
TinyWars - photo 1
TinyWars - photo 2

Ich hab mein Profil gelöscht? Ach herrje :D Total vergessen. Hier was neues ;-) Hier könnte etwas interessantes stehen, tut's aber nicht....oder doch?
Man möchte sich ja immer in einem besseren Licht darstellen, als es wirklich ist.
Ich bin langweilig, so richtig langweilig. Während andere skydiven, spring ich gerade mal von der Teppichkante.
Ansonsten ein altruistischer Mensch, mit einem Hang zur Philanthropie der seine Misanthropie auslebt ( Jessas! Contradicition much, ich weiß aber ist so ).
CS läßt einem nicht viel Auswahl deshalb: Ich identifiziere mich als Bottom/Maso. Bleibt mir weg mit euren Ego-Dom-Getue :-)
9/13/2017 1:59:01 PM
Falls du das liest, ich bin dir nicht böse.
Ich wollte mich nur für die schöne Zeit bedanken und wünsche dir alles Gute im Leben.
9/10/2017 2:58:57 PM
Forums-Ban: Steht noch wie ne 1!
Wenn sonst auch nichts funzt, das schon...
8/12/2017 6:05:45 PM
2/5/2017 1:00:48 PM
Recently my skin colour matches my hair colours: blue/green with some black and red.
6/4/2016 3:12:53 PM
Da bettelt ein "Dom" ja regelrecht nach öffentlicher Demütigung :D 
Kannst du gerne haben ;-)

ThomasS96...irgendwas ( die schlaue Userin wird schon wissen wie du zu finden bist )


6/1/16 6:31 PM  

wenn Du nicht so fett wärst und nicht real so sehr verbraucht aussehen würdest, hättest Du Chancen.
Oder warum springen alle ab bei Dir ?

Wie viele Accounts brauchst du, um mir immer wieder das selbe zu schreiben ? :D
Wie war das nochmal ? Wenn man(n) bei einer Frau nicht landen kann ( oder wenn Frau einfach keinen Grund sieht zu antworten, geschweige denn eine Konversation fortzuführen ) , ist es am besten(!) man(n) versucht ihr ein schlechtes Gewissen einzureden oder, wie in deinem Fall, auf Beleidigungen zurück zu greifen.

Heulsusen wie dich will keine aber des haste ja schon mitbekommen, nech ? ;-) 

Ich hab keinen Plan wo du lebst aber wie wäre es wenn du nach Ulm, zu unserem Stammtisch, kommst und wir 2 bereden das mal so f2f ? :D
Traust dich nicht, gelle ? Hinterm Bildschirm den Möchtegern-Dom raushängen ist ja auch so viel einfacher :P 

Chicken Shit ! 
5/18/2016 1:11:33 PM
51 auf meiner Block-Liste wtg Deppen -.-
11/12/2015 3:12:14 PM
Awwww cute, a speshul snowflake in my inbox :D

Fittingly he has a dick-name ! WTG ! *thumbsup*

Snowflake-Dick : bullshit

Me: luv ya too ! :D

Snowflake-Dick : fu

Me : More often than you for sure honey :)
10/21/2015 2:20:11 PM
Sweet, an entitled torso wrote me this : hi - i am absolute - the slaveTHING is not a person - not a human ! WHAT are YOU ? 

Boy, you´ll get far, very far even if it means your hands fall off from furiously wanking away :)

9/20/2015 12:04:50 PM
For the ones who think their penis is the most interesting thing to see ( it´s not ! ), specially taken as a pelfsie ( horrible horrible quality ! ), here is something really nice and much more enjoyable to look at :)
9/17/2015 4:00:41 PM
Die Dinge, die absichtlich verschwiegen werden, sagen mehr über eine Person aus, als das was sie sagt............
9/12/2015 10:07:21 AM
I have yet, again, fed my keyboard -.-
Previously only my "u" was stuck, now all keyes are *grml*

About time to purchase a new one :D

7/29/2015 3:40:23 AM
Since I had a whiner messaging me :

Dearest whiners,

if you assumed my journal entries are for your pleasure only, you assumed wrong.
Also, if you assumed they were erotic, you assumed wrong again.

We all know what is meant by assuming, right ? :)

I strongly recommend respective sites who will fit to your needs. Most of them are for free even ! Unbelievable ? Go check it out !

Also, dis knd of txt hrts ma eyz. Use proper spelling and grammar, don´t make me imagine you´re typing with 1 finger while busy doing something else...............

7/24/2015 2:19:14 AM
For further notice. anyone who 💤💤💤bores💤💤💤  me to death with 4 sentences of small talk and thinks it will lead to instant gratification, will get this message :) 

Frankly speaking, none of what I might do or not is any of your concerns.

As I said to others before : I am 1000000000% sure there are women on here who just LOVE to have this kind of conversation with you.

Talking to you is like talking to a corpse. No matter how hard you beat it, nothing else than whoosh and blurb noises come out of it. 🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨🔨

If you need it in crayon-speak: Leave me
7/23/2015 3:58:25 PM
0 friends
17 on my block list

.........this is awkward
7/18/2015 6:12:13 AM
Thinking of roleplay, why on earth would I want to play Doctor/Nurse or Maid or whatnot ?
It´s boring ? So predictable o.O
Use your imagination.

