I never know what to say in these things...filling out a simple box at this moment wouldnt do my thoughts, ideas and who I am justice....if you want a peek inside my mind....look through my journal. Thats the real me....

oh and...

wouldnt you like to be a pepper too?
3/9/2014 8:47:15 AM

Thank you again for reminding me how rude and short people can be on this site.

8/15/2013 7:18:45 AM
A man or a woman decides that what they truly want, what they truly need from a relationship or a connection is to give, is to please, is to make your every desire become a reality, to make your life easier and all you have to say is "my needs are important, not yours" or "this is about me, not you".....and then you can sit there and complain about the fakes lol! Seriously now?!
4/20/2013 3:14:42 AM

I find it amazing how listing yourself as a 'nasty dirty skanky tramp' appeals to anyone

4/22/2012 3:19:55 PM

Oh how things have changed.....

3/25/2012 8:46:48 AM

It disturbs me to see the number of people either looking for someone who is married, or are married and they're looking to fool around....doesnt anyone value the institution of marriage anymore?  Doesnt anyone hold any value to what a vow is anymore?


Exclusions do apply for those who do inform their SO as to what they are seeking and have been given the blessing to do so.  Or for those who are seeking another with their partner.  Not my thing, but it's something that isnt hidden from the one they gave their vow to.

3/20/2012 4:38:01 AM

I find it extremely amusing and slightly hypocritical when someone on this site expecting financial handouts calls others fake lol....


Dont get me wrong, I believe there is a validity in financial tribute, gifts, and the like.  However much like actual submission itself, I believe it's something meant to be given freely and not demanded of.  If you demand your sub give you something....havent you negated its intent and its meaning even before the tribute hits your hands??

3/10/2012 9:49:00 PM

ya know....looking around this wonderful site...i see some very entertaining quotes and tidbits in people's profiles\journals....


i am seriously considering yoinking some of the more stranger ones....lord knows theres plenty of them

2/13/2012 6:46:10 PM

....and you HAVE to look pissed off in your pic?  Is that somehow more Domineering? I dont get it ....

2/13/2012 6:22:46 PM

Alright, Ive got something to say.  This is in regards to the Dominant women who believe they have the right and have risen above the need to care about what their partner wants.  I hate to break it to you, but we're all in this for a reason.  We all WANT something...and anyone who tells you they dont want any pleasure is lying to you.  Any relationship, kink or otherwise is about give and take not take and take....thats bullshit and anyone with self respect wouldnt go for it.  I'm not saying that you shouldnt expect a submissive to want to please and want to give....he or she absolutely should....i believe a true submissive is service and pleasure oriented, but not giving a thought to about what makes someone you are preparing to be intimate with tick or the ideas and scenes they have playing out in their mind, in my opinion makes you selfish (i think this idea is what bothers me most...if someone is going to give you all they have isnt it appropriate to at least give a shit about what they want? or desire? or imagine? )....In my humble *snickers* opinion, eventually if you continue to take and take, that person who gives and gives will soon get tired of giving....

 Age: 53
  North Dakota