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That I even have to put this in a place that is supposedly tolerance and difference friendly is sad but...
I dont care what your politics are but please dont push them on me. I am of a conservative bent , which does NOT mean an avid Trump supporter, but Iam curious why they are so scared of the man.
Looking for the moment , its nice to be able to meet folks here first.
I am and will be looking for a long term relationship with a female. Males who are interested in sex are not going to do well. P Post op transsexuals ( m to f) will be considered as they are now female in my book.

Be aware that Texas may not be a permanent thing for me , when I get where I want, and need, to be in regards to some personal matters, I may be leaving this state. So whether or not you are willing to relocate isnt a big issue for me as I eventually may relocate.

It It would seem that courtesy has left this lifestyle or at least this site. Maybe Im just getting old. Either way , the way people speak to one another here is unquestionably lacking in both Manners and consequence. Its a shame really. It also reinforces my decision to remain outside the public lifestyle or scene , however you care to refer to it.