
We are not seeking new partners. New to CollarSpace, but we are not new to kink. This profile belongs to both Ava and Vance, we are married, poly, not looking. We have a wonderful set of partners. First thing you might want to know, my sexual side has a blog.
It will be filled with stories, some true, some fantasy (clearly marked), my sexual evolution, images and videos in the future. I'm a demi-sapio sexual. I need a intellectual and emotional connection before I'm ever attracted to someone. Really I need at least a friend level connection. I am a switch who doesn't give or receive pain. I have a boyfriend. I just found that there is indeed a term for me, Sensual Dom. I'm not capable of a hook up personally. I never even kiss the first time I meet someone.

Trigger Warning

I was sexually abused. I will be open and honest about it, both on my blog, and where I feel


doing so here. I don't want to force anyone to confront a trigger they are not prepared for, so consider that before reading my writings or reading my blog. Also, I if you get any sexual pleasure from this post or anything in my past, keep it to yourself, I will not tolerate any fetishized version of my trauma. Thank you.

I'm just realizing that I am bi.
I'm awkward about being bi because I was abused by my sister as a child, so I'm just starting to let go of my associations between her and over women. So I'm just looking for friends and chatting with women. Need to acclimate my brain.