longer

met with uncertainty and dread

When You hold me tenderly

When time no longer binds us

When hearts and minds

Breed happiness and security

When inspiration becomes reality

and reality truly becomes


1/29/2012 2:50:59 PM

Sometimes we get so caught up in the way we think things have to be that we forget to imagine the way things can be. Things can change at any time if we are willing to change them. You don’t have to have it all figured out. You don’t need to know every step you’ll take or what you’ll need to do at each point. You just need to make a choice and start where you are.....

6/19/2011 2:58:28 PM

I am a woman,not just any woman
I belong to the earth.
I was born from a whisper in the night
A seed watered that slipt out into the light

I am a mother, not just any mother
I am his mother
I was born to guide and teach him
A gentle hand watering him to watch the blossom

I am a song, not just any song
I am the song on your lips.
I was sung to bring you peace
A lullabye to ease your soul to a greater depth.

I am a woman, not just any woman
I am Strong and Proud yet wounded
I was born to take your guidence to feel your strength
I am here for you to heal
A gentle soul taking form under your touch

I am a woman
I am a mother
I am a song
I am strong
Take me as I am.

6/5/2011 5:32:42 PM

She isn't too complicated, yet few understand
She is centered in this life, yet a tangled mess
She gives without question, yet is often used
She loves deeply, yet has walls of steele
She has nightmares in the dark of night, yet smiles in the morning light
She cries real tears, yet not too many know
She has eyes that can see into your soul
She has a voice, yet it is often unheard
She knows who she is, to this she is always true
She isn't anyone special, merely a girl called "her"

5/28/2011 5:48:04 AM

It isn't easy ... to succumb
To the very thing you run from...
That mesmerizing feeling when...
You know you're face to face
   The devil...
Demons haunt you,
Even in public places....
The very eyes you hide from
Seek you out...
Across a room of laughter...
It's no match for your
Filtered in smile...
  The one you saw on
  The girl in the movie..

He ordered a double..
..... you call for a shot.
Hopeless of course
To the One who sees...
..... darkened soul....
        Cry of the flesh...
Ache of hunger..
  He's angry,

Is it too much to ask for...
To be.... Caught in the moment...
...... to feel just once...
        that you're like everyone else?

Yet.... you're never invisible
  To the One who sees.

4/5/2011 1:44:08 PM

as she walks her journey alone, she takes the time this time to stop and smell the roses. she isnt lonely, she isnt afraid, she isnt looking for some Dom to come and save her..she doesnt need to be saved, she is a strong, willed girl who wont bend or kneel for just anyone. This journey has brought her alot of ups and downs, but along the way, she has found some really good Ppeople that has helped her. There are no regrets about any decision she has made, no mistakes, but lessons learned, for those are the hardest to learn, life lessons. she was taught patience, love, and understanding.....and that forgiving herself is the key to being happy.....if Yyou wish to know more, feel free to ask, but be ready for the answer she may give...and beware, she bites and enjoys doing so......giggles and clicks her heels......

2/13/2011 9:16:44 AM

teach me Master...
teach me how to dance...
not how to move my body to music...
show me how to dance with wild abandon...
to hear the music in my head..
feel the rhythm within my blood
even when there is no music..
simply the touch of Your hands..
the tone of Your voice...
the will of You to see me dance...

teach me to sing Master
not just how to put words to music...
show me how to express all the wonderful
sensations you create within me
with the singing of my heart...
gentle sighs and moans, gasps of pleasure...
the groans and cries at the delicious pain...

teach me to feel Master
i know how to touch something with my hands..
show me Master how to gauge Your mood
by the pressure of Your hand upon my body...
to feel Your love within the simple stroke of
Your hand through my hair..
to feel the joy of being Yours deep within my heart
and to the depths of my soul....

teach me Master how to please You
not how to simply say the words You wish to hear
but how to be all that You desire of me...
to be Your comfort... Your pleasure..
to take Your mind from distressing thoughts
and make You smile instead...
teach me Master...

 Age: 46
 Provo, Utah