
Kandor66 - photo 1
Kandor66 - photo 2
Kandor66 - photo 5

The first steps are simple.
If you read my profile, say hello.
3/22/2024 12:49:47 PM
I pulled a really long nose hair out today to see if it would hurt.
Judging by the reaction of the guy who was asleep next to me on the bus,
It does.
3/21/2024 2:29:09 AM


So tell me, are you happy,

Do you have the things you need?

The house, the car, the children,

Are all your dreams complete?


Is the life you have enough for you,

Are you wishing there was more?

Or is the home you have a prison?

Even though it has a door. 


Tell me who you dream of,

Whose words still move your soul?

Are you going through the motions.

Where nothing makes you whole?


Do you want to be alive again

And feel a lovers touch.

Are those days now just a memory?

Where nothing matters very much.


You did everything he asked of you,

You know you've played your part

So maybe, then just maybe..

It's time to live your heart.

3/16/2024 11:12:47 PM

I met one of the loves of my life on here, we were only together for a while but her impact on me will last forever.
I cant believe 10 years have passed on by since then though.

The thing is, we age, we all do, luckily I have this strange mind set.

I find the women I most want to be with tend to come along in an age group that increases as I do.
Because lets face it, when the collar and chains come off I want some common ground to be able to share with her.

12/5/2017 8:23:15 PM
Now I have a sense of humour as good as the next man.

But surely a prostate examination is never a good time to find out your doctor is an amateur ventriloquist...

10/28/2017 9:28:45 PM
Notes on my latest holiday.

Genesis 1-3
The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.
Then God said, "Let there be light".

And there was light too, tons of it, you could see for miles.


Oh sure, the Bible tells you that God gave the earth light on the very first day.
Me? I had to wait until the third day of my holiday before I saw it....
Then of course with 95f sunshine spreading its goodness all over the ground, this created another nice little interesting side effect.

98% humidity.

Have you ever hung up clothes in a steamy bathroom to get all the creases out?
You have? oh good, now you know exactly what my testicles looked like after 3 hours of sitting in hot, steamy sunshine.
I was left without a single wrinkle on them.

But now I need to go back to my second day again.
Imagine the Caribbean.
Imagine Blue skies, white pristine beaches, Palm trees gently swaying in the breeze and turquoise seas glistening like a mirror in the sunlight..
It was bugger all like that!

First of all the sky was rolling, black and angry,
the rain was beating down so hard, families of fish had left the sea and were walking up and down the beach saying how nice it was.

Well I say beach..
in reality the wind is whipping it up so hard it's like standing in front of a sand blaster,
but hey, at least it dislodged a few hundred Mosquitoes that were busy feeding on my willy.
Oh and while we're at it..The palm trees were swaying so hard they were throwing off Coconut shells like bullets,
Finally, the Turquoise seas had obviously done a holiday swap with Clacton UK.

AND THAT, that was the day some poor bugger had chosen for her dream Caribbean wedding.
There is a saying all brides are beautiful.
Which is a complete load of bollocks....this honeymonster certainly wasn't.

I've seen several weddings in the Caribbean, just not one that had been organized by Poundland.
I don't know who made the Brides dress but I'm sure on some level, Stevie Wonder did the design work..
I've seen better clothing on a rag and bone cart..

Sadly, her make up (and I dont care HOW waterproof you make it) didn't last very long in a 70mph wind and a sand filled driving rain.
Within about 2 minutes I was wearing more make up than she was.
And because the Pagoda they were getting married in was completely open to the elements,
the 16 or so guests all huddled together from the rain, looked like they were getting married in a football huddle.

My heart (well, swinging pebble) almost went out to her.

Time for another drink.

On the third day I was in the pool at the swim bar.
Some nasty American (even though I'd already had 5 or 6 beers, some sparkling Pinot and the odd Banana Daquiri) forced me to drink 7 or 8 Tequila shots.
Man I was rocking.

Oh and another thing..the pool had about 50 or so people crowded around the bar.
Lots of them would finish their beer, dip their empty beer mugs in the pool to swill them out then hand them over to the barman to fill them back up.

THE DIRTY BASTARDS.......HOW un-hygienic!
some people have NO consideration for other pool users.


I'd just peed in there.

10/28/2017 9:24:56 PM

Notes on my latest holiday.


''Just look at the arrogant handsome little bastard'' God said to Gabriel.
''Sitting there is the sun like that, flashing off those glorious knobbly knees and that magnificent pot belly,
posing with that superb 'inner' tummy button which I so beautifully crafted, HE'S FLAUNTING IT! the whole thing makes me sick''

''Is that why you've set your host of female Mosquitoes to feed on his stunning and wrinkled body every second Lord?'' replied Gabriel
''Is that the reason you've rain lashed everywhere from his sexy thinning hair to his ankles?, is that why you set off Mexican earthquakes all around him?''

''Oh not at all'' said God ''I just hate the little shit''

On the fourth day of my holiday, I woke up in bed doing an helicopter impression.
What the hell is going on? I pondered, as I tried to stop myself being sick while I focussed three of my eyes on the bedroom ceiling fan.

Eventually calming myself down, my mind drifted back to the night before.
It CAN'T be the drink I thought, I'd barely had more than 6 beers, a few cognacs, a couple of Banana Mamas, the odd Tequila or two, a single Tanqueray and a few glasses of Pinot.
Why I was almost on the wagon!

Oh sweet Jesus..I've got an ear infection.

It was at that exact moment, that I thought I heard a faint Godly snigger...
Swimming in that urine infested pool the day before, I realised I'd caught something...oh and it bloody hurt too!

Now luckily (and this is true) as I usually catch everything from Beri-beri to Lassa fever, I make a habit of when I'm in Mexico to buy Penicillin as soon as I arrive.
And in the drawer right next to me, I'd got 60 of the buggers ($14.US from all good drug stores)

Throwing one down, I lay back on my bed to continue my helicopter ride.
As it was still dark outside, I plugged in my earphones to listen to the soothing sounds of Val Doonican singing Iron Maiden..ahhh bliss.
Except I discovered I was now almost deaf in my right ear.

And my right ear was my good one.. 
What nearly all of you don't know is that God in a previous attempt to kill me, tried to blow it out with 13lbs of Gelignite, luckily my huge willy protected me.

No, this is no good, I need to get up, my luminous watch (which will no doubt kill me one day from radiation) was glowing faintly in the darkness.
6.05am it said.

Time for a shower, brush my pegs, count up my latest Mosquito bites (8 overnight) then go down to the Beach to see which latest ship has been shipwrecked on the sand.
Oh that's nice.
Another bloody power cut!

Waiting until it got light enough to see, I showered, brushed my pegs and put on a damp pair of shorts (nothing dries in the Caribbean) then I wobbled briskly down to the sea.
All the early morning sunrisers where there.

Most were drinking sparkling prosecco and within a minute I had joined them.

There is something incredibly beautiful about watching the sun rise in the morning, it really is my favourite time of day.
For me sunsets are sad times, they speak of endings, of days gone by...they whisper of people I no longer share my life with..

Sunrise? well that holds promise and possibilities, it holds the courage of the early morning.
I love it.

And as I looked at the rising edge of another beautiful day...I realised something..

My ear didn't half bloody hurt.

2/28/2017 10:05:08 PM

As I looked into her eyes across the candlelit table, I felt my knees go weak, my heart began to race and my stomach turned to butterflies.

That's when I realised.
I'd drugged the wrong glass.

10/13/2016 9:55:30 AM

People are being terrorised by pranksters who dress up as CLOWNS and jump out from behind bushes in a bizarre new craze.

Six similar incidents have been reported to police in less than a week. There have been further reports of clowns chasing people down the street.

Oh please do....jump out from behind a tree at me and see what happens..
I assure you right now one of us wont be laughing.

''Go ahead Coco punk, make my day''.

4/6/2016 10:18:10 AM

I knew I would be lost if her hand should slip from mine... 
And I would count each kiss not taken 
As one less heartbeat I would own.

She is the one who makes the words flow, 
From her touch, to my hand, 
to a pen, then to life.

But all would be gone if her hand should slip from mine... 
I'm not so unrealistic though, 
As to blind myself with fantasies, 
To play pretend, and make the world go away.

I remember the day we were taken from each..
And I'll burn to wonder if my last words spoken to her 
were worthy.

Since she is the touch who makes the poetry flow, 
from her life, into a pen, 
That is held in my hand, that knew her touch...

And I loved her.

3/22/2016 12:10:50 PM

I collect comics..ok, I'll give you 5 minutes to settle down and stop laughing....
Done? good.

I've read Superman and Batman since the late 50's, then around 1961, Marvel became available over in the UK and I was suddenly opened up to Thor, Spider-man and the incredible X-men.
In fact my dear departed mater even bought me one of the first ever Thor comics, worth literally thousands, yet discarded and dumped in the annals of our old Miskin, my childhood and history.

Not only did I love the stories, I also loved all the advertisements and the outrageous lies they promised as a reward for selling a particular product.

And one of my favourites was 'Sell Grit'!
Depending how many of this terribly named magazine you sold, you could claim prizes from an archery set to a bike, right up to an Apache attack helicopter..I remember gazing longingly at all these wonderful things I so desperately wanted, that I knew would never be mine.
(Well I finally got the attack helicopter but that's another story)

Also was the Charles Atlas ad.
'The insult that made a man out of Mac'
It showed some skinny little guy having sand kicked in his face by a beach bully, as 'Mac' pledges his revenge, his girlfriend replies 'Oh don't let it bother you LITTLE boy'
...sniff...that insult still hurts..

So he sends off for a Charles Atlas course, 2 hours later he's back on the beach, built like Goliath and punches the bully in the face..
His girlfriend is then on his arm like a draping leech, saying 'Oh Mac, you ARE a real man after all'!
Two things here, one, I'd have buggered the unfaithful bitch off, secondly, I actually DID sent off for that course but failed miserably when I didn't have the strength to tear off the wrapping .

A great picture showed a family of Sea Monkeys living in a CASTLE in a large tank of water, the monkeys had smiles, teeth, muscles, and strategically placed tails to preserve their modesty..
They were described as funny, entertaining, trainable, eager to please.
They were also nothing like that..
Microscopic specks of shit that floated in murky green water and died on average, 8 minutes after you bought them..
You could have had more prolonged fun out of a fart.

How I longed for X-ray specs! it showed a young lad looking at the underwear of women and the ad swore that all the mysteries of the female body could be uncovered for a dollar.
I actually tried some on when I was around 30, all the bastards do is turn everything blurry..
Time and nature gave me exactly the same vision 28 years later.
And no, you can't see naked female bodies through their clothing...sigh.

The 'Hypno coin' con..
Hypnotize gorgeous nubile females into doing your every bidding and once more, a magic dollar was the answer to your every dream.
Except of course, it was yet another comic book scam.
I'm not sure if I used that 'Hypno coin' properly but I do recall having a randy Rottweiler following me around trying to shag my left leg for a fortnight. 
Worth every cent I say.

BUILD your own Lunar module for only 10 cents!..the fact it cost NASA almost $15 billion back in the 60's might be a bit of a giveaway...but hey, this one I liked, it traded on a young boys imagination, never a bad thing in my opinion..
Plus (and on my Budgies life this is true) fully fueled I got just past 90,000 ft and I swear I could see the curvature of the earth.
I did panic though when the cardboard in the rocket started to get uncomfortably hot during re-entry.

'Be taller! grow up to six inches over night..been there, done that...hee-hee.
Actually, if you were mug enough to send off for this, at best you got little inserts you put into your shoe, or pathetic advice like 'stand taller'...... huh?
Or at the very worst those giant boots that Polio victims had grown out of.
Scamming bastards!

But I look back on all those outrageous claims fondly, I was a child and I was in my salad days.
I was green in judgement and cold in blood.
They were a part of who and what I am..worse still, the scams of today lack their breath taking nerve and imagination..their like will never be seen again..
ok..I'm just off to build my own Polaris nuclear $6.98c it's a damned bargain.

3/22/2016 12:09:13 PM

Years ago when people cared about me, I used to get birthday cards, phone calls, I used to have friends drop in on me to see how I was if I'd been ill.
And now...with JUST days to go before my next birthday, a truth has just finally hit me.

Besides all of the above falling away and fading into the mists of time. 
I've just realised something else too.

I no longer get selected for the 'Readers Digest' prize draw. 
They've stopped telling me I'm the 500,000th person to log on to a particular website.
I don't get any more plastic bags with a note asking for old clothing dropped on my doorstep.
The Bettaware man doesn't bother knocking.

And...sigh...Jehovas Witness's just walk past my house.

I'm getting old.

3/22/2016 12:06:43 PM

I see the US is government is at it again.

Once again offering unasked for advice on whether or not we should vote to stay in the EU.

Now considering that Europe passes countless laws that we have no say over as to whether can follow them or not, it also imposes taxes and other costs we have no real power to vote against either.

So let me ask you a question America.

What are your feelings about taxation without representation and what would YOU do about it?

Oh...hang on...

3/22/2016 12:04:47 PM

Bleached on the Sun warmed steps of my home, 
Buttered toast dripping on my fingers.

I want one more summer here to be rich. 
To see the Cherry tree in my garden and idle away my day, 
As its leaves grow full and lusty... 
Green in the sunlight but black as crows' wings 
in the night.

I'm sitting on small sticks and dry leaves 
that the Spring breeze has left on my decking; 
The birds are nesting in the eaves again, 
prying a small life in the edges of this house, 
and in weeks the babies will be shell-born 
and loud in the morning. 
And me?....I will be rich all summer.

To just sit out here and bake dry for a while, 
then go back inside and believe 
I can write poetry. 
On a warm Spring morning...
In Tamworth.

11/12/2015 10:46:39 PM

For Polo. 1977-1991.

And what of birth? the old man said...
The first a baby does is cry,
And the innocence of early years,
So swiftly fades away to die.

And what of age? the young man said.
I'm strong and fit and in my prime
But those withered limbs will soon be mine..
(So soon be mine)

And what of love ? the cynic said,
Love will only bring you pain
With love comes loss and deep despair...
And drives the strongest man insane..

And what of life? the mourner said,
Where once a wild and raging wind,
Had fanned a light (a light now dead)
Perhaps the voice that spoke within...
Knows silence now and cannot sin.

And what of words? the Poet wrote,
And struggled in his rhymes to say,
Of the things I know and truly fear..
The past, tomorrow and today.

And what of Dogs? the 'owner' said
A friend I've known and long adored..
Has left me now and broke my heart..
Her loss cuts deeper than a sword.

11/11/2015 10:50:27 PM

Did you know those poor gullible primitives in Africa believe that Ebola isn't an illness but it's actually a curse placed upon them by evil spirits?

You'd think this being the 21st century they'd be able to see through all that mumbo jumbo and superstition like we can in the West.

I'll say a prayer for them at mass on Sunday.

11/11/2015 10:47:26 PM

The power of a kiss.

A man was in the desert with a camel who wouldn't move,
He's tried everything....
Just then a passing nomad wanders over and says "Allow me!"
He goes behind the camel..

All of a sudden the camel lets out a squeal and races off.

"What did you do?" asked the camel owner,
"I kissed his testicles" replied the nomad..

"well,"says the owner "You better kiss mine too, I've got to catch the bastard''

11/11/2015 10:46:34 PM
I can't believe I got sacked on my very first day as a signwirter.
11/11/2015 10:41:57 PM

A new report says that the average person has sex 89 times a year.

God in Heaven! I'm going to be busy in December.

11/11/2015 10:36:23 PM
We don't start our walk
Until I'm sure the leash 
Is secure around your wrist,
It's so you won't wander or get lost.

Then I walk a few feet ahead 
To guide the way and clear the path 
Keeping to the roads I know well
Away from any wild dogs
Or other traps of Nature.

Because I made you a promise 
On the day you chose me 
To honour your choice 
And make you proud,
Even in rain and snow.

I will always see you through 
And get us back to our front door 
It's a pledge I've kept
So you won't have to walk alone,
Without me by your side.
11/10/2015 9:54:10 PM

I love the new John Lewis ad.

It portrays a young girl whooping it up, all excited as Christmas approaches. She takes out her telescope and points it up at the moon and to her amazement she sees an old sad man who walks out of his shack and gazes up in deep loneliness at the distant planet earth.

Next thing you know, HE has a telescope land at his feet which was a present off the little girl.

So NOW the poor old bugger can not only see everyone have a great time, he can now see how lonely and sad he really is.

Which if you think about it, reflects life in modern Britain today.

All over the country there are old aged pensioners living exactly like that lonely old man on the moon,

They don't have telescopes though, they just have windows that they can stare out of in the hope of human contact.

All the time knowing that when darkness falls, they have to close their curtains for the night and shut out one more day on the hope of human interaction.

So how about this Christmas, instead of looking up at the moon, knock a neighbours door instead...a door of a house where someone lives alone....sit with them a while, listen to their story, if you wish, tell them yours..

Go on, give it a shot.
Make someone's Christmas.
This year.


I do not believe for a second John Lewis could deliver a Christmas gift to the moon.
Not when it took the bastards 6 weeks to deliver a bedside lamp to Wolverhampton last year

11/10/2015 9:11:42 AM

Dawn French has said she has never felt the need to have sex with the lights off.
The Vicar of Dibley star also said she has never done an interview without her weight being mentioned, and she said: “It’s my shell, that’s all it is. Move on.”

And why on earth should she?
She's beautiful as she is.

11/10/2015 9:09:50 AM

‘’Allahu akbar"…

well yeah…but not always.

We see it on Television all the time, some brain dead moron screaming out his praise to Allah as he blows some poor bastard to pieces.


Where was I?...ahh yes.

I watched a young Muslim man on TV this morning crying out for help after he’d been hit by a Rocket grenade.
And it led me to thinking.
I don’t care how religious you are or what twisted perverted faith that it is you claim to follow,
However I do know this…in times of great adversity or especially when you think you’re dying or in serious trouble, most people call out the name of the person that they know they could always rely on, the person they know who loved them and would usually give all they are just to keep them from harm..

This man..He never mentioned the name of his God once…
He was calling out for his mother.

I hope he remembers the next person he tries to kill also has one.

11/10/2015 9:07:44 AM

The worst thing about owls is the way that they can maintain eye contact when you put them in a microwave.

11/10/2015 9:07:09 AM

I took a photograph of a mouse yesterday.

He didn't say 'cheese', but I could tell he was thinking it.

11/10/2015 9:05:24 AM

November 11th.

I was your brother and your cousin,
Your Mother and your Dad,
I was your sister and your uncle....
Through the good times and the bad.

I saw service in the Army,
The Air force and Marines
I was a million unknown faces
In a million different scenes

I fought so you'd know liberty,
As I watched my comrades die,
I never sought to question it,
nor ask the reason why.

I fought on seas and shores and mountains,
As I strived to keep you free..
Now all I ask is once a year,
That you remember me.

10/12/2015 9:15:36 PM

I've just seen a clip on Sky TV released by Hamas showing a house that had been bombed by Israeli jets.

I have to say even though it obliterated bricks and concrete, those children's toys and that little kiddies blow up ball managed to survive.
How lucky is that?

Ahh don't you just love planted propaganda.

10/12/2015 9:14:24 PM

Then I saw a little girl.




I was looking through the photos on my webpage thinking which ones should I delete.. I'd also got a page open on yahoo.

There was a story about a young girl going through all the horrors of Chemo therapy and Radiation treatment.

So I wrote this..



My before and after pictures on Facebook all seem poor or ugly and there are times I look back through the years of it, and can't believe I'm even part of the human race..let's face it, even I know I'm no oil painting.

But... I am wedded to the species, I can't deny it, from my two hands and two feet,

My five fingers that find temptation, the symmetry of my eyes, and a mind that is always casting around for apologies and reason.

Then I saw a little girl, In the cancer ward of some hospital,

Hair all gone, her teeth grown in with gaps between them from enduring all the chemicals they've fed into her body to keep her going and hopefully cure her as well.
Now THAT is a human being,
A burning angel of love more beautiful than most of us could ever imagine,

I'm looking at her picture as I write this..she is shining above the pages of her own portfolio

However few they be.



10/11/2015 9:49:40 AM
has just read a recent study that shows 90% of women don't like men in pink shirts.
Ironically, 90% of men in pink shirts don't like women either.
10/10/2015 6:38:44 AM

THE heartbroken mum of a Birmingham toddler knocked down outside his house as he rushed to greet his granddad has declared: “He was my world”.

Grieving Razwana Hamid from Aston spoke as she opened her family’s photo album to reveal previously unseen images of two-year-old Muhammad Zakariyya.

She said: ““Every day is a battle for me.
“He was just the most amazing little boy – he was my world.

Yes I bet he was..he was just an innocent young kid and I am genuinely sorry for your loss.
As you Muslims say..''As-salamu alaykum''

And as we atheists say.
'Find peace in your heart'

8/23/2015 12:21:44 AM

Oscar Pistorious's family are said to be shocked and disappointed he will not be home on Friday.

A bit like Riva Steenkamp's family must be feeling about their daughter then.

8/23/2015 12:20:55 AM

Sir John Chilcot, the chairman of the inquiry into the invasion of Iraq is preparing to tell the families of the soldiers killed that he understands the "anguish" they are suffering

He expects to have the apology ready sometime within the next 8 years.

8/16/2015 8:43:32 PM

The Jail in which Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is incarcerated, has been likened to ''living in hell'' by former wardens and rights activists. he can share the same living conditions of the families who lost their loved ones.

8/16/2015 8:41:43 PM

To be honest I don't really care whether or not you hurt yourself when you fell from heaven

I Just want you in the filthiest possible way, to show me why you got kicked out of there

8/16/2015 8:40:09 PM

There is only one proper way for a professional soldier to die: The last bullet of the last battle of the last war.

I went paint balling with my daughter and her boyfriend yesterday.
From 8.30 in the morning until 4 pm, I was crawling through mud, under trees, across ditches in an heroic effort to shoot the enemy before they shot me.

