
I have just updated this profile for the first time in five years. I am usually on Fetlife now. My name there is also UniquelyDefined. I am a Japanese bondage artist who practices kinbaku/shibari in the Virginia area. I am only here in case I am traveling and want to try to connect with people along the way. My wife and I are open to playing with others and we often photograph our rope bondage art wherever we go. You might want to message me on fetlife. I will check there more often.
11/26/2012 11:55:04 AM

It's becoming a little joke for me to periodically update my journal here, so here I go! I'm afraid there's not much to say except that I'm living in North Carolina now, and I hope to God I don't die of boredom before finding some places to see, and people to do. Hah! That's a sex joke! Haha! I'm funny! See, because this is a kinky website... Heh... heh... >.>


Yeah... probably you should just stop reading this nonsense and message me. XD

3/17/2012 11:01:28 AM

I've been around here for a long time. Time for a change, I think. I am updating my profile, and everything about it. It's going to reflect the current me. Maybe it'll be worth it! Here's hoping.

6/12/2011 9:15:44 AM

I want to warn anyone who is about to read this that it is not me at my best. It is me at my worst, when I feel kicked and down. I wrote it for myself, but I will share it with you if you wish to put yourself through reading it. It is nothing more than an account of how a bad person has made me feel.


Here goes another CM blog... I think we all must make these when we feel upset and angry at the community. I don't mean that I am angry at the community as a whole, but I come upon so many parts that make me want to hate the whole... I'll just as likely be taking yet another break from this place, if I can't manage to meet some more nice people. It really has evolved around here and I am really pleased that many of the fake scam profiles seem to have been weeded out, which makes the experience much better, but... I still find myself meeting people that I wish I never had.


I'll keep it short, since I'm not naming names, and this is only being written to settle my feelings on the subject. I met a woman here whom I thought might share interests with me. Her profile didn't say much about what she was looking for; mostly just about herself. I normally pass these profiles up, but I really liked some of her listed interests and what she said about them. Seemed worth a risk. That was bad judgment on my part.


We began talking and I very quickly got the impression that, though we did share interests, she seemed to be one upping me on each thing that I would bring up about myself. I would mention that I did something, and she'd come back at me by telling me that she did it twice. Things really got uncomfortable when I told her I'd quit school and was not sure if I'd ever go back, and the woman had the gall to straight out say that I'd be unable to... Honestly, it's probably true, but you don't just say something like, "You'll never be able to get back in" to someone. It's rude... I do remember making the comment that she is very frank, but I did not respond impolitely, mind you. I just said she was frank. No qualifiers beyond that. I tried to move on to asking her if she would like to share some poetry with me, and she actually hit me with the book by saying that "You would have to sign a release." Now seriously... by way of conversation I always have some junk that I can show someone, or at the very least I say that I do not have any. I don't tell them that I'd like them to file legal documents beforehand... It's a real conversation killer...


There were some more bad subjects and I kept feeling like she was really selfish... she never asked me about myself and only talked about her accomplishments, and further she actually brought up her IQ very quickly... really... who does this? "By the way, my IQ is X." If I ever tell you my IQ in our first conversation, then please shoot me.


In the end I politely let her go when she said that she was going to tan, or shower, or something... I admit to not paying much attention at that point. I planned not to talk to her again, and I expected that she would not contact me. Turns our, however, that today she decided to say hello and tell me that she was doing something online, which I think it's unnecessary to include as a specific, since I really don't want to incriminate said person, and am writing this just to get my feelings out. I was polite with her, and I small talked with her about what she had brought up, but when I asked if she shouldn't be focusing on her work and not talking to me she told me that she didn't realize her IQ was so low that she couldn't multitask. That really upset me. Once again here we are with the IQ subject... At a certain point you feel like screaming something to the effect of, "YES! I KNOW! YOU THINK YOU'RE REALLY SMART! YOU DON'T HAVE TO REMIND ME!" At that point I just made up my mind that the conversation had to end, so I told her that I simply didn't feel our first conversation went very well, and I hadn't expected that she'd contact me. To be true, I was leaving a door open for her to take that well and tell me that she indeed felt otherwise, but of course it did not go that way... She immediately launched into telling me that I was flawed and that she though the first time I had just been nervous when I asked her to break the law. This confounded me... I asked her what she was talking about, and she told me: her work. This again confused me, and I asked if she meant her poetry. She said that I had made "SEVERAL" requests for her "copy-written" work, and then freaked out when she refused to give it to her.