Anther decision made : I´m going to be a pictsie faery in distress, rescued from the insane prince charming by the Penguin wearing mad hatters hat.

All I need now is The Penguin :D
7/17/2015 6:04:54 AM
On-line BDSM-tests, the equivalent of Facebook questionaires. They always fit, even if you´re a triangular octopus :)

Paste into your profile ? Way to go !

I made one myself, entirely bonkers but 1000000% "twue" !

100% Sarcastic ( giving )

99% Indifferent ( giving )

92% Stubborn

85% Unbalanced ( mood swing level : MASTER )

86% Chaotic 

74% Sane ( appearing ! )

70% Bewildered ( receiving. And who´s fault is it ? The ones who use genitals as profile pictures ! ! Yes, I am blaming you ! And you and you ! )

67,25% Zany

60% Dependant on naff and bland snacks ! I do not weep silently ! :p

Come to think, I do like the thought of being a triangular octopus :)

7/14/2015 3:41:40 PM
Vorrat an Chocolate Chips : yepp
Vorrat angeknabbert : yepp
Vorrat bald aufgebraucht : wahrscheinlich

...........tja :P
7/13/2015 2:28:11 PM
1st message : Come here I´m horny

Me : I gather you got 2 healthy hands and lotion ? There you go, problem solved !
Don´t you dare contacting me again.

Then he goes contacting me again, apologizing for his behaviour as if !!! I´m going to respond and being all forgiving.

Some will never learn -.-
7/9/2015 3:20:24 PM
LOL, CS won´t let me post my journal entry..............bugger -.-
7/1/2015 8:30:41 AM
For the Doms and Subs that got hurt one way or the other and have to deal with heartbreak/disappointment.
Better days are ahead, promise !

Here a few music tracks for you :)

VNV Nation "Gratitude"

De/Vison "Remember"

Linkin Park "Waiting For The End"

Alanis Morissette "You Owe Me Nothing"

P!nk "Blow Me ( One Last Kiss )"

Cheer up ! :) Somewhere out there, there´s the one who will stick with you :D

Velvet Underground "I`m Sticking With You"

6/29/2015 12:00:24 AM
Oh Fun, now creepy "Asian" "male" "switch"-es keep trying to add me, telling me how deep and far they can put things up their xxx
What the hell is wrong with some people on here ? o.O

6/24/2015 1:16:31 AM
Some recent thoughts.
I´m torn between experiences made in RL and what I read on-line.
There is the thing of "Mentors/Protectors" on-line. Seriously ? How about you say straight up you want sex for free and no strings attached ? Would be more honest.
Subs ( of both genders ) are humans first and this is the way you approach them, with uttermost respect. Or are you walking up to strangers in the street telling them "nuh-hu, you look like you need a mentor to guide you through this life", of course you don´t do that.
A mentor/protector is a friend you can go to and talk about problems you have ( may it be with your SO or someone in the community or just general ranting about someone ) or you need some advice. He ( she ) doesn´t think of you as his ( her ) personal fetish vending machine. 
You may now think "omg, there are actually real friendships happening in the LS ?!" Errrmm, yes ? That is called real  life, real interaction with real people because life doesn´t evolve around bdsm only.............oh gosh, yes yes, I said it, it´s not evolving around bdsm only. Let that sink in.
6/21/2015 2:43:03 PM
I sure do have an attitude, even more so, if some one insist I have one :D

- So what's with all the attitude all the damn time?

Can you follow rules? Tell me what kinds of things are you into?

What are you reading and why are you being so stubborn with what you tell me ( No I      mean with your fetishes and stuff about yourself )

6/21/2015 10:17:12 AM
For the Doms of Collarspace :)
6/19/2015 4:43:39 AM
Overly sweet :

Awesome ! :D:

Thank you Terry Pratchett : be continued
6/19/2015 1:25:20 AM
Immer wieder faszinierend : Vor 5min kam "man" aus Land xxx dann auf einmal Land xyz...........can´t make up your mind, huh ? :P

Dom : "Can I be your slave ?" .............erm, da hamma abba was falsch verschdanda, ne ? :D
6/16/2015 4:59:38 PM
An epiphany due to lack of sleep : Doms are like cats.
I´ll buy myself a cat :D
I love cats, I´d do anything for a cat, I am the born crazy cat lady :D

And by tomorrow I´ll most probably regret this entry but oh´s silly and funny ♥
5/28/2015 5:24:14 AM
Mir ist durchaus bewusst, dass das Alphabet für so manchen eine Herausforderung darstellt und aus Sub doch leicht FinDom werden kann. Hab ich vollstes Verständnis dafür, wirklich ! ;-) Das "S" und "F"-"D" liegen auch unmöglich nah beieinander ...und erst das "U" oder das "B"...........
Eine Tastatur kann auch mal hängen, muss es aber nicht *hinweis* ;-) "u/ur/urs/ure"
 Age: 18
 Clarksville, Tennessee