
Louforyou - photo 1
Louforyou - photo 2
Louforyou - photo 3
Louforyou - photo 4
Louforyou - photo 6

The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart. Looking to make some nice friends along the way!Often the simple act of nonjudgmental listening is the best thing we can do for anyone.

"When deeds speak, words are nothing" African proverb

10/5/2010 4:44:23 AM

The Humble Traveler ,



And there is a traveler
Who does his destination know
Moment by moment
Like step by step,
He lives his journey
Slowly but surely steadily,

His pace, tells of no hurry
His countenance carries no cries
And his demeanor depicts no pain.
His lifestyle follows no lavishness,
Yet he radiates an inner radiance
Clothed by a touching humility.

He has met some flops and hops,
And through jars and jolts and jounces too,
By leaps and bounds and bumps and bounces
But it's all afoot in the ride and rhythm
A gait, a pace, a dance of life
And the humble traveler journeys on.

12/23/2009 4:12:47 AM
" The gap between our professed values and our practiced values is the gap between us and our happiness ."
9/17/2009 5:52:24 AM
"At the end of life we will not be judge by how many diplomas we have received,how much money we have made,how many great things we have done.We will be judge by. " I was hungry.and you gave me something to eat.I was naked and you clothed me .I was homeless,and you took me in."Hungry not only for bread-but hungry for love.naked not only for clothing-but naked of human dignity and respect.Homeless not only for want of home of bricks-but homeless because of rejection.
3/30/2008 5:15:48 AM
"I believe every person has a heart and if you can reach it, you can make a difference."        
 Age: 31
 Miami, Florida