
Recently discovered my interests in D/s and this site was suggested to me through a chat. I'm fairly new to kink in general but is sincerely enjoying finding out how repressed I've been earlier in my life. I am first and foremost a voyeur, well an influential voyeur I suppose you might say. Then again; maybe enjoying to watch all different kinds of perversity simply makes me kinky and not necessarily hardcore voyeuristic. Thinking back on my younger years I always gravitated towards boys with more androgynous looks, something that later also bridged into androgynous girls and finally also more accentuated women. Just watching naked skin, men or women's, make my own skin tingle. When it comes to look I enjoy androgynous to more feminine looks regardless of sex. That's not to say there isn't some boys that hunk it up but it's just a bit more rare. Trolls and those looking for instant gratification need not apply. Gratification, should it happen will do so on my terms. Look forward to making new friends and hearing from interesting people. I've re-edited my profile a bit as people seemed to be reading so much into some things. Should you have reached here and you're still going to write, then feel free to address me as J as Valerie Voyeur is just a spoofy porn name.
9/29/2012 3:17:08 PM

Just arrived back from a five month assignment project. Wow, a lot of work but now I'm ready to decompress for a bit.

4/6/2012 12:13:02 PM

Oh! I just had my first troll throw a total temper tantrum when I politely informed him of that I did not wish to talk to him. I'm kind of excited, judging by a number of profiles visited; this means I am sort of coming into my own, haha!

4/5/2012 1:23:51 PM

My first day here and already the amount of messages coming in is staggering. To all of you who do write, please realize this; you're going to have to somewhat spark an interest for me to actually take the time to respond. People with two liner-mails and blank profiles asking whether I'm interested or not? How would I know? You've given me no sign what so ever that I should be.


When I come on here it's for leisure and curiosity. It's not a part-time job. I will not waste time where I feel there's no mutual giving.

 Age: 19
  New York