I'd never done it before.
Purchasing 500 paint balls, an upgraded rifle and wearing full camo outfit, at 9 30 am, I was listening to an instructor tell me all about the rules of the game.
For starters never under any circumstances remove your face mask and goggles, he said the paint balls leave the gun at 200ft a second and have a range of over 100 yards.

He then split us up into teams.
Luckily enough my daughter and Jake were on my side, game or not, I could never shoot my daughter under any circumstances..

They split us up into sides and the first battle began.
I think I crawled about 50 yards to get where I wanted to be, and there he was lying in a ditch 50ft in front of me.. my first paint balling game ever, my first ever ''enemy target''
He'd killed about 3 of our side and I lined up my gun on the right hand side of his body..
Those paint balls really do come at you with a whack., they leave large red marks, bruises and can even leave you bleeding.

He didn't even know I was there as my first shot slammed into his ribs and as he was hit, he let out a really loud I've never liked a squealer so my second shot his him again two inches below the first so up he jumped hand in the air to signify he was out the battle.
My first ever game, my first ever kill and all I'd fired was 6 paint balls, 4 to practice the range and accuracy of the rifle, the next two to kill him.
Then the first battle finished.
15 minutes gone and I was soaked in sweat..... I was buzzing.

Game two...I was only in it about 5 minutes when someone using a bloody snipers rifle and way out of my range, shot me in the hip, that raised a huge lump and marked in yellow paint, that was me gone...also I was sweating so much my goggles were that steamed up I could barely see a thing..and you cannot, under any circumstances take them off to clean them.

Game three,

Those guns fire well over 100 yards and STILL hurt when they hit you.
My daughter Nicki is walking 5ft away on my life hand side.

200ft a second they it took around 1/40th of a second for Nicki to accidently shoot her dear old Dad in the left foot as we walked along..God in heaven the pain! shot by my own daughter...even as I write this my foot is bruised and still very tender

I killed 5 people that game without a single hit from the other team.

Game four

Both teams had to take a cave..
Dodging through the canyon I thought to myself I'm never going to get in there, so finding a very close place out of enemy sight, I just covered the cave entrance from around 15ft .
My trouble is I get bored easily..
All the time I'm thinking..15ft, I can do that..but I knew the enemy is watching close by..
And I'm thinking ..where would I be hiding if I were them...only one place.....

And trying to get there..I met ME.
in exactly the same spot I would be if I'd got there first, was a sneaky enemy so I turned and ran for the cave..I never had a chance as he unloaded on me from less than 10ft away
hit twice under the armpit, in the thigh, my bum, and my left shoulder, I was shot to bits.
I'm bruised to shit this morning.

Last game..
I found myself a fantastic spot and settled in waiting for them to come..
Firing through a pile of logs I found a nice little 6 inch hole to shoot through..
I easily hit another 5 or 6 of them, even the Marshall said to me ''Well done''
I'm looking down at my ammunition shot left and I let it off hitting a guy in his side..

That was it, for me, the game, the war... was over..
It was then as I slightly raised my head to lift my left hand to take myself out of the game I felt something smack me hard right on the top..
I'm shot.. hurts..

George C Patton once said ''There's only one proper way for a professional soldier to die: the last bullet of the last battle of the last war...''
I had a great time.

8/16/2015 8:39:28 PM

''If you seek his monument, look around you''.
The above was written about Sir Christopher Wren.

It obviously refers to St Paul's Cathedral, one of the world's iconic sites and a lasting monument to his greatness.

Then I thought of a broken economy and shattered dreams.
I thought of uncontrolled immigration that has destroyed who we are.
I thought of broken promises on education and health, and I thought of destroyed pensions.
I thought of a country that seems to have no borders.
I thought of brave heroes who die to defend foreign lands and the people that hate us...
I thought of closed down factories and Shipyards, 
I thought of proud Miners condemned to a life on the dole.
I thought of our young people leaving University and facing a lifetime of debt.
I thought of a country that has one quarter of all the worlds surveillance cameras.
I thought of rising crime rates where good people are to scared to walk the streets
I thought of old people who have to sell off all that they possess to live in an uncaring Nursing home.
I thought of our underpaid Nurses and Teachers and those with real value.
I thought of Bankers paid with bonuses more than we will earn in our lives.

Then I thought of our Politicians
And I thought, if you seek their monument...
Look around you.

7/4/2015 9:42:52 PM

11.34: Arrived at crime scene

11.34: Examined body. Signs of a struggle

11.34: Found murder weapon in drain

11.34: Realised watch was broken

7/4/2015 9:41:40 PM
I stayed in my home town of South Shields last weekend.
For some unknown reason hotel rooms were few and far to come by.
So I asked my cousin if she could recommend anywhere..
Sigh...she said try the Athol Hotel near Ocean Rd.

I think the name was a spelling mistake..
Athol? Arsehole more like..

This is the first time in 30 years I’ve stopped in a hotel room that had no en-suite …
every time I went for a Pee, by the time I’d walked down three flights of stairs and back up to my room, I needed another one.

Also the bed smelled of sweat…unfortunately for me, it wasn’t mine.

And how can I say this? Ahh yes…the bed sheets were slightly grubby…well I SAY SLIGHTLY, the truth is they looked like they’d used them to carry out those trapped Chilean coal miners.
Honking would be closer to the mark.

While we’re at it, in the Midlands, hotels usually offer tea making facilities..
They do this by supplying a kettle, a few tea bags and those little cartons of milk..
Not a small pile of kindling, three sticks of wood and a lump of coal.
It took 4 hours to make a decent drink…plus the smoke alarm kept going off.

The bed was…shall we say…testing? I’ve had more comfortable moments riding to work bare arsed on a porcupine
When I got up the next morning I was pebble dashed all over.

I remember about 3am and being unable to sleep, lying there, looking up at the stars.
Then I got out my hotel brochure and I have to agree, they promised nothing about me having a roof over my bed.

There WAS a sink in the room…again I SAY sink…

It looked more like giant catering bean tin to me with a plug in it, but then again, what would I know…by the way…it was blocked..
To be blunt there was that much hair in it, it looked like the previous occupant had died of Alopecia.

The shower on the floor below me….sigh
How was I to know it would be so old, so cold and so under powered, it would have been quicker to have a Ferret lick me clean?
I’ve sweated more moisture making snowmen, than that bloody thing turned out.

The breakfast was nice…well it would have been if I’d just arrived from Somalia without eating for 6 weeks.
It was that small.. an Irish republican mouse, ending a 2 months hunger strike wouldn’t have bothered getting up out of bed to eat it.

And the cook even had to the nerve to ask me how I found the bacon…I so desperately wanted to reply ‘’I moved a small baked bean and there it was’’

The man even asked me if I would be posting anything on Trip advisor about my stay..
Silly, silly man..he should be very careful what he asked for.

And why didn’t you warn me Geordies still use the bartering system?
Do you KNOW how hard it was when I came to pay for my room, to find one baby goat and three small Chickens?

7/4/2015 9:36:47 PM

I remember the years I slept naked in summer
Half covered by a sheet.
I'd be waiting to see what you would do,
When you came to bed and saw me there.

Would you be unable to resist touching my chest?
My hips, my thighs? 
Would you be unable to resist finding a place on my body,
You could kiss?

And if you did.
You'd learn I wasn't really asleep
How could I sleep?
Aching to know if any part of you,
Wanted any part of me.

But you resisted every time,
You stayed strong and took your side of the bed.
You went to sleep like a good girl
And I knew.
I knew you had it in you...
To not really want me at all.

7/4/2015 9:35:32 PM

A new Birmingham MP has employed her husband as her office manager, funded by taxpayers.
Jess Phillips (Lab), MP for Birmingham Yardley, pays husband Tom Phillips to be her Constituency Support Manager from her Parliamentary allowance.

Mrs Phillips said: “I am in the process of setting up my office and I need somebody I can trust to do that.

“He has all the skills I need to do that.

Well done Tom on getting such a lucrative well paid Government job in Office management and I.T.
What a talented Lift Engineer you are.

4/2/2015 12:34:07 AM

A couple from Scunthorpe have won the euromillions lottery twice and plan to move to London.

Good luck to them.
They should almost have enough now for a deposit on a house.

3/31/2015 9:56:45 PM

I've just had my fourth update about the polar bear I adopted last year.
You think they'd have fed her by now and got her off that lump of ice.

3/31/2015 9:54:54 PM

I think Collarspace should have a limit on the number of times people can change their relationship status.

After five, it ought to default permanently to 'unstable'

3/31/2015 9:53:32 PM

Rafael Cruz, father of Texas Senator and Tea-Party favorite Ted Cruz,
(And incidently Ted being the first Politician to declare he intends to stand for US President)

“If there is no God, then we are ruled by our instincts,” he said. “Of course, this leads us, when there are no moral absolutes, leads us to sexual immorality, leads us to sexual abuse, leads us to perversion and, of course, no hope. No hope!”


Well I'm an Atheist...
So in the interests of fairness, can we add Muslims, Catholic Politicians, certain members of the Royal family, Vicars and other pillars of virtue to this list?

Being serious Mr Cruz, you must be a very sad individual indeed if you think you need a God to put morality inside you.

3/31/2015 9:51:06 PM

An arranged marriage groom was so upset when he saw his bride for the first time that he tried to drown himself.

Kang Hu, 33, stunned guests, family and friends when he apologised to bride Na Sung, 30, telling her that she was 'too ugly' to marry.

You petty, petty bastard, I don't know you Mr Hu and for that I will be eternally grateful, but I do know for certain who the ugly one would have been in that relationship.

3/31/2015 9:47:37 PM

The first time I realised I was ugly was at my sixth birthday party.

It was when our local paedophile gently took my hand and said we could never be more than friends

3/31/2015 9:46:06 PM

God in heaven,  I'm a sad bastard.

I'm ...sigh... watching Jeremy Kyle on the TV right now.

And I'm thinking, if the collective name for a group of Lions is a ''Pride''
and you can have a ''School'' of fish.

What's the name for a bunch of Jeremy Kyle participants...a ''Tooth''?

3/14/2015 10:08:41 PM

I remember the first time I burned my hair, one eyebrow and both my eyelashes off.

I was 19 and working up Brookhill Rd trying to repair an underground burst pipe.

These were the days of the old lead mains which caused brain damage and made lots of people support Aston Villa....
Now, In those days all jobs were priced in Bonus hours.

You used to get paid your flat rate wage, something like £14 a week, then you'd get anther 10p a bonus hour on top.

To fit a new bath was 9.4 bonus hours, a new wash basin was 4.7, and cast iron guttering was 4.3 hours a length.

Underground water bursts were 27 bonus hours each.
This was reflected by the fact that first you had to find the bugger.

Except if you know what you're doing, it's usually not too hard.

This was in the days of the old Parrafin blow lamps, you had to clean them, warm them up, prime them and if you were lucky, you might even get them to light.

So there I am, in a 3ft muddy trench, pouring down with rain, I've got the water off to 6 houses and all the tenants are moaning and asking how long it will take.

I'd cleaned and tallowed the lead pipe and was just about to wipe a new joint and stop the leak.

It was as I leaned out over the trench I did the ultimate no-no...I tipped the blowlamp upside down, a huge ball of flame rolled up into my face and as I closed my eyes and pulled away, I half turned my head, it was this that cost me my eyelashes, my one eye brow and half my feather cut..

Now here's a question...would you shave the other eyebrow off or would you be really REALLY stupid and use your sisters eyelash pencil and draw yourself another one on? that finished just slightly over your left ear?


3/14/2015 10:06:10 PM

There are so many Romanian, Bulgarians and Somali's over here now,  That England is beginning to feel less and less like Poland every day.

2/19/2015 11:51:45 AM

I flopped my willy out in front of a girl last night and said, "Do you like my new piercing?"
After a few seconds she said, "Where's the piercing then?"

I said, "In my ear."

2/19/2015 11:49:47 AM

A couple arrested as they attempted to stage a bogus wedding have been jailed for immigration offences - after the would-be groom was unable to remember his bride's name.

That's ok.
Men often forget they have a wife when talking to a potential girlfriend.

2/11/2015 8:39:09 PM

You can tell the sex of an ant by dropping it into a jug of water.

If it sinks: girl ant
If it floats: boy ant

2/11/2015 8:35:04 PM

A 34-year-old man says he has been told by doctors he has only 100 orgasms left until he loses the ability to have sex forever.

The American man, known only as RLS, said he had been diagnosed with a rare condition called ‘ideopathic fibrosis of the corpora cavernosa’ which means each time he ejaculates a layer of scar tissue forms.

I have a solution to this.

I suggest he gets married, then those remaining 100 orgasms should easily last him the rest of his life.

2/11/2015 8:33:51 PM

A 911 call has been released of the moment two members of Bobby Brown's family got into a fight at Bobby Brown's 46th birthday party in Atlanta.

The fight happened last Thursday - five days after Bobbi Kristina was found unresponsive face down in a bath tub.

Ahh yes, nothing better than throwing a good birthday party whilst your daughter lies dying in hospital is there?

2/11/2015 8:32:16 PM

In an article today experts try to work out which would be the safest seat to be in during a plane crash.
Some say over the wings, some say right at the back, others claim about 8 seats from the front.

Now I'm just a raggy bummed Plumber but even I know the safest seat to be in the terrible event of a Plane crash.

On my couch at home, watching it on the TV.

2/11/2015 8:29:35 PM

President Obama:

"On this day, we take comfort in the fact that the future belongs not to those who destroy, but rather to the irrepressible force of human goodness that Kayla Mueller shall forever represent."

Yes Kayla will live on forever....
Just like the names of all those other slaughtered innocents we no longer remember.

10/4/2014 9:17:03 PM
Sometimes lives pass without a comment..a bit like that tree that falls in
the forest with no one around to hear it.

I can't let Milton go like that...not in silence and not without a sound.
Milton was a young cat about 6 months old.

He was owned by my daughter who had him from a Kitten.
She loved him very much..
Milton died yesterday morning... he was killed by a passing car on the main road in
Truth is she should never have had him, she lives in a two bed flat
without a garden..
I guess Milton must have used his other 8 lives up
unnoticed and unseen..

yesterday morning was his ninth.

It's the first time my daughter has really known death..not a bad feat to get to
the tender age of 27 with is it?
She's spent all of the day crying..
Missing her first pet..Milton..
Well I'll end this now..

Milton...I heard your tree fall.
4/30/2014 9:39:57 AM

You learn something new every day.

Unless of course you go to a faith school.

4/30/2014 9:36:58 AM

I've just watched a tv clip about America's oldest woman, she was born in Tennessee in 1897.
Which makes the old dear almost (or)117 years old.
What a terrible tragedy.

Living so long in my opinion would be a terrible thing.
Given an average run, I'm now in the early evening of my life.
That woman has lived almost twice that.

She has seen her children die of old age, her husband is nothing but a fading memory.
And probably every single school friend, boyfriend, colleague is now dead and buried.
Time has removed from her, every single person who has ever truly mattered.

I watched her sitting in her chair..
She showed no sign of knowing where she is, what she is or who she is.
That isn't life, that is simply existence. 

I'm almost half her years.
She was my age in 1957.
She was my age when Queen Elizabeth held her coronation. 
She was almost 70 when the Beatles bloomed across the stage..
She was 72 when man first walked upon the moon.

I think one of the great tragedies in life isn't to not believe in God.
But for God not to believe in you..

12/7/2013 9:03:00 PM

China said in the week that Britain is just an aging small country that is now only fit for Tourists and students..
I beg to differ..

Yes Britain may be a small country, but to quote Hugh Grant in Love Actually,

'We may be a small country, but we're a great one too, a country of Shakespeare, Churchill, the Beatles, Sean Connery, Harry Potter, David Beckhams right foot, David Beckhams left foot'

Oh and 200 Trident Nuclear missiles you Chinese bastards.

12/7/2013 9:01:04 PM

Schoolchildren should be learning a foreign language such as Chinese, rather than French or German, Prime Minister David Cameron has said.

I agree David...all children should know a foreign language so I've got a suggestion.
How about teaching 1 in 6 of the schoolchildren already

12/7/2013 8:59:58 PM

After the breaking news of his death, well wishers gathered outside Nelson Mandela's house singing and dancing celebrating his life.

So how come when I did it after my mother in-law died, I was a heartless bastard?

12/7/2013 8:59:12 PM

In the fading of my faith,
I ask how you became my church,
the true religion of my heart.

The hurt of you was all I had,
all I could hold close, believing
in your return, our resurrection.

I've not renounced this priesthood, no,
not yet; I'll watch the failing flame
of each candle lit to you.

I'll watch them fade, one by one,
and only then shall I turn from
your darkened altar, resurrected,

for all beginnings need an end.

12/2/2013 9:32:12 PM

Considering I'm a very practical person, that I'm good with my hands and able to fit anything from full central heating to a car alternator, I am, without any fear whatsoever of losing my title, the worlds worst cook.

You could lay before me the finest food ingredients, stand me in front of a state of the art cooker,  you could throw in mankinds finest spices and the country's best selling cookery books and....sigh.. you'd still end up with roast water for breakfast.


And it's not like I don't try.


But somewhere hidden in the winding alleyways of my peanut brain, is a little fuse breaker that instantly blows, the second I even try to fry a custard..


Now, I used to have a neighbour called Heather...besides fancying the pants off her, she was amazing in the kitchen.

I swear to god you only needed to give her the top off a carrot, 3 ounces of lard and a small pickled onion and 90 minutes later you'd be sitting down to eat a full roast beef dinner.


It didn't matter what she had to work with, Heather could conjure up everything from anything.

And it tasted bloody lovely.

They say the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach, no it isn't, it's with a huge carving knife but if Heather was the one wielding the blade she'd have probably diced some carrots on the way in.


Well anyway, Heather was happily married (to a 600 pound husband as I recall) so I had to do what a lousy cook always has to do,
I took up eating out.

And I do too, I've eaten out in some of the nicest restaurants I've ever seen, and I've done it in some of the most beautiful places in the world, I've dined on the Champs Elysee in Paris,, I've eaten out in New York, San Francisco and London.
I've lingered on the local fayre of Egypt and Morocco, I've eaten Greek in Greece and French in France.

But what I'd give for just two things..two little things

To be able to cook my own food, to make an Indian meal just as I like it...and to have full oral sex off Heather.

12/2/2013 9:14:00 AM

Things I hate.

Girly and damp, limp handshakes..when you shake a mans hand and it feels like you have half a Haddock in it.


Women at the front of a checkout who when the total comes up, you see a look of surprise come across their face as they realise, yes, you DO have to pay for it..and only then rummage through their handbag to find the cash.


Bins not emptied properly.


Drivers whose brains work at the same speed as a heavily drugged snail.

You wait hours at the junction behind them, while they carefully scan the distance with high powered binoculars to see if there is any sign of another car coming in this lifetime...just **** GO!


Woman who ask you to comment on their hair, clothes, figure etc, knowing whatever answer you give is the wrong one.


People who follow me around the internet (which DOES take some effort) then complain about what I write..get a life will you.

If you dont like what I wriite about, dont read it..'simples' Vgghhtt.


Waiting for a Petrol station operator to press the 'ok' button so my pump will start....take YOUR time why dont you? after all you're in a nice warm kiosk and I'm outside with the rain dripping off my testicles.


Computers that crash, taking 30 minutes work with them.

Women who get court orders against me just because I'm stalking them.


Airline check ins where you have to suspend all humour until you get off the plane at the other end.

Talking to call centres 5000 miles away..yes I know learning Gujarati would ease the whole experience but hey..I'm in England, cant you just learn English instead?


Police officers who stop you then talk to you like you're a 5 year old, worse still, you have to listen and smile politely to even stand a hope of getting away with it...then the bastards still do you.


Safety cameras on dual carriageways and motorways...not many school crossings likely to be found there, is there ?


Standing in the carvery at the Pretty Pigs pub and knowing the 'Roasties' are going to run out just as I get there.


Walking into a chip shop at lunchtime and the guy saying..'They'll be ready in 5 minutes'  BASTARDS! people coming in for chips at lunchtime is a shock then? have the buggers ready!


Dogs that sniff my bum..I swear to god the next one that does it, I'm going to roll him on his back, pin his paws down and say 'My turn now brown eyes'


Phone numbers that say if you want thingy, press one, doo-dah,press two and so on, and when you do that, you have 30 other options on the next part.


And finally (and I'm turning into Victor Meldrew here)


People who just walk straight past without even a nod when you've stood there for 10 seconds holding the door open..rude bastards...

12/2/2013 9:05:38 AM

Could I ever please a woman,

Make her laugh much anymore?

With a heart so badly mended,

So tender and still sore.

Could I make her maybe want me,

Say my name to all her friends

When I've so little left to offer..

As my days draw to their end.

Just a store of painful memories.

even I want to forget,

So that on the day we should meet

She won't later have regrets.

To show her world up to a stranger

And giving half a chance

To an older man who's only known

How the lonely people dance.

Could I ever light  a lady

With my little warmth to spare,

And make her see my loving heart,

And its capacity to care.

11/24/2013 7:47:22 PM

I took a girl back to my place last night.

As we got into the bedroom I said, "I'm going to make love to you like no man has ever done before."

"Oh really?" she smiled.

I said, "Yes, now put this chicken costume on."

11/24/2013 7:45:43 PM

Why on earth in 2013, when there are machines which can look through skin and see bones, when there are machines which keep you alive when your brain and heart have stopped.

When there are even machines that can tell you who your parents are with a single drop of spit and so on, but if I need my prostate checked, another man sticks his finger up my bum and wriggles it about a bit.

11/9/2013 10:37:57 PM

November 11th.

I was your brother and your Uncle.

Your Mother and your Dad.

I was your sister and your cousin.

Through the good times and the bad.


I saw service in the Army,

The Air force and Marines.

I was a million unknown faces.

In a million different scenes.


I fought so you'd know liberty.

As I watched my comrades die.

I never sought to question it,

nor ask the reason why.


I fought on hills and streets and mountains,

As I strived to keep you free.

Now all I ask is once a year,

That you remember me.

