
I'm not quite exactly sure what desire prompted me to sign back up for collarme, but I'll let you know as soon as I figure it out. In the meantime, what I'm not currently looking for is a cyber buddy or fuck buddy. That being said, I'm also not really looking for a relationship. Mostly, I'm looking for good conversation and friendship with Dominant men, which could perhaps turn into more if all goes well, but I definitely think regular friendship is where every relationship should begin, especially one as intense, intimate, trusting, and deep as any D/s relationship should be. About me: clean from alcohol and drugs, excepting marijuana and psychedelics; cigarette smoker; pet lover-has three dogs and a cat; on the primal diet; enjoys housework, reading, writing, and currently enjoying learning to cook; former occupier and supporter of the occupy movement; my physical and emotional health comes before all else, friends and pets are tied right after; hippie, new age, hipster fuck, perhaps; obsessed with music, am constantly walking around with a soundtrack to my life in the background playing off my android; somewhat recovering internet junkie.
 Age: 32
 Louisville, Indiana