We are all different and that is part of what makes this world so unique in our galaxy. There is such a rich tapestry of individual diversity.

A minority like myself, are somehow endowned with a genetic dispostion which compels us to spend our lives striving to serve those who have the equal,though opposite genetic disposition that compels them to command and dominate. Both are valid and compliment each other. In factual reality,both need the other and cannot be truelly fulfilled until that reality is achieved. This has absolutely nothing to do with intimate relationships whatsoever,but rarther the essential though distant one of Master/Mistress and Servant/Slave.

I have had the honor to have been legally subject to a dominant womans authority through a legal and irrevocable Power exchange enactment,which was enforcable by the civil courts. I served A female supremacist,corporate lawyer for 14 years. Sadly,she died suddenly whilst working at her desk.
During my service I was sent on Catering,Valet,Gardening,Massage,Plumbing courses and am qualified,certificated/diplomated,and licenced in them all. I was her actual property in all but name and was her personal and domestic servant. Being her property I was never paid any salary and worked long hours with no days off. My father died 15 years ago,leaving the bulk of his estate to my sister. I recieved a lump sum payment and a modest monthly income of £3500. This helped to offset the cost of feeding and housing me in her service.

Freedom actually pollutes my psyche and depletes my natural submission. Exposure to its corrupting influence actually is harmful to myself.

I am able to relocate if necessary,in order to be owned once again.

But Slavery is illegal isn't it? Well yes and no. The Slavery that we have all read about or heard about during our lives that was the abduction and trafficking of human beings by other human being by force to sell for profit gradually became illegal during the early nineteenth century and was finally officially abolished by all but 6 countries by the early 1960s. Both the united nations charter and the european convention on human rights have a chapter concerned with the agreed termination of enforced slavery,interestingly it still permitted governments to impose forced labour without payment upon its citizens in time of national emergency,which is another form of slavery. Sadly,the chapter contained in both the charter and the convention documents is not legally enforcable because it is not statue law the united nations not being a sovereign nation.The policing and interpretation of the chapter is left to individual governments to determin . Certain forms of slavery still persists in the third and fourth worlds.They are debt bondage and endentured labour. During earlier centuries the barbers a tribe that inhabit morocco and parts of algeria were the main slave traders before the europeans cornered the market and manopolised it. They would even raid the coasts of Ireland and Britain and the scandinavian countries sneaking ashore and attacking villages and stealing some citizens. They would later be sold naked and in shackles in Constantinople,the modern day istanbul.That same slave market still exists today but the trading is now clandestine. Debt bondage occures were the head of a household owes money that their impoverished state cannot repay.They are then placed into bondage for a time to repay the loan and often their entire nuclear family along with them. Due to the added interest many spend years in debt bondage and when time is due for their release they discover that the bondage is better than being in a state of poverty because they recieve shelter and food things not previously guaranteed to them and so they invariably decide to remain in bondage and therefor elect to become slaves and so remain in voluntary captivity has owned chattels. Endentured labour is utilised were a family agree to release a offspring into the custody of a person or organisation who will feed them,house them,cloth them and in return for their long hours of labour and no time off will teach them a trade. It costs remarkably little for their upkeep and the person to whom they are endentured and placed in enforced captivity to for a set number of years aquires very cheap labour and gets the equivelent of two employees for the cost of a tenth of one employee.After articles of endenture are completed the labourer is released but remember the endenture permits the labourer to be held in lawful contractual captivity for up to 7 years.