11/9/2013 9:44:05 PM
A lot has been reported about the murder of a Muslim terrorist by one of our Royal Marines. Found guilty, he has been told he can expect a life prison sentence when sentenced next week.

Usually I defend our troops no matter what. I'm proud of them, I take glory in them and I support them. I honestly think there is no more braver or nobler fighter than a UK soldier in battle.

But this Royal Marine?
He was wrong.
In the.heat of war, bullets flying, bombs exploding, anything and everything is forgivable. When the hot blood flows through, in anguish and agony at the loss of a friend...yes.
But in cold blood to a man already

I judge him here for one reason and one reason alone.
Let them plant their IED's, let them bomb our trains and our buses, let them be the worthless scum that we know them to be.
But I judge him here on one reason and one reason alone.
Never descend to their level. 
Royal Marines  are better than that,
WE are better than that.
10/28/2013 10:19:40 AM

I read over the weekend that the deadly black widow has arrived in Britain.

Oh hang on, CM have just contacted seems I have to refer to it as a recently bereaved Arachnid of ethnic minority origin.

10/28/2013 10:15:20 AM
I don't know what to say cases like this I think I'll just go with the heart. Yesterday a 14 year old lad lost his life after he was swept out to sea playing a game of chicken.

What on earth happened to that boys common sense? What on earth possessed him to venture into a sea that was being driven by 80 mph winds?

There are games of chicken and then there are games of idiocy and stupidity that beggar belief.
The poor, poor little bastard, my heart goes out to his parents and family.
For them there is now a lifetime of regret, longing and broken hearts.

His face will become frozen in time.. they will collect every photo of him and over the years, they will ache for a new image of a life he should be living, one of his first proper girlfriend, his first car, leaving school, on holiday abroad, his first job, his own children...all gone...all so tragically gone..
His poor, poor family.

They call the game 'Chicken'.. Someone should point out that to play it with your life as the bet, you need to have the brain of one.

To his family.. Find peace. x
10/28/2013 10:13:16 AM

Goverment Advice to MP's and Cabinet Mnisters......
if your home is in the path of the storm, head to your second or third home for safety.

Don't forget to claim travel expenses.

10/28/2013 10:12:23 AM

Well they've done it again. Weather forecasters have got it all completely wrong about high winds battering England. Oh sure, they got it right about the South coast. The rest, just like 50% of the time if you had reversed their forecast, you still had an equal chance of getting the weather correct.

People treat our forecasts as a bit of a joke...except it isn't, on the words of these idiots we cancel planes, trains, shut down schools, we stop ferries, we completely disrupt our way of life and what do those buggers do? they conveniently skip over it,

I live on a gets windy at the best of times.

Last night I tied all my rubbish bins together to stop them blowing away..

I superglued my cat's feet to the decking, I threw all my leaves on to my neighbours garden knowing they'd all blow away and I got all my washing in off the line to stop my knickers ending up in Scotland...and for what?

I've known gustier Mouse's farts than this so called hurricane that was due to hit us. I think at very worst I had my eyelashes ruffled. It took me an hour to untie my bins. I had to bag 15,000 of my leaves still on my neighbours garden..

Bugger the cats..they can stay there.
Thank God I managed to hang on to Sandra knickers.

9/15/2013 8:05:14 AM

I've just read that Planet earth is $4 Trillion dollars in debt..
I might only be a raggy arsed Plumber, but I'm confused here..
Exactly what other planet are we in debt to?

9/9/2013 10:48:02 PM

I was talking with my daughter and we were discussing  the things we need to do to her new house.
As we were chatting away she was ticking off the list of things she would like upgraded.
Her ‘new’ home was built in the 19th century, it still had an outdoor toilet, which for nostalgia alone, I wanted to leave in.

Of course it  already had an upstairs bathroom, but the contrast between what she expects as minimal and the first two homes I lived in are amazing.


She wants Central heating fitted, a new Combination Boiler, radiators in every room etc,

She also needs a complete new kitchen, again no problem, she wants the house completely re-wired including Sky cables run in each room.

Throw in a complete re-plaster, full double glazing and we’re almost done.

None of which apart from the plastering is that difficult,  it’s what I do (or did) for a living.

Now like I said, these are her minimum requirements.



MY first home had a single coal fire, my second one had two, the kitchen fire being a black leaded range.

It was around the range we did most of our living, I remember a kettle permanently boiling away on the plate and Mom heating the iron on the fire then holding it close to her face to check the temperature.

As we couldn’t always afford to keep the fire burning overnight, that often meant shivering in the winter, snot hanging like icicles as we tried to get it going.


Then there was our bathroom, this was a worn tin bath in front of the fire.
There was also a pecking order to using it.

The bathing cast (in order of importance) was my two older sisters, then my older brothers and after that,  me and my younger sister and brother, often the last three of us would all be in there together, the water would be cold, grey, murky and with the help of a two year old brother, at least 61% urine.


We had no hot water in those houses either, we simply filled a bowl and again, everyone washed in it, sometimes my dad even used it to shave in before I got to have a go.
If I didn’t wipe myself off properly, all the whiskers Dad shaved off stuck to me and I went to school looking like Desperate Dan.


The outside toilet was fun, especially in Winter, you all know what happens when you lick a lamp post with ice on it.

Many’s the time Mom had to pour warm water on my willy to free me from the metal flush pipe.

Hey, I was young and innocent.


The bedrooms were freezing, the times ice formed on the inside of the windows was no one’s business, and all we had to keep warm were nits and army blankets, and when it really got cold?

Mom threw coats and clothing on the bed.
I’ve lost count of the time I ‘accidently’woke up wearing Pink directoire knickers.


Electric Plug sockets were at a minimum, good job really as we had bugger all to plug in, no telly, no Fridge, no toasters (a three pronged wire fork did all that) there was no need for computer points, phone sockets or washing machines, I reckon we only needed three power points for the whole house.
In fact apart from the Radio and later on, a shitty little TV, I'm struggling to work out where we'd have used the other one.
A 'Hoover' wasn't required, not unless lino and floorboards required vacuuming and a washing machine was two hands and a mangle.

As I recall we still took pride in wall long as you didn't mind living in a house a drunken Salvador Dali had decorated.
One thing that sticks in my mind from back then was you had to tear off the side borders of the wallpaper before you could use it.
Took bloody ages. 

And here I am, comparing those far off days with the expectations of a modern woman.
And I find yesterday wins every time.
Not because our lives aren't any better today.
These days I have all I need to make life easier, I have computers, holidays abroad, better health care, I have large multi channel flat screen TV's.
I have cars, a Hoover that works, a washing machine, a power shower.
I have central heating, I have better food, better clothes and above all of thse things two wonderful grandchildren and two lovely daughters.

So why is there always that longing? why is there always that space that can never be filled?
It's easy..that space is a hole left by the loss of those I have loved and I know that in the darkness, when the night whispers the truth, that no shiney new home, however well equipped, could ever
fill in the gap that is..
The story of my days.

9/9/2013 10:42:01 PM

Beside me in the darkness, you said
you couldn’t see us together

in the long run.
If ever you should have lied,
it was then.

For it was at that moment,
I began to leave.

9/9/2013 10:34:21 PM

Jesus Christ I'm getting old...

I sent off my CV for a new job yesterday and they sent me back a Parker pen just for applying.

9/9/2013 10:27:50 PM

"There is a forgotten, nay almost forbidden word, which means more to me than any other. That word is ENGLAND." - Sir Winston Churchill

9/2/2013 1:42:20 PM

If Muslims really do love death more than I love life.
How come I'm always behind them in the Doctors?

9/2/2013 1:36:45 PM

As a very wealthy Nigerian.

I'm finding it extremely hard to give away my millions.

9/2/2013 1:35:08 PM

Forgive yourself.
Your hands could not remove her pain.
No one could but God,
And He had already spoken.

They don't tell you that in years, you'll forget
And her face and voice becomes a blurred lie.
But hey, you're only human,
And time is a great eraser of hurting things.

But you meant well and did fine,
You took the treatments,
Just as well as she did.
And you held her hand,
Until it was time to let go.

So forgive yourself,
It's not like your hands could ever remove her pain
but they can still help you take away your own.
Hug yourself gently on those lonely nights.

9/2/2013 1:32:32 PM

Some women have absolutely no idea how to chat me up..

As if "Piss off you bald headed, midget loser" is going to get me into bed with them.

9/2/2013 1:27:55 PM

Former US president Bill Clinton has praised Seamus Heaney as "our finest poet of the rhythms of ordinary lives"

Really? in my opinion,

I find Poets are all mostly gay,
They sit in their bed, writing drivel it's said,
And do little or nothing each day.

8/25/2013 10:38:20 AM

Either women are all lying buggers or by some miracle...

...they meet each new boyfriend in ascending penis size.

3/1/2013 6:00:13 AM

For those with poor eyesight, I am now also posting in Braille.

 .::. ::. :: :.: ..:.::. ::. .. ::: .:.:. :: :..

10/27/2011 9:45:32 PM

Sky news Tuesday night..


British Prime Minister David Cameron is standing up in front of Parliament saying how proud he is that the British government have aided in Libya, so that the Libyan people have freedom to choose their own political future.


Two days ago a poll in the Sunday Times stated that 66% of all British people want a vote on our European membership.


Yet Cameron forced his Government to vote against giving us that choice

And you call that government by the will of people?

Cameron you're a tosser.

10/27/2011 9:43:01 PM

This is the fading time of year

Cooling air, the exodus of birds and Geese..

But I love it..who doesn't love a small piece of life,

slipping away?

When the clouds are granite-gray,

And doing their job,

It's simple to forget, it's Summer somewhere else,

And the seasons?

Well they only hopscotch to other Countries.

10/27/2011 9:41:51 PM

Nimco Hassan Ibrahim an illegal immigrant and mother of 4 who has no right to be in this country, has been awarded a larger rent free Council house and a £1000 per month in benefits, this order was granted by the court of 'Human rights'

Mrs Ibrahim stated in the Daily Mail that she 'deserves to be given a new home as her current one is too small for her growing family'




When voted out of Parliament the average MP receives a £64,000 pay off to help them readjust to the reality of private life...alongside of course, a really gold plated pension.



The family of a British Soldier killed in Afghanistan have been ordered to repay £433 because he had the nerve to be shot dead with 10 days left in the month that he had been paid for.

Jordon Bancroft died a hero in the service of his country.

He was 25 years old.



What a f***** British disgrace.

10/9/2011 8:37:58 AM

When I die, and wake to find myself
in the big shopping centre in the sky,
this time I will say Yes,
to the young lady with the angelic
smile and clipboard when she
asks if I have the time
to take a survey,

and we'll sit on a bench together
in a patch of soft sunlight beside
a wishing well as she takes out
her pen and begins ..

Did you find everything you wanted?
No, but I learned that the search
was more valuable than the finding...

Were the hours acceptable?
Oh yes, though some were lonely and long,
but they were all filled with something
even when I thought there was nothing
happening at all...

Would you recommend Life to others?
Yes, because
there's nothing else like it, with its
highs and lows, its wins and losses,
the abstract sunrises and watercolor
sunsets... I'd do it all again if I could.

And as she smiles and
rises from the bench,
thanking me for my patience,
I nod and say it was fine
as I now have all the time
in the world, and though once,
I would have rushed
with a hundred thoughts on my mind,

Now, with a smile,
I rise and walk over to a mother,
I 've loved and missed for over 40 years
And ask her for the first time in my life,
what she had bought for herself.

10/9/2011 8:32:24 AM
Give me a blank page and a pen, That I may write you a poem The likes that the world has never seen. Let your features dance before me In every waking moment, And let your words linger in my heart With the force of a heartfelt prayer. Give me your hand and your life, and I will give you happiness beyond reproach My words will live a thousand endless years. And I will make you...immortal.
10/7/2011 11:13:28 PM

I was clearing out my late German Grandfather's closet and decided to give all his old clothes to the local charity shop.

I handed over the bag of clothes to the shop assistant who was rummaging through it when a horrified expression formed on her face.

"How dare you bring this uniform in to my shop" she exclaimed angrily. "This is a symbol of pain, shame and humiliation."

Hugely embarrassed at this turn of events, I quickly took back the bag.

"I'm truly sorry" I said. "I had no idea he was a Yankees fan."

10/7/2011 11:08:10 PM
They say so many people die because of alcohol... Perhaps they never realised how many of them are born because of it...
10/6/2011 7:32:24 AM

It appears that my profile has just been viewed by around 50 twenty three year old females and all from America.

Well two things here,


First of all, a '23' year old doesn't do it for me, I'm a father of two twenty something girls and although I'm perverted I not a pervert, secondly at least I know all the American states now even Delaware has viewed me.

10/6/2011 12:23:29 AM

Being a natural beauty and incredibly handsome, I don't need to do much to ensure I turn a lady's head.

So I'm really writing this for you 'little people'

Every day I see people pursueing beauty treatments in a vain effort to keep up with my god like good looks.

Dont!...take for instance sun beds..

Sun beds can cause skin cancer.

You pale and pinky Brits seem to think a darker skin makes you more attractive..well yes it can, but it can also wrinkle you like a prune and it DOES age you, besides giving you malignant pink, stay pale, stay safe.

(oh and if you are a warty wrinkled up old sausage, also stay away from me)

ALL women want to taste my luscious lips and there is obviously a very long queue..

However did you know lots of lippy contains lead?

Now I don't mind you killing yourself but I'll be damned if I'm going to let you kill me off with lead poisoning.

From now on ladies it's strictly tongues ok?

Tattoos..oh I like some tattoos...on a bloody Maori! but generally, when I turn a woman over and see '5132' in Japanese lettering on her back, the last thing I want to hear is that's the number of men she's slept with.

Tattoos contain ink and poisons..which means you can also catch HIV, Hepatitis and TB.

And if I want to read something interesting I'll buy a book ok?

For a Hollywood glow some women use Peptol Bismol...dont know it? of course you do...

It's a facial scrub that contains a mild acid..ok, if you thinking looking like the Elephant mans backside is appealing, go ahead, as for me? nah..

I just wish more women would realise that you're just beautiful as you doesn't matter if you think your bum is too big, or your boobs are hanging a little low, it's the look in your eye or smile on your face that gets me..

And what's the point of being all made up, a beautiful suntan, a discreet little tattoo on the small of your back and a 'natural' Hollywood glow if you're dead?

Dead people don't win people do.

10/6/2011 12:19:14 AM

I was watching Sky news last night before I went to bed and it's the first thing I put on each morning too.

So there I was, toast in hand, listening to this forecaster giving me the upcoming weather reports.

Sure enough, as usual, she dedicated 3.5 micro seconds to the British weather, of which, 3 of those were spent on London.

And THEN the beady witch announced that strong winds were coming up from Iberia..



Of course I know where the Iberian peninsular is, but c'mon..move with the times will ya?

In fact I'm going to nip it in the bud right now with a stinking e-mail to Sky because otherwise, THIS is going to happen.


Weather report, Sky news, 6 October 2011


The winds that have recently plagued the Iberian peninsular moved across Southern Gaul earlier today,

Germanicus has also been put on full alert

Brittanicus should also brace itself to receive up to 3 firkins of rain, as far north as the land of the Picts.


The Byzantium Empire is experiencing a beautiful late Summer but this is only expected to last a few more days, after that it will move across the uncharted regions of the Kush.

Meanwhile Nubians can expect almost drought conditions for at least several months ahead.


Persia is expected to remain relatively calm and should experience no further problems



10/2/2011 9:54:19 PM

I was listening to the radio yesterday on my drive to Birmingham and I heard a Scientist say that by the year 2080, the population of the earth will be around 15 billion.


That's over twice the Population of the world now.


This means 600 million in America,

120 Million in the tiny country called England

almost 3 billion in China,

2.6 billion in India.


When is the world going to be governed by strong, forward thinking people?

And not little men with limited, self serving dreams?


Just have a quick look at this, it's frightening..and meanwhile the British government insists we use a multitude of garbage containers to help reduce carbon emissions..

Do they think those extra 8 billion people will be living naked and in the cold?

9/12/2011 8:51:11 PM

Assuming the tail end of the latest hurricane doesn't delay me, I'll be away in Mexico for two weeks starting tomorrow...happy collaring folks.

9/10/2011 10:45:54 AM

‎'Welcome to earth' I said to the alien...

'Piss off, bastard' said the extratourettestrial being.

9/10/2011 10:44:14 AM

Simon Cowell was in the newspapers today stating 'we are in a horrible position and that he (Simon Hageman) must give up the million pounds he won on Red or Black to his victim'


Well for starters Simon..I suggest you get back into the real world, no working class man likes giving up 50p let alone a Million, especially when in Hageman's mind, he feels (1) the woman deserved it, and (2) with a 30 month prison sentence, he has already paid society back for his crime.

So Simon, I'll answer for he won't.


Cowell was also quoted as saying 'He's appalled that any person could gain from the manipulation or hurt of fragile women' it's wrong then to beat a woman (which of course it is) but it's ok to send a little 11 year old girl called Jackie Evancho out on tour to promote a new DVD (produced by Cowell) or have an emotionally fragile SueBo paraded on stage , television shows and concerts to help line his pockets even further?

There are many forms of abuse Mr Cowell, and in the interests of wealth, you too, use a few of them.


Here's an idea though, Hageman certainly wont give her his money, you're worth a few hundred million, why don't you?

9/10/2011 10:42:30 AM

I think if Gaddafi hides out in the 'slightly melted' section of Madame Tussaud's, we may never find him.

8/26/2011 4:58:21 AM

There's a TV show in England called 'Midsomer murders'

Well first of all, I bloody wouldn't well live there.
It seems every man and his dog is found floating in a pond or head down in a chip basket..

God know what the insurance costs to live there.

Anyway..I digress.
It seems that the 'Ethnic minority' are very unhappy with the show.

Midsomer murders has no black, Asian or Carribean people in it at all.
The shows producer says he want to keep the show purely 'English' as opposed to British.
He said that to introduce black gardeners, Asian taxi drivers etc would take away from what he's trying to portray..

May I?

please? pretty please?

Well I'm going to anyway.

How DARE you people complain if we wish to make a programme showing only white people.
I don't hear any rising cacophony of noise saying we shouldn't have a Black Police federation, or a Black and Asian teachers association.

I don't see many complaints going on about the explosion of Mosques, Temples, matched in equal number by the closing of our Churches..

I don't see too many complaints on how you can't drive through inner city Birmingham on a Friday without finding it just like a Sunday morning in 1950's Britain.

In fact you should do so...the only place that seems to be doing any roaring trade is the Benefits office in Highfield Rd.

So when did we vote to close down huge swathes of Birmingham on an Islamic holy day then?
Perhaps we SHOULD start showing more programmes on Black and Asian life in modern day England.

But instead of that nice bumbling Mr Patel who works all hours in his corner shop, or that hard working Mr Singh who runs the papershop in Ward End,

Instead of showing good old Mr Brown and his wife attending Pentecostal Church, instead we should show their children and the legacy they've given us..
Things like Asian gangs in control of most of the drugs in our inner cities,

We should show the Johnson crew and the Burger bar gang emptying Ingram machine guns into the bodies of two teenage girls.

We should make programmes about brainwashed suicide bombers blowing up buses and trains.

We should show episodes on female genital mutilation and arranged marriages and we should shine a light on all those children, hidden and locked away, crippled through interbreeding.
We'd certainly have enough TV parts for ethnic minorities then.
I even have a name for the show.

We could call it 'England 2011'

8/26/2011 4:46:04 AM

I was just skipping through the TV channels.
It's getting ridiculous.

We have the Horse Whisperer,

The Dog whisperer

The Snake Buster

The Snake crusader

The Crocodile hunter (well perhaps not anymore)

And ALL of them making a good living ..well again, perhaps not Steve..but he is probably making a good deading..
So instead of working my fingers to the old bones, I've decided to reinvent myself..
From now on, you can refer to me as ..

The Budgie fondler..
I'll make a bloody fortune.

8/25/2011 9:40:47 AM



So what of birth? the old man said...
The first a baby does is cry
And the innocence of early years,
So swiftly fades away to die.

And what of age? the young man said.
I'm strong and fit and in my prime
But those withered limbs will soon be mine..
(So soon be mine)

And what of love ? the cynic said,
Love will only bring you pain
With love comes loss and deep despair...
And drives the strongest man insane..

And what of life? the mourner said,
Where once a wild and raging wind,
Had fanned a light (a light now dead)
Perhaps the voice that spoke within...
Knows silence know and cannot sin.

And what of words? the Poet wrote,
And struggled in his rhymes to say,
Of the things I know and truly fear..
The past, tomorrow and today.

And what of pets? the 'owner' said
A friend I've known and long adored..
Has left me now and broke my heart..
Her loss cuts deeper than a sword.

8/23/2011 9:56:18 PM

I know how life's uncaring song
Can echo softly in our ears
When those that made that song now fade,
And thoughts become the ghosts that crowd
And each day leaves with the setting Sun.

Come with me, to a distant land,
Come travel with me far away;
Perhaps down to an empty School
Or a foggy night from childhood dreams,
And there allow a long lost thought
To gently bear us where it may.

For dreams have wings to carry us
Beyond this world's unceaseless strife
The long nights filled with faceless cares.
We'll leave our meaningless affairs,
Our weariness with modern life.

Each memory then, will lose itself,
Soft caught perchance by winds of time,
Till all the past has blown away,
The scattered scraps of yesterday;
Then only our tomorrows stay,
Unopened casks of wine.

Come with me then and find a place,
A place where you and I, might dwell
Across unmeasured miles we'll fly,
Across the seas to lands that lie
Beneath an ever cloudless sky,
And there our dreams can set us free.

8/23/2011 9:54:35 PM

If you think that I don't love you
Put your hand upon my heart
While it beats, it beats for you alone.
And it hopes we'll never part.

If you think that I don't love you
Watch the rising of my chest.
You are all I am and want to be.
Let your name be my final breath.

If you think that I don't love you
You need only take my hand,
For all it holds is yours to take,
If you touch, you'll understand.

