Slavery in its many forms has existed since humans first inhabited the earth. Groups were kept in control by the Alpha male. Warring parties took prisoners and subjugated them to unspeakable acts, reproduction and labor. This is simply the nature of man complete with the ability for the arts, communication, and exploration. This does not negate the element that resides within most through genetics and environment.

There is no difference in conditioning an individual or conditioning the masses. Those who seek power will extort the inherent weakness in others. Those who are weak will seek out those who are strong. Many who are strong simply pretend to be strong as they are fighting for their survival remaining unsure of how to surrender themself to another as they do not come in contact with anyone who transmits their dominant essence.

It is the law of nature that a dominant male will seek to own, control, use, utilize, and possess that which he desires for the length of time he desires. He will go to whatever lengths necessary to obtain his prize.

There is no such thing as a dominant female in the truest sense. Please do not insult anyone's intelligence by presenting an example of a lesbian, bisexual or straight female who claims to be dominant and even owns others. Take a deeper look and you will find that this is usually a private and personal interaction and that she seeks to fulfill sexual fantasy or fantasies of power. In many cases you will find like I have that the stronger the female, the more she seeks a male stronger than she and is only acting out that which she lacks in her own life.

A woman is never the warrior, conqueror, dominator, etc. Those women in history who were perceived to be in dominant roles were not dominant women. This was merely perception.

Men have enslaved since the beginning. It is men who genetically programmed women to submit usually by force. We can not escape genetic programming. You should not attempt to escape your destiny.

Know that being owned or dominated by another is not about sex yet many of you will make it so. This seperates the submissive from the fantasy seeker. If you are all about being a cum dump then you will need to go on to the next profile. I do not exist to serve you.

You mean nothing to me as you have proved nothing to me. You have the ability to serve me in a capacity unlike any other. If I do not desire you sexually, I will ensure that your basic human needs are met but ONLY if you surrender yourself completely.

I make no qualms about kicking you to the curb if you are a liar and a poser. I will use you and manipulate you to my satisfaction until I am through with you. You have no power in this situation. There is no power exchange. There is only I who hold all the power.

For those of you who become offended reading this, I can only say to you that there is much more that I could write which would make you shudder, but in the end it will still be truth. Your capacity to handle or not handle it doesn't negate what it is.

I am a heterosexual male. What I seek is contractual property for a period of time where you will surrender yourself during the agreed upon timeframe. Should you be an exceptional piece of property, this situtation could be extended but this would be the rare exception.

Come to me screwed up and I will make your suffering unbearable. Come to me with trust, devotion and the desire to be molded and I will show you something rare indeed.

You will not see my face until I know for certain that we are in contractual agreement. You will on the other hand reveal yourself to me as I require. You will hold nothing from me.

You will also note that I use proper grammar. Do not believe that I am less of what I claim simply because I do not adhere to Master/slave type grammar. You will contact me with your name, photos, and phone number. Should I decide you are worthy, I can and will relocate to claim you and begin our journey.

I am open to any and all but remember, this is about me and not you. Look up the definition of chattel before you attempt to play games with me about what you want/need.

There are no exceptions to this arrangement.
7/16/2008 3:21:05 AM

Let's give a round of applause to socutesy.  She is the epitome of what's wrong with CM.
And women wonder why men are losing interest....


“He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still” “If you would take, you must first give, this is the beginning of intelligence.” "He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know." All quotes provided by Lao Tzu.... he could say what I was thinking much more eloquently. I am not sure why I immediately thought of Taoism when I read your profile - I think it was perhaps because you so often refer to what is natural and inherent.





There is no such thing as mastering oneself.  Mastery is a process which is never fully realized.  To have mastered anything means the end of all. There is no greater power than the control over another.  This is what humans strive for; the control and dominance of another.

He who knows has no reason to hold things within.  It is perfectly acceptable to speak passionately about what one has realized and it is acceptable that one does not speak and merely uses this knowledge to manipulate reality.  Both are acceptable.

What is natural and inherent can not be disputed.  For all of history there are basic human understandings that can not be removed from the human condition.  We are what we are and no amount of theological, philisophical, or truism will negate that which simply is.  We can sugar coat all we want but the bottom line is that people are people and will always be people filled with flaws and individual personality.




