I expect a lot and I am not easily impressed. That said, there are no right or wrong answers. There are simply my answers and your answers. If they differ, perhaps we can learn something from one another. If they concur, .... well, let's find out!

I don't claim or want any titles or roles. I don't have a trophy wall or medal rack to show off and prove who I am. Nor do I care to. I don't want tributes or gifts or proof of anything. I certainly don't need to be told what I deserve or how things should be done. You see, it's YOU I want to get to know. You as you are right here, right now. Not who you think I want you to be.

As for myself, I prefer to earn the things I am given. Beyond general politeness and the consideration one would afford any stranger on the street that which is offered indiscriminately to everyone holds no interest to me. Quality time, attention and conversation is worth working for, and I am more than happy to do so. Regardless of your role. In fact, in the vast majority of cases you can be absolutely certain that your role has nothing to do with my interest in you.

I don't care about perfection. I care how you deal with the human condition of imperfection. Flaws and fallibility fascinate me. Puppets and 'yes-sayers' have no interest whatsoever. Common courtesy, an open intelligent mind and something interesting to say - that's all... for a start, anyway.

I despise weakness. What price is there in possessing weakness? Whoever wants that? No, give me character, pride and personality - and trust me to be up to the challenge of drawing lines if I think it necessary. I am quite capable, you know. Well, you may not know - yet - but with time, you will. If you yourself have the balls to draw your own lines... by all means, do get in touch!

I guess I should point out that I am not here to claim or be claimed. Tedious as it is, it needs spelling out that this site is more than a dating portal – at least if one allows it to be. I am simply looking for impressive people. They inspire me, and I... want to inspire them.

Uninvited friend requests and default emails do not inspire or impress me. Neither do requests for pics or personal contact details. I will offer if and when I feel like it. If I do not – well, that’s a hint!  Also, if I want your pics or contact details, I will ask for them. Until then, they are not of interest to me.

This profile is already entirely too long. I guess
I should put more about myself in my journal one of these days. Any requests?

PS: About my journal

Despite the fact that FireFox is the fastest expanding browser on the global market, and the European Union recently manifesting a law that gives ALL PC users the right to freely choose their own browser - meaning Microsoft no longer get to chain people to IE just because they use Windows OS - this site has some serious flaws when displayed in anything but IE.

This means that - amongst other things the font and colour settings for the journal and emails are royally screwed up - to put it politely. CM support was kind enough to advice me to simply use IE and then the problem will not occur and take the suggestion of increasing their browser compatibility under advisement. However, until they do... if you do not view this site in IE I'm afraid my journal is going to have issues displaying the font and colours right.

I do apologise for this, but I am stubborn and don't feel like changing how I like it set up. So, please... If you have trouble reading it, just select all the text with your mouse - this will make it negative and easier to read. Thank you! ~Yaterah

5/30/2010 5:37:53 AM

Have you ever been on vacation in one of those places that teem with curious bazaars tucked into narrow maze-like streets and back alleys in the old part of town, all just waiting to feed the hordes of tourists cheap knock-offs and sparkling bling-bling hackled down to prices so low you just can’t resist? I mean, we NEED that camel’s wool jacket even though it stinks and it’s 35C in the shade, right?! Or that gaudy little picture of the dolphin leaping out of the waves just off the shore of some idyllic Greek isle with picturesque white houses and olive trees. We just HAVE to have it! - as a memento to take home and forever remind us of the fantastic holiday we took wherever we’re buying this.


If any of this sounds even vaguely familiar to you, perhaps you will also be familiar with the scourge of such places. That infamous and ever annoying street vendor that just won’t quit his pushy attempt to get you to buy something. Special Price! Just for you! I don’t know about you… but I find it vaguely entertaining for the first 10 minutes… then it’s just a pain in the butt. And by the time I’m halfway through my vacation I am attempting my own version of Medusa’s approach.


I’ve been to several places like that. And actually, I am reminded of that often when I log onto CM. Because really, this place isn’t that different when you think about it.


I get a lot of email from a great variety of people, and thankfully the vast majority of it is absolutely delightful. But about 10-15% of the incoming emails I receive are markedly different. They are defaults, written not for me and not in response to my profile but simply to advertise someone else's profile and agenda. They are for all intents and purposes promotion material, tossing some prefabricated sales pitch and inviting you to view their details and contact them for more information. In “normal email” terms off CM that kind of correspondence is called spam and is actually illegal – not to mention tainted with a high frequency rate of fradulence.


I read somewhere that more than 90% of all the emails sent in the world are spam, and keeping it away from our inboxes is a billion dollar industry, so I’d say it is a pretty safe bet to say that people don’t like it.


So, why on Earth would anyone here – regardless of what they seek or why – choose to represent themselves that way? Why would people pick something that isn’t just illegal but also detested and avoided like the plague to introduce themselves to the very people whose attention they want?