If you think that I don't love you
And you think we'll fall apart,
If you listen very carefully,
You will hear my heart

8/23/2011 9:46:43 PM
I have a theory that all Badgers are born dead.
Oh I know it sounds ridiculous, but after much thought on my part, it's the only explanation possible.

Also I think they only breed in the road, to date (and I'm in my 50's) I've never yet seen a live Badger..... but I've driven past hundreds of dead buggers.
So the facts are obvious and I'll state them again...Badgers are all born dead..

So the next obvious question is, how do they breed?
Easy...the dirty little perverts are all practicing necrophiliacs..(I think I've just opened up a whole new branch of natural science)

Likewise it's obvious Scientists have been lying to us about germs and's blindingly clear that Kangaroos are far more numerous, I've seen about 20 Kangaroos in my life (at Zoos etc) but yet again, I've never seen a single germ..

so throw out all this anti-bacterial rubbish and buy Kangaroo killer KNOW it makes sense..just imagine how much easier you'd sleep each night knowing your home was totally and utterly, Kangaroo resistant.

I'm going to lie down now for a few hours, these scientific breakthroughs are more tiring than you might think.
8/23/2011 2:59:16 AM

Contrary to public belief, I have had girlfriends..

Ok I wasn't really successful in attracting anything with two legs until I was about 20, but for two years until I met my first long term lady, I more than made up for it.

Well I SAY made up for it..

Some of them were better suited to being hung on a wall as a hunting trophy than in a photo album, but hey, at least they went out with me..

I can't name them of course (being a gentleman and all) but that slapper Sue was the only girl I ever knew who carried a rape alarm with a snooze button on it.

Then there was our local barmaid..beautiful looking girl but one night as I gave her a last kiss, she only went and peed herself (true that) I went home wetter than the little bloody Mermaid.

Then there was another girl, we'd had a great night and I was walking her to the bus stop in Colmore Row.

In the doorway of some camera shop we hugged and she asked me if I wanted to see her again..

Before I could even reply, she did a loud technicolour yawn and threw up all over me..

ok..I WAS from Nechells but even I didn't smell that bad.

I went home looking like the top of a Pizza..

AND for many months after that I carried a bottle of Milk of Magnesia and a spare change of clothing.

A girl called Mary wasn't TOO bad..she gave me a kiss one night and for reasons unknown, bit right through my lip..I still carry the scar..and I'm fairly certain she still carries her broken nose..

And my finest hour? Pollyannas nightclub 1973..I'm that drunk I ended up drinking half a pint of lager from a girls leather boot..I swallowed about 4 corn plasters, three toenails and half the top of a SHE wanted to see me again..

8/23/2011 2:41:36 AM

Whilst no one wants to go back to the poverty and discipline of Victorian times (which somehow seemed to last until the late 50's in Nechells, Birmingham)..I think we've gone too far the other way..


Oh I'm all for personal freedom etc, but not when those personal choices allow you to live a lifetime on benefits, or allow you to vandalise, steal, or despise and loathe those in authority such as teachers, Politicians or the police.


We live in an ever changing world, we grew up in a time of little personal wealth but we were instilled with the idea that if you want to belong to society, then you need to do two things, you needed to defend it and you need to pay towards it too.


And we've lost our way..


The people we look up to for morality and guidance are the very same ones who mock us for having values.

We have preachers and Bishops who profess to not believe in God..they advocate gay marriage and liberal attitudes totally against the teachings of the bible.


We vote in Politicians who have no concept of honour, who are all too frequently in power to only further their own fortunes or lives, they cheat us, they break promises, they flood the country with trash whose only value to Britain is that they will vote for those who allowed them here to overwhelm our schools, our hospitals, our housing..truly gerrymandering at its finest.


They ride roughshod over the wishes of those who put them in power, we have a clear majority to bring back the death penalty for the murder of children, almost half of us want to come out of europe, but do they listen? do they hell, they are too often more interested on how far they can wriggle their snouts into the trough than they are of mending broken Britain.


And then we have the Police and courts, personally I think the Police do a good job, but the smarmy twisted and oily words of lawyers and other 'learned' people ensure we will never see true justice for the crimes that the feral scum commit..

We are bound and hampered by the so called law for 'Human rights'


And of course we being decent law abiding citizens, we have no need of such things, over the centuries, my kind has done quite well with the Magna Carta and the bill of common law..

Yet we have to pander to foreign trash who rape and murder us then claim that prison and deportation puts THEM at risk..

People enter our lands illegally, abuse all we are and what we provide, whilst all the time hating us and are longing only for our country to fall under the oppression of Sharia law..

And our politicians? our leaders of morality? the silence is deafening..


Our teachers are controlled and bullied by left wing doctrine, they much prefer no child rise to the surface rather than have some thick, uninterested and disruptive child ever fail, so they abolish competition and exams.

The belief being that if no one ever fails in life, then it's for the good, all the time forgetting, that if no one ever falls, no one learns to climb back up again.


And God save me from religious zealots like Tony Blair, that pious bastard of the fake smile, and Gordon Brown with his 'moral' compass, always first to fire the bullet, always first to detonate the bomb..


So who do we blame?

Why it's simple, we blame us, we blame you and me for allowing this..

We let a political party destroy our borders, bring in the human rights act to defend the very people who have the least right to describe themselves as 'human' and we choose to vote for them over and over again..


We return Maggie Thatcher to power, a Prime Minister who destroyed whole communities, many never to rise again,

We listen to the millionaire David Cameron who tells us 'we're all in this together'...yeah...right.

We listen to Miliband spouting family values ...a man who had to be dragged screaming into the sanctity of marriage and all I hold dear.


And when we can afford it, we drive through the english countryside and my grandchildren marvel at the sheep, not knowing that far more live in the evermore crowded cities of this once green and pleasent land.

8/23/2011 2:37:42 AM

I've just made a scientific breakthrough...and it's this:


The speed in which a woman says "Nothing" when asked "What's wrong?" is inversely proportional to the severity of the coming storm.

Mathematical formula to follow..

8/23/2011 2:35:08 AM

Excuse me for being cynical....again 

Just two pounds a month is enough to pay for:

The Salary of a cameraman, a producer and a sound-recorder for a month's filming in Africa. 

Plus their HD camera, sound equipment, hire cars and local guides,

Oh...and a security guard or two 

And...Business class flights plus additional baggage cost for equipment,

A taxi to airport, meals and drinks, stays at a 4 or 5 star hotel. 

A team to edit the film on their return.

And finally a focus group to watch and review the film so they can make an advert. 

begging us to send £2 a month to Africa...again..

To help teach them dig a well...again.

Because they're starving...again.

2/22/2011 8:56:22 PM


Yesterday on Sky news.


The government's decision to give £1 billion of aid to India over the next three years has sparked much controversy, but as the millionaire Michael Hesseltine says, we need to ask ourselves: ‘what sort of country do we want to be?'


How about being the type of country who doesn't give aid to another government that has a £1.25 Billion space programme..


How about being the type of country that doesn't send troops off to war without the correct equipment while throwing our taxes around like a drunken sailor on shore leave.



How about being the type of country that doesn't need a 'Pudsey bear' each year begging for cash for 'Children in need'.


Don't you think a billion pounds might be better suited to our own children than teaching little Africans to read?


How about being the type of country that doesn't leave pensioners to be broken on the wheel of loneliness or crushed by community neglect and despair?


Wouldn't £1.25 Billion be better employed in that area?




I'm getting tired of multi-millionaires wanting to give away our hard earned money for whom the word 'recession' is exactly that...a word.



I'm getting tired of people who think our taxes are something they can give out to anyone who extends a needy hand...especially when the extended hand is either covered in gold jewellery or blood.


I dont think there's a person among us who would mind if we donated money to the devestated city of Christchurch or the shattered coast of north eastern Australia.


I think few of us regret sending a £100 million to the destruction that was Pakistan or Haiti..


But I do resent the way some peoples choose to thank us, by planting bombs on buses or insulting our returning soldiers..

They seem to wave every placard, bearing every slogan but 'Thank you'



I resent anyone claiming to represent me who thinks it's ok to give billions away in aid while cutting our police forces, our frontline services, our jobs, our hopes, our dreams..



And...I resent every single politician who thinks we should send money over to another land so they can spend OUR money on launching an inter continental ballistic missile into space.....


What? DON'T tell me you thought Space research was there to just for 'peaceful purposes' did you?


2/21/2011 3:14:21 AM


It has been reported today, that the Natural history museum in London has put on a show involving two Rabbits having sex.

A spokewoman said this morning, that the 37 rabbits are just doing 'What comes naturally' 

The lights failed halfway through and the whole interview had to be filmed all over again. 

The Spokewoman when asked if the Rabbits were being  'humanely treated' replied 'Yes, the 216 Rabbits are all in perfect health'

The exhibition was opened to the general public at midday and it is reported that the 13,127 Rabbits were putting on a 'Wonderful show' 

As the whole experiment was only due to run for a single day, 524 trucks arrived to take the 67,491 Rabbits back home safely to Wimbledon Common.

It was reported 90 minutes ago that the 209,675 Rabbits have all been safely released back into the wild.

Oh god I'm bored!  :)


2/21/2011 3:04:08 AM

First of all dear read this, you need to be sitting...well either that or have a swinging pebble for a heart.. 

I've been a little poorly these last few days.,,,sniff..I TOLD you it would be sad..

It all started on Tuesday morning about an hour after I'd got into work.


One minute I'm right as rain, the next I had a really strange feeling going through my head, I liken it to being spun round about 500 times in a washing machine..


I sat quietly waiting for it to pass, after a few minutes, it seemed to ease off then came back with a vengeance.


I stood up and said to my colleague 'I feel sick'..the mens toilets are only about 25ft from where I sit and I just made it in time.



Within seconds I'm kneeling on the floor yucking my lungs out..because of my diet all I could manage was a little banana and grapefruit.

I remember vaguely someone asking me if I needed help, my next memory is two ambulancemen bringing me round as I lay on the hard tiled floor.


Even more confusion and I'm laying on a hospital trolley waiting to be seen.


At the time I hadn't got a clue what was going on,  Roz, the mom of my daughters who has driven back from South Wales is told it's one of three options.


I've either had a stroke, my huge willy has drained all my blood again, or I've got a nasty virus.




One X-ray, blood tests by the bucket, one MRI scan, 4 injections and a Saline drip later..we are told it is a virus.



Specifically Viral Labyrinthitis.

NEVER in my whole life have I felt so poorly...even now 5 days later I feel like I've spent all night in a tumble dryer.


At one stage the Doctors told my family..'sniff'...  I had less than 68 years to live. :(



The Hospital I went to is called 'Good Hope'

I've also heard it described as 'No Hope'

Well don't do it around me..


They are simply some of the finest people I have ever known.

From the tea lady to the Consultant who held my hand and smiled to put me at ease...I salute you all.



Oh bollocks! this is a bit heavy isn't it?


one titchy illness and people think the world is in my usual, brilliant and witty style, let me tell you a story.


First of all, while I stared death in the face, (and it was a really ugly face too, then I realised I was looking into a mirror)  I never once called upon any God to get me through... atheist on the field of battle me!



But I have to say Hospital bored me to death, at times I felt as happy as a paedophile in an old folks home, and this was only after 10 hours..


I dont know how people put up with being in there for weeks..I guess you have to.  


I had a cup of hospital tea whilst I was in ..jeez, no wonder the people in there are all ill, oh...and a couple of biscuits, when I asked why they tasted so funny, the Nurse said we dip them in viagra to stop them going soft in your tea..yeah right...




Ahh proudest achievement? remember all the times your mom had told you to put clean underwear on just in case you had an accident? by an amazing 1 in 30 chance, I had! my friend Jane was a bit angry though, she reckons I've stretched her bra and knickers far too much for her to ever wear again..well what are the odds? if she bought the true size her bum is, they'd fit me perfectly.



There was a muslim guy next to me,  I heard him talking to his friend that he owned a Donkey and a goat back in Pakistan..I think he's bi-sexual.


But in closing, I have to say, illness makes me lazy..I mean...have you ever noticed how far apart the buttons are on a TV remote?  tsk..






2/21/2011 2:52:58 AM


While I was poorly and in hospital  for a few days last week (it was caused by a particulary nasty bug called viral Labyrinthitis) I lost my cat Pedro for over 2 days.


Of course two days isn't long for a cat to go off, except Pedro never does, he is the definition 'home cat' in its purest form.

I've had Peds now for 4 years, to be honest, he's a bit of a wimp, everyone seems to beat him up and he's frightened of his own shadow.


He went missing the day I came home from the hospital.

I was concerned but I was too ill to look for him, but I couldn't get young Peds out of my mind...I love him, he's my cat.


There is another house at the bottom of my garden, his place backs on to the bottom of mine.

His garden is all enclosed by a 6ft fence and no one ever goes in there.

The man who lives there is a Gas service engineer, coincidently, he works for the same Gas contractor my friend on Facebook works for.


This alleged 'man' took Pedro, locked him in his wheeley bin and weighted down the lid with a box of boiler parts.


Pedro was trapped in there without food or water for over two days and two nights.

There was just enough air getting in to keep him alive.


I found Peddy on Thursday morning.



I still had very wobbly legs but I had to search a little for him as I was really worried, it was after checking my garage, the sheds, my next door neighbours greenhouse etc, I heard Pedros faint meowing.


Pedro was too weak to get out of the bin and I picked him up and carried him home..

After a lot of drink and a little food, he fell asleep on my sofa.


I was seething..


ill or not, I waited for that son of a bitch to walk to his van that morning then I ran (well wobbled)  up to his car and asked him to wind down the window.

When he did I said 'Why did you put my cat in your bin'?

The cowardly bastard didn't even answer and tried to drive away...actually he DID drive away, if I hadn't have moved he'd have driven over my foot. 

The coward was nearly shitting himself.


I've reported him to the RSPCA, but they say without evidence it was him, all they can do is log the call.

I did phone his office and spoke to his manager, he said 'outside of work, it's nothing to do with him'

There are questions here for the Manager though..

Is this weasel the type of 'man' you really want working for you?

Is this the type of man you want working in YOUR customers home?


A man who will lock a little cat inside a bin and leave it to die of thirst?

A man who only two years ago lost his driving licence through drink driving?

A man who is a coward and a liar?..


I've been poorly these last few days..

I wont stay poorly though..

I reckon about 5 hard punches should do it..



Oh and the worst part for this bastard is still to my job at work I speak weekly with this tossers Directors..he is about to become the topic of an interesting conversation.

2/19/2011 8:53:54 PM

To be honest, I was going to close this account down.

In the several years I've been a member of Collarme, apart from chatting with the odd few people, it's never really been a place I felt useful to finding a suitable female partner for (amongst other things) D/s related activities.


People...there is far more to life and a relationship than locking your woman in a collar and doing incredibly rude and erotic things to her naked and helpless body..though right now I can't think what!  :)


The one woman I did form a relationship with came through the most vanilla website in the world..

She's beautiful, she knows who she is.


Then I have a Domme this one is weird..oh not her, just the situation.

I love her to bits, but we fight like cat and dog..I wish we didn't, but we do..we never seem to move past that.

I do know she has integrity and class.


Oh bugger it, I may as well have a bit of a ramble here.


Back in my salad days when I was green in judgement and cold in blood, we used to joke on how young the police were beginning to look.

Now I think exactly the same as some of the Doms on here..

Correct me if I'm wrong (and I know in certain rare cases I'm bound to be) but how can a 19 year old teenager describe himself as 'an experienced Master' ?


God in heaven! I wasn't even experienced in shaving at 19.


There are certain things, (like cheese, Brandy or good wine) that need a few years stacked up behind them...the idea of a boy whose voice hasn't even broken and has bumfluff for a moustache, claiming to be an experienced Master isn't one of them....and lads, being a 'team leader at MacDonalds' isn't really D/s experience..


The females on here are far more realistic..

At least what they require makes sense..(generally) they ask for 'do-able' things, plus with male raging hormones and a desperate desire for a hopeful shag, they usually get them..



There also seems to be a glut of gay men my age, seeking slave boys aged 18 to 30.. for either a relationship or to join their 'growing stable' of slaveboys..yeah right..


So there you are, all pot bellied, breath like a dying Badger, more hairs up your nose than there are on your head and you think that's the age group you're going to attract..

I've got bad news for you..


Now I'm different, at least my goals are sane and reasonable..

All I'm looking for is a female 40+ nyphomaniac, into bondage, discipline, vast amounts of oral sex, tits like coconuts (except without the hair), who loves dressing in uniforms, owns a brewery and thinks 50 year old men are really angels down here on earth living as sex machines..

Best get your applications in now ladies..

Oh and don't forget to kneel as you type it..






1/30/2011 10:11:22 AM
In every heart there is a room
A sanctuary safe and strong
To heal the wounds from lovers past
Until a new one comes along

I spoke to you in cautious tones
You answered me with no pretence
And still I feel I said too much
My silence is my self defense

And every time I've held a rose
It seems I only felt the thorns
And so it goes, and so it goes
And so will you soon I suppose

But if my silence made you leave
Then that would be my worst mistake
So I will share this room with you
And you can have this heart to break

And this is why my eyes are closed
It's just as well for all I've seen
And so it goes, and so it goes
And you're the only one who knows

So I would choose to be with you
That's if the choice were mine to make
But you can make decisions too
And you can have this heart to break

And so it goes, and so it goes
And you're the only one who knows.....
Billy Joel.
1/26/2011 9:14:17 PM

The enemy has found me,
I always knew it would,
No one can fight against it,
And no one ever should,

It came upon me softly,
Like a thief within the night,
It started on my hearing,
Then it worked upon my sight.

It thinned my hair,
And chilled my bones
And stole my strength away,
But its subtle in its working,
Just a little...every day.

Who is this thief I write of?
well, it's really not a crime,
We know it by its common name
And it time.


All the poems I write here are mine..

But I claim no copyright, all the words listed I simply took from a dictionary...

the only thing I did, was put them in a order not used before...

1/26/2011 9:09:20 PM

I know you don't love me
I dont think you even like me
And I still think you never cared for your collar and chains,

but you are the be all,
And the end all, of my existence

You hung the moon
in my night time sky
You sprinkled
the stars in my heaven
you are the reason
flowers smell sweeter
And the reason,
the sun shines brighter
the reason my life is worth living

If it's alright
(And if you don't mind)

I'm going to love you
for the rest of my life

1/24/2011 5:14:06 AM

Its late and another day is stored,
Its late and I need my sleep.
Its much too late for tears to form
Too long for me to weep........

In the early hours, half asleep,
(It depends on your point of view)
Over 40 years and a memory..
And the memory is you.

A troubled concience holds my sleep
But this quiet moment calms,
So a Lord for my shepherd I'll not want
Nor need of other Psalms

Do I weep and think of long lost love?
Can I hold your memory dear?
You belonged to another life and time
Now that time is not so clear.

With heavy heart and troubled thoughts,
My mind can barely span
A love and friend and confidente
The mother of the man.

Its late and another day is stored,
Its late and I need my sleep,
Its much too late for tears to form..
Too late for weep.


My mom died on this date over half a lifetime ago.

You'd think after 40 odds years it would be easier wouldn't you?

You'd be wrong.

1/23/2011 9:53:41 PM

I'm sick of always being told by women to leave the seat down..

If I do that, just tell me how the pee is supposed to run off it then?

1/23/2011 9:50:10 PM

Plusnet Broadband


Oh it can't be just me..not just me.


The new Plusnet broadband provider is advertising on Sky television.

It boasts as one of its big selling points, that it only uses British call centres.

So they show someone phoning up and asking exactly that question.

It's a fucking Indian who answers the phone!!! 


Jesus Christ! am I the only one who sees the irony in this?

Piss taking bastards.

1/23/2011 2:37:28 AM

So there I was, perusing profiles in the 'other' place. I have to say, I do enjoy that type of thing, seeing what makes other folks tick, so to speak.  

After about 2 pages I came across a posting by a lady saying that she wished people would update their pictures a little more often.  

Let's face it, expecting to see a 30 year old person after swapping several e-mails, can be a bit of a shock, especially when your first thought upon meeting is,  

'It seems he couldn't make it, but how nice he sent his Dad to let me know'


Now me..I look exactly like my photo..yes, that's the one, a cross between a half chewed rubber Bulldog and a badly neglected Pound puppy.  

Worse still, it doesn't end there, add to that little mix, a chest even a pigeon would be ashamed of, legs like two pipe cleaners and a swollen pot belly that wouldn't look out of place on a starving Rwandan..  


And my puny arms?...don't even get me started on my puny arms.  


But, as my hero Popeye used to say..'I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam' hmmm...could Popeye be from the black country? ..just a thought.


Now..I only frequent the BBB a few times a year (oh the shame in admitting this) so I look for faces I'd know off IC.  

I was even pestering my friend Jan saying 'So who's that then'? She'd reply, 'that's Lady Turnip, or Master Cupcake etc' And I'd go..'eh?..but...but they look nothing like their profile pics'..  

It got worse..  


Sometimes she'd reply (after yet another one of my banal questions) 'That one there is Mistress Toadstool' and I'd think...'Mistress'? are you sure? (cos' I'm thinking more like 'Master')  

Of course there ARE many exceptions to the rule.  


XXXAdeenaXXX looks exactly like the woman she is, sensual, stunning and gorgeous. sub columbia? just beautiful.. Topthoughts? exactly like it says on the bottle, nice guy, almost as big as his heart.  

I DID recognise a few though, plus the fashion show when the MC announced several names certainly helped..  

But me?...  


well quietlywaiting summed me up perfectly when introducing me to morriganna (Hi morriganna)..'this is 'Kandor'  

(she said as she cleared her throat and spat on the ground)  

God almighty, what a crappy name I have..even I nearly fell asleep at that.  

Mind you.. At least I do look like that half chewed rubber Bulldog.

1/23/2011 2:30:52 AM

Long ago, I fell in love

And falling broke my heart..

Over time, I thought it mended,

Then again, it fell apart.

I keep it now in cotton wool

So my heart no longer feels,

I'll let it rest a season,

And give it time to heal.


