
8/29/2017 2:24:42 AM
An owner isn't the next step. If it was, you'd have one. The next step is doing something that scares you; knowing you. I don't mean concepts like being a slave or how to be good at sucking cock or how to dress or stand or walk, though all those things have their place.

No, what I mean is that you know yourself. Right now, you and your passions are like trains passing in the night. Occasionally you recognise something, glimpse a thing or face that means something or carries weight and meaning, Occasionally you see something that makes sense. But mostly, it's a blur of half remembered passions and fears and hopes and desires and strengths and weaknesses.

The desire to serve has been in you probably since you were a child and it's never really been seen fully in the light. Mostly because you've spent too long being defined BY others, FOR others. You say slavery isn't dungeons and mindless obedience, and I wholly agree. But we differ on what it is.

In my world, slavery is a girl devoting herself to Him. Capital H. And that devotion is also knowing that she elevates him, or should do, by being in his life. His reach grows because she is with him. He presence, yes. Her sexuality and sensuality, absolutely. Her willingness and submission, of course.

But also her intelligence, her experience, the things she can bring, can offer and lay at his feet that are uniquely hers and, now, uniquely his. She enriches him. A true slave stands by His side. She doesn't kneel because neither of them need to see her there to know what she is.

Because underneath quaint little notions that don't stand up beyond the intensity of passion like property and being owned, are bigger ideas and greater purposes. Beyond all the words like slave and submissive and girl and whore and slut and princess and a hundred and one others, is one title truly worth aspiring to that few ever seem to...

8/23/2017 11:54:59 PM

Your problem is you're torn between wanting to be defined BY a Him, and wanting to be defined FOR a Him. What you hope for is to find the one who can both define you and define you just for Him. You seek to be unique, to be entirely his creation and property and to live accordingly. Make sense?

The problem is you don't really know who you are for YOU. You carry the baggage and scars of past experiences where you gave too much to someone who wasn't worth it and that's made you afraid of giving yourself over again. You feel depleted, jaded... worn down even.

What you don't understand is that until you know yourself, you're not qualified to judge what you need, only what you want... and they're two VERY different states of mind. Only exploring yourself deeply, on your terms and with your purpose in mind, will you understand who's actually inside you trying to get out. All you know now is who you DON'T want to be, which is essentially who you are. You don't know what you DO want to be, only that you want to be... something... for Him.

There's a disconnect there. What you actually need is the safety and security to just... explore yourself and learn what's underneath all the scar tissue and fear and insecurity.

8/1/2017 4:33:58 PM
I just don't know what happened to putting the person before the acts. Drawing out a laundry list of needs and expectations just seems to put up a wall between two people communicating and just... getting to know each other. I don't understand what it achieves. In my experience, most subs and slaves here have come to this place to find another way, another path. They don't want the life they had because it's not them, it's just become like an ill-fitting suit. 
They come here in the hope of living differently, of being redefined both for themselves and for and by another. That, to me, has always seemed like submission; putting yourself in the hands of another for both your benefit. And, in turn, dominance is about encouraging her to be what's in her, to open up and let it out. To feel and speak and listen and talk and learn and teach.
People change, and nothing changes people like other people; we come here to find the one or ones we can change with.
6/21/2017 1:02:31 PM
In my experience, people are used to building walls. I like to show her that she can come out from behind them. I don't bludgeon them down, I don't ignore them, I don't go around or over them. They're there for a reason; fear, doubt, insecurity, self-loathing, lack of self esteem or confidence or belief, or maybe just a fear of, finally, being seen truly for the first time, maybe even by her own eyes.

It's not for me to tear them down and it's not for her to, either. But if I can help her step out from behind them and then not need to retreat back there but instead walk further away, then she can turn and look on what she once thought of as so vital to her well-being and see and feel the progress she has made.

It's not enough to get closer to where and who you want to be. You also have to get further away from all the things you want to leave behind.
6/18/2017 4:29:01 AM
So many here seem convinced they're something different... special... that somehow the mold was broken when they were created. The trouble is it gives them an ego that's built on insecurity, that insidious by-product of having lived a life they no longer want and feeling like they're somehow not good enough for the life they do.
Which in turn feeds in to a deep sense of inadequacy and a complete inability to just lower their head and state the truth; you have no idea what to do with your life, your self or your submission.
And until you admit that, you never will.
6/11/2017 4:32:52 PM
No choice comes without consequence. Stay as you are and you remain unfulfilled and, in many ways, irrelevant when compared to the other choice, to embrace change and evolution. 
Of course, change and evolution might cost you everything you have, and more besides, but it might also lead to somewhere truly worth going to. 
Both have downsides. 
Both have upsides. 
Sitting there pondering that is effectively stopping yourself making a choice because while you're doing all that pondering, you're staying as you are. All the 'but I'm trying to learn so I can make an informed decision' is just so much self-serving bullshit. You're treading water, soaking up information that, even if it was relevant, you're not going to allow to truly affect you.
Make the choice. 
Stand by it. 
Prepare to regret it, hope you don't. 
That's all there is. 
If you choose to stay as you are, leave places like this well alone. If you choose to evolve, be prepared for your current world to begin to fall apart, one way or another. 
Change is a hard and remorseless path to take and, by definition, it leads to places unknown that, unless you commit to the journey fully and without hesitation, will at best freeze you in place or at worse make you run back the way you came, determined to try and salvage something from the life you never wanted in the first place.
3/9/2017 4:55:21 PM

Slaves absolutely have choice, and every time they kneel and serve, obey and accept their Master's will, they reaffirm that they have chosen him.
There is no greater honor for either.

3/6/2017 2:15:49 AM
I've always thought trust issues are something most of us have in one form another. In running from someone else's, maybe people are running from their own. I think they're like scars; proof of life lived, if that makes sense. And like scars, they're never pleasantly earned.
2/28/2017 10:47:56 AM

I think mostly submissives and even slaves come here hoping to meet their true selves because the reality is submissives often barely know who they are, or want to be or could become. Submission is a very outward looking mindset; it doesn't really exist for the benefit of the submissive, but instead seeks to be validated by how it can be of benefit to another.

As a result, when the submissive looks inwards it's common for her to only see shifting shadows, fog and the occasional illuminating flash of lightning. But even that clarity can often shows her things she doesn't recognise or understand or is actually comfortable knowing might be within her. True darkness is, after all, just that; dark, unknown and forbidding. Without another to shine a light, to put it all in context, what's left is a palpable fear of the unknown... and that unknown resides inside her, is part of her and yet can feel utterly alien nonetheless.

So when submissives and slaves look for a connection, what they really seek is someone to make sense of them, someone who can see them as they are and see what they may become and then help them make the journey.

The trouble is that the submissive needs and wants to invest so deeply into that someone that it can end up simply expecting to become all things to them, regardless of if they are actually able to. Submission itself can become so intoxicated at the thought of who they serve, it overlooks or ignores or simply doesn't see the price such service comes with.