Now let us turn to slavery and discuss it in the context of the most ancient and traditional of forms. That is the honourable institution of consensual slavery. There has and shall always remain a essential and desirable need for slaves. Since the advent of the rennaissance followed two centuries later by the industrial revolution,both of whoms events occured in europe,there became less emphasise on slave ownership.Certain busines oriented individuals began to realise that technology and the use of machines were cheaper that the purchase of slaves to do the intensive manual labour. Slaves cost money to purchase,then there was the added cost of feeding,housing and clothing them,and these costs were ongoing. The profit margins were not always high but adequate to sustain the business and maintain the slave labour force. Any offspring born to slave was the property of their owners and was a bonus because it saved them paying for the purchase of another slave.Those whom we nowadays call,bleeding heart liberals,protested vigourously through being manipulated by others who wanted to have a even cheaper labour force to man the operation of the machines that could do the work of 10 or more slaves. These same bleeding heart liberals were often jealous and bitter people who could not afford to own and keep slaves themselves and so set out to prevent anyone else doing so. So eventually in Euope,and North America at least enforced slavery was made illegal and a criminal offence. It continued for another century in south america,africa and asia. These slaves and the freeborn rural poor came together in newly emergant and expanding cities to form the poverty stricken , low waged,long hours,physically disciplined factory workforce. They had to lodge and live together in decese ridden hovels.They had to buy their own often inadequate food,their thin clothing, and much else.They became far worse off. Historians and slavery apologists like to portray slavery has being a cruel institution which forcably abducted and enslaved people against their will in owned captivity and were slaves were regularly beaten and tortured. Such excesses did occure occassionally but they were rare and not common place. The fact is that most slaves who were bornslaves and even those originally abducted often had far better living conditions and healthier lives than those in the neibouring freeborn communities who had liberty. Few slaves were beaten or tortured.Certainly a slave who absconded and was later captured was subjected to physical chastisement,but the number that did abscond was small. Many slaves were considered has being a part of the family although owned and shackled. Some southern state cotton farm owners actually sent slave children to be educated in paris. Now there is benevolence for you and not cruelty.
Consensual slavery being the purest form that one can have of that institution is what true slavery is all about. There are just two different types of such a slave.Firstly,there is the bornslave,that is a creature who was born with a genetic disposition and compulsion to voluntary surrender themselves into lawful ownership so they can practice their birthright vocation of chattel bondage slavery.Secondly, There is what can best be termed the aquired status slave.This latter one has made a consious decision after prolonged soulsearching to become and remain a chattel bondage slave. They are naturally submissive and as there submission develops so does their inner desire to be owned has property.They were once freeborn persons but elected to be owned has property and become creatures. I will come onto the subject of creatures later. There is still a ned for both types of such slave creatures today in many parts of the world. They serve in private homes for the most part but also in small factories or has objects of pleasure in the sex industry. The number of slaves whether consensual or enforced is staggering in proportion to the world population.Roughly 1 in every 220 people on earth is a owned slave,mere property,a possession. So why dont we see them every day being led around the streets in shackles on a lead? Well quite simply the institition is mainstream within conventional society but is underground and clandestine to avoid problems from occuring with destructive and contentious eliments within society,the rentamob protest groups excetera. Also to protect the privacy and reputations and identities of some very well known and internationally famous individuals who choose to own consensual slaves has their legitimate property. Some 20 years ago a new zealand celebrity chose to out himself and introducedhis female companion on a chat show has being his slave. This was a reveliation at the time and excited interest but his career became less successful though he continued to make a living in show businss his income dropped fivefold. Not only the wealthy and the influencial own slaves but also people from all social backgrounds except for the lower class.People who work in all known professions and occupations. It is also a fact that consensual slaves themselves come from all social strata but on becomming slaves they cease to have any official status and are nonentities.