Long ago I knew of love

And loving spoke my heart,

I left it undefended,

A target for each dart.

I'll have you know

Such wounds I'll bear ...

They don't speak of defeat,

For hearts can not be hidden

Without their loss complete.


Long ago, I fell in love

And falling, broke my heart...

In time, it may be mended,

Then once again, I'll start,

I'll try to not fear falling,

And fly on love built wings,

And I'll write down,

What you mean to me.

As I hope for all love brings..

1/22/2011 10:26:19 PM

Not counting my family members such as my mother, sisters and daughters etc, I have loved three women in my life.


The first I married, the second had to tragically look after her dying daughter, the third was last year.

She was a bundle of insecurity, unrequited love and someone life had never really looked so fondly upon.

She is beautiful, kind, funny and caring.

Natural intelligence and empathy flowed from every pore of her body and mind.


We met on a very vanilla site and it was only after many subtle questions on my part that I found she was willing to explore the world of D/s.

But it wasn't really her.


Oh the visuals were all there, she wore her chains and collar beautifully, but as for saying she belonged in


And for us, that is never enough.

I need a woman to whom a gag gives a voice.

I need a woman who when chained feels herself most free.

I need a woman who feels tallest whilst on her knees. 


If they dont, then it's all just role play...and roleplay isn't who I am or what I do.


I know this lady has since found her kind of happiness.

I also want her to know that for her, I'm happy....more than she could ever know.

She once told me that I live in a weird and wonderful world..

Good, I'm glad I do..


My world is a rainbow of colour and I cannot live in shades of grey.

Just know though, I will always love her..

I will love all three of those ladies,

How could I not?

They all made me who and what I am today.

Thank you.



1/8/2011 3:41:20 AM

I see train fares are going up by an average of 5.9%  with almost double that in Kent.

When will this government realise that it's getting beyond a joke? 

Some people pay a fifth of their wage JUST getting to their work place.


Perhaps if Politicians could no longer claim travel expenses and instead, just like the rest of us had to buy their tickets out of what they 'earn' a week,  we might finally have a first world railway system instead of a third world one. 

A few weeks ago I had to catch a train to Coleshill, now Coleshill is approximately 10 miles from my house, to catch this train, I had to walk 2 1/2 miles into Tamworth  (no bus to Coleshill until 8 50 am, which by then would have been pointless) 

The train fare cost almost £7 and they did not do a direct service (check the Tamworth Railway schedules if you want)


So I waited an hour for a train to Nuneaton, then I froze for 30 minutes to find my train only took me to Hams Hall link, which then meant another 3 mile walk..I got to my destination 4 hours after setting off..and yet our Government believe this is ok and a fair price is being charged.. 

This country should really start growing Bananas,


1/8/2011 3:34:24 AM

Oh it can't be just me..not just me.


The new Plusnet broadband provider is advertising on Sky television.

It boasts as one of its big selling points, that it only uses British call centres.

Then they show someone phoning up and asking exactly that question.

It's a f*******g Indian who answers the phone!!! 


Jesus Christ! am I the only one who sees the irony in this?

Piss taking bastards.

1/8/2011 3:28:10 AM

Mr Micheal Thompson.


He's the man who has just been fined £440 for perverting the course of justice.

His 'crime' was to flash oncoming motorists and warn them that a Police speed trap was awaiting them further down the road.

His defence was, he was only doing a civic duty and that by warning drivers to slow down,  he was then making the road a little safer.

And I agree.


We've all done it, motorists that is, we're driving along, mainly on the speed limit, and often a few mph over it.

Then we see that parked up white van where it most certainly shouldn't be (usually in a place, we'd get a ticket for)

Or perhaps we see that flash of yellow and just know..that the revenue raising branch of the Police are just waiting there for a chance to fine us.

And we slam on the brakes, often without even looking to see IF we were going too fast...oh and God help anyone right behind who was blinking, sneezing or otherwise engaged with anything else that might cut down THEIR braking time.


So they fined Mr Thompson.

They said that warning someone they were going over the speed limit is a crime..


A question.


Those road side posts that display your speed in either green or red, you know them, the ones that let you know you're travelling too fast..

Aren't they exactly the same thing?

i.e. something that interferes with the natural course of justice?

Of course they're not!

Those are only sited in a place where the Police know it's silly to speed but we dont get enough traffic to waste our time fining people there.


Personally if Mr Thompson is guilty, they so are the buggers who put those other signs up.

Can we fine them too?

12/29/2010 8:45:32 PM

Cashpoint donations and other stupid stories 

Well that's a another great idea the government have come up with, 

To encourage more people to donate to 'Worthy causes', it has been

suggested that next year, they'll be installing icons into cash points to

enable you to give to charity as you draw cash out.


That should sit nicely along the sign saying 'This machine charges £2 for

cash withdrawals'

 Likewise they think we should also have the opportunity to donate while

paying our taxes...wonderful, I love it,

So whilst paying my taxes to keep illegal immigrants, wanted terrorists and

asylum seekers fed and watered, I can now also spend extra money on saving

the Polar bear or donating to the 'Islamic School' for under priviledged

suicide bombers

( Press £10 then enter, plus £5 more for every extra virgin) another £10 a month ok, or does this need a standing order ? 

And how about petrol pumps?

I can always fill my car up for £70 and at the same time, donate a few bob

towards preventing global warming, I could perhaps, deliberately forget

to scrape the snow off my car roof so the Police can insist I make another

form of donation. 

And we can attach other requests for charitable causes onto a Speeding


Remember, those 'safety' tickets are made of paper and we really do need to

protect the Rain forest.

 And dont forget the Community charge, those poor Politicians could all do

with a bit extra here and there, so perhaps a little 'service charge' of 5%

seem fair enough?

Duck houses aren't cheap you know and we should all play our part.

Being serious for an moment, we have a Prime Minister who, (with expenses)

is on over £200,000 a year.

We have a whole posse of Cabinet ministers all earning a 100k plus.

We have MP's, paid advisers, we have councillors, we have so called

Captains of industry and yet THIS is the best they can come up with.

 Perhaps if we stopped spending a projected 8 Billion pounds on teaching

African children how to read.

If we stopped funding Legal aid to illegal immigrants who have no right to

live here.

If we stopped sending a billion pounds of aid to India, if we stopped

spending £45 million a day in Europe,

If we stopped funding the cost of human rights to every piece of trash who

is anything but human,

If we stopped locking up convicted terrorists or child killers and instead

treated them in the same way they have chosen to treat us...then we

might.......just might, have enough funding to prevent the obcenity of Jade

Goody leaving behind small children because we have one of the worst cancer

survival rates in Europe


AND.. we just might be able to protect our armed forces better than they


12/28/2010 3:09:27 AM

Sergeant Major Carl Lee,


Has been awarded the George medal for defusing 139 I.E.D.s (improvised explosive devices) during a 6 month tour in Helmand Province. 

For carrying out this incredibly dangerous duty he was paid an extra £20 a day.

He tried to make light of it, saying that if the enemy were firing loads of bullets at you and you were made to lay flat on the floor, then you may as well do something useful while you're down there, 

Upon getting his award he said 'This award humbles and honours me'


No Karl. 

You as a man, humble and honour me.



12/28/2010 3:06:26 AM

The Gods may throw a dice.




I'm sure over the Christmas, lots of people got exactly what they wanted.

The father of missing Architect Joanna Yeates, got what he asked for, to be able to hold his daughter again in his arms.

It's what he asked for...but it's not what he wanted.


I could weep for those poor tragic parents..I would hope one day they find a kind of peace.

Bless you both.

I pray it was just a tragic accident.

12/23/2010 8:36:17 PM


As a kid I seemed to have it all stacked up against me..  

I was little, thin, hungry, my clothes were usually hand me downs and I had the confidence of a dead flea.  

(I may have to retract that statement, if like last time, 43 dead fleas write in to complain at the comparison)


But seriously, my early life as a kid until I was around 16 was attrocious, in fact, I was so poor as a kid, even the Sparrows threw me bread,  

I also applied to be a Church mouse but they turned me down saying, even they didn't accept that level of poverty..  

Oh but that wasn't my ultimate shame..last night brought it all back to me..


I caught a bit of an old gameshow on TV. It showed the 'Captains' picking people out to take part in their team..  

Remember when they did that at school? picking out sides for football, cricket or rounders? The cleverest, tallest, most popular two kids in the school would stand up in front of us and make their choices..


'I'll have Paul' says the one.. 'Steve' says another 'Dave, you're with me' 'Roger, get out here'...and so on..  

And there was me, waiting to be picked with the other rejects that weren't fit enough for Micheal Jacksons 'Thriller'  

'Simon, come out here'.. but..but..simon lost both legs in a Go-kart accident, why you picking him? I thought..  

Carl, we need you..again the shame runs through my mind as they push out Carl in his new Iron lung and wheel him to the goalmouth..  

''re in defence, just be careful with your guide dog ok'?  

'Terry, you're centre half, and make sure you dont crack your body cast like last time ok? your Mom gave me hell for that' And so it goes..  

and eventually there's me and Jeff who appears to suffer from continuous epileptic fits..and they toss the final coin..the one Captain leaps up in the air, punching wildly..'yesss' he screams..  

'Jeff, you're on our side'...

12/19/2010 8:42:05 PM

I was just having a browse through the online journals and I noticed one posted by a male dom.

In it,  he writes mostly about finding a woman who knows how to cook 'healthy' meals.

He writes on how much he respects himself and his body.

Which of course, are both good things.


He then goes on about how he cannot abide 'overweight' women and how he couldn't possibly enjoy a 'physical/romantic/intimate relationship with one.


Two things sad and shallow of him that he feels he can only have a decent relationship with a woman who has to fit the dimensions of a Barbie doll.


Secondly, I checked out his profile, he's 5ft 6ins tall and weighs over 215 pounds.

Acoording to the height/weight ratio charts, this gentleman is at least 65 pounds overweight.

Let's just hope people aren't as shallow as him in their search for a partner.



12/19/2010 1:25:23 AM

In 6 days time it's Christmas, for some it's a time of excitement, of family getting together over a hot Turkey dinner and a chance to reminisce of days gone by.

For children it can be magical, the promise of new presents or what they think is their hearts desire.


For others it is a time of crushing loneliness and of aching loss for those that have gone before. 

All of us everywhere, want different things to make this Christmas, our best one ever.


So, I hope all your wishes come true.




This is for you all.



I  just wish Christmas would grant us all our hearts desire,

I don't want material things, I'm tired,

I'm tired of....


Fathers falling to weak hearts...

mothers taken by breast cancer...

daughters lost to leukemia...

sons destroyed by drugs or drunk drivers...

babies lost forever in their cots....

grandfathers devoured by strokes...

grandmothers broken by loneliness...

grandchildren suffocated in fires...

brothers shot down on streets...

sisters raped and killed in parks...

cousins found in the carnage of crashes...

neices and nephews abused and starved...

firemen lost when floors give out...

policemen gunned down while trying to save...

soldiers blown away by cowardly assassins...

parents with coffins and British flags...

parents with coffins and any colour flag...

doctors who wish they could do more than they can...

nurses who are there for that final warm breath...

ministers who share in each family's pain...

priests who give final prayers and hope for the after...

and the worry over newborns and what they might face...


Merry Christmas everyone.



12/13/2010 8:29:53 PM

I haven't been writing much lately,

Sure the odd comment has gone on, usually a one liner, but normally, I'm a little more prolific than that.


Oh that's simple.

I've been fitting my Kitchen. 

Hands up here, I couldn't do the plastering, I'm simply not good enough and I really do believe it is an art. 

The guy I had in called Dan, is a magician, anyone who needs a good tradesman and probably the best plasterer I've ever seen, give me a call. 

Likewise I didn't fit the the Marble worktops either, way too expensive to mess around with and cutting and drilling is a really skilled job.

 Although I will mention the robbing bastards charged me an extra £300 just because I'd ordered a island piece 10mm wider than standard. 

Which incidently they told me on the day.

The company stinks, the workmen were brilliant.


Starting the job I had to take down the wall I'd built between the the dining room and kitchen, that was easy enough, I was the one who'd put it up.

I was sad to take my arch down though, that was my pride and joy.

The wall cupboards and worktops soon went and before you know it, all I had was a sink and a cooker, with big holes in my wall and a floor all chewed up by my chisel.


The first thing after plastering (what was for Dan, an empty room) was I put the floor tiles down, big 2ft square buggers, I had to cut with a disc cutter, they were simply too big and thick to cut in the normal way.

After about a day and a half they were done..I was quite pleased with the end result. 

Next I put together all the units.


I'll be damned if I'll pay an extra £500 just to buy them ready assembled, besides, it was easy. 

The next job was easier still, fitting cookers etc.... is what I do.

That soon went in and just after that I fitted a Belfast sink, believe it or not, that took about 30 minutes.

Hey, I'm a Plumber... 

The wall units went up well, dead level and everything with soft closing doors and drawers.

Took ages mind, so fiddly.

Then I put in new ceiling lights and chrome switches.

 After that I put in the island, I'd run a power supply under the floor tiles so I had a double plug there, it took bloody ages to cut the floor. 

I added an extra 6 double sockets and run Sky into the kitchen, (you have to be able to watch TV as you cook)



I then put the radiator back on the wall and hid all the pipes.

After that, went in the shelves to the window, I fitted a new door and handles, then patched up holes, fitted the cooker hood and now I have a million and one finishing touches...another day or so and it will be done..

And people say I have ...the easy life.


11/27/2010 9:21:46 PM

I was minding my own business in the Pretty Pigs pub last night when a man came over to me and said, 'You look like a poof'

I was so outraged, I immediately challenged him to a dance off.

11/27/2010 9:17:36 PM

4pm Friday night.. 
I'm trying to resolve a problem with a tenants boiler, it's cold and dark outside and frost is forming on my car...all I want to do, is go to Asdas, get the weekly shopping done then go home into the warm..
Meanwhile the Contractors phone just rings and rings. 

I've promised another colleague I'd find out was happening and that I'd call her back, the tenant, already without heating for 2 days is irate and angry..
And understandably, they want it sorted. 

My ear is hurting, with the phone pressed hard against my head, I'm struggling to get through.
The clock moves ever closer to 4 15 and my going home time..
I still have to sort this then call my colleague back..
All of a sudden the phone stops dialing and the voice of an Angel comes down the line.

 I speak into the handset..
'Hi, it's Les here, I need to know what's happening about a breakdown'

The lady answers.. 
'Les, it's me... ( I have to make a name up here to protect her identity)
So let's call her Dorothy Capulet (as that's her name) 

'Les, it's me Dorothy'
I ask her about the Boiler..
She needs to talk with another girl in her office..
Her voice goes muffled and I struggle to hear the conversation..
She comes back to me and explains she needed to rest the phone on her chest as she tries to find out more info.

 All of a sudden the sun rises, the outside temperature shoots up to that of a warm sunny day..
My world closes in and I long, no, I pray to be that lucky little phone..
resting on the breast of the beautiful Dorothy.
Feeling each breath in her body... riding on the beat of her heart..
Who gives a shit about the tenant? 

I speak to her once more and I ask her if I can take the phone home with me for 'recreational purposes'...
Dorothy calls me a slut and a tart, worse still she's right, and I laugh...
Dorothy is my friend, she's one of the better things about my job..




10/31/2010 9:10:09 PM

 A grinning Tony Blair was awarded the Liberty Medal in America for his services in Global human rights. He certainly deserves it,

While he was in power, more people won the right to be bombed in their beds,
More people won the right to be lied to and have their countries invaded
More people won the right to live in fear of burglary, stabbing and a rising gun culture.

More people won the right to admire our given away safeguards in Europe,
More people won the right to live under the gaze of a quarter of the worlds surveillence cameras
More people won the right to pay for what was once a free University education

 David Kelly won the right to have his murder covered up as suicide 

And this piece of walking, lying, breathing trash has honours showered upon him, he has amassed millions by selling who and what we are to both Europe and America,
He is a man for all seasons, a person of all deals.

Just as long as they fill his coffers and listen to his lies, 
The man should never have been born.



10/31/2010 8:53:26 PM


The flight out was like a slide across polished grass, not a single bump. Which of course allowed me to quaff down glass after glass of warm wine from a titchy little  plastic bottles. I didn't book an in flight meal and half way through the trip, my tummy was rumbling just like a rumbly thing in a rumbly place.

I still feel slightly aggrieved that the passenger in front of me complained to a stewardess that  because I was so hungry, I'd begun to nibble on her hair...miserable moaning old cow..
I landed at Skiathos airport and then caught a Taxi..I say CAUGHT a taxi, I've had quicker piddles.....I climbed into the cab and 20 yards down the road was the jetty where I had to catch the Ferry to Skopolos.

The robbing swine then charged me 6 euros for the trip.... now I've worked out what this would cost a comes in at roughly 753,231 Euros for each yard travelled.
I then caught a ferry for 90 minutes while the boat sailed the 7 yards to Skopolos, talk about slow, sea turtles were swimming past me at three times our speed, I nearly spent the whole week left of my holiday just getting there.

After three lifetimes I disembarqued,  then caught a further taxi to our complex..59 million euros later we arrived...29 yards up the road.

It was just like a western Ghost town, the whole place was empty and tumbleweed was blowing across the complex grounds.

The owner confirmed my worst fears and said we were the only people there...thank god I'd brought three thousand books to read, having said that, if I began to get bored there WAS a very sexy looking Donkey tied up in the next field. 

So there we were 4 people sleeping in a complex  built for 150 guests, my god it was spooky at night, I did most of my dozey doe time doubled up in the shower tray with my suitcase jammed up against the was the only way I knew gay Greek bogey men wouldn't rape me. 

The owner did say that she would not open up the bar as it wouldn't be cost effective to pay bar staff, but said instead, that we could 'just help ourselves to anything we wanted'
I bought home the swimming pool, 14 poolside chairs, 5 cookers and a small palm tree. 

Actually, we drank very little, considering  she'd said 'Just help yourselves'
15 bottles of Dimple Whisky, 38 bottles of Ouzo, around 290 lagers..... all in all, we were pure angels in our moderation.
And on the bright side, the Doctors said I'll have my vision back in less than 4 weeks.

 Ahh yes, it appears I'm the pin up boy for over 4000 mosquitoes, they all queued to have a nibble of me..
I looked just like a red bitey/pimply thing at the end, each night I was chobbled to death... everywhere I left uncovered was bitten and swollen up to twice its size, I left my willy out each evening and finally, I'm now almost a real man, 

Then we went to where they filmed Mama Mia, we climbed the rock up to the Church, and something I dont understand,
Meryl Streep ran up there singing... by the time I'd got up, I needed an iron lung and a bottle of oxygen.

I lost 14 st climbing up over 37 miles in height, it nearly killed me, the only thing that kept me going was I knew I still had that sexy looking Donkey tied to a tree.







10/31/2010 8:43:13 PM

If I were to die today,
Go belly up and pass away,
Would you do me one small chore?
Just the one please, nothing more... 

Delete the porn on my PC!
It's stuff  my daughters shouldn't see.
I wouldn't want those things to be,
People's last real thoughts of me.

The eager housewives and the pros,
The tired old tarts and all the ho's,
Get rid of them all, for heaven knows,
Who might glimpse them without clothes. 

If I were to shuffle off this mortal coil ( I do have a cough)
Check the comp before you pack it off...
The CD's too....( I DO back up)
And delete anything that's compromising,
Search each file, be enterprising!

There are some at rest, some exercising,
Some doing things that's quite surprising,
There's lots on there, I must confess,
In various states of tacky dress.

Delete them all, that is unless
You want copies too,
If you do...God bless.

10/31/2010 8:38:09 PM

Binyam Mohamed is sueing the British Government, saying we colluded in his torture and arrest while held at several prisons in countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Morocco.

He was arrested in 2002 and transferred to Guantanamo Bay (nice place, lousy beaches) charges against him included an alleged plot to attack high rise building in the USA.He has also admitted to training at Al Qaeda terrorist camps and is an associate of the failed shoe bomber Richard Reid. Binyam also claims he was only in Afghanistan and Pakistan to help him overcome his addiction to drugs.

All in all, a credit to any society.

 A self proclaimed warrior in his desire to bring down the western way of life, Binyam Mohamed once said he has nothing but contempt for the western world and it's values. So why then has this lying, drug addicted murderous bastard applied (and been accepted) to stay in Britain..

It must be the weather...I can't think of any other reason why the poisonous wanker wants to stay here.

10/29/2010 9:26:28 AM

I'm a terrible sleeper.
Oh it's not my fault, it's just you can allocate people into various sleeping groups.

You get the ones who thrash around like they're in the middle of a wrestling match, you get the others who sleep like they're paralysed and in a coma, you get the light sleepers, the heavy sleepers, the catnappers, the fidgeters and then you get me.... 

Now falling to sleep isn't a problem, my head hits the pillow and 30 seconds later I'm away with the fairies.
However, it's the terrible slurs and rumours about what I do when I AM sleeping that gets me.

It appears once my eyes close, they send a sort of signal out to my tongue that it's ok to come out and play, 
From what I gather, after licking my nipples for an hour, it comes to rest somewhere just above my belly button.

Oh.. and I also lose about 15 gallon of saliva a around 4am, even my legs look like they've been in the bath too long.

It appears I also thrash about a bit..this seems to me the perfect time, along with the saliva and the thrashing, to throw in a little soap powder and last weeks washing...may as well do something a woman finds useful in bed hey? 

But I do however wish to complain about the terrible slur that I snore inbed..THAT disgraceful charge was laid upon me by my last girlfriend..bloody cheek it is too!

Ok, I might let loose the odd snuffle or two, but I never complained about her when she kept me awake going 'baa' all night, did I?

10/28/2010 8:11:41 AM

Mother of mine.
Also known commonly as 'Mama Mia' 

It is  alleged they filmed part of the movie on a very small island called Skopolos,
Skopolos doesn't have an airport so you have to land at its even tinier neighbour called Skiathos, you then take a 75 minute hydrofoil across teasing blue swells that rise up between the scores of tiny little outcrops.