When you mix that in with a relentless outwards focused desire like pure submission, the result is a lot of baggage, like low self-esteem, lack of self-worth, inadequacy, fear of failure, fear of feeling or appearing stupid, to name just a few. Then the submissive can end up almost desperately willing to take what that special someone says as gospel, especially if it ties in with that baggage.

If you believe you're worthless anyway, someone who matters to you telling you they think the same thing can both crush any sense of self-determination in a girl, while also pushing her to believe that, without him, she might never have anyone ever again and so she'd better do better, try harder, give more, offer more. And so the collar that should signify trust and growth and learning and service and sacrifice and growth and all of those glorious things, sudden gets tighter... and tighter... and tighter still. And in time the submissive can barely breathe enough to stay alive.

And so her service comes from fear, not love and from a place of desperate futility and not one of passionate hope.

1/22/2017 5:25:06 PM
Opinions are like assholes; everyone's got one.
1/1/2017 6:28:33 PM
In my experience, reality blunts fantasy because it starts from the viewpoint of control.

We can do X, Y, Z but not A, B, C as a default. some things are off limits. Some things are too scary, too dark, too confronting. But that doesn't change the fact that, deep inside, lurks a glint of curiosity to explore such paths and purposes. Fantasy is where you go to do so.

And the thing I find is that once those things are found and accepted and embraced, the boundaries by which the desired reality is subsequently defined are much different.

But mostly, upon finding those darknesses inside themselves, people run a mile. Its one thing to have a glint, because that can be denied or ignored, but when that glint is revealed as a blinding source of desire and need and light that casts a shadow over what we say we want in reality, that can be a hard thing to accept.

So most choose not to because taking those things from fantasy into reality, even in a small way, changes the fundamentals of how we live and behave. It changes how we see the world and how we respond to what we see.

It changes who looks back at us when we stand in front of mirror. 
12/29/2016 8:23:03 AM
At some point you have to accept that no matter how much you may want the path, sometimes it's just not there to be walked. Essentially you're chasing a mirage, a chimera. You know what it looks like, maybe even sounds like and perhaps you tasted it in some way, small and undefinable or large and all-consuming. But regardless, you're chasing smoke and mirrors. What you want doesn't exist beyond those small glimpses of a halt lit dream.
And if that's the case, then at some point you're just flogging a dead horse, wasting your time, the only any of us have that can truly be called priceless.
So I think the new year will be one of seeing futility and acting accordingly.
Time to look for a different path.
11/21/2016 11:58:53 AM

The submissive chooses who and how she serves.

The slave simply chooses who.

To the submissive, how she serves is based at least partly and often predominantly on her own tastes. 
A slave doesn't think that way. She is focused on his responses to her service, not her own. 
Thus, her pleasure and fulfillment comes as a direct consequence of his.

A submissive will always see her service as something that is for her to enjoy; self-service.
A slave will not. Her submission exists for him, for his pleasure and fulfillment. And that way she begins to know him, deeply and darkly and intimately, to see the truth of him and, in doing so, discover the same of herself. 

A slave does not exist without a master nor a master without a slave. Each is created by the other.


The slave goes into her service thinking about what he might ask of her and if she can provide it. She enters eyes wide open to the likelihood that she will be pushed and challenged, that she will have to learn and adapt and that she will have to confront and get past her own perceptions of her capabilities. 
A submissive would just shrug, say 'not for me' and walk off.


And if that's true, then both slave and master seek his pleasure and fulfillment first. Hers, as I said, comes from providing it. That's all.

11/3/2016 2:16:40 PM
And there's nothing wrong with rambling. Here's one of mine...

The female orgasm has fascinated me for a lifetime. One of the things I take joy in is orgasm control with the submissive. But I don't believe in orgasm denial. This is what I do.

For a start, the girl is very rarely restrained for me. I think a lot of restraint is done either for show or as a 'no questions asked' kind of control. To restrain is to take away the need for the girl to show self control. If I say, for instance, the girl will get 20 of the cane, and then I restrain her, she's getting the 20 precisely as I give them. To me, that's bland.

What I prefer is to have the girl stand by a table (for instance), put her hands on the top, push her ass out, feet and legs in a position I find pleasing (which may be comfortable or not - balance and poise are wonderful training aids in themselves), and then I tell her this...

There will be 20 strokes of the cane. You will count them. If you lose count, we start again. If you move your feet in any way I find excessive, we start again. If you lift your hands from the table, we start again. If you make what I find excessive noise, we start again.

And that's it. Lots of leeway for me, lots of opportunity for self control for her. Does she try and keep herself in check? Does she try and push the envelope? We'll find out.

What I don't say is where the cane strokes will land, that I will only keep her in that one position, how long I will take to deliver them, and what else I might get up to.

So now we're into pain vs pleasure. 

First thing I do is stimulate the girl. Fingers, a toy, whatever. Maybe penetration or maybe clit. A wand is especially good because it allows distance. I can stand there having all the effect in the world while seeming aloof and perfectly in control in word and deed. And I stimulate her until she's very aroused and she admits she wants, needs even, to cum.

And then I pick up the cane. Maybe ass, maybe backs of her thighs, maybe the soles of her feet. Maybe one or two, maybe 5. Hard but not brutal. 

This is discombobulation (excellent word!). Sexual passion and hunger is suddenly pushed back into it's box by the abrupt shift of stimulus and, of course, pain. And once the pleasure has ebbed right back, cane goes down and the wand comes back.

And this repeats. And at some point, almost always (and if not, no big deal), she will lose count. Or she will move. Or she will... something. 

And we start again. And we start the whole thing again. Pain, pleasure, pain, pleasure.

And by the end, we create this...

The pleasure inevitably leads to pain.
The pain inevitably leads to pleasure.

Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss.

And by the end, both are friends and both are foes. 

And what is often forgotten is that getting to the end of the 20 earns her the release, full and without shame. She gets her orgasm, to cum, but what she also gets is the most basic motivation of all; carrot and stick. In short, she earns it. And what I get is to begin to show the girl that pain can be a joy and pleasure a misery. 

What I get to show her is that, underneath it all, I decide the what, how, when and, most importantly, why of what she feels.

And that, to me, is control.
11/3/2016 1:30:04 PM

I think submission pushes the submissive to want to know the other. All the better to serve them, kind of thing. But I've always felt that she should first know herself, and that in doing so she can then begin to serve herself before she tries to serve anyone else.
And the more she knows herself, the more she looks inwards and understands and, more importantly, accepts the nature and truth of her submission, the more she can understand and, more importantly, accept the nature and truth of the dominance she seeks.
It's just, there are so many layers here, so many levels of intensity. From occasional kink to an absolutely all devouring way of life, what's needed and wanted can always be found. But if you don't know WHAT you need and want, then more it's more likely you'll end up where you don't belong, and so that overwhelming hunger for place and purpose won't be fed, let alone sated.
And down that road, misery awaits.
Nosce te ipsum, and all that.

