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 | swampo4
| Hetero Male Submissive, 60, Albany, New York
The following is reprinted by express permission of HusbandSearch. Thank You again Maam. She says it better than I ever could. Please read through to completion before You decide to respond.
Most Taken in Hand relationships exist between couples who are married or at least highly committed. The root of the idea of a Taken in Hand relationship is that the female will submit to the male in matters of everyday life. To what extent and which areas this covers varies from couple to couple, from a general avoidance of conflict by letting the male partner get his way to almostcompletesubmission to the preferences of the man in matters suchas clothing, friendships with others, styling of hair and many other things. It is quite common in TIH relationships for the woman to generally curtail her social life significantly so as to devote more time to the relationship. Unlike BDSM relationships TIH relationships are strictly real life rather than consisting of negotiated scenes. Whilst many BDSM activities take place mostly within the bedroom or the Scene (parties, clubs etc.) TIH relationships place a great deal of emphasis on everyday vanilla submission to the authority of the male as Head of Household (HoH) ina committedand long term relationship. Generally the male partner is expected to be the final decision-maker in most matters, and the female is expected to submit to him. This is generally regarded as being for the ultimate benefit of the relationship in reducing conflict and fostering closeness and trust. In some ways TIH could be and often is regarded as a very old-fashioned marriage, and many conventional marriages do fit unknowingly into the TIH dynamic. Discipline is a fairly major aspect of TIH relationships and is used by the man on the woman to either punish a transgression (flagrant disobedience, arguing etc.) or as a means to end an unending dispute. The discipline rendered may be verbal scolding or loss of privileges, but is most often physical (usually a spanking). In this context it is intended to be un-erotic and not desired (though it is consensual). .
This is the relationship I seek where the roles are reversed and it is the male who is taken in hand.
Whatever happened to the Transylvania Twist?
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