Those of the travel sickness variety, dont even bother, although the three and a half hour flight out was more of a slide across polished glass, the intense bouncing of a 40 mph fast boat more than made up for it.  

Remember the Church scene near the end where Meryl Streep gets married?
It really is just like that...well just like that in the film anyway. 

The Church is nothing like that in real life, compare the two and on top of the film church it has a little dome, that doesn't exist, they've also mostly blanked out the other building right next to it..the real church is little, flat and square...and so tiny when I entered, I nearly bumped my nose on the far wall...simply a small room measuring around 10ft x12 ft ...nowhere big enough to get a wedding in (unless of course it was an Etheopian wedding with 500 guests) 

Which was made even tinier because the walls were covered in cat fur where the local Priest had obviously tried to swing a cat.
(Oh wait! that WAS my apartment bathroom, I'll write about that in another story) 

And I loved the scene where Meryl Streep sings 'I dont want to talk' to Pierce Brosnan, then runs up the steps to enter the Church while singing..

After climbing all those steps, all I could have done was collapse whilst begging for oxygen..I was bluer than a Smurf when I got up there.

So yes, the little church on the top of the mountain IS there, but not like you think, the views really are tremendous but the fact is, Hillary and Tenzing couldn't have made that climb without any gear or oxygen and apart from Meryl Streep being filmed running up those final steps, I'm fairly certain no one else did..

10/26/2010 9:52:02 PM

Its 1978 and prat, do NOT have your hair permed.
As you're a red head you'll look exactly like a Belisha beacon for 2 years..DONT do it. 
What on earth were you doing?

It's 1973 and you've just bought a 'Budgie' jacket..based on a style of coat worn by Adam Faith in the series called 'Budgy'
Frankly, it looked better on a Budgie
Oh dear..

1983 and you have a moustache...why?
It looks like an undernourished Caterpillar has died on your top lip..shave it off moron.

 That suit you wore for your wedding?
ok it was 'made to measure'
But who did he use to measure it for?
It certainly wasn't you.


Measham Car Auctions 1985
That bedford van you buy ex- British Gas..
Stop off on the way home and buy a Sou'Wester or a Frogmans suit..years will pass and you will never get rid of that leak through the windscreen.
Either dont buy it or at least purchase a couple of Goldfish to keep you company. 

Tell your Dad you love didn't and it tortures you for a lifetime. 

Do not buy those hipsters in 1970...they are woven tweed, you will lose both your legs in less than7 months due to excessive itching..
Pol Pot will offer to buy them for use in his Killing fields
oh..and your bum will glow just like your hair does in the top paragraph.

 Finally (and Les you idiot, you could write millions of these)
Do NOT buy that white coat in utter fool! whatever possessed you to think that the sidekick of Top Cat known as 'Benny the Ball' could ever be a fashion Icon?

So WHY did you choose to dress like him?

10/26/2010 9:28:06 PM

 The kids of today, don't know they're born.
My childhood was spent in utter poverty and carrying every disease and ailment known to man.

The only highlight of my week was Thursdays when it was my turn to use the matress, the rest of the time I slept on a piece of hanging flypaper...mind you, at least I never fell out of bed. 

My clothes were rubbish, it's not like the other kids in my class who wore Dior balaclavas, Gucci wellingtons or Armani snakebelts, mine were all knockoff imitations and way too small or looked more like they belonged on Sideshow Bob. 
Still...But at least I made up for it with my illnesses, at least no one would touch me there  :)
So I sat back last night and thought about them  (actually I didn't, I'm thinking about where I'm going with this the same instant my poor little leprosy worn stumps hit the keyboard) 

A typical day. 

I remember having Scabies and Impetigo, I liked having them, at least they kept me warm..
For breakfast I had Chicken Pox, Strep and Measles, I still had to go to School though (especially as the bracing -4c Nechells air was good for my little nobbly knees as I wore shorts walking to school)
besides, my 6 denier woollen coat kept the worst off me. 

By lunchtime my other symptoms had come along nicely, Croup had now settled in well, along with my Scarlet fever, ringworm and Jaundice.
And now the day was really getting started...

Teatime gave me Polio, Nits, body lice and shingles, oh I know, some of those weren't classed as illnesses, but they sure enough felt like it, and besides, I cut quite a dash in my 4ft long cast off fathers vests and a purple head.
I remember writing this before but I walked to school once with an old pair of my brothers underpants on, you could see them hanging and dragging below the bottom of my shorts as I walked along, this while the waistband was pinned and chaffing up against my armpits....but I digress.

I liked the evening, sitting there eating my quarter of a Potato in front of a roaring coalfire..
Secure in the knowledge that besides all the rest of the stuff I had, I was now developing a hint of Malaria to go with Bronchitis and Diptheria.

Yet amazingly all these ailments worked in complete harmony with each other, I was in a perfect state of equilibrium, where nothing seemed to get an upper hand to drag me down..

It's the only thing I can think of..and yet looking back on those times...considering I  once really did have scabies, Chicken Pox, Shingles, Flu, measles, toothache, food poisoning, shivers, the runs, bad tummies come everytime I didn't want to go to school, the best I could ever come up with is 'Mom, I've got a headache'?



10/26/2010 9:18:44 PM



I had my pet hate happen to me again today.
Now if you only think I'm only what I portray myself as on here, you'd be thinking...that could be one of a million things.

But it isn't.
For starters (and I'll wait for the obvious insults and retorts)..I'm a simple man. 

I believe in hard work, being honest (where I can) and I believe in love, respect and manners.
So today, as usual, I held the door open for a couple.
They must have been 10 yards behind, so it was one of those occasions where I'd have been justified in just letting it swing shut, but no, I stood there for 4/5 seconds as they ambled through...without even a kiss my arse.



 So of course, I shouted out 'Pardon'?
The guy set up my old retort perfectly when he replied 'I didn't say anything'
I never even bothered replying with my usual line 'Oh, I thought you said thank you' 

There was simply no point.
It's going down hill again, I dont ask much in life, but I do like people to say 'Please or Thank you' 

Sadly it all appears to be a dying art,
From the guys who spit on the ground 4ft in front of me, to the ones who jump queues, cut me up, push past and never even know what they are doing wrong.. 

One day they will be old, with age I wish them manners and wisdom,
All society needs to fall apart, is lack of respect, it starts with our Teachers, then our Police, then our laws..


I'm tired of living in a society where these days, if you fall over, the fall  is posted on Youtube quicker than an helping hand is  to lift you to your feet. 

But the worst part with those two rude bastards today?

They were my age.


8/25/2010 10:44:55 AM
I've been thinking..

This must be one of the only few places in the world where, if you find a girl who sucks,
it means we're off to a pretty good start..
8/25/2010 10:40:35 AM

I don't smoke, I never have, fact is, I've never even tried one.

All my life I've been a firm believer, that fresh air is the thing we're supposed to put in our lungs.

Yet strangely enough, for the last 16 hours or so I seem to have developed a 'smoking fetish' Not just an ordinary fetish mind, mine is a fetish based on burnt Lemon Meringue.

Isn't it weird how things just pop up like that?

8/25/2010 10:38:34 AM

I'm not one.

For usually pouring my heart out on CM...and on the odd occasion I do, it's always told tongue in cheek, with humour.

I'm never one for giving up....ever.

I laugh easily.

I can cry just the same...what is a man without compassion? It doesn't make me weak, it makes me strong.

As a child I've had my back against the wall so hard, I've left body prints in the concrete... But I never rolled over and said 'That's it'

I've lost so many people I've loved it's ridiculous..but you wont ever find me wishing to join them. These are the cards I was dealt. I live with them.

I have friends, friends who know and love me, for all my faults..and those who judge me?..'Let he who is without sin'....

I may look like a man who shaves with a Crocodile, but in real life, few run away screaming...

I have the pertest of Bums and wonderful broad shoulders...laughs.. Popeye, eat your heart out.

I can make you, really laugh, not on here though, you need to be near me..preferably dressed in an RAF uniform or as a Policewoman.

I have empathy..I can make you feel better and restore your soul.

I see the good in most things..and why not? everyone has some degree of good in them.

I can read situations and know more or less how things will end..although on here, that's pretty much a done thing.

I'm widely read, the fact is, I can bore you on most subjects and if you ever want to win a quiz pub night? Get me in your team. Not arrogant, just true.

If I pay someone a compliment, take my word for it, I mean every word and what I mean is true.

I know when to stop.

8/25/2010 10:32:12 AM

It appears that according to Sky news, ventriliquism is on its way back. I'm still getting over the trauma of seeing Lord Charles and Ray Allen  back in the late 80's, I sincerely hope it's  not coming back at all.

I remember his  act clearly, the performance was wooden, jerky, bereft of funny lines and his lips never moved..

The proplem being, it was the human who was wooden and the puppet whose lips never moved.

Ray Allen's were all over the place..And he was considered one of the best! 

Lenny the Lion with Terry Hall was another funny as a broken leg on a pigeon, he hid his appalling lack of skill, by hiding his head in Lenny's mane. 

Ventriliquism on its way back?

The guy was talking out of his arse.

8/21/2010 10:27:11 PM

I believe we are the sum of our days..


It was written that  by the time we are 50, we all get the face we deserve..

Now, as mine is pure, unlined and angelic, it then follows that I'm in complete agreement with this.

The problem for me, is that no one ever wrote, that we also get the body to match.

So here I am, the face of an Angel tacked on to the body of Beelzebub.


I was looking in the mirror again last I dont know why I do this so often, I mean, my memory is pretty good and I'm sure I haven't changed radically overnight..

But at 7 20 pm yesterday evening as I stepped out of the shower and admired my withered little body, I discovered God had made me with lopsided nipples.

And I dont mean slightly lopsided either, the one is more or less in the right position, my left nipple however is situated somewhere close to my left ankle..


Add this to the fact my ears aren't level either, that my one eye is a tad lower than the other...

I'm beginning to resemble a downhill skiier, three seconds after they crash into a tree.


After further study, I can also see my right side is a lot better developed than the left, as I'm predominantly right handed, my one side is muscled and semi toned, my left looks like it's riddled with Polio.


I've got a right foot like Sideshow Bob, a left like Thumberlina,

A right arm like Superman, the other side looks like it was stolen from Stephen Hawking.

It even extends to my eyesight, one side, super vision, the other 'Mole man' 


In fact if I ever have a stroke, please God make it my left side, I bet I dont even notice.

8/21/2010 3:40:52 AM
The man behind the words.
8/19/2010 8:22:00 AM
Freed Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi could live for years, a cancer specialist has warned.


Not if you gave me a high powered sniper rifle with a telescopic sight he couldn't.

8/10/2010 11:34:46 AM
Oh many new profiles viewing me..
8/9/2010 11:13:21 AM I write or drink Chardonnay?

God..I'm on my own and bored to death..I think I'll open a bottle.
8/8/2010 2:14:44 AM
The perils of internet dating.

My friend Terry meets a lot of his girfriends on the internet.
I guess the following is a letter that most of the ladies on here could write every day.

(This one is of course fiction and written by me)

Dear Terry,

I hope you don't mind me sending this to Kandor first, but I spoke with him last night on Facebook and he suggested I gave you a little feedback from our date yesterday lunchtime.

When you first turned up, I thought
'How nice, obviously Terry couldn't make it but at least he had the decency to send his Dad round'.

May I ask...are you really 33?
you certainly don't look it....have you worked outside a lot in bad weather?

It was only after hearing your voice, that I discovered, not only had you misrepresented yourself in years, but you'd also done the same with both appearance and personality.
Personally I'd have prefered more effort than a pair of dirty jeans and a T-shirt bearing the motif  'I Shag women'

Still, as I am fairly desperate, I had no option but to continue our date.

It was only after 5 minutes of wrist slitting conversation that I discovered there is a limit to even my desperation.
While I'm warming to the subject, what happened to your long black curly hair on the photo you sent me?
And also why does your red Ferrari look like a knackered old white pick-up?

I understand of course people often build up their personal self esteem, but it would be nice if it was based on even a microscopic piece of truth.

I'm sure there have been longer dates Terry , (Papillon on Devils Island springs to mind) but Lord almighty, those two hours seemed a lifetime!

And I have to say, there must be other websites that are better suited to both your style and personality...for instance, have you logged on the the 'Ugly sluts 'R' us' yet?

I honestly think it would suit your style much better.
I would end this with a row of kisses but I feel even those might be catching.

Yours sincerely,

8/5/2010 2:41:08 PM
I first saw her about 6 years ago, it was my daughter who inadvertantly named her...

'Dad, whats that skanky cat doing in our garden'?
And that was how the great 'Skank' was first brought to my attention.

To be honest Skank was the tattiest looking cat I've ever seen, she was semi feral and covered in scabs, sores and fleas.
She was frightened to death of humans and even if I came within 10ft of her, she raised her hackles and hissed at me like a mad thing.
Depending on how hungry she was, she either ran off or gulped down her food like she was drinking water.

By the looks of her skinny little body, I was the only person feeding her and you'd think after a few months she would more or less have become friendly towards me.
Not a chance.

For the following three years I was hissed at, nearly scratched to death and shown nothing but contempt.
But that was ok, she had no one in the world who loved her but me, and love shouldn't be conditional upon it being returned...otherwise there would no art or hobbies would there?
Skank loved bacon and fresh Chicken, every morning she would be there, hovering at the end of the garden waiting for me to put out her breakfast and a small saucer of milk..
She was a right wimp ya know..the times I had to chase other cats off who were trying to steal her food and my reward for doing so?
Another hissing, an arched back and a stare of pure venom..

4 years had gone by since I first saw her and one morning Skank did the impossible, she came within about 3ft of me..she watched me closely as she ate her breakfast,
I kept perfectly still as she finished off her food then with a hiss, she was gone. the months passed then one sunny spring morning, Skank let me stroke her,
I did this carefully and gently,
Skank finished off her breakfast then bit me on the hand..

She never drew blood and I have to say it was one of the better days of my lfe.
These last two years we even became much as a cat can be friends with a man.
She would come up to me and and let me stroke her for a few minutes before she ploughed on into her breakfast.

Two weeks ago she vanished for about 9 days...
I looked out for her each morning and even called out, hoping she would be around...nothing..
I feared the worst.
4 days ago Skank turned up out of the blue...all thin and raggedy,
I think she'd lost about half her body weight..
I rushed into the house and came back with a plate full of Kit-E-Kat and placed it on the floor at her feet.

Skank ignored the food and instead came to me for a love and a stroke..without eating, she left my garden.

Skank died two days ago...
My heart is aching right now and the only comfort I can draw from this whole thing is that my beautiful Skank came back to see me one final time..
I'd like to think a sad old lonely cat came back to say goodbye.
Just so you know old Skank...
I loved you very much.
8/5/2010 2:38:22 PM
It 's been reported that Michael Jackson's last home is up for sale.

Who on earth would want to buy a mouldy coffin?
3/22/2010 8:56:50 AM
I dont know what to say!
on E-bay this morning they were selling a Goblin Teasmade for under £3..
I dont know about you, but I'd pay 5 times that just for the Goblin bit.
3/22/2010 8:47:47 AM
I subscribe to a few political sites, one of them being 'They work for you'
Which means I get a daily list of certain MP's statements sent to me whenever they raise a question in Parliament..

I love the one I got today.

Jonathan R Shaw (Minister of State (Disabled People), Regional Affairs; Chatham & Aylesford, Labour)

''The public sector, including Whitehall, can do far more to employ people with learning disabilities, and I am pleased to announce that we are employing people with learning disabilities in Ministers' offices''

Yeah, trouble is, the ones with learning difficulties are all f*****g MP's
1/22/2010 10:47:51 PM
The Labour government has just raised a level 5 terrorist attack warning.

That means a terrorist attack is not only likely to happen in the UK, it means it's also going to happen very soon.
Well THAT's worrying!
Oh not the Level 5 terrorist attack..that's a load of bollocks..

No, I'm worrying more about the bad news Labour is now trying to slip out after directing our minds elsewhere.

Meanwhile...check the news carefully and watch the rise in little white old ladies being profiled at UK airports..
They're the worst group ya know..
Those knitting needles can hold off a Regiment.

Meanwhile, just wave the Burkhas through.
1/13/2010 2:36:51 AM
I'm sick of that short arsed, beady eyed, little bastard George Clooney stealing my photographs and claiming they're him.
1/3/2010 4:04:32 AM
The 'Lonely Planet' guide has voted Wolverhampton the 5th worst city on earth...
How dare they!
Wolverhampton is easily the worst shithole in the Solar system.
12/30/2009 9:27:39 PM
A very happy new year to everyone who comes on here.
12/26/2009 3:14:50 AM
Japanese scientists have now created a digital camera with such a fast speed, it's now possible to take a photograph of a woman with her mouth  shut.
12/26/2009 1:07:52 AM
These are all actual headlines taken from British newspapers in 2009.

Man Kills Self Before Shooting Wife and Daughter

Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says
No, really?

Panda Mating Fails.. Veterinarian Takes Over.
What a man..

Miners Refuse to Work after Death
lazy bastards!

War, Dims Hope for Peace
I can see it might possibly have that effect

If Strike Isn't Settled Quickly, It May Last Awhile

Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures

Couple Slain... Police Suspect murder.

Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges
I prefer steel and concrete myself..

Man Struck By Lightning.... Faces Battery Charge
Let's hope he doesn't start anything in court.

Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group

Kids Make Nutritious Snacks
Can I have brown sauce on them?

And my personal favourite, a news report from the far east,
Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery... Hundreds Dead.
12/26/2009 1:06:26 AM
At the end of our time on earth, if we have lived our lives fully, I doubt we'll be able to say ''every day was perfect'' but hopefully, we will be able to say,

''I have ridden the roller coaster of life, and many of those rides were magnificent....
and my fellow travellers? they were simply wonderful''
11/16/2009 12:28:54 AM
Sigh...Andrea Aardvark never got back to me..

So in pursuit of shagging all the women on here alphabetically...

Belinda Bartholomew...fancy a 'tie you spreadeagled to the bed' romp?
11/16/2009 12:20:12 AM
The X factor that is...

Plus it's not like you can escape it either.
Every day I seem to read Danyl is arrogant, bi-sexual, a bully etc.
Or Stacey has broke her ex's heart, or that Big Tedward (whatever) are only being voted in to pee Simon Cowell off.

Well let me point out the obvious please.

Simon Cowell doesn't give a damn who wins...he never has..
Think on this a moment..Leona Lewis? by all accounts, she's worth £10 million plus..and if Cowell IS her manager (and I have no interest in finding out) AND say he gets 20% of her earning..that's about a million a year so far..

Meanwhile what do you think he makes from the phone in votes?....per week.
All Cowell is interested in, is the publicity and the money raised either by you lot voting, or TV ratings and revenue.
Look, the Americans aren't paying him £45 million a year to listen to acts like Jedward or Ollie, they are paying for the viewing figures generated by sustained public interest and in ( some cases) outrage at seeing a load of rubbish unfairly kept in while their particular favourite is turfed out on their ear.
These things generate extremely expensive advertising revenues.

And the winner gets a number one... so what?
Sell half a million singles and let Cowell earn another 200 grand?
Big's the publicity he wants and the monies he can generate from that..

But dont think he cares who wins as long as you keep watching and voting..
He doesn't hate Jedward, he loves them..because they keep his name in the papers..
There allegedly was uproar last week after Cowell voted to keep them in,
I heard on the radio and in the papers there were thousands never going to watch it again...result?
14.1 million viewers Saturday night..the biggest viewing figures ever..Cowell must have been gutted by all those 'non-viewers'

Anyway..Joe will win..he has the most talent by a mile, runners up will be Stacey and Ollie..
So don't bother voting ok?
Just as in politics,
It only encourages them.
11/16/2009 12:18:17 AM
For many years now I've been aware of the disgraceful acts of the British Government, when it deliberately sent many of our orphans and poor overseas to places like Canada or Australia.

Gordon Brown has apologised to all those people alive today....on behalf of the Government and the British people.
My heart really does go out to those children, who were not only unfortunate enough to be either abandoned or without parents, but we then compounded their misfortune, by forcibly sending them (in many cases) to be worked like slaves or to be sexually abused.

And I'm sitting here thinking...what despicable piece of work ever thought up the idea of telling a poor little vulnerable child their parents where dead...while all the time knowing it was a lie?
That person is no doubt long dead by now...but dont worry, that man or woman isn't in all the doctrines I've ever read...they dont allow animals in.

Not in my name....

Should I apologise?
I never made that decision, nor did Gordon Brown.
Likewise I wont apologise for slavery, the RAJ in India and nor am I sorry for once having an Empire.
I had no part in those decisions.
I was never in the group that benefited from them either.

I'm tired of bleeding heart liberals apologising for this, that and the other....especially when I had no say in it.
The truth is, apologies are a slippy slope..oh I dont mean personal ones on a day to day basis such as between couples or family..I'm on about the apologies for acts done several hundred years or decades ago.

But if that's your game Brown and you think apologies are the order of the day...

Can I have one for the debt you've got us into, for the pensions you've destroyed, for the broken promises on Europe?
Can I have an apology for Billions lost when you almost gave our gold away at a record low price?
Will you apologise for destroying Britain through uncontrolled immigration?
Will you say sorry for underfunding our Armed forces?

Of course you wont...the apology to those children costs you's just a soundbite and meaningless, the other ones I want are personal, they're personal to us, to you, to the British public..

But I think the reason why a Politician does apologise should be carved down on a tablet of stone..
It should stand for how low a Politician can stoop in pursuit of what it thinks is the right thing, right for whom?
Certainly not the child, who although already damned in life, then had the only security blanket they had left, that of identity, tore away from them..

So we need a reminder...we already have the so called 10 commandments, but we need an 11th.
And it should make every Politician pause before it carries out another such disgraceful act...

And to make it fitting I'll lift it from the Bible and I'll add just one word of my own..

Mathew 19:14

And Jesus said 'Suffer the little Children'

Like I said, I'll just add one word, right at the front....
And the word is 'Never'...that should cover it.

