Thank you for viewing my profile. To all the superior females, thank you for the power you wield. Your existence gives meaning to mine. For that, i am grateful and i will strive to show my appreciation for Your gift. That is my pledge to You. I understand that any relationship will take time to progress, however if you deem me worthy for consideration, I vow to honor this pledge. This is my duty as a submissive man. I fully accept the reality that i am inferior to women and i fully accept my role beneath them. I fully accept the responsibility to devote my life to these virtues. I won't go into my "kinks" or interests, because as a true slave, I understand that they are of no real concern. Of course I have some, but as a true slave, I surrender my needs in sacrifice of my superior's, and will not discuss them here unless asked. The only interests I am concerned with are those of my superior. My purpose here is to offer myself to a superior, and I do not seek nor expect anything in return. At the present time, I do not call anyone specific my superior. I was fortunate enough to train under a very special woman once upon a time, but she has since moved on from the lifestyle. Since then, i have searched for someone to serve, but most on these type of sites are not seeking a true slave. For those of you who are, please come claim me. I will devote my life to you. During my training, I learned that I am a slave and that the only thing I have to offer a superior woman is my total obedience. I understand that it is my duty to always obey, without question, no matter what. This gives my life meaning.
7/23/2013 7:57:45 PM

It is a shame that every day, fakes and wannabes, like  hairforeva and s4use waste the precious time of Real Superior Women. It gives us real slaves a bad name. 

 Age: 20