
About me? Well I'm nineteen. But I've been through alot. I feel very strongly that you can never stop putting one foot forward, and to break stride is to admit defeat in a more real and physical way than to actually fail at a task you've set yourself to. I was born in Hawaii, raised in Death Valley, and now I find myself in Texas. I graduated from high school when I was sixteen, enlisted in the army when I was seventeen, and received an honorable discharge when I was eighteen. Now I'm the program coordinator at a non profit as well as the head of the homeless coalition in this area. The pay isn't much but I'm passionate about what I do. I'm a very masculine man, I like to think, but I don't put on airs. I'd rather laugh and joke and have fun than worry about getting people to think of me a certain way. Similarly I don't have much patience for people that try to present themselves to me as something they're not. Generally in my free time I enjoy all sorts of things like working on my car (a 1977 Skylark that hasn't followed me to Texas just yet, but I'm saving up for that.) I love messing with my computer, I have an EeePC with a custom lxde linux set up. I enjoy drinking but only with friends, I also enjoy some trees every now and again but I don't smoke often and don't even know where to get it here. Reading is a passion of mine. If you enjoy debate and discourse we'll be good friends. What I'm looking for is really very simple, an articulate girl that's into the kinky things that I'm into and prefers skirts to pants and liquor to beer. Age isn't an issue in my mind as long as you're legal. I'd also love to make some new friends in the area too, so if you're a chill person who isn't interested in some kind of sexual relationship please feel free to hit me up. Oh and I'm very free with my number, just ask.
 Age: 30
 Melbourne, Australia