10/25/2016 1:10:29 PM
The world we live in is sanitised and bland, smoothed out for mass consumption. There are morals and ethics and standards. We are meant to behave this way, say these things, follows these rules. You know what I mean. We are meant to conform. To fit in.
We come here because we don't.
We come here because we do not belong there.
We come here in the hope we will find where we do belong.
And in doing so we will, inevitably, push ourselves further out over that precipice until one day we will fall. Not because we got careless and slipped, but because we chose to. We couldn't resist anymore. We needed to know.
And the more we learn about who we are and can be, the less inclined we are to be who we were and already know.
And the latter is who everyone else in our lives know, too. They don't know much if anything of the 'other' you, the potential you-that-could-be. You hid it from them, wore a mask and kept it from stepping into the light. It's ok, we all do it.
But once you step off into the unknown, they will see it and as they do they will know two things; the first is that they don't know you very well after all and the second is that you always wanted to be something other than who you were for them.
10/21/2016 1:11:25 PM

No choice comes without consequence. Stay as you are and you remain unfulfilled and, in many ways, irrelevant when compared to the other choice, to embrace change and evolution.
Of course, change and evolution might cost you everything you have, and more besides, but it might also lead to somewhere truly worth going to.
Both have downsides.
Both have upsides.
Sitting there pondering that is effectively stopping yourself making a choice because while you're doing all that pondering, you're staying as you are. All the 'but I'm trying to learn so I can make an informed decision' is just so much self-serving bullshit. You're treading water, soaking up information that, even if it was relevant, you're not going to allow to truly affect you.
Make the choice.
Stand by it.
Prepare to regret it, hope you don't.
That's all there is.
If you choose to stay as you are, leave places like this well alone. If you choose to evolve, be prepared for your current world to begin to fall apart, one way or another.
Change is a hard and remorseless path to take and, by definition, it leads to places unknown that, unless you commit to the journey fully and without hesitation, will at best freeze you in place or at worse make you run back the way you came, determined to try and salvage something from the life you never wanted in the first place.

10/10/2016 11:51:13 PM

I don't care how many people demand that someone prove themselves worthy of trust, it cannot be done. Trust is not quantifiable. There's no point where someone untrustworthy tips the scales and suddenly ticks a box to become trustworthy.
Either you trust them or you don't and arguably that decision has less do with how they behave towards you than it does with how you perceive them. When it comes to trust, perception is really everything.
Trust is a choice and that choice is constantly being validated, over and over again right up until the point where the trust is betrayed. That can happen so quickly it takes your breath away, or it can take time, blindsiding you on some quiet Tuesday afternoon when all seems right in your world and in reality you're seconds away from someone you loved and believed in tearing your playhouse down with what seems like sadistic glee.
And of course, that betrayal of trust may never happen. We've all got friends we've known for a lifetime that we wouldn't share certain truths of ourselves with. Conversely, we've all met someone soon felt instinctively we can simply open up to. I daresay that over time we've been proven both right and wrong in each of those cases.
But regardless, they don't prove themselves worthy of trust. We choose to trust them, or choose not to, and we do so on a gut level, instinctive and often irrational. I'd argue that actually the more a person tries to convince us of their trustworthiness, the least trustworthy they seem.
To paraphrase Shakey, sometimes the lady doth protest too much, you know?

9/23/2016 2:14:24 PM
Submission is kind of useless to a submissive. It doesn't exist for their benefit; it exists to be a benefit to another. That's it's validation.
A man reaches for things beyond his grasp. You are there to help him reach further. You are there to provide things he cannot find with any other. 
And what do you get? You get to be so utterly needed, so wholly consuming and addictive that he need keep no secrets from you, tell no lies but instead come to you for everything, be that spiritual, emotional, mental, physical or sexual. You get to be a soul mate to him and he to you. And then it transcends dom and sub, and becomes Master and slave. One without the other does not exist. One with the other is breathtaking.
Remember, you are safe with him. You are not safe from him.
You cannot hold back on this, cannot try and think it through. There's no logic, no process and no idiots guide. You come here to find the place and purpose of your life, the purpose of it. You learn and listen, ask and understand, and offer what you wish to whomever you wish. Shame, guilt, fear, insecurity need to be left at the door. They are useless here and bringing them with you will make you useless too. This is above such things, beyond them. This is something pure and elemental. 
9/17/2016 5:01:53 AM
CS isn't particularly dark. People are dark, places are just badly lit if you take my meaning. 
I meant if certain things resonate with you, your head is drawn to a dark place. There are other things that might affect you similarly but with different themes. But you seem drawn to giving yourself to (or being taken by) something, or someone, bigger. You seem to have an ache for the life you have to not be yours, but instead belong to another who tells you what you live for, and why, and how. Control ceded, one way or another, in every way possible.
You feel trapped in the prison of the life you have, and find yourself drawn to living life as a prisoner, as a slave... as property. Yes?
If so, that's likely messing with your head. But just remember, we don't choose our life. We just... grow into it. Incrementally. Bit by bit. Slowly. Over time. And it's so gradual, we often don't see who we've become until we're unrecognisable to ourselves.
And so the allure of CHOOSING to live a very different kind of life, of CHOOSING to serve, to give yourself to another, to be made as he wants you, for his purposes and pleasure... is seductive and intoxicating. Freedom often is, and using that freedom to choose to serve in a way those in your life simply wouldn't, and probably couldn't, understand... 
Well... you tell me. How does that make you feel?
9/13/2016 11:29:56 PM
True fear rarely leads to excitement. True fear of the unknown is less about what's going to happen so much as what the girl will be do or say or think or feel in order for it to stop. That's what fear mostly is; knowing things are out of your control and having no idea what you can do to stop that inexorable, inevitable slide into the dark recesses in the mind of the one who does have the control.
Excitement from fear usually comes from little more than not knowing what he might do from a pre-approved list of all the things the submissive has agreed he can do. That's the trouble with modern D/s; it forgets that true service means true sacrifice. 
Or, as I like to put it, the girls is safe with me. She is not safe from me.
9/13/2016 12:53:05 AM
Of course you're a doormat, and many other things beside. You're a submissive, maybe even with aspirations to be slave. You'd be willing to do, say, think, endure, embrace and feel anything. 

