
Dominant African American Mistress looking to meet select quality slaves and subs for training, collaring, service and more.....

Do you have a fire that burns within, deep down in your core, that no matter what or how you try to extinguish it, it remains there, its embers always burning, still aglow waiting to once again burn once more.

UPDATE: I also am in search of a......for lack of a better term
Down Ass Bitch!

I seek a slave who is looking to become 24/7 and tend to my daily and personal needs. They must be very attentive and pay great attention to detail. I have over the last year made some major adjustments and very necessary changes that now will allow me to fully embrace all the wonderful aspects of this way of life. Also looking for a select slave for authentic slave life experience, manual labor, and full servitude required!
 Age: 25
 Greenville, South Carolina