I suppose I should not be surprised at your response. I do have one question... If one disagrees with you, do they simply have different opinions or different values, or are they just idiots who don't know anything?






Each person is entitled to their own opinion, however, if you do not see the simplistic validity in what I wrote, then you are an idiot.  If you believe that a human being can master himself/herself and eliminate flaw then you are indeed an idiot.







ok. btw... I have lived more than a couple of years and I have come to a couple of conclusions on those who use name-calling (as simple as idiot, or as offensive as cunt). Those who use name-calling fall into one of two categories: 1. Those not smart enough to come up with a defense to their argument, and so call their opponent names in the hope to distract them. 2. Those who are insecure and need a way to feel superior and so they feel like if they can make their opponent feel bad, they gain the upper hand. I am going to predict that you would not consider that you would fit in either of these categories. So enlighten me.... in what category of name-callers do you belong?



chatteltrainer on 7/15/08 at 11:19 PM:



you are the one who made reference to the word idiot.  The only thing that is less tolerable than ignorance is someone who keeps trying to make a point without rebutting or delving further into the topic of discussion.  It appears to be convenient for you to evade the topic at hand and focus on what I believe myself to be. 

This isn't about me.  This is about you taking offense to what I have written in which you clearly participate in the majority of those who simply haven't a clue.

When you learn the basic skills necessary for communication, I will discuss this with you further.  If all you can do is attempt to put a spin on something I say without taking responsibility, then talk to someone else.  I have no time for idle nonsense.








This was not me taking offense. It was disbelief. I was exploring - more curious than anything. I was looking for a redeemable quality, and instead found abusive overbearing behavior. "This is what humans strive for; the control and dominance of another." Have you acquired control and dominance over me by attempting to put me down or by fitting me into your simple mind as one of the "majority who simply haven't a clue"? Have you gained the upper hand? LMAO Ciao







Again, the point simply eludes you.  Whoever said I wanted you?  Just stop making this about your dumb points.  There is nothing abusive or overbearing about my behavior.  I don't want you and never wanted you, let alone to control or dominate you.  Go back to idotville and bask in the glory knowing that you have been appointed Mayor. 



7/5/2008 8:01:20 AM
My first example of what I am referring to.  Let's all give it up for the first clueless person to contact me.  I'm sure she is happy where she is, alone and searching......

...i suspect that in Your eyes i would be the selfish submissive Sir.....i do not believe one is submissive to those that she does not serve and slave to only One....take care


why bother writing?  you are submissive to those you do not serve whether you like it or not or realize it or not and that is a promise.  you need to dig deeper and you will see that if someone presents themself as truly dominant, you can not help but to show your submissive side.  I am referring to everday settings.  you are slave to whomever you are directed to offer your submission.  Again, I do not speak sexually.  Take sex out of the equation and I am dead on.  You will notice that I make no reference to my sexual desires or anyone else's regarding particulars.

People need to focus more on the human dynamic and get off their fantasy soap box.


...why bother writing?....good question...perhaps because i know what i am, and it is not about the sex, it is about where i am best....but best also encompasses knowledge and actualization ...not blind acceptance that any bozo that walks up to me can or should dominate me...i am not stupid, and refuse to be so to facilitate someones ego...i am respectful and i am submissive to those who are dominat enough to recognize deference....

be well


you are obviously either clueless or not reading what I wrote.  YOU HAVE NO SAY IN THE MATTER WHEN YOU COME ACROSS A NATURALLY DOMINANT MALE.  HE WILL INVOKE WITHIN YOU YOUR SUBMISSIVE NATURE.  THIS HAS NOTHING AND I REPEAT NOTHING TO DO WITH SEX OR DOMINATING YOU.  you will respond in a natural way that will reveal more of your submissive soft side.  Get it, got it, get over it. im responding to you? guess that means either im not a real submissive or your not terribly dominant......i know who i am



very well.  remain an idiot and a CM poser.  I gave you the opportunity to approach this rationally and as an adult.  I thank you for proving me right.

Thank you blocking button

 Age: 26