
I'm just some guy, I live my life according to me and try not to get bogged down and filtered in with the herd. I like a wide variety of things, and I hate a very select group of things. For instance, I hate me some mayo. Hate it more then cancer. Hate it more then that annoying group of people in the store who talk loud enough so everyone can hear they're dumb conversations. Hate it more then a baby crying in a theater right when the movie is getting good. Hate it. For some reason I always find myself going to a burger place where they love them some mayo. I request no mayo on my burger, and I'm treated to a burger made with much less love then one made with mayo. A burger slapped together out of spite. A burger that has been neglected. That all said, I'm kind of a goofy guy in search of a goofy girl with a bit of a strange side to her.
 Age: 21