
Please forgive this intrusion into your privacy. I have read your profile and see that you are seeking to aquire a bona-fide male slave.

I believe in the established natural order of life which is god ordined. I seek to return traditional negroid slavery to its south
ern rootes by existing legal statute enactments.

I have witnessed the poverty and desperation and sense of bewilderment and loss of purpose and direction of the Negroid Race. This was brought about after the abolision of slavery and the decolonisation of Africa. Without this sense of purpose and direction the negroid reverts to primative ways and engages in violent conduct and destoys their body and mind with narcotics.

The negroid race is a very important race. It was created by our lord god to serve all the other races. Their bodies are supple and magnificent and well suited to labor. Their ancient customs and traditions are wonderful to behold and observe.

Thankfully, there still exist 4 legal statute mechanisms,that when enacted facilitate legal power and control that is tantermount to ownership in all but name.

The negroid species are the so called missing link between the apes and homo sapiens. They closely resemble the mountain Gorrilla of the west african forests.

To myself the negroid race are livestock beasts. That does not mean they can be ill treated or neglected. All usefull beasts must be well looked after if they are to serve their owner well.

I seek those amongst the negroid race who have not been polluted by the false nonesense perpetrated upon them by the caucasion busybody conscience lobby. Exposure to none livestock beast lifestyles as create much herd dishomony amongst the beasts and that can only be a negative thing.

I seek too aquire several female negroid lifestock beasts who will be each others sister in slavery to their caucasian master.

These beasts will all have a genuine craving within their psyche to experience:-

Being owned as legal subjects under a power exchange enactment that is irrevocable.

Having absolutely no freedom whatsoever nor any access to human rights and civil liberties.

The joyful three dimensional euphoria that only a prolonged masochist suffering can provide in stimulation.

The health giving properties of being exposed to the eliments at all times by being kept in a state of naturism as is normal for the negroid race.

Enjoyment of cooking healthy and nutricious meals that are traditional for the negroid race.

Being fulfilled through regular intimate copulation and being physically joined to your human master for beastial sensual fulfilment and multiple orgasms.

Wearing the traditional locked collar and wrist shackles that befit a egroid livestock beast.

Wearing only the best traditional costumes of the negroid race when being transported with your master to different locations around the world as he conducts business.

Wearing exquisite jewelry that compliments your equisite nubian figure and sensual good looks.

Undergoing regular 6 monthly medical examinations to ensure the health remains good so that your servile labor contines.

Paying loving attention to your masters genitals by usin your lips and tongue to arouse them into erection.

Sleep in spacious cages within the stable,that are air conditioned and central heated.

Enjoy intimate relations with your fellow female livestock beasts when not engaged in pleasing your Master.

Is this the life you crave my beautiful ebony livestock beast?

Remember also that negroid females rock when placed at the recieving end of their white masters cock.

Physical protection,emotional fulfilment, sexual enjoyment, and much more awaits you should you commit. Remember you would be a valuable and indispensible asset to your master.

Lifestyle Orientation beliefs Questionaire:

1. Are you awere that although actual Slave Owneship is illegal that there are still legal enactments on the statute books that can facilitate Power Exchange relationships between Dominant and Submissive individuals?

2. Would you be willing to enact one of these legal Power Exchanges so that you can aquire actual authority over another individual to act on their behalf concerning their affairs and wellbeing?

3. Do you believe that there is both the essential need for and desire within society to aquire a Power Exchange between both Dominant and Submissive individuals so that the former can have legitimate power and control over the movements of and direct the day to day activities of the latter in the service of the former for their direct personal benefit?

4. Do you believe that all submissive individuals who volunteer to become the chattel bondage subjects of the Dominant individual, be it irrevocable or fixed term subjegation, should sign over all right to be responsible for themselves to their Dominant Owner so that said Owner can be possessed of the legal right to exercise legitimate power and control?

5. Do you believe that during the period of the irrevocable or fixed term voluntary subjegation that the Submissive individual surrender itself in its entirety and that it ceases during that time to have any entitlement whatsoever to any freedom, human rights or civil liberties?

6. Do you believe that there should always be a social distance between the Dominant power and Subservient individual and that there cannot be any equality of status between the two since one is possessed of total power and the other is entirely devoid of any power whatsoever?

7. Do you believe that the Submissive should adopt certain recognised postures in the presence of the Dominant power in order to reinforce the fact that one is superior and the other inferior and as a mark of respect and devotion?

8. Do you believe that it is the perogative of the Dominant power to determine wether or not the Submissive entity should be utilised to provide sexercise stimulation and that the said entity should have the genitals kept locked in chastity restraint at all times except for when and if required?

9. Do you believe that when irrevocable, voluntary subjegation is enacted that the Submissive entity should be permenantly marked with the Insignia of the Dominant power so that all recognise the commitment involved ?

10. Do you believe that the Submissive entity should wear a locked collar has a token of its voluntary, irrevocable or fixed term subjegation to the Dominant power?

11. Do you believe that in appropriate situations the Submissive entity should wear locked movement restraint shackles or plastic movement restraints to restrict but not prevent movement?

12. Do you believe that the Submissive entity should be gagged or hooded at appropriate times as necessary to facilitate control has necessary in given situations?

13. Do you believe that a Submissive entity should sacrifice itself when necessary to endure prolonged painful suffering for the direct personal benefit of the Dominant power so that the said power can derive three dimensional euphoria and general welbeing?

14. Do you believe that the Submissive entity should be kept in a state of perpetual naturism so it is humiliated and degraded and constantly reminded of its inferior nonentity status except when the Dominant power has guests or family present?

15. Do you believe that once a Power Exchange has been enacted that the Submissive entity should be regarded has being the de facto Property of the Dominant power for the duration of the agreed timespan?

16. Do you believe that the Submissive entity should not be shown any kindness or compassion or given any praise, thanksgiving or reward for the performance of their voluntary servitude whilst in a state of Power Exchange Subjegation has de facto Property?

17. Do you believe that the Submissive entity should contribute both to its own upkeep and the upkeep of the Dominant power at all times during the duration of the agreed Subjegation?

18. Do you believe that a formal and elaborate collaring cerimony in the presence of a lifestyle ordained clergyperson and invited congregation would serve to enhance the solemnity and sacred nature of the Power Exchange Subjegation and so make it more meaningful by the exchange of solemn vows in the presence of witnesses?

19. Do you believe that during the entire period of the duration of the agreed voluntary Subjegation under Power Exchange Control that the Submissive entity cease to have any contact with family or friends and preferably terminate all contact irrevocably so it can concentrate upon servicing your personal needs exclusively?

20. Do you believe that the Submissive entity should be housed in appropriate facilities that befit its nonentity status, such has a Cage, Cupboard, Basement/Cellar, Attic/Loft or similier when it is resting overnight or when it is not required for service at a particular time? Are you a Male/Female Livestock Beast for whom freedom actually pollutes your psyche and depetes your natural submission? Do you crave to dedicate yourself and your aquired skills for the direct benefit of a Successful,High calibre Master?

 Age: 37
 New York, New York