I am an experienced Master and I have trained not only subs but help discover the innate sub potential.

The value of my experience is that you don't loose your way and waste your time chasing some fancy dream, with me you jump right in to the bandwagon on the right to the summit.

I value intillegence in my sub. I am educated from a leading IIM, I am intelligent and creative and I bring an ounce of creativity in the bdsm experiance.

Don’t expect to play this coy hunter and hunted game, I am not going to write to you and I am not going to elevate you to think you are some cunt who’s wanted. If you are the submissive, better start showing your submission from day one by writing to me.

If you are below 30, I am interested. If you are serious, drop me a line. And if you are just plain curious, unsure or a time wasters, go fuck yourself with a plain vanilla, I am sure there are many waiting for you out here.