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Ok, so not actually submissive, but I thought that maybe I might have better luck trying to find a violent woman who thinks they can beat my ass if I made a profile as such.
I suppose if I lose a fight to a woman I would have no choice as to do whatever they command, but I would never willingly give up control.
I am a tall marshmellow. I have never been in a fight, and my 20lb bicep curl arms are the literal size of a soda can. Also ever single tomboy I ever met claimed to be able to beat my ass but always back down.
SO. If you are a woman or FTM and think you can put me in my place, or whatever, come at me. I will fight any woman under 200lbs, not into being just squashed, but if you are over 5ft8 and not a bodybuilder that can be ignored.
Try to scare me, or intimidate me, impress me with your skills, tell me you are the underground fighting champion, whatever. I wont back down. WINNER. TAKE. ALL.

What a surprise to find this profile still here after all these years of being locked out, when every other one was censored. Maybe that's why this one didn't go to perpetual approval purgatory?

Still not a switch or submissive (at least not willingly) Can you make me? Lol as if that could even happen