But only when handled well, when led and taught and trained and told. Only when you understand and accept your place and purpose can you fulfill it. 
9/9/2016 7:37:41 PM
Most littles tend to want to work on their colouring and My Little Pony collection before they work on their daddy. Gets tedious after a while, like all the Dom is there for is to validate their childish delusions of innocence rather than for them both to take that innocence and create something with it. But that's how it is with a lot of submissives these days; they're not looking for Dominant so much as an enabler. C'est la vie.
9/5/2016 5:41:47 AM
I don't mind so much what brings people to D/s, it's just they approach thinking they know themselves and what they want or are capable of. They talk about how they want to serve and be owned and be devoted and feel a connection, but then they seem to all have this laundry list of needs and expectations and demands.
And then they usually bleat on about how no-one wants them.
People need to remember this is learning, for him and her. Two people getting to know one another, getting to understand each other and, in doing so, form a true connection. It takes time. It takes patience. Mostly, it takes a curious and open mind.
Sadly, we live in a soundbite world. If it can't be summed up, turned into bullet points, made in to a fucking mission statement or fits on a t-shirt, most tend to get bored and move on to something that does.
And then they usually bleat on about how meaningless their lives are.
And amazingly, it's illegal to euthanize these people, or even just sterilize the particularly dim specimens.
8/31/2016 3:05:25 AM
In my mind, there are three levels of service. 

To start, there is the submissive, a girl exploring her submission, learning of herself even as she learns of those she serves. Her preferences, limitations, hopes, desires, fears, taboos, fantasies... all of it. Openly and with eyes wide open, the girl explores herself and, as she begins to embrace what she learns, begins to feel more comfortable in her own skin.
The submissive often stops there, at least for a while but sometimes for much longer, eager to simply enjoy herself and the effect she has on others. In this regard, it's not inaccurate to say that submissives at this level primarily seek to serve themselves, content to stay within their own expectations and sense of self than seek to be defined by and for another.

But for those that do seek more, who find that what they learn just makes them ache to learn more, they move on to explore becoming slave. There is a lot of misunderstanding about the role of slave. Words like 'doormat' and 'mindless', amongst others, get thrown around too easily and the role of slave is often denigrated as a result.
The first truth that needs mentioning is that becoming a slave is dependent on finding the Master worth becoming slave for. Whereas a submissive can exist for her own sake, a slave doesn't exist without a Master to be slave to, and nor can a Master truly be said to exist without a slave. 
The second truth is that becoming slave carries enormous responsibility and something else that erodes the power of a Master/slave relationship is how quickly they are entered into and how easily they fall apart. To be slave is to devote yourself to another, pure and simple. It is to seek his emotional, spiritual and sexual well-being and that to see to it he comes to you for all things, good or bad or indifferent. The slave does not exist simply to please or serve, to fuck and suck as required when required. She is there to become indispensable in his life and his world, to become someone he cannot and would not want to ever live without. In short, even as she must by definition become addicted to serving her Master, the slave herself becomes addictive to him by doing so.

And that leads to the third level of service, the Muse.
If becoming slave carries notions of kneeling and accepting a collar, to become a muse is to understand that such ideas are rendered obsolete. A muse does not kneel before her Master, she stands beside him. A muse does not need a collar because she doesn't just belong to him, she completes him, just as he completes her. They become joined, as close as two people can be, so close you'll never see daylight between them.
Their relationship becomes symbiotic, each feeding and sustaining the other, encouraging the other to push and explore and experience anything... everything.. without a thought to anything other than doing so together.
Always together. 

8/22/2016 1:44:16 AM
I don't believe in destruction. I don't believe in 'breaking' someone. I think such comments are infantile from either party. Those are concepts for a lot further down the track, if at all.

What most people need is a reason to believe and to trust. I think of it as the difference between being loved despite who we are and loved because of who we are. We all want the latter. Mostly, if we're lucky, we get the former. And if we're unlucky then the world hollows us out until we're so afraid of being seen, that the mask we wear becomes who we believe we are. We forget ourselves.
8/20/2016 3:09:38 PM

But to me, vulnerability is the point of all this; creating it, knowing how to use it, putting it to work, building something with it, even if it's simply the momentum of my girl feeling safe and secure in exploring it with me. In my experience there's too much emphasis on the physical and way, way too little on the mental.

I honestly believe that D/s is, for some people at least, less a fetish and more an incredibly powerful therapy. It's a way inside them that is able to shine a light on the deepest needs and most conflicting desires, the parts of us we most want to show to those who matter, but fear being rejected if we do.

Rope, crops, canes, wax, needles, wimples or onesies, whatever your 'thing' may be, that's all it is; a thing, and things have never much interested me. Our heads are often like one of those huge, rambling mansions that started off with actual plans and intentions but soon started to be changed and revised. Eventually we just started making it up as we went, putting extra rooms here and there, closing off this part of the building and opening up a brand new, shiny part to replace it. And then, at some point, we stopped, looked around and realised how far we'd strayed from the original plans, and their attendant hopes and expectations. 

Now, looking around, we only have the sketchiest memories of what might be locked up in the deepest parts of the house, hidden away even from us. What's in there is far more 'us' than what we ever easily show and, when we internalise that vulnerability, what we actually do is fill our head with all the things we *wish* we could let out, and *wish* we could talk about and *wish* we could trust someone enough to share.

Truth be told though, often we just don't like or trust ourselves that much and so we struggle to believe anyone else could either.

7/7/2016 10:53:30 PM

I'm old, so I'm prone alternately to bouts of wistfulness and bouts of being distinctly irritated. With regard to the first, while it's something of a cliche to look back at the past and see it through soft-focus, rose-tinted glasses as some kind of nirvana, the old adage feels more and more relevant as time goes by...

Things were different in my day.

And that ties into being irritated, often almost irrationally so.

You see, once upon a time submissives knew what the word meant, knew the responsibilities that went with it, knew what it demanded and what might be the consequences of embracing that place and purpose.

Back then, nobody with an IQ above their own shoe size thought submissives could ever be weak or trivial or could be taken for granted. The idea of a submissive as a doormat or an automaton or as having no choice... honestly, I have no idea what anyone would have thought of that idea back in the day. As far as my peers were concerned, submission was rare and to be cherished.

It was also meant to be put to use.

That is and always was the whole bloody point of it. Submission didn't exist on it's own terms for it's own reasons. It's to be created from, shaped and refined, custom fitted for the needs and benefit of the one lucky enough to call it theirs.

Submission belonged to her but it wasn't for her. It was for him. She choose who she gave it to but not what he did with it. That was collaborative. That was, well, the dynamic. Change. Evolution. And it was a journey taken together.

Because without him, submission has no place or purpose, and without her, neither does dominance. That was how it worked, you know? Parasite/parasite, feeding and sustaining each other, fulfilling each other, needing each other, reduced and diminished apart, consumed and intoxicated together, free to explore and share and confide and love and revel in the pure fucking joy and release of each other.

Able to just.. be.

But now? Now submission comes with clauses and caveats. It expects to be pandered to, for it to be the master of it's destiny, both leader and follower with the dominant reduced to little more than an enabler and life coach. Nowadays, submission seems focused on the experience of... whatever, but only on it's own terms, up to it's own boundaries and no further. What's presented as someone seeking what lies beyond the life they know quickly gets reduced to a fucking Meatloaf song; I'd do anything for love... but I won't do that.

