I am only here for my friends.

I have been in the lifestyle for more than 20 years and know my way around, so don't try to Dom me. You aren't my Dom and if you try to act like you are you will be blocked quicker than the snap of a whip.

3/5/2014 9:39:01 AM

I'm loving how I can split my time between Florida and Ohio.  I think the changes in scenery will do me good occasionally.  I have made so many new friends here in the south that I will miss once springtime comes and I go back north.  I always thought being a snowbird was for old people.  Did I grow old?  I think not, but I can say that I am happy to be on my own without answering to the command of anyone. 


1/25/2014 7:23:52 PM

Wow it's been so long since I have been on let alone posted. I'm moving once again and excited about it. Sold my house and getting the hell out of Ft Wayne. I can't take this cold any more. I'm going south.

4/5/2013 8:15:52 AM

We just arrived home from a wonderful vacation in San Francisco.  Lots of lifestyle clubs and interesting people.  I am glad to be home though and was surprised to see flowers coming up in my garden. 

Wondering what trouble I can get into next?


2/28/2013 7:47:10 PM

blah, blah, blah





[pley-juh-riz-uhm, -jee-uh-riz-] Show IPA

an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language

 and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author: It is said that he plagiarized Thoreau's plagiarism of a line

 written by Montaigne.
appropriation, infringement, piracy, counterfeiting; theft, borrowing, cribbing, passing off.
a piece of writing or other work reflecting such unauthorized use or imitation: “These two manuscripts are clearly plagiarisms,” the editor said, tossing them angrily on the floor.
1/6/2013 8:52:04 PM

Welcome to the dark side Brian! Good to see you here.

9/12/2012 4:36:14 PM

Good God do some of you ramble on in your fantasy world long enough?

Maybe you should go off with your imagination and write a book.

9/4/2012 7:59:29 AM

Just because you claim you are Dom that doesn't make you Dom, and no one Dom or not has the right to attempt to rape any lady sub or not.

Enjoy your visit from her friends

8/22/2012 8:37:29 PM

I just don't understand how there can be so many 18-21 year old experienced Doms around. I find that pretty creepy. I can't imagine myself sub to a child.

8/19/2012 6:30:09 PM

home again home again jiggity jig

8/16/2012 7:07:10 PM

I have been in hiding on here for more than a year. Now I am visiting a friend who made me realize there is no reason for me to hide away.

We are having an awesome visit that will be way too short. My friends husband asked me to come to help her for her health. In fact I hope the next time I see her she is still able to walk. I was surprised though that for what they claim is a mixed marriage, I see a nearly perfect loving and caring D/s relationship. I am amazed how she sparkles when he walks in the room and how this strong woman revels in serving this supposedly vanilla man. He is completely in control in a positive way. He might not be lifestyle, but he is Dom for sure. I can only hope to someday find what they have.



 Age: 28
  New York