FalltoDarkness, Owner of pigslavechris and other property, seeks new friends in the upper mid-west who are interested the wonders of D/s. Dominants are welcome to correspond and interact in order to exchange ideas, share property, and build a social network. slaves are welcome to volunteer their services, as long as they understand that their existence only has value when it furthers the objectives that She sets. Please note that She appreciates polite letters of introduction as a first step on the long journey toward friendship with Dominants, or service from slaves, as the case may be.
1/15/2011 8:01:36 PM

Today Miss spoke to this slave about starting a "Cum-Only-Diet", wondering how long it could go without eating anything else...  Of course, it really doesn't know how long it could last.  Probably depends on the amount of cum it is fed.  But it would try hard to last a very long time, to please Her.

7/9/2009 12:46:02 PM

FalltoDarkness has instructed it to create this "Couples" profile today. It's pretty hard to write a profile that reflects Her wonderful personality. But it has done its best, and it hopes this is adequate.

 Age: 19
 Imperial, Missouri