Ok... so I guess you guys can figure out where things went from there. I was clearly dealing with a paranoid personality, and one which also had at least one disorder, if not being completely psychotic. It's scary when someone tells you things happened which did not... You get this feeling like the other person exists in a world that everyone else just doesn't... It makes you scared as to what they might actually do in the real world. I'm not the sort to be afraid of people on the internet, but I do get chills from this kind of person, and I actually find that I get a fight reaction from it. I feel like I need to confront them... I probably should just walk away from such things, but being foolish (I openly admit it about myself that, when confronted by vicious people, I will engage in fighting them rather than dropping the subject I, however, usually end it before it taxes me too much.) I went and asked her to show me her log of this having happened. She made one of those "I won't go out of my way to show you" excuses, and so I simply told her the truth, which was that I was making conversation and had only asked IF she would LIKE to share something, because I figured that she would either say no or have something that she was capable of sharing. She did not like that at all. She went on calling me names and telling me about how I wanted her to break the law and now I was angry with her for not breaking it. How can someone really believe so easily that another person is trying to steal from them or is trying to attack them in this way? If what I said to her was really a belligerent thing to say, then God help me for I must be a vegetable interacting with men. As is, I'm more inclined to believe that she is the radish here.


At last I got to my wits end, and realized that trying to explain the situation to her and showing her logs of the situation would do no good. Every time that I showed her that what she was saying was false as per the log, she would respond with some semantic quip such as "I never said poetry there!" when I had showed her a log where she used the word "work" instead... Such things wear a person's patience down quickly. So, in the end, I fell back to simply saying that she would have to show me a log of what she claimed I did, or she would have to leave me alone. Not surprisingly the one log she did show me was not a log of anything more than my request that: if she should like to, then she may share a poem with me. At long last she said she was not willing to keep looking for logs, and I told her that I'd stand by my position, then and I would only like her to leave me alone. She of course called me flawed one again, and one other name, and I responded by saying I thought she was paranoid and self centered, and then "bye bye". Not surprisingly she waited only a minute before calling me extra names to follow, but since she simply declared something and asked no questions I remained silent and came directly here to vent my anger.


I realize that no one will read this, and I apologize to anyone that actually does... this was written to myself, so to speak. A record of how I felt and how I am disappointed at the moment. It makes me feel better to write things.


Again; I apologize, and I wish you well.

5/28/2011 3:02:13 PM

Well, I finally updated my profile, and I am going to be checking in again from time to time. I figure that when life gets boring it's always a good time to hang around CM, right? If you're reading this, then send me a message. Don't be one of those people that just browses!


Anyway, that's all. Talk to you when I talk to you.

12/20/2010 12:01:04 PM
If you're going through my description for the first time, then I have to warn you that it is out of date by a number of months by now, and probably in need of a rewrite. However, I'd like to direct your attention here for the moment, because I have something to say, which really needs saying:

I haven't been on this site in some time, and the main reason for this is that it frustrates the living hell out of me, lol. I'm being frank with this post, obviously. I know it won't make a great difference to say it, but there are some things that some few of you might be benefited to know, and the rest of you may be humbled to hear. That being the case, I'm going to tell you exactly what frustrates me when I go through the profiles around here.

1. If your profile contains something like: "It looks like all the men here treat women terrible and think nothing of it," or "The men here have no respect for women," or, "Why do so many men here think it's ok to treat you like shit?" then this is a serious red flag about your personality. I know that some few of you may be trying to vent your frustration about one or more people you met here, but the fact is that these statements make you appear to be manipulative and masochistic. By masochistic I don't mean the sexual interest in pain, I mean the psychological disorder of enjoying being a victim. You WILL appear to be a controller and or dangerous woman if you start out your profiles with these kinds of statements! If all the men you meet here, or elsewhere, keep treating you like shit, then could it be that maybe, just maybe, you like that or want that? Maybe some of those men were standing up for themselves in a bad relationship, and are now being accused of nastiness for it? Maybe? That said, most of you will just pass it off as being another horrible mistake you've made in a line of horrible mistakes with horrible people and horrible this and horrible that... horrible horrible poor you... starting to catch on to what this kind of thing looks like yet? I'll say no more about it. Just please, if you're not really one of these people, try to hold your frustration back and not red flag yourself! This kind of thing is terribly common in women, and even more so in the ones who like to call themselves submissive. You will be lumped in with the crazy by a lot of us guys who have been around long enough to see this a few times...