And I'm tired of it. I'm tired of seeing the dance, the endless games of charades. So few commit, so few push themselves or allow themselves to be pushed and fewer still seek to find what lies on the other side of that horizon they keep staring at.
It's depressing as hell and they know it and they wish, fervently, they could reach out and grasp the nettle but they won't. Can't.

And the things is, they'll still be doing this in a year or two or three or ten, wasting the only thing of value any of us really has; time. Everything else is an irrelevance by comparison.

Because, and make no mistake here, submission has the power. Submission is the most desirable of commodities because submission is freedom and submission, to both sides, is breathtaking.

But too many wear 'submissive' as a way of identifying what is and not as a statement of intent. I think of how so many submissives express themselves and I'm reminded of those lottery winners who overnight add half a dozen zeroes to their bank account and insist it won't change them.

But then maybe things have changed and I'm just getting all Canute-y because I don't like it or recognise it. Maybe I'm a relic or, God forbid, a snob or elitist, but I've just always believed service is sacrifice. In it's simplest form, that's all it is but 'that' can be so much in the right hands.

But... something.

That's all I'm saying.

6/20/2016 5:01:17 AM
A submissive chooses how and who she serves.
A slave simply chooses who.

That, to me, is the essential difference between the two roles. To be slave is to be selfless, to put him and his needs, whatever they may be, entirely before your own. Why? Because he is your need, your one single and overwhelming passion. Everything else is a distant also-ran, as is everyone else.
You live for him. You devote yourself to him. And, in doing so, you become utterly essential in his world, fulfilling a role he never really understood he needed filled. In short, you complete him and he complete you. Apart, both of you were what you were. 

Together, you can become and create something exquisite and unique and entirely eternally, yours.
6/19/2016 2:25:58 PM

Nothing's set in stone. This - D/s, M/s, BDSM (sooo many acronyms ffs lol etc), the lifestyle if you must call it that (though please, don't) - is all fluid. As people we're not set in stone. In the most basic aspects of our lives we're reactive and rarely pro-active. We're variable. Fickle. This isn't any different at the start. The point is to move past that point.

The thing is, we're not encouraged by the world to do so, so we're kind of out of practice.

We're given a set menu of life and experiences and there's an implicit understanding we're not going to order off the list. So when we do, when we feel something calling us, we don't really know what to do with it. When that is primarily an emotional and sensual response to something almost intangible, it's even more dislocating. If you want to travel, you can. If you want to get a car, have a family, re-train for a career, take up a hobby, blah, blah, blah then that's all fine. There's ways to do it, guides to follow and advice readily available.

But if you want to explore you... that's so much harder to do. And so much less encouraged in anything but the most stereotypical ways. So believe me when I say, the most important thing to do is start. Somewhere, anywhere will do. But start. Open your mind, your legs if you want, but start. Planning for an unknown is like herding cats. Angry cats. Angry rabid cats. On an electrified floor. On Mars! No, that's silly. Took it too far there.

If it feels right, continue. If it doesn't then stop, re-orientate yourself, start again. Until you find someone who matters more than you because you say so, you are and should be the most important person in your world. Act accordingly.

6/13/2016 5:18:26 AM

Freshly towelled dry from her shower, wearing only a bathrobe and with her heart beating a little faster in anticipation, Alison unlocked the door to what had once been the spare room, and went inside. As always she secured the door behind her, leaving the key in the lock, and then stood and surveyed her space for a few seconds.

She did this for two reason, both of which had come from him. The first was to remember how far she'd come, how changed she was already, how different and evolved were her thoughts and desires already, and how much joy there was to experience, even in this limited environment.

The second was simply to make sure all was as all should be. The double bed with its simple but useful, black wrought iron headboard was central against the same wall as the door, a sheeted mattress over a mattress protector and several very firm pillows on top. At the foot of the bed, patiently waiting, was the high definition webcam fixed atop the old adjustable tripod Alison had got cheap at a yard sale. To the side of that was an adjustable wheeled hospital table that held her laptop, currently showing a procession of her favourite pictures as a screensaver. Extra long cables trailed away to wherever they needed to go, their length ensuring the table could be moved as needed.

On the far side of the bed was the wardrobe that had been in this room when Alison had moved in. Made of cheap veneer, it was decades old but it was solid and, once put to use, had served its purpose well. Alison oddly empathised with that wardrobe. Two single wardrobes flanked a small dressing table area with a plain wooden chair in front of it, another yard sale find.

She opened the wardrobes in turn. One held the tools, the other the clothes. Inside the tool side door hung the belts and collars Alison had bought but mostly made, a variety of thicknesses and widths and materials, but mostly leather. From hooks on the inside of the door hung the thin chains and cords for the clamps, again some bought but most repurposed things like bulldog clamps and even some heavy duty tradesman clamps. Alison didn't like those, though she did enjoy using those crudely brutal items despite not liking them. Service was sacrifice, after all.

There was also two drawers in the bottom of the tools side and this was where Alison kept the plugs and dildos and vibrators she'd accumulated over the years, almost all before meeting Him. A few other random items like lengths of rope and rolls of tape, a blindfold, a couple of gags... that sort of thing. There was even a pair of handcuffs, but they weren't to be used except for one specific situation. Next to them, like a partner in crime, was the pack of large freezer bags. She felt a little burst of liquid heat between her thighs as she thought, in fear and in desire both, of needing to use the handcuffs and the other items.

The clothes side was just that, the place Alison stored the things she only wore for him and only wore in this room. There wasn't a huge variety, but she could achieve most looks she wanted, from lingerie to full outfits to achieve certain looks. She liked dressing for Him very much and she carefully selected what she would wear that night.

Before she dressed, Alison set the messenger program on her laptop to auto-connect and pointed it where she would dress and get ready for Him. As she did so, she also looked around the room at the pictures, most post card sized and framed but some A4 size and Blue Takked in place, but all printed by her. They were, He had said, an important part of her training, that she should always be able to see representations of what they desired and aspired to, as well as a few images, stills captured by Him, of Alison serving. There was beauty there, but also depravity and the forbidden, things she would be dismissed for and others she would be condemned for. Displaying them so openly was still deliciously arousing.

Alison smiled to herself. Before Him, this had been a spare room for people who never came to see her. Now it was Their Place, a shrine almost, the room where They met, where they joined and shared something more intense than anything Alison had ever known. She hoped, desperately, that she gave him the service he deserved, that he was worthy of, for opening her eyes and helping her see the place and purpose she'd long yearned for and been terrified of.

They'd come so far but the journey was barely started.

The laptop chimed as He came online. Her heart skipped a little as she slid onto the bed, kneeling, head bowed, palms upturned on her thighs. She heard his breathing and closed her eyes in pure blissful anticipation of serving Him. Softly, she spoke.

