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As we go through life we make a lot of changes and mid curse corrections. When I look back at the first half of my life it was filled with all the taboos and miss directions of a society in denial. A friend of mine told what the Book Of Jasher was about and said that he had read it and knew all about it. Latter I read it and discovered that it wasn’t anything like he had told me. Latter he admitted that he had never read the book and was only talking from a short statement that someone else had written. I discovered that a lot, maybe even most, of what I was taught was not quite true. I began to read and study in earnest and discovered how the religion and social values of the past 100 years were not the same as the over 3000 years before. I believe that it’s time to stop this mad rush to reshape society and the relationships between men and women. It’s quite amassing how many such books as The Bible, The Book of Mormon, The Kama Sutra (excluding the over 150 sex positions mentioned), the Karan, and Kalogynomia, as well as most writings prior to 1860 have in common with regard to the relationships of men and women.
I would have to say that of the many movies and books that I have seen and read that in this regard I would say that Captain Ron, The History Chanel version of Rome, Secretary (1997 American ver.), and Kama Sutra (2004 Hindu ver.) sum up a lot of what I work for in a relationship. Even such things as sM and BD are looked on as a fad or curiosity by many people of today. Yet they are based on what has been the relationship of men and women from the start of time and still are with over 78% of the earth’s population and were in this country until the late 1800’s. The 1950’s in this country marked an attempt to return to many of these old values. It is a fact that much of the problems in relationships of today are a result of abandoning of these ancient practices and values.
Life is an adventure that must be lived, and part of living is belonging to someone else and striving to serve their needs.
The heart of this is the concept of one person must belonging to another to achieve karma, a celestial, or heavenly union. I am looking for those whom are ready to make the trip and embrace their destiny. If you are ready to embrace belonging to someone, if you are looking to serve then you must serve without reservation or conditions. You must serve not because you feel an inter connection or love for the person but because you have been chosen and that person will be your Master and Owner for as long as He wants you. I am a practicing Master hypnotherapist and psychotherapist for many years.
I will mold you into who I want you to be. In order to have change you must first be willing to change and be changed.
 Age: 21
 Michigan, Michigan