2. If you start out by calling yourself a submissive and listing all your great submissive qualities, and then immediately follow that paragraph with one about all of your rules, demands, requirements, and do's and don'ts, then you will appear to also be manipulative, and controlling, and quite possibly masochistic (in the bad sense). This goes way beyond being a submissive too... If you are an average vanilla woman and you list your wonderful qualities followed by a ransom note of demands, you're going to red flag yourself in the same way. It's ok to have needs... just don't turn them into prerequisites for a job description. Imagine if you had a first date with someone and the second thing that you told them was: "If you're not able to this... and are like that... and not this... then get lost." It wouldn't go so well. You're essentially telling us that you think that what you are selling is so valuable that you don't have to care about how we might feel at being treated like an object to meet your demands. We are people too, ladies, we have needs too, and we don't want to feel like you aren't able to get beyond your own self worth to see our worth too!

3. If you can't be nice, then just stick to the basics... Tell us something about yourself that might be interesting or enticing. Do NOT tell us about some jerk that you met who did something awful and now you're never going to be the same again because he's changed your outlook on life the universe and everything and men are bad and men are evil. Are you catching the drift on this one now? It's going to make you look like what? A masochist (the variety that uses their pitiable nature and tailored background to never be accountable for their faults and is ultimately a paranoid personality holder), a controller, and a manipulator.

I know that some of you out there are great girls! I know that some of you are reasonable and sensible people. That's why I want to advise you to take a moment and think about who you're trying to attract when you make your profile, and who you want to drive away. Do you want to attract a man who cruises around here looking for a bad relationship with a manipulative user, or do you want a man who is looking for someone who can control themselves and trust their partner to do the same? If you want the latter, then trust that man to be good enough to read your profile and act like a gentleman about it.

I know that my writing this could be construed as tips to the trickster, which may alert the worse of you to ways that you are exposing yourselves, but in truth I know that the worse of you are worse because you are not able to be otherwise and don't know how else to live. You're not going to change because I wrote some article that you didn't like, and you sure won't take my advice even if it may make you look better. You're paranoid, remember? Who knows better than you?

Anyway, that's all folks. I hope I only offended those who are to be offended, and that those of you who may have erred can forgive me for my harshness. Friends warn friends when they are wrong.

8/1/2010 5:26:29 AM
Well, that does it. I rewrote my profile. Apparently by having a really long profile I am pissing people off... Normally I would ignore nasty messages about something in my profile, or its length, but I find that I myself am actually becoming annoyed with it now... I tend to hate getting rid of things, and instead prefer to just add new to old. That, however, has caused my profile to become an unorganized mess, and I cannot stand it any longer.

My main issue with the old profile is simply that so much of it feels out of date... A lot of it dates from before I had really figured out how to describe my kinks, and other parts date from before I started really filtering out certain types of people due to later experiences. It just all needed to go. I feel much more comfortable with the new profile, and I feel that I'll just start adding new thoughts in journal form unless I intend to make another rewrite in the future.

The main focus of my new profile is my realization that what I really want in a girl is tradition... I want an actual female. I want a girl who smiles and giggles and says supportive things while sacrificing what she can to make that support more than just words. I happen to be the sort of man that wants a traditional life with a woman. I suppose that I just never realized just how important that dream was becoming to me.

Kink is still on the table for me, or I would not be here, but I just can't realistically focus on it anymore. It's just not worth focusing on when what I really need is someone who will not judge me after a week and run, or tell me she wants to spend all her time with me and then spend none, or refuse to be told she is pretty because she will not believe it, or try to turn me into a villain because she somehow needs someone terrible in her life. All these things I have seen before and I am just so tired of them... With so many landmines in the way, I have to choose my goals carefully and real quality of character is all that I can afford to look for at the moment. I am shelving all other desires until someone comes along and causes me to feel comfortable sharing them.

