
Transuniqueslave - photo 1
Transuniqueslave - photo 2
Transuniqueslave - photo 3
Transuniqueslave - photo 4
Transuniqueslave - photo 5
Transuniqueslave - photo 6
Transuniqueslave - photo 7
Transuniqueslave - photo 8
Transuniqueslave - photo 9
Transuniqueslave - photo 10
Transuniqueslave - photo 11
I am extreme slave have got to a stage in my life that to be the slave that is in me. I have to have a new owner that would take my mind away and reprogram me as a Robotic / Drone slave. And make me what they want into the perfect slave to there hearts desires. Removing my voice cutting my vocal cords and making me the silent slave I should be. As My last Mistress said I was a mouthy bitch. And silence would be the right thing with further modifications like Castration etc. I am a Australian Transgender Female PreOp I have been in Transition for the last 3 years. I am on IM Estrogen weekly, IM Progesterone Monthly, Spiro-tone Tablets Dly. To maintain the female I am. I have been in the Lifestyle 30 years.