'Allow this girl the strength to answer questions she cannot fathom...

Allow this girl the spirit to know his needs...'

As she spoke the prayer, love and need and devotion and willingness bloomed inside her and she felt, as she always did with Him, that she was Home.

6/11/2016 2:14:53 PM

I look forward to seeing her.
Presentation matters to me. Nudity, as I've said before, rarely appeals; I prefer my gifts wrapped. To my mind, there are few things finer than simply appreciating how a girl looks, from the overall effect of the outfit she has chosen for my eyes, right down to the details of how well, or otherwise, each item is worn. From lightly running fingertips over the swell of a breast, seeing and feeling the nipple stiffen through the fabric through to pressing the heel of my palm against her underwear, feeling the first bloom of arousal and anticipation, are singular delights I doubt I will ever tire of.

I look forward to holding her.
Standing behind her, an arm around her waist, holding her to me as my other hand wanders appreciatively. Tilting her head to the side, putting my mouth to the soft, warm flesh of her pale neck, reveling in the feel of her skin to my lips, feeling her breathing quicken and deepen as she pushes back against me in response, breathing in the scent of her, need growing.

I look forward to kissing her.
To laying down alongside her or even kneeling as she stands, hands running with increasing hunger, savouring the textures of her skin and the fabrics adorning her. Her hands on me now, her own passion responding with increasing confidence to my own. Her fingers in my hair, mine in hers, mouths meeting, greedy now, demanding and urgent. I feel her arc against me as her arousal seems to grow exponentially and press a hand between thighs that part at the first touch to find the thin material of her underwear saturated with the wet heat of her.

I look forward to wanting her.
As she begins to saturate my senses, something starts to waken in me. My fingers tighten in her hair, my other hand moving with more intent, hunger growing with desire. I can feel the pressure start to grow inside my head as I feel the shift, the warmth of desire beginning to turn into a red-eyed want. I look at her and see that she knows, that she feels this as well as I do. I see a flicker of uncertainty, perhaps even fear, flicker across her face but that just makes it worse. Need comes off her in waves and my fingers push past the fabric and sink into her, liquid heat enveloping them even as she arcs her back. My thumb presses home, eliciting a sharp intake of breath, and I know she's already hovering on the edge of the first fall.

I look forward to craving her.
Inside me, something dark and malevolent takes an unknown shape. It's not anger and it's not rage and yet, at the same time, it's very much both of those things. It's hard to describe, harder still to define but it's there and it's growing. She has to suffer for me, but I don't want her endurance or her tolerance. I don't want her to grit her teeth and get through all that's coming for her, like she's paying a penance. Acceptance isn't enough, either. What I want is to feel her embrace her place and purpose with me, see her sacrifice herself for me.

I look forward to tormenting her.
Seeing her face contort with pain as I simply twist and grip her flesh. Seeing dark tears run from the corners of her eyes as my cunt-soaked fingers push deep down her throat. Seeing the conflict of desire and trepidation as she rolls onto her front or rises to a desired position. Seeing the way she shudders with pain as she is struck, by hand or cane or strap, wherever I see fit to strike her.

I look forward to tormenting her, too.
Seeing her face contort in pleasure as my mouth closes greedily over her nipple, sucking and feeding. Seeing her eyes widen as I shove spit-slick fingers deep into her cunt, over and over and over. Seeing the intense need growing in her every movement and sound. Seeing the way she shudders with pleasure as she is given permission to step off the edge and fall, over and over, deeper and deeper.

I look forward to hurting her.
To once more laying with her, formerly urgent and harsh touches becoming slow and controlled. She's open now, vulnerable, all raw nerves and endorphins, and such opportunities are not to be wasted. So as my fingers and hands do their good work, so I whisper to her, of secrets and shames and of fear and doubts. I hold her accountable to what she perceives as her shortcomings and feel her resulting, almost physical, need to atone, to be punished and to pay a price, any price, for being the sinner that she is. Her punishment is slow, relentless stimulation, using her vulnerability to set the inadequacy she feels in her head against the undeniable arousal of her flesh. There can be no pain here, no cruel touch, because that's what she wants and feels she deserves. At this point, what she wants is of little more than passing interest to me. With slow, gentle kindness I will drag her to the edge and set her to fall, over and over. And on the way down, her guilt and shame at being unable to hold back and deny herself that release will send her racking with sobs.

I look forward to pleasuring her.
At some point I will sit her up or bring her to her feet, the movement less about position and more about creating a fire-break, drawing a line between two states of mind. Fingers will slide back into her hair and the grip will be savage, perhaps eye-wateringly so, as my stimulation of her becomes similarly harsh and seemingly uncaring. I will move her as I want, dragging her if need be, shoving and pulling her into whatever form pleases me. My hand will land across her face, sometimes a single heavy blow, sometimes a quick flurry of lighter impacts. Ass and breasts and thighs will mix and match with crop and cane and strap. But the language will be soft and adoring, whispering of her beauty in my eyes, of my trust and faith in her, of how intoxicates and seduces my senses, one by one, over and over. And she will fall with my encouragement as I lead her back to that edge, and let her fall, over and over until she is, finally, spent.

I look forward to loving her.
And then I will just wrap her in my arms and hold her while she sobs with the emotion and the trauma and the joy and the confusion and the intensity of it all. We will talk about whatever needs to be talked about and at some point the exhausted tension in her will begin to evaporate, the tears will dry up and she will smile and laugh.

And after all that, I simply look forward to being with her.

6/3/2016 1:17:14 AM
A Short Story - Not written fiction for a while. Feel free to let me know your thoughts...

She lay on her back as the man she called daddy lifted and spread her legs, resting himself against stocking clad thighs, the weight of him holding her back and open. He took himself in hand and she felt the tip of him nudge with blunt intent at her sex. He felt huge.

She turned her head to look at the woman laying alongside her, the one she now called mommy. This was the first night of their new family, of her new place and purpose in a world she'd felt increasingly alone in and alienated from. This house, and the life she would live in it, had felt like the answer to a question she'd never really understood, let alone asked.

It had been her new mommy who had shown the girl the bedroom that would be hers. Shown her the double bed with the O rings screwed into the posts and above the bed where there was also a mirror. It was, they had both said, very important for the girl to see herself serving as she was meant to. She saw the wardrobe, the drawers and the 'toy chest' as they'd described it and she had begun to feel the elevator in her stomach drop. It had felt almost perfection that she had found this, but now, seeing the physical proof of the life she would live and the world she would live it in, reality was taking the shine off her rose-tinted expectations.

A little later, after they had eaten their first family meal, the woman had told her it was time to get ready for bed and the girl had followed where she'd been led. In truth, she hadn't even thought about not following; the idea never occurred to her. Perhaps, she had thought, this was truly who and what she was meant for.

