
Good day. I wanted to personally thank you for taking the time to visit this page, and I ask one thing from you, please read to the end before deciding what you think. I only say this because I know more than likely 70% of you have already left, and for that I am extremely happy. I do not want everyone, I only want a very select few, I want the best of the best. And I am extremely picky. Feel free to leave now without reading any further and save us both any more time wasting. About me. I am a builder, I have spent the majority of my life in this lifestyle,,,, I love it. I see it as a beautiful thing, a complete ying and yang balance. Sadly this lifestyle is abused, exploited and destroyed. Like I said I am a builder, and I want to build something, I want to build something beautiful, and I want to build it in this lifestyle. I will be moving to the Cincinnati area within the next month. This will be my new home and where I want to begin my process. I need people, yes plural, no not like you think, but yes I need people, I need a family, I need to build a home for this society. I want to put it together, organize it, interview, background check and make a safe place that is ran like a household. I want people with specific talents, I want people of specific tastes, I want people of specific desires. I want you all, but only the best of you, only the ones that understand how to see a vision in process before it happens and understand how the end can look. I only want the ones that are willing to make a commitment and home. People that need their itch scratched (you know what I mean), and need it safely scratched or unsafely, however the case may be. I am now taking pre-applications, and will be putting together interviews just like any job that you would be applying for. This is not just something that sitting around eating ice cream and masturbating to an idea, this is for those that want to make it real. Part time, full time, scheduled time, online time. All of these niches have their fit, I want to organize and put them together, and to build the “family”. Professionally in my personal life this mirrors a lot of what I do, I understand the process, I am now going to be in and around an area that I can put this together and make a real impact. Again now is the time you need to stop reading and move onto the next profile, if you continue to read, I am impressed and you might be one of the people that I am looking for. I need a few specific real world talents, people that have the following skills: Accounting, taxes, excel, real estate, internet and web design. As far as for kinks I want them all, the only thing that is prohibited and not allowed or wanted is children, animals, or anything that would get legal implications involved. This is something special, where only the right ones can truly belong, only the ones that want a future and satisfaction that is beyond their wildest dreams, this is where you need to be. To apply send a serious response, give a summary of what you think you have to offer, and I will organize, and evaluate and begin an interview process. Bear in mind I am a very arrogant, a borderline sociopath, but also a sheer genius, and I WILL build something incredible, I just want to know if you are the one that will be part of it or not. Here is where you need to run away unless you are genuine ;) Have a splendid day!
 Age: 27