
WolfK - photo 1
WolfK - photo 2
WolfK - photo 3
Seeking tough but submissive bisexual tomboy country girl with old fashioned Christian values, a logical down to earth brain and a kinky/masochistic streak. Also we are seeking a plump and or petite domestic babygirl. So, to sum it up one soft butch tomboy with a submissive masochistic streak for her big Daddy, a protective but obedient side for her mommy and a desire to lovingly dominate soft babygirls and not so lovingly dominate mouthy vanilla women. And we want at least one soft sweet cute babygirl to bring sunshine to our house. Homely, plump, muscular, flat chested, big butt or irregular natural tits are a bonus. No drugs (including tobacco), diseases, divorcees or doubters. Christians only. Come live in a trailer way back in the woods and be wife and slave to me and my other women. Form a line ladies, no cutting or shoving. Wolf Kelishian on facebook
12/6/2014 8:28:11 PM
Dominance isn't some chick defined seduction game, being willing and able to use superior force to obtain what is desired and to refuse what is not, that is dominance.

I seek willingness only because reluctance is unworthy of me and a turn off, but once acceptance of my terms has been acknowleged, the rest it up to me and I will use all necessary force to insure it is so.

Why is someone like me still seeking after meeting so many so called 'slaves'? Because I find that most 'slaves' consider me 'too dominant' and I reject such weak minded game players. Once with me you really ARE property and I WILL overpower and DOMINATE you, if you cant deal with that then don't come to me with your play submission. When you enter this Wolf's den, playtime is over.

And all you dizzy spoiled cows and make-believe 'doms', you don't define jack fiddle diddle, dominance defines itself, so don't come at me with your delusions and your 'rules', if you could'nt pull off you politics and posing in a prison full of violent criminals then it is a farce and you are a joke.
12/5/2014 12:44:58 PM
Sure are a lot of people who need a backhand here, including a lot of 'doms' who tolerate unacceptable behavior from women just because they are thinking with their dicks. Grow up, be men, stop worshiping these attention whores. Dont send mail to every bitch you see, it just inflates their empty heads to the point of rendering them useless. Just pick the ones who seem sincere and have a respectful attitude and let the others rot.
12/5/2014 11:10:09 AM
The word "slutty" is a turn off to this big Daddy. We like 'horny' girls but only want girls who will be loyal to Momma and I and who will be modest in public, not "sluts".