The woman had cleaned her, inside and out, an intensely invasive and personal experience that had left her feeling ashamed, faintly violated and intensely, almost absurdly aroused. It wasn't really what was done to her, so much as how it had been done, with precious little thought of how she might feel and a lack of intimacy that bordered on indifference. But that had changed when, once dried, the woman had helped her dress for her first night in the new house.

They had gotten ready side by side, the woman keeping a critical but not unkind eye on the girl's progress, correcting this, adjusting that, stressing the importance of detail and that there was a right way and a wrong way to prepare for her daddy but that she would learn. One way or another, the woman had assured her with a knowing smile, she would learn.

When, finally, both were presentable to the woman's standards, the girl had been led to the bedroom where the man waited. He had praised them, inspected them, tasted them and the girl had thanked her daddy, feeling a kind of hot, liquid clench as she heard words she'd said many times suddenly take on more weight than she had ever known words could have.

And now here she was... her first night. Her new mommy, her new daddy. Her new life. Her new place. Her new purpose. Her new world.

And he felt huge and fear prickled against the balloon of her delicious, almost reluctant arousal. So she had looked to her mommy and the woman saw the fear, saw the doubt and uncertainty and, in response, gripped the girl's hand in hers and kissed her forehead.
'He's too big, mommy,' the girl said and the woman smiled.

'Sshhh, angel. It'll be okay, I promise. You'll see. What kind of little girl would you be if it didn't hurt the first time your daddy fucked you?'

And at that the woman had smiled, turned to look at the man and nodded. The girl felt a brief second or two of intense pressure and then he was in. The agonised wail that rippled up from inside her was choked off as the woman's mouth pressed onto her own, nimble and greedy tongue between parted lips.

Later, when the man and the woman were lying in their own bed, they slept the sleep of the well fed and sated. The girl, restrained and lying in the dark, feeling whatever she was feeling, cried a little before sleep took her. But, when she awoke, she found herself wet, aroused and feeling strangely at home for the first time in her life.

And all was at it should be.

5/26/2016 5:44:45 AM

None so deaf as those that will not hear. None so blind as those that will not see.
Matthew Henry

You can't educate pork.

5/25/2016 1:29:14 PM

The idea of the slave as having no choice is as inaccurate as it is pervasive. To be slave is to absolutely retain choice, to absolutely have an opinion and a voice. It's just that your primary concern is his well-being and satisfaction. I would argue that the choice of a slave is more important and passionate than that of a submissive for that very reason.
I have always found that a submissive chooses how and who she serves; a slave simply chooses who.
The love and service of the slave is pure and true. Nothing and no-one gets in the way of it and it is not there by default. To be slave she needs her master. The reverse is that to be master, he needs his slave. They are different sides of the same coin and what they share is uniquely and exquisitely theirs, and theirs alone.
That's all. I just cannot abide the common belief of the slave as some kind of unthinking robot without choice or voice when in truth she is the polar opposite of such a creature.

5/21/2016 7:59:58 PM
The most depressing aspect of this is how some people define truth. So many here are effectively stumbling around their own personal darkness. They're lost, often intimidated and sometimes even afraid of what they'll find lurking in that darkness, and what they'll then find out about themselves. Nonetheless they insist they want to be shown their true selves and their true natures. 
But what they actually want, is for what they're shown to conform to what they expect. For someone stumbling around in the dark, too many have already constructed their ideal expectation of what they'll see when the lights are turned on. As a dominant, you're invited to conform to them, to what they want and think and feel, and not the other way round. In the common parlance, it's topping from the bottom. To be more blunt, it's cowardice masquerading as submission.
At the end of the day, and as I have written before, we are who we are, and whilst change isn't impossible, is that what we've really come to a place like this for? To be changed? Or have we actually come here to be revealed... and accepted... and embraced. And perhaps, as we find those things in another we may learn to find the same feelings in ourselves.
It's one thing to be afraid of what lurks in the dark, but too many are afraid of what they might see when someone turns the lights on.

5/20/2016 2:49:04 PM

If she wants me to hurt until she can take no more and then to give her more anyway, that's ok. That's an act. If she wants to say or hear things she's afraid of, that make her curl up and almost visibly shrink into herself with shame and inadequacy, that's ok. That's an act.

But if she wants them because she believes that's all she's fit for, that she deserves them through her own sense of inadequacy, because she feels shit and wants to feel shittier, if that's her why, then that's not ok. Those things in isolation, as the whole point of the thing, I'm not interested in. They diminish us both.

Don't get me wrong, I've no issue with taking her to those dark places and for all those dark reasons because in the end we need and want what we need and want, but there are two conditions; the first is we get there my way and the second is she can't stay.

These are not the kind of places you should spend time in, but I understand all too well the desire and undeniable ache to visit, but you should always have a return ticket and never, ever go alone.

Getting stranded or abandoned there isn't good for mind or body in my experience.

5/15/2016 11:54:01 PM

Suffering isn't about what I do to her, it's about what she wants to say or do or feel as a result, and there is nothing (literally) that's on the no-fly list. What I want, as simplistic and vaguely cliche as it sounds, is her freedom. I don't want her to need all those defense mechanisms and security measures. I don't want her to feel the need to censor herself or hide something away from me through insecurity or fear. Pleasure or pain, dream or nightmare, I want it.

So many times I've seen so much going on in the eyes, that internal dialogue of thoughts and images that are often little more than abstract little fragments, and I want them. The things that flow through our heads in the deepest, darkest throes of pleasure can be anything from terrifyingly intimate to utter gibberish, like a livestream of a hallucination. Don't care... I want it.

And why do I want this? Because I want *all of her*. I want her to know, not just to see and believe but to absolutely fucking *know*, that she is welcomed and wanted here, with me, entirely and with all her strengths and weaknesses, her virtues and vulnerabilities known and embraced. I've never found much joy being inside someone's body; it's being in their mind that intoxicates me.

5/12/2016 12:37:18 AM

BDSM, D/s, SM, M/s, M&S, NQR and any other acronyms I've missed has been part of my life, one way or another, for as long as I can remember. But saying that, most of what I see these days seems to lack joy, let alone purpose. I mean everyone to their own, but there seems to me far too much emphasis on spectacle and not enough on intimacy. If you want to understand rope or using a cane or making pretty patterns with needles, the resources are there, from beginner to expert. But if you want to understand the person, then as far as I can see that's not covered in the How-To sections.

The common reply here is to say that rope, canes or needles are the tools that you use to understand the person, but I've never been convinced by that argument. It's seems to me like saying you use a mallet and chisel to understand wood, but in both cases all you're doing is using the tools to force something to exist, not understand it.

And the answer to *that* is that it's a flawed comparison because wood doesn't answer back, to which I can only shrug and say that, as far as I've seen, quite often nor does the person those tools are being used on.

