I'm an intelligent and creative man seeking a long-term female-led relationship. I don't have a list of fetishes that need to be done to me on a daily basis or weekly basis. I hope to find a normal, loving relationship with a woman who who just happens to be dominant. I love kink but feel the depth of the relationship would be service-orientated.
I like books, good films, music, and theater that feels real. Lot of my friends are musicians, actors, writers, and artists. That's because I make films and these are the people in my life. I'm a good cook and love to host gatherings of friends.
I hope to fall in love and find intimacy. To find a woman who recognizes that a long-term D/s relationship moves at parallel tracks. The transfer of power with my submission and need to work hard for her, and the underlining partnership of two people who care about each other and are able to make real world decisions.
In the Sunday New York Times sometime back was an article about a group of men, most of them with jobs that they worked from home, married to women who worked outside the home. Responsible for the day to day care of their children, taking them to school, etc., several of them began to meet for coffee or breakfast after dropping their children off at school. One of the wives gave her cautious approval, saying "I'm okay with it for now but I feel there is the possibility that he could become less productive during the day. If that happens, it's going to be a problem."
I found that very sexy. A woman keeping a close eye on her man. And subtly humiliating him in the New York Times.