The BDSM community have hijacked consensual slavery and so the actual ancient and traditional institution which is seperate from BDSM practices is now associated with it,but they are not one and the same thing. The Scene has it is refered to only utilises slaves for purposes of perverted sexual pleasure and the excuse to inflict physical pain upon consensual or non consensual victims.It is about the pervesion and misuse of power and trust.It is about selfish interests.There are some excellent aspects to the scene and one often hears the expression play. Well that intimates a scene within BDSM that is a fantasy game instituted to provide sexual stimulation through the domination and subjegation and sexual abuse and physical chastisement of others. all taking part may consent and enjoy the experience but it is not true or realistic slavery even when it is practiced 24/07/365 because a number of important things that define consensual slavery ownership or essentially missing. Consensual slavery is three dimensional and encompases all of the senses and all of the electro chemical impulses within our bodies.It is a spiritual experience,a emotional experience and a physical experience.The designated slave owner both can and does derive much personal benefit from their consensual and entirely legitimate reality ownership of their slave creature. This is not one sided because the consensual slave creature themselves experiences all of the above mentioned but for opposite reasons to the owner. They are actually stimulated by being kept in restrained captivity within the confines of the strictly controlled environment and being expossed to freedom actually does pollute their inner psyche and damages their natual submission much has you can damage your own body by loosing a limb and being less effective physically. In consensual slavery both owner and slave derive benefit because both are within their mutual eliment and very contented. Both are rewarded,enriched and fulfilled by their lifestyle existance.Their individual welbeing enhanced.
Strangely within consensual slavery male creatures outnumber female creatures,there being three males for every female,so three quarters of consensual slaves are male which benefits women slave owners emensely but does not benefit Men slave owners. Not even lesbian women slave owners benefit has there is a shortage of female gay oriented slave creatures.
So why call the slave a slave creature? There was considerable debate during the latter decades of the twentieth century on this very topic and involved so eminant psychologists input has well has the input of both actual reality owners and consensual slaves themselves. There was then and is still now,a division of thought about that subject. Now let us examine the case for calling them creatures because it has far more merit that that of the lobby that says slaves are human but puts forward no other evidence than that simple statement. Whether enforced or consensual a slave by definition and legality is actual property. A slave being owned has property is therefor not free and accordingly being captive property has no human rights or civil liberties and absolutely no entitlement to any freedom whatsoever. It cannnot make any decisions for itself or come and go has it pleases,or associate with whom it pleases, or say what it pleases. It is obliged and compelled to do what it is told.The owner alone makes any and all decisions concerning the slaves labour,movement ,asociation,wellbeing. The slave creature is devoid of any and all power.The owner has absolute power and control and can use that power effectively and sensibly or can abuse that power and damage their property.
So being entirely devoid of any and all the normal aspects of a freeborn person they cease to be a freeborn person. The aquire a nonenitity status in human terms and are considered a seperate but humanoid species that is not homo sapien sapien. They are aforded the status of domestic animals.They are refered to my different names but the most complete and to my own mind accurate term for them is,Slave Creature Livestock specimens. Once a consensual slave surrenders themselves into the irrevocable,custodial ownership of a dominant freeborn person their further consent is no longer required since they become actual lawfully owned property from that precise moment onwards. Once one becomes a slave creature then almost always one remains a slave creature in perpetuity.A person may be born free and elect to become a slave but can rarely revert back to being free again since that defeats the object and purpose and deprives the owner of enjoyment and utilisation of their rightful property.A genetically dispossed slave creature is always mentally,spiritually,emotionally and physically atuned to slavery.They are not content unless and until they are placed into ownership and can experience and maintain the perpetuity of their birthright vocation.They must not ever be allowed freedom has the very idea is proposterous.So slavery is a one way street and the road is to narrow to permit any tur around from ocuring.
To further illustrate the creature hypothisis which became a fact of reality in 90% of slave owners minds. If you own a horse,then that horse is a creature a mere animal,but is also your property. Your horse is actually your slave it is not a pet has such. You saddle and harness your horse to control it for your own personal benefit and it is compelled to obey you. You also harness your horse and tether it beween two shafts attached to your cart or bugy or coach. You place rheins on it to guide it.So by doing these things your horse is placed into bondage to be used for your direct benefit. So you may now realise that the seperate inferior,humanoid species and the horse ,although different species,are both actually creatures that or owned and controlled and placed into controlled bondage captivity for their owners personal benefit. No sensible and intelligent person wishing to embark upon the reality ownership of consensual slave creatures could do so successfully if they could not come to terms with and make that important and entirely logical distinction. There has to be a deliberate aloofness and seperation between the slave creature who is property and possesses absolutely no power or control and the freeborn owner who possesse property and who has absolute power and control.
