Circumstances dont allow right now for me to take a RL submissive but I do enjoy (and am very good at) phone sex.

Perhaps there is someone else out there who, for whatever reason, cant go RL - or maybe you want to "test the waters" in the safety and anonymity of your own home? Or perhaps being physicaly unfaithful isnt "you" but you have needs and desires that you want to explore ? Perhaps you are submissive but you have more extreem desires you would not play out real life but enjoy fantasising about ?........

If so then perhaps we can help each other - imagine on ocassion when the mood strikes going to your bedroom, laying down, calling my number and closing your eyes .....

You can call me "number withheld" to maintain your privacy - or when we establish some trust I am happy to call you at my expense (and will only call at agreed times).

Happy to have an e mail exchange first to establish the bounderies and limits of any fantasy we propose to share over the phone :)
 Age: 24