So I'm pretty new to all this but don't hold that against me please. I'm a fast learner :) I first learned about this a few months ago (I may have spent my life in a cave, I'm not sure) but as soon as I did I was like "Yes! That makes so much sense! That's what I need!" I crave that feeling of powerlessness and helplessness. Of being forced and taken and used. I want more than anything else to really feel owned. But in a way that makes me feel safe too, with trust. And I guess it never really occurred to me till now that was possible, or at least I never had the word for it. But now I do! And there's a ton of stuff I want to try. Bondage, spanking, anal (blush), nudism, collars and cuffs, group sex (blush again)... more but I probably said too much already lol. I have other stuff and interests too but that's not what anyone cares about right? :)