Now do me a favour...take your apologies and bugger off.
10/26/2009 9:39:04 PM
I've decided to work my way through Collarme, chatting up and wooing every female on here whose profile I like or find interesting...obviously there are thousands, and to keep track I'll do it alphabetically,  so it might take a little time to get through them all..
I'll be witty, funny and charismatic in my approach..I'm certain I can't fail.
So here goes..

Miss Andrea Aardvark...fancy a shag?
10/26/2009 9:32:34 PM
We dream of love, when love is lost,
Though time would steal old love away,
That passions and emotions tossed,
May ease with every passing day.

Can tears wash clean the aching heart,
And flush away that searing pain?
Tomorrow brings a brand new start
When love, reborn, can live again.

Will each love be the love we knew,
When all the world back then was young?
Is there a corner in the heart
Where Love’s sweet song is softly sung?

Those softened lips, that breathless kiss,
The lovers’ touch and mingling sighs,
Each new love brings ecstatic bliss,
And love lives on, though all else dies.
10/26/2009 9:31:03 PM
With you, I have sought,
the elusive illusions..
of life and love and learning,
of laughter and of thought.

With you, I have wondered
at a glory of stars,
and an ache of hearts
Which heaven's promise rendered.

Oh, we have been clever
yet unable to see
happiness lasts a moment,
But forgetting is forever.

With you, I have fashioned
dreams from failing hope,
And made our rumpled bed,
fevered and impassioned.

And with you, I've grown cold
standing in the moment,
waiting for tomorrow's
story to be told.

Have we really been so clever?
unable to see,
That happiness lasts a moment,
Yet forgetting is forever....
10/22/2009 9:43:37 AM
I remember back in early 1974, I was at the Town hall in Birmingham,
I'd gone with my friend John to see Roxy music, with Brian Ferry and Eno.
Like most concerts, they had an opening act, a guy came on stage dressed in a Clowns suit and began to sing the song 'Just a boy'

He started off in the wrong key and when he tried to hit the high note, his voice failed him, he apologised and started again.
Off he went once more and exactly the same thing happened again..

This time we booed him, but, bravely for him anyway, he tried once more and sang about 6 songs which ended with a pretty good crowd one had ever heard of him back them but three weeks later he hit number one with 'The Show must go on' Leo Sayer went on to become one of our most successful pop stars.

A few months later I was at a Gallagher and Lyle concert, the opening act that night simply blew us away, he too went on to international fame culminating in Princess Fergies favourite song, 'Lady in red'
Chris de Burgh still remains one of my favourite singer/songwriters.

A few months on from then, back at the Odeon, a young Elton John after blitzing the crowd with his brilliance, threw a white fur coat into the audience, it slid across my fingers and landed in the crowd two rows behind me.
Great night though.

Hot Chocolate, what a great group, I saw them at Barbarellas before they really made the big time, they rocked the crowd.

John Denver at the Apollo, Manchester, he was my hero back then, 1976 and at the height of his fame, he left me a concert memory I will carry all my days....the guy was a genius, taken from us far to young, I still crowd my Ipod with his songs.

Paul Simon and his Graceland tour..I'm a big, big fan, but that night was the biggest disapointment of my life, it was really just a political rally for South Africa, no man or Race should live on its knees, just dont expect me to hear you sing about it when I'd gone to be entertained by my icon, he still remains that today..

Cut back to the Summer of 1979, June to be exact, I'm on a beach in the South of France, the French newspapers all carry the news that the great John Wayne is dead..his fame touched all corners of the world.
It was later that night, Roz, me, Roz's sister Elaine and Brendan are all sitting on the beach around a campfire, a guy called Roly walks up to us with a guitar strapped on his back.
He scrounged a cigarette off Brendan and a Stella Artois from me, he sat down beneath a star filled sky and began to play..
His voice echoed softly through the night, 'Nowhere man' by the Beatles and John Lennons 'Norweigen wood'
He then moved on to Melanie Safka and Bob Dylan..the night and the man were filled with magic..We sat there until the early hours, the 4 of us joined by many more as we sang along, we toasted John Wayne as the moon rose over the sea and as the fire burned down we sat there in silence, not a cough or a sigh...we had all been part of something special, the best concert of our lives and it had cost us 10 cigarettes and an armful of beers..
10/20/2009 10:57:15 AM
When I die, and wake to find myself
in the big shopping centre in the sky,
this time I will say Yes,
to the young lady with the angelic
smile and clipboard when she
asks if I have the time
to take a survey,

and we'll sit on a bench together
in a patch of soft sunlight beside
a wishing well as she takes out
her pen and begins ..

Did you find everything you wanted?
No, but I learned that the search
was more valuable than the finding...

Were the hours acceptable?
Oh yes, though some were lonely and long,
but they were all filled with something
even when I thought there was nothing
happening at all...

Would you recommend Life to others?
Yes, because
there's nothing else like it, with its
highs and lows, its wins and losses,
the abstract sunrises and watercolor
sunsets... I'd do it all again if I could.

And as she smiles and
rises from the bench,
thanking me for my patience,
I nod and say it was fine
as I now have all the time
in the world, and though once,
I would have rushed
with a hundred thoughts on my mind,

Now, with a smile,
I rise and walk over to a mother,
I 've loved and missed for over 40 years
And ask her for the first time in my life,
what she had bought for herself.
10/20/2009 10:40:38 AM

Is there a place somewhere? he asked
A Geographic marker,
For all those rivers of tears,
That parents have cried
For their children’s fears,
That wives have shed for husbands
Who never returned from war,
Or another, for sons that have wept
For lost loves, for fathers and mothers?
I would like to know to what ocean they flow,
What never to be filled abyss buries,
All these rains of our years...
This is what I asked.
And the angel after just listening to me speak and ramble on..
Leaned forward on my bed and softly took my hand..
'It's here she said, here'
And gently put my hand on to my heart.
10/20/2009 10:39:24 AM
Magician and trickster,
Just what's up your sleeve?
You think you can fool me..
You think I'll believe?
Magician, bedazzler,
I know all the tricks;
I'm a Nechells raised guy,
I'm no fool from the sticks.

I'll see through you yet,
Oh, I'll figure you out...
You want somthing from me..
Of that I've no doubt!
Magician, concealer of rabbit and dove,
You won't sucker me with your illusion called love.
10/19/2009 10:49:34 PM
The Confederation of British Industry yesterday called for a rise in the cost of tuition fees.
I always knew this would happen.
Already Students are leaving with a degree that has little hope of getting them a job and if by chance they do, they then begin their working lives needing to clear off £20,000 worth of debt.
A sure fire winner to ensure more people from the 'working classes' enjoy the benefits of University life.

And this off a Government that said they have no plans to introduce any fees for further education
A rise in the cost of further learning is going to do what?
Increase the collective intelligence of the population or lower it?

Remind me..what was that mantra spouted by the idiot Tony Blair again?

Ahhh yes..

Yet another stunning Labour legacy.
10/19/2009 10:47:43 PM
Things I dont understand (an occasional list)

Scented toilet paper..

WHAT the f**k is THAT about!
I wipe my bum with it I dont use it as aftershave!
10/19/2009 11:21:42 AM the Notre Dame Cathedral is on fire and old Quasimodo is trapped up in the bell tower..

A large crowd gathers and people are screaming 'Jump Quasimodo before it's too late!'

Quasimodo leans out of the bell tower, points to his hump and shouts 'Unnnggg Darrrr Neeeehagggarrrr doonnng deee!'

The people all look confused and ask 'What's he saying?'

No one knows so they suggest the Cathedral Priest should call up to him.

The Priest arrives and shouts 'Jump Quasimodo before it's too late!'

As the flames lick ever higher, Quasimodo points to his hump and shouts 'unnnnnggg darrr neeeeehagggarrr doonnng deee?!

The Priest doesn't have a clue either so they send for Esmeralda who shouts up..
'Jump Quasimodo before it's too late!'

Quasimodo points at his hump and shouts...'Unnnggg darrrr neeeeehagggarrr doonnnng deee?!'

The crowd all scream out again, 'What's he saying?'
Esmeralda replies..

He just said 'What do you think this is? a fucking Parachute?
10/19/2009 11:15:18 AM
I woke up this morning to find 5 people had shown an interest in me. 
My first initial thoughts were ..bloody hell, 5 crazy women on the loose with no taste in men whatsoever.

Then I looked,
I can rule the 34 lb Rwandan girl out, I could cut myself to death giving her a cuddle at night.
Likewise the 400 lb Eskimo much of the quilt would I get off her do you reckon?
Plus we'd only look like that old matress advert, you know it, the one with the Hippo and the Duck.

The woman from Aberdeen looked nice, until I checked another of her pictures..
That one last remaining tooth she has, is a real beauty,
Can't say I'd like to take her out for a meal though, I couldn't bear to watch her gum her food around the edges.
The fourth woman? well what can I say apart from 'Thar she blows'
my god she's big..
And if giant warts ever come back into fashion, she's my gal.
Her name strangely enough was 'Joanna'
I never checked but I should imagine after the name Joanna, also followed 'the Hutt'

It was the last 'Lady'? though that got'd think if you were going to post a pic up of you to attract a man, you'd have ensured you didn't look hairier than him, wouldn't you?
God almighty, if the fabled 'Sasquatch' doesn't exist, his bloody sister certainly does..
Plus the full length body shot didn't help, it's not an attractive look you know, boobs dragging on the floor..
Ahh, but what do I know?
I'm just a raggy bummed Plumber.
10/19/2009 11:10:15 AM
I was walking to the shops tonight to buy a few cans of beer and I had a £20 note in my hand..

I was about ..oh, 30 yards from the shop and all of a sudden I let out a 'mega sneeze'
It was that strong, I lost an ear, one eye brow and half a nostril..
I will say here and now, I never cried once.

So I go into the shop, buy 4 cans of Breaker, a 'Lucky dip' for Saturday nights lottery and handed over my £20 note to pay.

The girl took it off me and let out a loud 'Ughhh'

It appears I'd sneezed a giant green bogey onto my money and not noticed..
10/19/2009 11:06:02 AM
I dine out most weeks,
Sometimes, with a devilish grin and a careless swagger, I even go out twice a week..

I often sit there watching other people, either browsing the menu or listening to them order what they'd like to eat.

In conversation with the waiter, I will hear them order things like Methi Chicken with just a hint of fenugreek, they will ask for green peppers grown on the south side of the slope and insist their curry is only served with yellow rice, each one individually rubbed on the sweaty thigh of a Bangla Deshi virgin.

Others order a dish of steaming fellangi, demanding that it only be cooked in a traditional black pot which has just been freshly scrubbed out with goat urine..

And I sit there lost in wonder and admiration..I know nothing of these things, even now after 10 years of eating curries, I'm still more or less, a one trick pony..

I listen to a child of 5 asking for their favourite dish of Karahi vegetable curry,
Then they demand the chef makes sure it's made with green chillies and not those scratty red ones grown on the verdant slopes of Katmandu..

And after that...the waiter walks up to me..
'Are you ready to order Sir'?

'Yes please' I reply as I hide my shame and ignorance behind an extremely large and glossy menu.

'What would you like'? he asks as the whole restaurant falls into the type of silence, one in which, a falling pin would burst both your eardrums..

' vindaloo and boiled rice please..oh and I'd like a plain naan'

It's usually at the stage, the waiters all come out from the back room, the said 5 year old stands on his chair, passing cars screech to a halt and they all stop to stare and look...and they dont say it, they never do, it's the swivelling necks, the bulging eyes, the 5 year olds pity..

They have an elequence all of their own..
But I know what they're saying,
I know what they're thinking,
I know what they're feeling..

Get out of here you Brummie peasent.
10/12/2009 2:48:42 PM
By mistake I added a contact box to another site I'm on.
This has resulted in several females all aged around 81 to 89, accessing my account and then sending me short messages, usually accompanied by a small photo of a woman showing a one toothed grin, while in the background is a cunningly concealed wheelchair or iron lung..

5 minutes later they're usually added to my list of female friends..well what red blooded man can resist a winning limp, a blue rinse or a highly polished walking stick?

Today I noticed something else..something about earn 50 points and this will get you introduced to our 'more attractive members'

That explains it then..
I have no points..

To date, all I've got are the rejects from the 'Grab a gran or snog a dog' section..
The women who contacted me were all missing parts..legs, arms, teeth, eyes, heads...

And I've just had another thought..
I bet they have no points either..
Which is why I'm on their bloody list..

I scrub up well honest!
Or at least the parts of me I still have do...

AND I have a new wheelchair on order.

10/12/2009 2:45:16 PM
The Labour government in an attempt to reduce Britains debt, is considering selling off various parts of our country to raise £16 billion.
Now that surprises me.. not that they want to sell off parts of our country but the fact we've still got any country left to sell..

Ahh but I'm being flippant..

This is serious now..
We've already sold off our water and electricity supplies to France and Germany, North sea oil and gas has come and gone, our manufacturing base has been destroyed, the car industry went the way of the Dodo,
The Merchant fleet?
Two paddle boats on the Serpentine are pretty much it.

Coal mines?
Well you can visit one as a sort of 'living museum' but certainly the days of British coal warming British homes...nah

Simply put, everything that we need to sustain a country has vanished...or so reduced it's not worth talking about.
Thatcher, Major and Blair didn't give a damn either..they thought we could sustain our economy in the invisible
And when that went tits up, there wasn't a lot else we could do to turn things around.
Hence the fire sale.

And now Brown wants to sell off our rights to the Channel tunnel and our share in the European Uranium Consortium.
The EUC one has tremendous implications, as we dont own the energy companies anymore,
Dont you think we should keep hold of the one last remaining option we have to power Britain?
Hmm? hmm?

But Labour dont listen, they never do.
After they've rolled up the sidewalks, rented out the fields, sold off the beaches, hired out the Cities..
we'll soon just be paying rent to live in our own country..
And you know what?

When you fill in your forms, passports or ID cards..
In the little box marked 'Nationality'...

You'll be the only indigenous race in the world to be able to write.....'Lodger'

8/17/2009 5:01:20 AM
7/23/2009 9:34:24 PM
So here I am, minding my own business, doing what I do on a typical Friday morning and that's tidying up the house for the weekend..

So while I was busy polishing the dining table I noticed the polish I'm using, (Pledge) contains 'Aloe Vera'
Hang on a minute! didn't I used to wash my hair with this stuff?
Truth is, I bloody know I did!

So being of an ever enquiring mind, I looked up what Aloe Vera is actually said to do..
And I f******g quote...

'Aloe Vera' is widely used in the cosmetic and medicinal industries..
Well that explains why you put it in shampoo then..
But I dug a little deeper...

It is also used in the dilution of artificial insemination in sheep..
Oh Jesus! dont tell me I've been washing my hair in diluted Sheep sperm..

No wonder my head always feels sticky.

Oh but let me say, it's YOU I feel sorry for, they also use the stuff in the manufacture of Yogurt..
NOW tell me you dont swallow... :)
Luckily for me, I have never eaten the stuff.. tee hee :) :) :)

Aloe Vera is also used in the relief of Heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome..What?????

All these years I've lovingly cared for my hair and dining table, and they're both f****g dying!

Oh's also used in laxative...well that explains it then.. couldn't give me 10 minutes could you?

7/23/2009 9:33:25 PM
Gordon Brown's reputation for economic management will suffer a blow today from official figures showing that 1 million manufacturing jobs have been lost, since Labour won power in May 1997.

So the way I see it, if Brown wants to tout his record on employment, he should do it somewhere where the British economy has actually created jobs,

You know, places like India, or Thailand, or China.
7/23/2009 9:31:04 PM
David Cameron has promised (should he be elected) to end the 'Peace camp' in Parliament square.
Brian Haw has demonstrated outside the Parliament building against British foreign policy since 2001.

In 2003 David Blunkett even passed a law to stop public protest within the proximity of Westminster,
Luckily a judge ruled, that as Mr Haw had been there two years earlier, it did not apply to him and that to have it do so, would be 'retrospective'

Doesn't seem much of a story does it? especially with my Walter clinging on by beak and claw to his precarious little life..

But I assure you it is.

This is about freedom of speech, I had hoped that now we are in the dog end days of this lying, liberty destroying, Vipers nest of a Government, I had hoped for a brighter and better dawn..

In the days of Swine flu, rising crime rates, job destruction on a scale not seen for a decade, debts spiralling out of control and Soldiers dying in every corner of Rupert Brookes foreign field..
The very last thing I wanted to hear off David Cameron, is the slogan..

'Business as usual'
7/23/2009 9:29:48 PM
It's a well known fact that a single woman over the age of 40, has more chance of being eaten by a terrorist Pterodactyl than she has of finding a suitable life partner.
Or at least that's what they said in the film 'Sleepless in Seattle'

But then the world is full of such idioms and ridiculous sayings...
The Bible is a terrible source for such things, so are proverbs, 'look before you leap' 'he who hesitates' there must be thousands of the contradictory buggers.

So here and now, I intend to forever bury an awful lot of old wives tales that depress, or leave a person with no social hope, and so from Saturday, I will be offering a free dating service for women over 45 (cos that's the sexiest and prettiest age a woman be)

The good news is, although I like Indian, Chinese and Greek food, I don't do 'Dutch'
raised in the old school of 'gentlemanly entertaining charm' I've always found it strange that if you ever took a woman out for a meal, then she would be expected to pay half..ridiculous!
Besides, a bag of chips and a small coke is still less than £2 so as far as I'm concerned, the treat is on me.

Neither will the date be in Beirut or Jurrasic park, so the chances of that terrorist Pterodactyl attack should be minimal.

And over a small candle we will put the world to rights, the conversation will be witty, sparkling and entertaining ( as I wont let you get a word in)
For two hours at least, you wont have a care in the world as you become the most beautiful person IN the world, not that you already aren't of course..

And at some point, I will gently take your hand, look you in the eye and softly whisper...
'Do you want vinegar on those chips'?

7/23/2009 9:27:51 PM
So there I was in my works canteen, I was filling up two kettles with boiling water, to take down to the part of the office I work in.

This guy I'd never seen before, walks into the kitchen and he's carrying a Lemon and (I think) Honeysuckle teabag.
He looked at me and said, 'I'm drinking these to lose weight and make myself more attractive to a partner'..

So I replied, 'well it's obviously working, I fancy you already and you're only carrying the bag'

He moved a step closer and said..

I tell you now, Usain Bolt is a slouch compared to how fast I can run away.
7/17/2009 9:50:36 PM
There are so many people on here with the heading 'I'm no fake' beginning their profiles.

I don't understand why people do this, if you're who you say you are, no problem, if you're not, then the idiots on here, if asked to pay towards meeting costs etc, they deserve what they get,

Besides, the second I get mail off any 22 pound Nigerian girl swearing undying love and devotion to a guy she's never met, I'd have to be a complete idiot to pursue it further wouldn't I?

People talk about 'Trust, truth and purity'
 a bit like those 'honest John' advertisements, if you have to tell me those things before we even meet, please give me time to hide all the spoons.

Look the giste is, if someone starts off attacking you then the odds are, you're not going to get it together are you?

Likewise people who attack me in their journals, if what I write upsets you, no one makes you read them do they? sure, you might stumble across such a journal as mine once (even twice if you're stupid) but to read it every time it's updated and compain about its content, get a life will you?

Which is why I blocked you...not that such a thing will stop you reading it though..and just so you know, I did stumble across yours, I was merely reading 'recent journals' and there it was, never again mind..meanwhile, enjoy your jobs.

I have to go, I've just had a memo off a 37 pound Rwandan girl, once I've wired her the flight money, she's coming over to see me.

7/16/2009 11:42:30 PM
Following my previous journal entry where I described Gordon Brown as a 'lying Weasel'
I have just received a letter of complaint.

Ima. W. Easel, has written in to complain at my journals in which I compare Gordon Brown to a certain species of the Mustilidae Genus.

Mr Easel has raised an extremely valid point when he suggested, that yes, his particular branch of mammal life was indeed vicious, cruel, viewed as sly and untrustworthy and in many areas regarded as vermin, but does this still make it acceptable for me to compare them to a Politician?

So Mr Easel, without any further ado, I withdraw those terrible comparisons with immediate effect, and offer you my full apology.
7/16/2009 11:42:01 PM
Gordon Brown said 'Britain is 'best placed' to ride out the world economic recession'
Then we find out it's going to take possibly 10 years before our living standards return to normal.

He also said, Britain is 'best placed' to handle world terrorism..
Then I read we may possibly be keeping our guys in Afghanistan for up to 20 years.

Brown said British Workers are 'Best placed' out of all the European countries to find full time employment..
This week the jobless total in the UK rose to 2,260,000, the highest number of unemployed in almost 13 years.

So...the second our lying weaselly coward of a Prime Minister says Britain is 'Best placed' to ride out this new Flu pandemic , I'm out of here,
I think I'd have a better chance of survival in one of our 'armoured' cars in Iraq or Afghanistan.

And on a final note, Harriet Harman, is quoted as saying 'Britain has not seen the best of Gordon Brown'
I agree...neither has anyone else...and nor are they ever likely to.
7/15/2009 7:24:07 AM
I bought some 'Costco' Orange juice this weekend, it was cheap and came in 2ltr cartons..
All I can say, is the closest bloody thing this stuff came to real juice, is someone once dipped a photo of a Orange pip into a cup of diluted water. 
It's fucking vile!
This is the last time I ever try to save money by buying own brands..
Instead of buying Walkers crisps, I've bought Sainsbury's home brand which I assure you, tastes just like Weevil shit dipped in Marmite.
I've bought Asdas own bread which has exactly the same texture as a Pakistani flip-flop
I've bought home brand beans and spent the next 5 days wondering if I'm going to be the first man to ever fart myself into orbit.
Last week I bought a pair of Asdas 'Boot fit' jeans..well they would be 'Boot fit' if I had ten toes on my arse..
I had to take them back,
The flyhole ended halfway down my knee, the right hand back pocket started and finished somewhere around my left ankle and the crotch piece dragged about 10ft behind me..
They look good with my blue sweater though...
And dont even get me started on Asda beer..
47 cans of Gnat strength Lager and I was more sober than when I'd started.
After being heated up for 3 hours, my oven ready chips looked as floppy as a butterflys willy and my Asdas cornflakes were exactly like my bowl had been filled with dandruff off a Lepers testicles.
And I've saved the worst 'til last..
For the first, last and only time, I popped into Aldi's.
God almighty! now I know where the rejected job applicants from Morrisons go to to find alternative employment..
This one idiot after I asked him where the sausages where said 'I dont know, I'm new here'
He was loading them into the F******g freezer!
PLUS they had the nerve to sell them as Beef sausages, I learned something that day, I didn't know Beef came from chicken beaks and sawdust..
I'm going to buy some more on Friday, they were yummy.
7/13/2009 10:15:05 PM
It's in England, yet another night cut short through a mixture of bad dreams, world events and 'a little touch of insomnia in the night'

8 British soldiers died in Afghanistan over the weekend, 8 lives cut short through a mixture of neglect, evil and underfunding..
This time it was a little more personal, one of our dead soldiers was a very close friend of my nephew, the lad died a hero, trying to carry his injured comrade to safety..
He was 18 years old, but at least his death was not a wasted one..

