Hello, curious internet dweller! I am new to this whole... thing... but I have a pretty good idea of what I'm looking for. I am seeking to be someone's pet, exactly like my name suggests. I'm not interested in one night stands or just being used for sex, I want something REAL in the bond between my master and I.

Understand one thing right now: I am very submissive, I do like guys as well as girls, but nothing will EVER go in my ass. Anal play turns me off so fast it makes my nuts shrivel up inside my torso like landing gear on an airplane, so just... don't go there, please. :)

I spend most of my time playing music and searching for gigs, I've hit a hard turn in my life and I'm trying to recover but it's a long, spiraling uphill road from here. I could really use the affection from a loving pet owner to help me get by. I love cuddling more than I do sex, but I just want to see what it's like to have a master who will let me fall asleep in their arms. Maybe it'll be fulfilling, maybe it won't, I don't know. Shall we find out?
 Age: 20