This journal entry is in part intended to say good bye to my old profile, since I am a silly sentimental person, but also it is to reach out to anyone who cares enough to read my journals or notice the changes that I made. I am reaching out to you because you might be capable of caring about me if you care about my thoughts that I have left here for you to read. It is my hope that you may reach back.
7/13/2010 5:47:00 AM
I am going to clarify something in hopes of warning off a few types that I suspect will not work well with me. I spoke a bit about the concept of "work" in my profile, and other journal entries, and now I'd like to add a bit to that.

When I say that a relationship requires work, I am not speaking in euphemisms. This is a philosophical statement, and I'd like it to be taken seriously. What I mean by it is that people NEVER simply click together. Two people will never be so similar that they magically fulfill each other's needs and never misunderstand each other. It is not realistic, and it is not worth wasting time looking for. It is a fantasy that is often held by poorly adjusted individuals. This is why I would like to warn off those who read by saying that I prefer that you be able to recognize that we will not be a perfect match to start, and you will have to put much time and effort into making us a match, as will I. Relationships are not easy. They are, however, worth the sweat that it takes to make them work, if in the end you have a functioning and healthy product. Please be able to agree with me on this if you intend to speak with me with the prospect of a relationship in mind.

I do not intend to go further into my philosophical/psychological reasons for believing this. I will simply say that we will both be better off if we are on the same ground on this issue to start. I am absolutely willing to discuss and talk about my views on this subject, and I am not at all unwilling to see other points of view (That's the work part of a relationship.), but it is best that this be made clear at the start.

Thank you for taking your time and investing it in reading this. I appreciate the work that you have already put into me even before having spoken to me. We'll both benefit from mutual understanding in the end. :)
7/3/2010 2:07:53 PM
It is time for a new entry, I think, and this one will be more about my desires and interests. The goal here is to finally explain them in a clear manner.

It has occurred to me that what interests me is the idea of a person being unable to resist something. Condition, for instance is a major interest and turn on for me. An example of this would be a girl automatically reacting to a certain word or touch and not being able to help it or even realize it in the moment. That excites me.

This is apparently not just a sexual interest, however. I seem to just be interested in it in general and when I mix that interest with sex it becomes extremely erotic.

I recently saw a friend who had just been through boot camp, and when we were ordering food the waitress caught him off guard with a question and he responded swiftly with: "Yes, m'am." He would have never said something like that under normal circumstances and I found that I was made giddy simply by thinking about it. It wasn't a sexual interest for me, but was rather a kind of coolness. It just made me really happy because I thought it was so cool.

I also like movies where a character suddenly does something heroic by accident out of pure good nature. These things make me happy and I feel a surge of pride any time that I notice myself having a gut reaction to something, assuming that the reacting is a good one.

I simply like nature, and conditioning.

So, when it comes to eroticism I find conditioning females to be very sexy. I find female nature, which a female cannot deny, to be very sexy. I find feminine attributes, which cannot be changed by the girl, to be very sexy. I find female psychology to be extremely sexy. I find a girl following orders and liking it to be sexy. I find a girl's movements to be sexy.

All these things are just the tip of the ice berg, but this is what I believe to be the governing principle. Things that are core make me happy for some reason. I find them prideful, and even exciting.

Ideally this is why I have always liked the idea of owning a slave. It places a girl in a position where conditioning and nature can be exploited. It is also why I like submissives, however, because they have a nature that they cannot deny.

I could go on about other examples and paradigms, but I imagine that the reader should have some idea of what I am talking about by this point.

If you have any thoughts on this, then let me know. I love talking about the subject, and it is nice to know that I am understood.

Thanks to all who read, and all who have passed by.
5/29/2010 10:11:22 AM
I am going to write down some thoughts on friendship, love, humanity, and relationships. because the value that I hold for these is important to me.

I think that sex is fine, and getting what you want from people is all fine when it doesn't harm them, but I am tired of being essentially objectified. Human respect and valuing is a very important thing to see in a person when you meet them and consider them. When we talk, I'd like you to show me that we can be friend. Before anything else at all, I want to make a friend... Without friendship I can see there being no chance of a relationship or love no matter what else might be involved.

