
I'm a naturally dominant daddy type who is seeking a naturally submissive girl who needs structure and the guidance of a firm hand in their life. I'm looking for a real, loving relationship that is mutually satisfying in all respects. As such, I'm not into computer chat, phone play, contrived "scenes" or other such inane foolishness. If you are just a bored BDSM tourist then please pass me by.

You are intelligent, slender, cute, and have your own dreams and ambitions in life and could use some mentoring to get where you want to be. It's ok if you are new to a Dominant/submissive relationship, everyone is at a different point in their journey of self discovery and I'm a patient and willing teacher.

I am a fit, intelligent, well educated man who mixes authority with approachability. I can be stern yet fair, kind, even silly at times yet acutely serious as well. I am supportive, nurturing, loving, compassionate and demand loyalty, obedience and respect in return.

Since I don't log into this site with a great deal of frequency, please feel free to initiate contact and I'll get back to you reasonably quickly. Also be prepared to meet early on for coffee to see if we'd be a good fit for each other - a profile, a photo, and extended electronic banter just is a waste of time.
 Age: 23