
Shepard - photo 1
Shepard - photo 2
Shepard - photo 3
Shepard - photo 5



Ahh Finally Prepairing to relocate to Colorado Springs Colorado at the end of the year. It will be great to be home again.

I'm a professional Artist, Photographer/painter, I had a very brief but moderately successful career as a musician and performance artist. Before that I was a body modification artist. I worked in a shop doing piercings, branding, scaring, tongue splitting, so on and so on... I have a love for flesh, I enjoy the notion that if you choose, your body, your "temple" can become whatever it is that suits you. I'm here to help ;)

I have a rather high intellect and very little patience for stupid or fake people. I have my own opinions and theories on pretty much everything, but when I discuss them or argue/debate, I am LOOKING to have my mind changed. If you can't see another point of view and potentially accept it, then why bother speaking in the first place right?

With the life style, I've been a Dominant Personality all my life I don't know any other way to be.
Fact of the matter is all life on earth is either Dominant or Submissive, predator/prey fight or flight. you can dress it up and bury it all you want but when the times comes, there's no hiding it.

I personally believe that those who know their place in life are closer to purity than the deluded masses wandering around trying to "find themselves" KNOW THY SELF" and indulge in your position, enjoy it.

Service should not be a burden, it should be a blessing. The lifestyle is supposed to be fun ...try not to take EVERYTHING to seriously, there is a time for Serious and a time for silly.

Also..."Dom" does NOT mean "Infallible"! as awesome as I am *wink* I am not God, and therefore not always right, or flawless. I believe it's important to admit that.

I've been in "the lifestyle" aprox. 17 years. I've seen and done almost everything. I've Mastered a great many skills and I know my Value.

Who I'm looking for:
I am wide open in this area, I don't try to find a certain set of traits or behaviors, when I find the one that suits me then I will be pleased, I don't need any kind of strict regiment of personality. Any list of traits I gave may lead some one to behave falsely, to impress me, or lie to themselves to deny me. Whichever the case may be. I want what feels right and I won't know who that is until I meet her.

3/30/2008 5:57:33 PM
A Rabbit is walking along in the woods. hearing the familiar sounds and seeing the familiar sights minding his own business untill he comes across the unmistakible scent of the Dominant preditor in the area...the Wolf...the rabbit becomes nervous and frightened knowing where he really is on the food chain.

The rabbit looks around, makes sure no one is looking and disguises himself as a Wolf. At first the newly fake Wolf is afraid his disguise won't work and that he'll be laughed at or eaten imediately. Soon wannabe Wolf is noticing the wide birth he gets from fellow creatures. He Sees the respect he's given from the other animals and starts to feel more confident, in fact even begins to strut like a Wolf, growl like a Wolf and command like a Wolf.
and ofcourse makes certain everyone around knows he's a Wolf and he's the Power around the forrest.

soon the rabbit almost forgets he's a rabbit at all, keeping up the act, instilling fear and power over the other creatures. Until one day he's strutting through the woods and accidentally bumps into another Wolf...the wolf looks him up and down...he looks like a wolf, but something's not right with his eyes, he sounds like a wolf, but something isn't right with his posture, his mannor, hmmm he does NOT smell like a wolf.

The rabbit quickly becomes nervous having never met a Real Wolf before and roars at the other one standing taller than he needs to holding his head higher strutting around him to let the REAL Wolf know who's boss...

and then the Real one grinned, and ate the rabbit without ever having to chase it. thinking to himself...
"stupid rabbit..I do not need to tell people what I am, they already know."

 Age: 20