Uninterested, No Emails-Retired-You all SUCK every dang last one of you-Except those i met-Ill give any Dom a list of losers from Florida so you don't waste your time, either. If it says location Miami-don't worry no one is real-except this one hot blk chick.Shall I continue?

2/19/2009 7:54:29 AM
Another day brings more worthless wannabe little kid idiot subs-is that you too? EVERY single profile is a fairy tale fantasy, a wish list, you have no real interest in meeting because you arent even single and you are looking for someone to pay all your bills, because, why? Your actual husband cant. Oh, poor you, you  diseased skank!!! Don't email me, Anyone! I'm not interested-Only here for those I already me or know. The rest of you SUCK.