
I am a straight up unified Original Gangsta! Jammin Josh is That One Guy who will always be there, He is open minded , Smart, searching for hope. He will make you laugh in any situation day or night. He will always listen, he lives life to the edgem He is down to earth and open. The man is a riot, hilarious to hangout with and the key to attention, Clown know it all and a hard head. There never a time to be down or unhappy near him. Now, all of this hasn't been said to boast him. I think it's to acknowledge him for no doing everything for himself but for the quality of life for those around him. He packs up all his feelings, frowns and fears, sadness and dismay, Sorrow and pain, and coves it all up with a big grin for you.  To make you smile, to help you, to listen to you, to make you feel better when you're down.  This is a man with a mask, This is a man with a huge heart, This is a man who's brave, strong and afraid.  I get excessively drunk at inappropriate times, disregard social norms, indulge every whim, Ignore the consequences of my actions, mock idiots and posers and just generally at like a raging dick head. but, I do contribute to humanity in one very important way, I share my adventures with the world.. My name is Josh.. and I am an asshole.
 Age: 26