Friendship is an actual praising and wanting of a person's character. It is not just some thing that is able to be thrown away. A relationship is a contract that allows friends to be able to live with each other while remaining different. It allows them to be able to keep reasonable distance and closeness. Love is friendship that is perfect. If there is nothing about me that could possibly be called petty, and the same is true of you, then maybe we can be in love. That isn't to say that very close to perfect is not love, it is just a less perfect kind of love, and a more perfect kind of friendship, which requires a relationship with compromises to work out properly.

I suppose I am just looking for someone to understand this, and treat me like a human being. I have kinks, I have desires, I have specific interests in BDSM that tend to make me like D/S, but I am a human being before that, and I will see you as a human being, if you are one. To those of you who see something with actual intrinsic goodness in that, please let me know...
5/23/2010 10:02:59 PM
Yes, I suppose that I have been writing a lot about my discontent here lately, but it is only because I feel that I'd like to let people know that I really am not a push over despite happening to be a sensitive person...

For instance, I do take offense when I send a message to warn someone of a possible error in their profile, and receive a lot of insults in return...

It used to be said by the ancients that a friend is someone who warns us when we err, and praises us when we do well. I cannot, then, understand why people seem to take offense when they are warned... Please, learn to respect a friendly gesture when you see it. People do have feelings, and they can be hurt if you do not respect good intentions...

Thanks again to all those out there who take the time to respect me when messaging, or responding to my messages. I really appreciate meeting nice people here, as it makes me remember why I stick around. :)
5/18/2010 12:59:10 AM
This entry is intended to deal with my dissatisfaction with a long painful conversation that I just had, and to ask others not to do this to me...

I just recently had a conversation with someone from here who decided to fight me over the question of assumption being or not being a part of every day human experience of interacting with the world. This, as you probably already realized, is a philosophical debate. It is specifically somewhere between an ethical and a metaphysical debate depending on which part of the debate you happened to be examining. The debate is not the issue... The issue is how angry this person became that I was debating it with them...

I am a philosopher... My life's work is arguing philosophy... When someone disagrees with something that I believe philosophically, I will debate it. It need not be a fight, but some people seem to believe that the very act of debating a belief is somehow savage, as if beliefs were completely sacred. There is a kind of sacred belief, which must not be argued with, but if you want your belief to be sacred, then do not argue about it at all! Do not even take a stance. We can simply agree to disagree...

The issue I have is this: If I were a mathematician and you were not, then would you argue mathematics with me? If you did, then would you be angry when I did not agree with you? Why, then, should someone feel angry with me for arguing my position on a philosophical, ethical, or metaphysical subject? It seems that philosophy is the only subject everyone thinks they know without any training... It is depressing.

I honestly do not wish to upset anyone by arguing, but I will argue if you do... I am perfectly ok with saying that we will just agree to disagree. I am more than ok with it! I encourage it! Just tell me you'd rather not talk about it and you won't hear a complaint from me. Just don't expect that when you make an argument, I will not make one back...
5/7/2010 12:26:01 PM
I had intended to leave an audio entry here, but I ultimately decided against it. There is no real advantage to it, and it is easier to organize one's thoughts in text.

That said, this journal entry is going to focus on manners. By manners I means simple etiquette. I sent fifteen messages or more to fifteen or more people today, with the intent of getting to know more of the people in this community. One person responded back, though all messages were read. I can understand that some people are either busy, or have many messages to go through, but it is not difficult to write one or two lines pertaining to even just the first paragraph of a letter. To completely ignore someone is simply rude.

I'd furthermore like to remind this community that it takes time to write these messages. I sometimes spend a very significant portion of time on an introduction simply because I want to express myself properly. The very least that can be expected is that I could have a short reply.

I am writing this not only out of annoyance, but out of a hope that someone may read it, and rethink their habits. When you ignore another human being, you render their effort pointless, and you belittle yourself by willingly harming that person; which is, in fact, what happens when you destroy another person's work.

I hope that anyone reading will not be offended. I figured that, this being a journal, it would be appropriate for me to present these thoughts. At the very least it may give you a glimpse of my character and morals.
2/12/2010 4:17:53 AM
I've just updated my profile again in yet another attempt to get closer to the core of my current understanding of my desires. Obviously I want to share most of who I am in real correspondence, but I think that this new profile will be a better start than the old one. I am muchly pleased with it at the moment.