The reason I have often been told is … to save time. Because they are tired of fakers and wannabe’s and people not answering their messages. Whose time is it they save? Because being on the receiving end of those default emails… I can assure you that it sure as hell isn’t MY time they save. Nor is it MY preferences they accommodate. I am just another name… another “mark” to try their luck on. Charming, isn't it!? ...


Spam is spam. The whole purpose of it is to save the sender time and money – or in this case, effort - on advertising. And here, it is to save Mr. Special price the time and effort it takes to read profiles and write a personal reply.


So, in other words, when you send me a default email, I am going to consider you Mr. Special Price. I am going to have the impression that you are too lazy to make the effort to read and respect what I have expressed in my profile, and I will respond to you in one of two ways, depending on mood. Either I will send you my own prefabricated default response – and reactions so far suggest it’s not all too popular with its recipients – or I am going to pull the CM version of Medusa’s trick on you and simply block you.

How’s that for saving time! LOL

3/12/2010 4:17:16 PM

Who's doing the talking?

Communication is always tricky - especially across languages and cultures. Written communication even more so, perhaps, because it not only challenges our ability to express and listen, but also to do both without pitch and tone of voice and physical gestures that might otherwise help us decipher and interpret what others seek to tell us.

That said, being here on CM, we have all made the conscious choice to submit ourselves to the confines of written communication between more or less anonymous senders. Some may take it beyond that with time, but initially at least... it is all we have to go on.

In a setting like that misunderstandings are inevitable. Not to mention outright disagreements. This however presents us with an excellent opportunity to show ourselves for who we really are.

To me it is important that there is room to say "I don't get you"... and "I don't agree with you"... without it turning into a mud slinging contest. I can disagree with someone without calling them names, questioning their nature and attacking their person. And I can be genuinely confused and clueless about someone without it translating into my claiming to possess the one and only truth of everything. And I most certainly can be both without it being equivalent to me pulling "rank" and playing the "Domme card".

Whether we realise it or not our actions, behaviour and statements speak very loudly of who we are. What kind of people we are. There doesn't need to be ill intent to cause hurt or insult.

We choose our own voice - and our own eyes here. We choose how tall our defences need to be and how much room within us we have for good faith. We choose. And each choice tells the world a little something about us.

Who speaks for you? And who do you see speaking for others? For me?

3/11/2010 11:36:25 AM
What's in a name?

Recently, I've been given reason to consider this in a manner quite different than I normally do. When browsing this site it becomes apparent that names here are often an extention of self-image or in and of themselves a message for viewers. They are like signs, meant to express something... express that which we first want others to know about us.

Yet still, I am beginning to realise just how difficult it can be to choose a name to represent oneself... embody everything you are... and feel confident that others will see the same. Of course, the rest of the profile helps to support that image. The free text, the activities lists and the journals - they all add more pieces to the puzzle, but like with anything expressed, created and then shared it takes on its own life once released into the world. It is still you... but seen through the eyes of others.

You can't argue that they ought to concur with your intentions and ideas behind the name... behind that image... get the same impressions. All I suppose you can do is... pick a good, clear message, own it wholeheartedly... and be receptive when the world reflects it back to you.

What's in a name for you? Do names matter to you here? How did you pick yours and why?

I'd love to hear what you think!
3/8/2010 10:22:23 AM

I have a question - anyone feel free to jump in with an answer!

When you come across a profile with the words "body, mind and soul" (or any derivatives thereof)... what kind of effect does it have on you?

I mean, it seems to be such a standard fixture on the vast majority of the profiles that surely it doesn't really retain the depth that it was meant to have... does it?

Kind of the same thing as when people write that they don't want any fakers or wannabe's - usually followed by an array of exclamation marks and bold lettering. Isn't it a pointless statement? Who DOES want "fakers" and "wannabe's"? Who DOES want to own someone "just a little bit" in a shallow kind of way? I don't think anyone does - and yet everyone states it as if it were unique and sets them apart from the rest somehow?!

When I wrote my profile it was important to me to show you all who I am, and I don't feel like I can do that by using a bunch of worn out clichées.

There's nothing wrong with identifying with or communicating through specific words and phrases. But using them indiscriminately in a place where they are so common place is like writing an entire book IN ALL CAPPED LETTING ONLY FROM START TO FINISH. IT STARTS OUT OKAY - THEN IT JUST GETS ANNOYING AND IN THE END IT IS NEAR IMPOSSIBLE TO READ AND MAKE ANY SENSE OF. AT LEAST IN MY OPINION.

What's YOUR thoughts on this?

3/7/2010 8:28:36 AM
I should mention that when I say that I am not easily impressed, you might want to read that as:

"oneliners feed my block button".  

I really don't have patience for or interest in those who don't have time to offer me better than that.

Which is good news for those of you who DO make an effort. I do so enjoy your company. Thank you!

 Age: 46
 Derbyshire, United Kingdom