Update : Now seeking a realtime slut/whore/sub/slave to use in my location!!! Dublin Dom seeking realtime or online collar, so if you are one of the following : Dirty, Nasty, Kinky, Horny, Bold,Naughty, Fat,Thin, Large,Small,Blond,Brunette, Redhead(Mmmmm!) Black,White, Asian (Mmmm) , Single, Married,Attached,Separated. So if your a Slut, Slave or Sub and you match any of the above get in touch, it won't hurt but not doing so just might! >:) in the end it will cost you loads !!!! Or if your seeking online tasks and orders you know which button to push also!
12/30/2010 4:26:29 PM
This really starts to piss me off! If I've taken the time to message you at least have the decency to read and respond even if it to say no thanks or I'm not interested etc.... Simply deleting a message is not only rude but a chicken shit way of dealing with it.Which raises the question of weather certain people should be allowed join.
 Age: 32