I wanted to mention here, as an afterthought for those who care to read further, that I have done a good bit of thinking on the nature of my interests, and narrowed them further.

It appears that what I really like is the thought, or idea, of a female being out of control in some sexual sense, and being aware that she is unable to control her circumstances. I believe that this interest stems from a more general one. I have always liked stories where the characters were unable to control themselves or their circumstances in some way or other, and I am excited by experiencing their emotions as I read. I like to explore things that can't be seen, and I personally have a very hard time dealing with changes that make me out of control, so I think that my sexual and emotional interest in these things is a reaction to this.

To put it in short, it appears that I have a hard time experiencing the sensation of a loss of self control, and so I like to be able to experience what other people feel like when they are in that situation, probably because it is a safe way to have the feeling without being overtaken by it. Necessarily, then, my sexual interests follow suit. I like to be able to throw that element of lack of control into the woman that I am relating with, because it makes the sex more exciting to me. It's also exotic, because I am not female, and I find the idea of her having totally alien feelings of desire and self control, or lack of it, to be amazingly erotic.

9/24/2009 11:25:49 AM
I am constantly in the process of defining my interest in BDSM, because it is so specific that it is hard to broadly categorize. Few things are like this, but I believe that most of us have had this experience with BDSM. Many of us are able to imagine scenes, or think of specific things, that we would like to be in, or do, but we do not know exactly what it is is that makes us feel that we want to be part of these. This kind of uncertainty is repulsive to me, as I am a philosopher, and I have spent many a night wondering just why something turns me on, or fails to do so. Every night brings me closer to a system, but I have never really completely understood it.

It is amusing to think that something so indigenous to one's character could be so hard to define, but we have this experience with many a thing, I believe. All of us have had the experience of not being able to exactly say why we are happy at a given moment, or what it is about a piece of music that has moved us. It seems that emotions, and base feelings, such as these, are so simple that defining them becomes a chore. There is some sense to this, however. As human beings we can define things that we see very well, because we are geared toward such mechanical practices for survival, but we do not necessarily need to understand emotions, or feelings, any more than we need to understand the nature of being. These things, then, are hard for us to grasp with the tools that we have.

Anyway, I am getting caught up in the philosophy of this, and am obscuring my original intention for this entry. I have been thinking about this subject this week, and I have finally figured out how to word one of the things that seems elementary to my fascination with BDSM. I love the feminine nature, and everything that makes it special, but I particularly love the sexual aspects of it. What has occurred to me now is that I like controlling it... I love the idea of controlling a woman through sex. Not so much because of the control, but because of the fact that sex can control her. I love the desire that a woman can be made to feel. It is more than just desire, in my opinion. It is actually something that makes her submit, rather than simply suggests to her that she do so. I love to force a woman to feel that way. To make her completely controlled by her desire. Why do I love it? I do not quite know. Hoc tantum dicere possum: id amo. (I am only able to say this: I love it.)
8/31/2009 7:13:30 PM
It has occurred to me tonight that my BDSM interests have changed some over the last few years. I decided to write about it here, incase anyone might care to hear my thoughts on emotional growth in this lifestyle.

I remember that I used to look at BDSM as something like a dream that I had to live up to. This was back when I was still young, and inexperienced, and I suppose that it's not to be blamed, but I notice now that I've stopped seeing it that way. I've been through a couple relationships, and I think that it has made me realize that I have had the dream. It makes me feel a lot more comfortable than I did back then, and now I feel as though I can look back, and truly feel different.

I realize tonight that my interests now are in the experience, and not in the image. In the living, and not in the attaining. I want to do things, rather than wanting to be something. This gives me great comfort. Too, it coincides with the other areas of my life, and my feelings in those areas. It is not the case that I have lost my tendency to strive for an image, and I would not have it so, but it is the case that I feel more comfortable, and able to relax in the moment now. This is invaluable to me, and I believe that it will brighten my future encounters in this lifestyle, and elsewhere.

It is one thing to have great dreams, but it is another to feel as though one is truly a part of them after so much time dreaming. This must be what Aristotle calls virtue.

If anyone else has had this sort of experience, then perhaps you might share it with me. I would love to hear your stories.
 Age: 29
 Virginia beach, Virginia