We shall now come to the subject of the legal situation between freeborn owner and slave creature. This just like the topics above is a signifcant topic that cannot simply be ignored. A slave creature is not a human person,they are not the owners friend,they are not the owners asociate,they are not the owners employee,they are not the owners relative,they are not the owners lover,they are the owners actual property. The only relationship between them is a legal relationship.In all other aspects it is a mere association of mutual convienience that benefits both parties,but benefits the owner far more than the slave creature.They are associated but they are not associates. There is no emotional relationship born of affection.A freeborn owner can obtain sexual gratification from their slave creature because they own the genitals of the slave creature and are entitled to derive pleasure from those organs. You do not have to be pretensious and show false emotions of joyful greeting,you do not have to get involved with them in the normal human relationship context. You may hug them or kiss them or pat and stroke them has you may any other creature but there is no relationship inter action in reality. What exists is a association of mutual convienience that benefits the inner psyche of both freeborn owner and slave creature and maintains the perpetuation and sustainability of that essential and desirable and absolutely necessary continuation of asociation condition.
So why shackle a slave creature if it consents to being owned has lawfully aquired property?
This has also been the subject of intense debate and for far longer than the twentieth century debate about is a slave a creature. It has been ongoing for many centuries. The majority consensus is in favour of shackling for many sensible and intelligent reasons and it actually benefits the slave creature has much has assists in the mechanism of physical control of the slave creature. The reasons are many and most, though not all,will be mentioned here. Remember that a consensual slave ceases to have any consent once they surrender into ownership and that slavery is irevocable. The freeborn owner needs to ensure that they have in place a mechanism that assists them to physically control the movements of their slave creature and also prevent it from absconding from their consensual slavery and also to attempt to prevent the slave creature from being stolen from them by someone else. When not actually required to engage in the physical performance of the varied labours it is usually locked in a cage,cell,or room in captivity and isolation until required again.The slave can use that time to rest and recuperate their energies and refect upon their labours worth for their owner that day excetera. Chastity restraint devices are also often applied and are becomming increasingly more popular with both owners and slaves alike. This prevents the slave creature from unauthorised use and obtaining pleasure from the sexual organs now the poossession of the freeborn owner and also prevents any third party from aquiring pleasure from them via illicit use.It also acts has a further confinement within a confinement,a further and quite esential restraint and constant reminder just like the shackles that they are now only a animate chattel owned has legitimate property. A slave collar locked around the neck and a tattoo insignia of ownership also indicate that ownership associations legitimacy.
A sensible,intelligent,mature,freeborn person must be absolutely certain within their own conscience that they definately seek to aquire ownership of a slave creature.They must additionally be possessed of a actual need for the physical labour services of that slave creature so that it makes a substantial contribution to rewarding,enriching,fulfilling and generally enhancing the lifestyle existance of the freeborn owner. The slave creature has absolutely no entitlements whatsoever and can only be awarded priviliges which may be withdrawn at any time.They freeborn owner must have no problem whatsoever about depriving the slave creature of clothing has most consensual slaves are kept entirely naked.They must completely understand and concure with the shackling of their slave creatures in perpetuity subject to emergency situations. They must also be desirious of placing genitalia in locked restraint until they wish to avail themselves of utilisation of the organs. They must wish to register their ownership internationally.They must wish to place their ownership insignia on the slave creatures servile anatomy.They must wish to place their locked slave collar around the slave creatures neck. They must be capable of realising that a slave creature is not actually a human person and they must always ensure that the slave creature is thought of,spoken to and treated precisely has a creature.
The reader may find the above far to draconian for their own liking but the above are all valid and all both essential and desirable.Furthermore they have stood the test of time and remained without significant change for millenia. All that remains now is for the reader to determin for themselves whether or not they suport the ownership of creatures and its continued perpetuation and whether are not they themselves actually are truely desirious of aquiring reality ownership of one or more slave creatures.

 Age: 28
 Zamboanga city, Philippines