Greetings to all who may choose to read this. I purposely am not putting a lot of information into this. I am largely unfamiliar with this web site and therefore will save my personal information for those who ask. I will respond to all who contact me and ask for more. You have placed yourself "out there" so to speak, and the least I can do is reply to your request for information. I am very open to friendships; even, or perhaps especially, those where the desire is more conversational than physical. I would prefer not to become involved with anyone who is married or in a relationship....even those who have "permission" or are in an "open" relationship. It just seems easier all the way around and is easier for me. I enjoy talking and texting. I have no desire to be have to stop in the middle of whatever because a significant other happened to wander in or pick up your phone and see text messages. I do have a female friend who enjoys playing with submissive females on occasion as well if that is of interest to you. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to hear from you.
 Age: 22
 Liverpool, Canada