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Hetero Male Dominant, 39, Glasgow, United Kingdom 
Hello world.

Been on here before without ever finding what i was truly looking for. But the urge within has been too strong and im back to find the one to serve me.

Im looking for a full time subdom or ideally masterslave relationship. It will be a live in position at my home in Scotland.

Again, ideally im looking for someone from within the UK or the EU community for this position as it avoids all the difficulties and the logistical problems that come from the rest of the world. If, however, you do happen to come from America, Africa or Asia and are capable of proving beyond doubt that you are genuine then i will talk to you.

For the exact details of what a life with me will entail i have a contract i have written up which details everything to the letter. It is negotiable in certain aspects. I believe it is tough, but very fair and allows the one to maintain some degree of herself.

If money is required to help with relocation then it will only be provided after some very vigorous testing of youre genuineness and will involve meeting in person beforehand. Hence the proximity of UK and Europe is more likely that this will happen.

I am financially stable, work at a decent job and can provide all you need for a safe and secure life. I ask in return for honesty, an open mind, and above all else a desire within yourself to serve.

About me. I have always been a dominant person to some degree but in my late twenties i met a girl that allowed to become who i am today. We went out for 3 years and in that time i learned more than i thought i was capable of. Both in techniques for bondage, skills for training and knowledge of what i truly am. I need it now and i need someone to help me continue to improve and grow with me.

I hope this time around brings me the one. Contract on my journal entries.

Speak soon.


A Contract of Submission and Servitude   Declaration I, (insert name here), henceforth known as the Slave agree to devote myself in submission and servitude to (name), henceforth known as the Master. It is recognised that this is to be a long term arrangement by both parties which  will be undertaken by both to the best of their abilities in accordance with the terms and conditions stated below. Terms And Conditions A: Appearance and Behaviour Slave agrees that all clothing, jewellery, cosmetics, piercings and tattoos sought after commencement of contract will be approved by Master. Slave agrees that her hair will be cut and styled in accordance with the desire of the Master and that all pubic hair will be kept in the condition that Master demands. Slave agrees that master will control diet, fitness and body weight as he wishes. Slave agrees that Master will determine where and when Slave is allowed to go. Slave agrees to undergo personality conditioning where positive behaviours will be rewarded and negative behaviours to be punished. Slave agrees to be referred to by dehumanising and devaluing names of a sexist, racist, misogynistic, homophobic and xenophobic nature.  Slave agrees to periods of silence and control of movement on request of Master. Slave acknowledges that she is to deny existence as slave in public sphere and behave appropriately amongst family and peer groups. Slave concedes that failure to uphold any of these terms will result in punishment, either physical abuse or mental humiliation. Master agrees to allow Slave to maintain contact with her family and establish social relationships with others outside this agreement.

B: Health and Hygiene Slave agrees to only eat, drink and sleep what and when the Master decides. Slave agrees to ask permission of Master to use toilet facilities and wash herself. Slave agrees to sleep in any place or condition deemed fit by Master. Slave agrees that Master will not use any form of contraception and that she is responsible for this task. Slave agrees to commence a course of taking the contraceptive pill at first opportunity upon commencement of contract. Slave concedes that failure to uphold any of these terms will result in punishment, either physical abuse or mental humiliation. Master agrees to ensure that Slave is kept in an adequately healthy condition, that all illness will be taken care of and that Master will not inflict any permanent physical damage. In the event of pregnancy, both parties will discuss what the best option will be. However Master recognises the Slaves right to make the final decision and will support that choice. In this event, this contract will be temporarily suspended until both parties agree to resume. C: Duties Slave agrees to undertake any request given to her by the Master, this may include sexual acts, household chores and shopping. Slave concedes that failure to uphold any of these terms will result in punishment, either physical abuse or mental humiliation. Master agrees that any task given to Slave will be realistic and not cause Slave any harm or put her safety and security in jeopardy.

D: Sexual Acts Slave agrees to not participate in any other sexual relationship with any other party male or female without permission from the Master. Slave agrees to periods of corporal punishment, physical and mental abuse, torture and confinement with any object or tool of his choosing in the list provided below. Slave agrees to give her body to Master at any time he desires. Slave agrees to the following acts: Face slapping        Hair pulling                 Strangulation               Gags    Throat fucking      Vomit                          Cum swallowing         Bukkake Restraints              Rope Bondage                        Handcuffs                   Chains Suspension            Breast torture              Punching                     Kicking Rough Sex                        Vaginal Fisting            Anal Fisting                Vaginal insertions Anal insertions      Dildos                         Anal Dilation              Enemas Spanking               Caning                         Whipping                    Paddling Food play              Rape                            Lesbianism                  Group Sex Wax                       Urolagnia                    Belts                            Flashing Dogging                Public Sex Slave concedes that failure to uphold any of these terms will result in punishment, either physical abuse or mental humiliation. Master agrees that he will not participate in any sexual relationship with any other male or female without the Slave being aware and taking involvement. Master agrees that he will not cause any harm or place the Slave in any situation which will compromise her safety and security. Master recognises the use of a safe word. Master acknowledges that Slave may say No to an act but retains the right to suggest the same act at a later time.

Money and Employment Slave agrees that she has no claim on a share of any money, property or valuable possessions owned by Master either prior to the signing of the agreement or to anything after. Slave recognises that should it be necessary to maintain the household and her position in it that Master reserves the right to require her to seek employment in any position that Master considers appropriate. Slave will require permission from Master to make any and all purchases with the exception to goods that protect the health and well-being of the Slave. Master agrees that he has no claim on any share of money, property or valuable possessions owned by Slave prior to signing of the contract.  Master agrees that should Slave wish to find employment of her own then she is free to do so but reserves the right to take any money up to 50% of earnings for the maintenance of the household and lifestyle.

F: Amendments and Termination It is agreed by both parties that this contract will be reviewed four times a year. Amendments may be made at any time but this will require the contract to be resigned with updated information. Contract may be terminated at any point without charges, fines or penalties with a notice period of four weeks. Should the relationship of Slave and Master be redefined in any other way it will automatically trigger the annulment of this contract. Declaration             I (name) as Master agree to uphold the terms and conditions of the above contract to the best of my abilities and recognise that I have a Duty of Care to the other party involved.   Signed by:             I (insert name here) as Slaveagree to uphold the terms and conditions of the above contract to the best of my abilities and recognise that I have a Duty of Care to the other party involved.   Signed by:

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Dominant Trans, Age: 27
 LA, California