5/6/2016 2:59:18 PM

You don't serve by learning acts or things. You serve by learning about you, your strengths and weaknesses, how to present yourself, how to dress and talk and behave in a variety of ways and how to recognise when to use each one. You learn how to crave his pleasure more than your own, how to feed off of his desires and needs and gain your sustenance and validation from providing for him.
You learn how to step outside of your own sense of self, your own comfort zones, how to see where your gifts lie, yes, but also how to see that often you limit yourself based on morality or ethics and not knowledge and truth. You cannot truly embrace and serve another until you can embrace and serve yourself. You do that by increasing your knowledge about and confidence in yourself.
The desire to serve is one thing, but being ready and able to serve is entirely another.

5/3/2016 12:36:15 AM
I think mostly we come here hoping to meet ourselves, and are looking for someone we can believe in and trust enough to make the introductions.

The trouble is that we have to invest so deeply into that someone that we end up taking their word for who and what they see us as. When you mix that in with the contents of all that baggage we drag around with us, like low self-esteem, lack of self-worth, inadequacy, fear of failure, fear of looking like an idiot to name a fraction, then we can end up alarmingly willing to take what that special someone says as gospel, especially if it ties in with our self-perceptions.

We take them to heart and, in lieu of anything or anyone to say otherwise, we wear someone else's opinions like the badly fitting hand-me-downs they are.
4/30/2016 11:25:27 PM

Dominance is not altruism. You need to remember that, and to also understand that service is sacrifice. It's not uncommon for subs and slaves alike to find their submission is a genuine burden and often emotionally acidic because they can't make use of it. That's because, by definition, their submission doesn't exist for their benefit; it exists for the benefit of the one they offer and devote it to.
Seeing the one they serve take pleasure and find reward in their submission is where the pleasure and validation is found for the girl. She is raised up to be something and someone for him that she could never be for herself.
In that way, they free each other. There's nothing altruistic about it; both are primarily in it for their own reward, it just so happens that they cannot find it without each other. A dichotomy to be sure, but also a truth.

4/27/2016 4:15:04 AM
You said 'submission is useless to the submissive'. What did you mean by that?

Well, submission is kind of useless to a submissive. In many ways it can become a burden, an ending desire to express a part of you that simply cannot truly exist in any meaningful form without one to offer it to.
It doesn't exist for your benefit; it exists to be a benefit to another. That's your validation. A man reaches for things beyond his grasp. You are there to help him reach further. You are there to provide things he cannot find with any other. In that way you become indispensable to him. 
And what do you get? You get to be so utterly needed, so wholly consuming and addictive that he need keep no secrets from you, tell no lies but instead come to you for everything, be that spiritual, emotional, mental, physical or sexual. You get to be a soul mate to him and he to you. And then it transcends dom and sub, and becomes Master and slave. One without the other does not exist. One with the other is breathtaking.
Remember, you are safe with him. You are not safe from him.
You cannot hold back on this, cannot try and think it through. There's no logic, no process and no idiots guide. You come here to find the place and purpose of your life, the purpose of it. You learn and listen, ask and understand, and offer what you wish to whomever you wish. Shame, guilt, fear, insecurity need to be left at the door. They are useless here and bringing them with you will make you useless too. This is above such things, beyond them. This is something pure and elemental.
4/24/2016 12:42:02 AM
How do you define dominance and submission?

Dominance, in this instance, is teaching, training and discipline. It's is taking 'what is' and creating 'what can be'.
Submission is the desire to serve. Pleasing is a by product of that. Service takes many forms and elicits many responses.
4/24/2016 12:40:50 AM
Do I think a D/s dynamic is based on change?

Yes, but not change for change's sake. Again, teaching and training and discipline provides the foundations. Any girl who is submissive can serve, but most think service is generic, something that applies and appeals equally to the majority of dominants. In truth, a lot of bringing a girl to her place and purpose is having her unlearn bad habits, taking her back to the basics of herself, the truth of her own sense of self, and building from there. A lot of submissives are weighed down by their own expectations of what they should be, as well as the effects of listening to the advice of a variety of (often conflicting) dominants, master and other slaves and subs.
Service is quality, not quantity. Raising a girl to serve is an act of creation that results in something uniquely suited to serve the one who raises them. Yes, a lot of the broader training appeals to many, but in terms of fine details in aspects such as language and attitudes and presentation, she is uniquely his.
4/22/2016 1:32:42 AM
What I think is that there is too much emphasis, by far, on an act somehow proving or disproving submission. 'Do this or you're not submissive' is essentially saying your submission isn't about anything other than obeying. Forget everything else; do this or you fail as a submissive. It's a ludicrous statement. 

And on the flipside is the whole 'hey, don't do anything you don't feel comfortable with' is just as inane and ill-considered. If the first statement is of an ego pushing for someone else to validate it, then this is an example of someone who can't see past their own agenda and expectations.

The truth, as always, lies in the middle. Submission is not defined by an act. Submission is a state of being, a mindset. It's also a choice and whilst it's easy to say 'obedience = submission', it's also worth considering that, essentially, service is sacrifice and you will choose, every time, if he is worth making that sacrifice for. If he is, then serving him is, as it should be, what you want to do and nothing more.

True service has a price, it has consequences both physical and mental, good and bad. Unless you know what he wants and will do it and, equally importantly, he knows what you're truthfully capable of (even if you don't) and won't try to push you further, you are both going to disappoint each other.

This is a journey, a path (as I always think of it), and very little of that path can be seen. In truth, it disappears into an ever shifting fog of expectation and hope, reality and fantasy, and the only way to find where it leads is to follow it. 

And on this path, he will lead you and sometimes you will lead him. This always seems to surprise those I've walked with, the idea that the dominant isn't omnipotent and all-seeing (though we try to keep that a secret), and there is an enormous amount of joy from seeing a girl showing her abilities instead of us relentlessly trying to fit her into a mold based on our expectations.

The thing is, there are no absolutes and no black or white. And as extension of that, there are no rights or wrongs. There's just you, and you will change as a result of serving him... and there is him, and he will change as a result of you serving him. Change... evolution...

Imagine a fetish that you find abhorrent or that makes you feel nauseous. Now imagine the dominant who will change your world. Who will make you feel like your skin fits. Who will give you structure and discipline, place and purpose. Who will take your life and help you make sense of it... of yourself.

And imagine he wants that thing you find so distasteful. He doesn't expect it from you, let alone demand it, because he wants you to choose it and in doing so, to choose him. To embrace it and, in doing so, embrace him. 

Would you at least try? Would you sacrifice yourself in order to serve him and show what you're capable of? 

See, there are no limits to this, and no limits within it. Remember, you're searching for someone who will fundamentally change your life and the way you live it, perhaps even why you live it. 

Accepting that, which you really should, what possible relevance does some fuckwit insisting 'do this or you fail as a sub' have to you? I'd suggest it has about as much relevance as someone insisting they wouldn't want you to do something that makes you uncomfortable.

This way of life is bigger than most of the small minds who think they live it.
 Age: 26