| Female Submissive, 45, A Lovely Place, Colorado
i am an outdoorsy and tom-boy type girl ultimately seeking Ownership in a 24/7 TPE service relationship.
a little about me.
i am in a design professional and i highly value spending time with people who are educated, well read, and have some relative ease with putting a proper thought together on paper.
my interests are in being a service slave that consistently experiences bondage, confinement, restraint, eye restrictions, speech restrictions, structure, storage, and a bunch of other bdsm related experiences.
i am also interested in NOT being a doormat. i am a professional in the vanilla world and while i am certain to give that up to serve i do wish to express that i have a strong desire to maintain if not expand my intellectual self in a TPE relationship. i wish to have an Owner who improves through my support and in turn i become more awesome in the process!
in some ways this is as much about discovery and fulfilling potentials as it is learning hard and fast rules.
i am somewhat masochistic in that i am happy to suffer for my Owner(s) but i am not seeking a sadist looking for a perpetual victim.
i hope this serves as a meaningful introduction to what i am about at this time and place in my life. i am trying to share whats in my head more than i am trying to offer a checklist of what an Owner has to be to get my submission. what i have learned that it is a wonderful yet complex balance of the mind and body trained to serve someone who is really worthy of that service.
willing to relocate, ideally to a place that is secure in every sense of the word
I find it curious that people define themselves within bdsm by what they like TO DO versus discussing who they actually are, how they lead their life, and how a bdsm relationship fits into all of that. Its hard to emotionally connect with someone who only shares that they really enjoy spanking or latex.