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 | Magus
| Hetero Male Dominant, 56, Manatee County, Florida
I got locked out of the site for a while and, when I got back in, I notice that the site is acting up by removing punctuation from my letters...especially the slash mark, parenthesis and semicolon but other things as well. I ask that anyone reading a letter from me take that into account and not hold the sites issues against me.
As always, please read my whole profile before contacting me and know that, although I am ultimately looking for a long term companion, I am open to short term fun and games, skills building, training and fetish exploration with females not looking for long term.
To any who choose to write, please know that I do not come here often and never chat. I will not respond to attempts to flame and have no interest whatsoever in anyone, no matter how great you claim to be, who is not local and ready to actually meet face to face. I do not have the time or patience for getting to know you online and am far to visceral for virtual. If you like my profile and want to comment, please do thanks in advance.
A lot has happened since I first joined CS, and I have learned a lot about the net scene and the kind of people who use it. I have met the usual bunch of fakes, flakes and psychos those who use the net to play out fantasies they do not have the courage to live and some who simply want to pretend to be something they will never ever, not even in a million years with help from DeSade himself, actually be.
I am a mid-50s retired business owner living the Sarasota area where I own a small company doing film and music production. No wait, before you swoon, it really isnt as glamorous as it sounds and I am trying to keep my ego in check so lets move on to other topics.
I am looking for a single female who is somewhat intellectual and has the common sense to know that intellectual pursuits are only important if they do not distract from visceral realities and essential desires. I would like her to be old enough to know better but young enough to do it twice. Naive enough to honestly say I have never done this before and wise enough to know I will teach her how it is done. I want her to be beautiful, inside and out, and as strong of spirit as of mind. My special girl will be comfortable in an evening gown out on the town and love to wear sweats and snuggle in front of the television. She will completely enjoy sex without guilt no matter how much she wants to be punished. She will know how much I love to see her be a total lady in public and a complete slut in private. In short, I am looking for a youthful, intelligent, adventurous, kinky and fun friend, lover, sex toy, companion and partner.
If you think you are the girl I seek, think about it again, make sure, think one more time about what you have to offer at my feet before you hit the send key. I will respond to all who apply. I will request clear, recent face and body pics made just for me as a sign of your desire and submission. I will want to know about you as a person, in and out of the bedroom. I will require a real life meeting in very short order. If all of that is too much, too demanding, too forward or too fast, feel free to move on to the next profile...odds are he is just the sort of perfect cyber-dom you are looking for.
Magus (Gentleman Sadist)
If you write for any reason, be ready to MAKE (not send some you already have) full body & face pics and to voice verify; it doesnt matter if you have pics on your profile. I dont care how great you think you are or can seem to be online; prove you are real and ready serve in real life or find someone else to play email tag with. Yes, this means you. Yes, I see you have pics on your profile. Yes, I still expect you to make some just for me. YES, I am very demaning for some random jerk online; I understand if you want to find someone else's time to waste. I dont expect anyone to be a model, porn star or in perfect shape; I just want to see what you have to offer at my feet, no clever poses, filters or photoshop. If this is too much to ask, feel free to get all butt hurt about it and move on to the next profile. Good luck with that!
Once again, I am looking for a domestic servant/house slave. Someone who expresses their submission by cleaning, doing basic chores, laundry and, if you are really into it, even the windows - LOL.
This is not necessarily a sexual situation; I am fine with purely platonic service as long as you are obedient, pay attention to detail and take pride in your work. At this time, I am no longer willing to consider a live in house slave.
The position is open to any gender or orientation, including trans, gurls, bois, sissys and non-conforming. So, if you are domestic service oriented, this is your chance to explore yourself and express your submission in a safe, natural environment.
Feel free to get in touch, references preferred, and we can discuss details and compensation. I know things are tight for everyone these days; I intend for this to be an ongoing, regularly scheduled position with bonuses for extra or extraordinary service.
I have been getting a lot of random emails lately, each one claiming to be a desperate single slave with little experience but a great desire to belong to me alone.....yeppers, it seems the old scams have come full circle. I guess the recent site revitalization and restoration of basic functionality has attracted a whole new crop of fakes, flakes, losers and wannabes, each one certain they are both clever and original. Bummer, right? Now, here I am dusting off old troll traps for a the newest wave of infestation.
If you write me for ANY REASON - to make first contact, to reply to my email, to comment about my profile or just take your shot at being clever - I will ask for pics to be MADE and sent along with your REAL PHONE NUMBER - no Google or text/voice service throw aways. Since literally everyone in the civilized world has a camera phone, there is no reason whatsoever to not make a few pics. If you read my profile completely and are really interested in meeting in real life, you knew I would ask this before you wrote.
Anyone saying they want to 'get to know me online' first obviously didnt read my profile, those claiming the pics on their profile are 'real and recent' should have no problem making more or if they say they 'will do them soon because of (reasons)', trust me friends, it's a scam; also, any profile saying they wont share face pics because of their job or whatever is, yes, you guessed it - a TOTAL FAKE and COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME.
I know this is basically just me blowing off steam in a hurricane and shouting into the void but, if just one person sees this and is saved from wasting their time playing email tag with some loser who thinks our lifestyle is a game, well, then I guess it's worth it, kinda/sorta.....
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