
Mastersofone - photo 1
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Mastersofone - photo 8

We are a friendly, stable, professional couple.
Leather collars are just one way way of demonstrating control. We are Not people that cares about titles or positions, but be certain that we will both are to be served.

We are "NOT" into humiliating, hurting or making anyone do something they definitely don't want.

We are results oriented rather than process oriented. We don't care whether she serves my hubby coffee standing or on her knees, as long as he get it and it's prepared the way he likes. She must be intelligent and independent.
When either one of us says we want something done, our sub will make it happen. That way everyone's happy. You may be rewarded or punish, all depends on what's the issue or our mood.
We do have a BDSM checklist that include things like allergies, medicines, hard limits, favorite types of play, etc., which we will have you fill out, however, we' will discuss all that information when we meet in person.

We understand this is not for everyone, so we just ask you not to contact us unless you are serious.
We are not in cyber. We are VERY real, as you should be as well. We are NOT here to find someone to humiliate or diminish, we simply are into real pleasing and be pleased.
Have questions or you want to be considered. Email us now. If profile does not contain photo, please send us one. Should you be a true Slave. Most do not know the true meaning. Then your a step up on the ladder. Should you be interested in our offers. Request to speak with Tim. Must be willing to commit!
 Age: 20
 Southampton, United Kingdom