And I was lying in bed thinking..

Around this world, condemned men and women are in cells awaiting their final days, their minds are focused and aware, that this coming dawn or the next, is going to be their last one on earth..
Perhaps they deserve to die, perhaps, sadly, they do not..

Yet in two or so hours, people are going to be getting up, showering, having breakfast, kissing their wives, husbands, children goodbye..
Not knowing that the hourglass carrying their personal grains of sand..have all but run dry..

They will smile, bid their love ones a good day, unaware that a poor heart, or a careless fall, a speeding car, is waiting to close the final page, on their book of days.

And I loathe him..

Our lying, penny pinching, bully of a Prime Minister, a man without a shred of integrity, a so called religious man without an ounce of christianity or compassion,
is right..

Our Soldiers die over there to ensure that we do not die over here..

While the British and American soldiers force the armies of Islamic evil to concentrate in Iraq or Afghanistan, they are then kept too busy to bring their evil to our cities, or train stations, or even our homes..

Imagine a 9/11 or 7/7 every other week, imagine living in fear of travel or drinking in pubs and clubs, imagine roadside bombs in our towns or in our market places..

The truth is, you cant.

And yet our Labour goverment, so quick to go to war, so swift to fire the Christian bullet or detonate the righteous bomb, never seem to understand, that when you go to war, you can't do it with a price list.

And you certainly cannot do it on a budget..

We really do need to raise this game..

I never thought I would stoop so low to say this, and in truth, a part of me is ashamed..

We need to bring back our death penalty, no more slaps on the wrists for treason..
You try to kill a british or American citizen when you are one yourself, if guilty, you should die..

No more excuses like a cousin's wedding, or a computer course should be accepted in defence of a man captured with an RPG or AK47 in his hand..
1500 miles from a wedding cake or classroom

You should hang...

I never will,
But Allah might forgive you.
7/12/2009 2:20:30 AM
Did you hear about the two gay ghosts?
They kept putting the willies up each other.

7/12/2009 12:52:34 AM
British MP's are threatening to quit en-masse following what they claim, is yet another assault on their allowed 'living expenses'

It appears we have cruelly and nastily asked them to submit detailed accounts with regards to monies paid, for their main residences and second homes..

So, let's treat this as a poker game shall we?

Let us call their bluff,
go on...resign.
7/12/2009 12:47:58 AM
Our wonderful Prime Minister, Gordon Brown has promised 15 Billion pounds to educate the children of Africa..
Wow, I didn't realise he had that much of his own money to throw around,

Because he sure as shit, isn't going to give mine away like that.

Meanwhile, back in the real world...

And here I'll bring to your attention two paragraphs from my link..

Sources also claimed that Defence Secretary Des Browne had asked the Prime Minister for an extra £1 billion for his military budget, but was turned down.

Gordon Brown is said to have replied: "Don't give me any more bad news about defence spending."

How about 15 dead soldiers in the last week Mr Brown?
That bad enough for you?

Hey, Brown, I've got an idea, how about..
(just for arguements sake)
you dont teach Somali Pirate kids kids how to read and write and instead, spend 2 billion pounds on helicopters?
7/9/2009 11:52:12 PM
I have to say I'm absolutely rivetted by the series 'Torchwood' currently being shown each night on TV.

The plot revolves around Aliens demanding 10% of Earths children, otherwise they will release a virus to destroy the human race.
In the show last night, Politicians were trying to determine the criteria which would enable them to choose the 10%...there was a lot of handwringing, tears, doubt and indecision...

Oh please..stop right now will you?
It's easy...and here are the group I'd target and the reasons why.

Wal-Marts staff and shoppers...

The 'Pros' are obvious, for starters the I.Q. of the human race would rise by 21%.
Less resources would be needed to treat alcoholism, crime and Hedgehog molesting.

Burglaries, shoplifting, car theft and necrophilia would drop by at least three quarters and people claiming unemployment and housing benefits would practically vanish overnight.

Of course, like all things, there is a downside, 'White lightning' cider breweries would go bankrupt,
So would the manufacturers of brown paper bags they use to hold their 'wine' in,

Mayfair cigarettes would close as a brand and 'Chav' clothing factories would need to find new markets in the far east...
Cheap track suits would go, there would be no market for fake Nikes and Reeboks

You'd no longer see pushchairs or prams designed to hold 9 kids and their jam sandwiches
But hey, just imagine a world without

bring on the aliens I say...
7/9/2009 11:43:13 PM
The face of Virgin Mary,
Was discovered in a tree.
They call her 'Blessed Lady'
But they fool themselves...

Not me.
7/9/2009 11:02:21 AM
Sarah Brown, wife of the current UK Prime Minister, has recently attended the following public events..

The Gay pride march,

The G8 conference (which is fair enough)

A meeting with Pope Benedict XV1

The Africa ladies health benefit in L.A.

The earthquake ruins in L'Aquila

The memorial for the 7/7 victims in London.

Now some people (heaven forbid, not me) say she is doing this as a charm offensive to give her beleagured idiot of a husband, a better public image..
Their point of view may indeed be valid, especially as a spouse of a serving Prime Minister has no official role..
So all those trips could be construed as 'positive publicity seeking'

I've an idea...
fancy taking a very short trip to here?

The reason you or your husband may not know it Mrs Brown, it's because this is the place we fly our dead heroes home to..

You never know, you could even take him along..
And you can always wear a nice black dress.
7/8/2009 11:55:47 PM
Rapa Nui.

Or more commonly, 'Easter Island'

The island is currently breaking news headlines with the discovery of a life extending soil based fungus,
It is claimed the fungus contains Rapamycin, which Scientists say can increase life expectancy by up to 10 years.

The current population of Easter Island is 3400 people,
The average life span on the island is 65.8 years.

So when Boots, Rackhams,etc, start marketing this wonder drug at a really ridiculous price, please point out that on average, someone living on Easter Island, can expect to die 10.2 years before a British male and 14.2 years before a woman.
And in light of this..

Can you have a discount.
7/8/2009 11:53:45 PM
I had a message off someone who had read my drivel asking me why I am so 'Cynical'

What a damned slur...laughs.

I'm probably the least cynical person you will ever meet, and don't just take my word for it either, I urge anyone who knows me personally to please confirm my lack of cynicism, type your lying account of me on to the bottom of this page.

If you really knew me, you'd find the over riding thing about who I am (besides my incredible good looks)
Is my ability to laugh..

And right after that, is my ability to trust..usually unconditionally,

Some folk might even get the impression I'm racist, I'm not that either, I have many ethnic friends, in particular I like Bangla Deshi people, hard working, honest and funny, I have black mates, I get on well with the Chinese,

What I dont like, are people who come here to live, and then work towards destroying my way of life.

But someone has to complain about the lies and wrong doings of our political elite, and as there doesn't appear to be a mad queue forming, I've nominated me..

Besides, I have a sort of saying, and it's this, I first applied it to religion but y'know?
You could attach it to anything really.

I won’t take criticism from any man who never works with anything but his mouth.

Just kidding folks, feel free to say what you want... grrrrr
7/8/2009 3:22:44 PM
I've just spent the last 2 hours learning Gujarati,
Added to that, I've also picked up a small smattering of Urdu, Hindi and Bengali.

Around 8pm my wireless hub went down and I was unable to use my internet.
So I called BT...

An Indian guy answered, now considering their supposed technology,
I swear to God he was speaking to me through a plastic cup with a bit of string on it.

With a huge sigh on my part, the conversation unfolded...

''May I be taking some details off you Sir''?
''yes..what would you like to be knowing''?

''Would you be knowing your name Sir''?

''Well yes I do actually, it's a recent thing mind, I just got tired of turning around everytime someone said ''teapot'' or ''turnip'' or ''toenail''

So..sigh..I decided to call myself Les''


''Would you be having a last name''..?
''Yes, it's Robinson''
''And what is your password being Sir''?

So I told him..

At this stage, because I only understood every 4th word,
I'm gently nibbling on the phone handset.. and quietly sobbing.

Now me trying to follow instructions over the phone, is pretty much like Fred West and Michael Jackson babysitting your's really not a good idea..

And I'm listening to a guy who talks like a typical stereotype in a 1970's sitcom and I'm trying to follow what he's saying.

I remember vaguely, he said something like I had to scrub my Elephants bum with a three week old toothbrush, then blow gently on his anal passage or something..

Then I think he hinted that to cure my Hub problem, I had to wash my Kangaroo in the microwave for just over 15 minutes..

I hadn't got a f*****g clue what he was saying!!!!..

So I told him..
It was at that point he suggested the communication problem lay with me and if I perhaps paid a little more attention and stopped interupting?

Cheeky bastard..

His English was better suited to Rwanda than it was to Birmingham, fact is, to my ears, he had a definite Martian or Arizona twang.

So I did the British thing..I hung up.


10 minutes later..(me again) ring...ring..

''Hi, is that BT?, I have a problem with my wireless hub''

And a heavy Scottish accent said..

''Och aye the 'noo, are ye wannin some help Jimmy''?

On the bright side, I'm not sure, but during my first phone call, I think I ordered a Rogan Josh, a small boiled rice, 1 Naan bread and 3 popadums..
I let you know what they taste like..

Just make sure your plastic cup has a new string tied to it when I call.
7/7/2009 10:52:15 AM
It's a well known fact children drain you dry in life, then bugger you off to an old folks home run by sadists and physcopaths, who only feed you Morrisons food, three weeks past its sell by date.

Oh it's not like I mind getting old, fact is, I'm ready for it, but these last few years, I've noticed vast changes in this pathetic, withered little shell I call my body.

I have legs like Nora Battys tights, truth is, even my toe nails are wrinkled.

The hair round my nethers turned white years ago, and frankly, my willy looks like it's seen a ghost.... having said that, in a certain light, my bits could still possibly pass for Robert Redford.

Things I still can't understand is how my belly button and nipples all appear to have joined together, five years ago, my button migrated north, at exactly the same moment my nipples both went south.
Meanwhile I'm left with a chest that looks like those three little holes on the top of a coconut.

My nose has sprouted hairs like you wouldn't believe and only last week, it was given it's own tog rating.

It's my Lizard skin neck that disapoints me though,
I don't remember signing up to any contract that said I had to have skin like a plucked Turkey before I was 55.

Yet in a final cruel twist of nature I look squintingly into the mirror and find all my teeth still remain..

Cruel you say?
Yes it means they'll still be able to feed me all that Morrison food and expect me to chew it.

7/5/2009 3:26:05 AM
So...while just perusing the recent journals, I came across this one, and I quote.

''I want BLACK COCK to rip into me'' .......

I have a small brown chicken, would that help?

7/5/2009 3:11:03 AM
Last week Jack Straw refused 'Great train robber' Ronnie Biggs parole and cited the following reasons..

That Biggs was "wholly unrepentant" about his actions and had "outrageously courted the media".

ok..I'm trying to find the difference between Biggs and a Labour government that has taken us into an illegal war that has cost 181 British lives,
Straw actually said 'the idea Iraq has no weapons of mass destruction is an obvious falsehood'

Jack Straw was the man who brought in the 'Human rights act'
And act that allows the scum of the earth to terrorise us and deny us any real retribution..
He has also defended it and proclaimed it on many occasions..
I think the charges against Biggs apply more to you than him...

Labour, Mr Straw, promised us a promised no 'top up fees' or tax rises..
You collectively courted the media more times than I can remember, saying you'd ended 'Boom and Bust'

You speak in one voice and say every year, Crime is down, when only last week an EU commission said it's more dangerous here than in America or South Africa..
What was that you said as you courted the media?
Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime?
Yeah right...

So as far as I'm concerned, of the two of you, the one is an obvious liar, populist, publicity seeking opportunist with a history of drug taking in the family..
and the other is a convicted Train robber.

Let him go you bloody idiot.

You might be able to keep a rapist or murderer in his empty cell for what seems longer than the statutory 10 minutes.
7/5/2009 2:16:05 AM
I have faith, my faith is different to yours though, it's not based on a Deity I've never seen, nor ever touched..

Yes, I may quote a God, I may speak of the bible and scriptures, in a lot of cases I know them far better than you ever will.
But I'm also know that because I was raised in a Christian country, I was also indoctrinated and expected to think just like my so called betters.
And yet..once I began to educate myself outside of the box (so to speak) I almost immediately, discovered the knowledge that even the Pope doesn't really know any more than me...
Oh he has his faith, but that's all he has.
Certainly his God has never really spoken to him anymore often than he has you.
....or me 

When I was young, back in my salad days, when I was green in judgment and cold in blood, I had belief,

I believed my Mom would get better, I believed when I went to bed that one night, my 19 month niece would be alive again the following day...
And I prayed with a fervour even Saul on the road to Damascus could not have matched..but even after all those prayers, time passed and two more 'christians' lay dead in their graves.. 

So I began to liken praying to God, to having a telephone fitted in your house..
And the phone never rang out, no one ever called and when I lifted up that receiver, there was no dialling tone..
And yet the bill called emotion, confusion and hope was paid every day..
And still the phone never rang.

When I lifted the handset, no voice was ever heard, when I spoke myself, no reply was ever recieved and I thought...why pay the terrible cost of having this I became Agnostic..
Years more passed, I watched my father die before my eyes and I became an Atheist...and it was only then, I truly began to live.
My days pass as hopefully a good person, I live my life as a moralistic man, sometimes sacrificing personal happiness for the greater good..and it's ok..I live each day not hoping for a reward for good behaviour or an eternal life, truth is, it's those ideas that frighten me most of all.
And so...
I didn't plan on coming back here for a while, but for the strangest dream last night...
I dreamed of a Mother, a good woman and a lost child, the image wavered between two mothers and two children but the message remained the same..
And it is this, I once read,

'' A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on''.
So what then is Gods opinion, when he takes that child from you?
7/2/2009 9:10:48 PM
Before you,
I was free to do as I pleased.
Free to see and feel,
and be whatever I wanted.

Before you,
my life was uncluttered.
Mine alone,
shared with no one.

Before you,
I could come and go without question.
I answered to myself,
and no one answered to me.

Before you,
I didn't care what anyone thought.
It didn't matter
how people saw me, because I didn't see them.

Before you,
I was a god among men.
Looking down
on all the little people, laughing.

Before you,
there was quiet.
Hours without words, days
without emotion, weeks without anything.

Before you,
I had nothing.
7/2/2009 9:08:17 PM
Friday morning in England..the sun is shining, the Ducks are quacking and if there was a God, he would be in his heaven...

Last Christmas, I was bought a Guitar, which to be honest, a convicted Saudi Arabian with both hands cut off, could play better than me.

But I'm learning,
I've practice when I can and my fingertips are hardening nicely..except I've had a poorly finger since I accidently cut it..nice little cut too,
I think I lost about 26 pints of blood.
Now, I have a fairly decent blood group,
it's A Rhesus negative, a noble blood, a heroes bloodgroup..
shared only by Gypsies, Budgerigars and Hedgehog molesters.

So to sum it up, a pint of mine is worth at least 3 Olympic sized Swimming pools of anyone elses.
I actually used to give the stuff, it's something I did for years,
Lets face it, if I'm pegging out with no hope of recovery, why not leave my blood and magnificent organs to someone who can use them? ... laughs

In fact, my Liver is well up for grabs (AND it's been finely pickled in Jack Daniels and Courvesier brandy)..that could save another life..

Two people could have my Kidneys..

Whoever has my eyes could see the world in a different shade (I'm colour blind)
But the twinkle in my eyes?
I don't recommend you have those though, they're near worn out from over use..

And I'd advise you, never ever accept my heart..
I've lost so many people that I love so much..
Because of that, it's been broken so many times..'s taken me a lifetime to handle the grief..
No...don't take my heart.
6/29/2009 8:49:33 AM
I'm worried...very worried in fact...this doesn't seem like England..
I've just spent the morning working outdoors and frankly, temperatures of
over 95f doesn't seem British..
What's happened to our glorious rain, our wonderous grey and white clouds?
Everyone knows Brits don't get tans, we just different shades of rust.

I often tell my overseas critics (I don't have any fans) that in England,
it only rains twice a year, once for 7 months and once for 5.
And yet here we are, blistering hot and muggy, not a cloud in the sky and
even the birds have stopped sneezing..
I'm half tempted to put my shorts on,
Big flaw there of course, is I'm that bow legged I couldn't stop a pig in a

Come to think of it, the thought of me in a pair of shorts would be a cloud
on anyones day.
AND I'll tell you why...for starters, my bum looks like it fainted last
Plus my puny little arms, look like a pair of discarded pipe cleaners, and
my tummy feels like a half inflated weather balloon.

It's my bald spot that gets me though, no matter how I rearrange the two
hairs on my forehead, the sun still gets through.
And after 30 minutes, I look like I'm wearing a tomato for a hat.

And my nose, don't even get started on my nose..all I'll say is, last warm
spell we had, I got 3 fan letters off Rudolph.

So what I'm really saying is, I don't suit the sun, if you want the truth,
I often think I've a little bit of Eskimo in me..
I often remember what my dear old Uncle Nanook used to say....
6/28/2009 1:58:07 AM
There I was, this morning, brushing my teeth and I noticed the one ingredient in my toothpaste is Potassium Chloride.

Now I know a lot about PC, for starters I know it's used in Lethal injections in the US.

It works by stopping the heart and in fact, it's the perfect way to kill someone, if you inject PC into somewhere not too noticable, it will give you a massive heart attack and when you die, guess what the body releases into your blood stream in huge amounts? yep..PC

And it's in my bloody toothpaste!

It also has Fluoride ions, which can cause the following,
Excess fluoride can lead to chalky white patches on the surface of the teeth, known as mottled enamel.
At higher levels there is strong brown mottling of the teeth and inappropriate deposition of fluoride in bones known as fluorosis.
WELL that sounds fucking healthy!

The third ingredient is hydroxylapatite.
And this bit is used to fill miscroscopic holes in the enamel of your teeth..
And here I quote...

''although the manufacturers' claim their hydroxylapatite is free from contaminants, people are advised to avoid it because it has not been well-tested''
The bastards have put it in my toothpaste!!!!

And finally (and this is the bit that started my blog)
It also consists of,
Arctic have surely gotta be shitting me!
Arctic fucking Lichen???

What do you think I am? a Morrisons shopper?
You think I get my nutrients by licking green rocks?
And if that's not bad enough Arctic Lichen grows in exposed high places which wildlife use as lookouts to make sure the area isn't too dangerous, because it's valuable territory, they mark it by urinating all over the rock..

So, to sum this all up.
I'm brushing my teeth with a chemical designed to kill murderers
Another ingredient can leave my teeth brown and mottled,
The third bit scientists say don't use because it's not been tested,
And the final piece of the jigsaw allows me to brush my teeth with green moss covered in Lemming piss and Fox shit..


And I call Morrison shoppers stupid.
6/28/2009 1:52:50 AM
Friday was started off with the death of a faded pop star, then I had a visit to the quacks, to try to sort out a sceptic finger which is killing me.
After that, I had arranged to meet my daughter in Tamworth town centre for lunch,

It was then I made my scientific breakthrough..
Cows can live to be a hundred.

Oh if you look it up, you'll find on average, a cow can live to be 25, I know most only last for 5 to 7 years before we make them walk that last mile (but only after hopefully trampling David Blunkett for a few minutes)

And yet.. I have definate proof their lifespan is many times this..


But I digress, my grandson was with my daughter and I'd turned up at the restaurant, clean, tidy, polished shoes, both hairs in place...5 minutes after having him on my lap, it looked like I'd crawled to town through the sewers..
I was covered in everything, dribble (his and mine of course) baby food, lettuce, half a coconut, vinegar and a full bottle of tomato ketchup

My word that kid can jiggle.

So anyway, I now have definate proof that cows live to be at LEAST 100..
How do I know?
Simple, the 'medium' steak I had for lunch, fitted in on the Mohs hardness scale somewhere between armour plate and a diamond

There is NO WAY on earth that fucking Cow wasn't born somewhere at the start of the 20th century.
6/28/2009 1:49:18 AM
I was at Jimmy Spices yesterday in Sutton Coldfield, it was a work colleagues birthday, her name is Maggie and a measure of her popularity was people who don't even work at her office drove from the surrounding areas to be there on the night.
I live 15 miles away and was driving, so I had to limit my drinking to 5 pints of lager and 4 Jack Daniels..(joke folks, joke)

The place was heaving, truth is, I didn't like it that much, a bit like Macdonalds on a crowded lunchtime..
The thing I did like, was the fact, Tracey, Christine, Olivia Jill, Pat, Maggie, Simon, Terry and Omar were there, some of my very favourite people..

Some of the ladies (since my job relocation) I'd not seen for several months..
Christine came up to me and said;

'Hello Les, so lovely to see you again, how is your new office? (and in a quiet whisper) I'm only here tonight to see you, truth is, I've been looking forward to seeing you all week'
'Sorry Christine' I said, 'put your clothes back on please, because tonight, I'm only here to celebrate Maggies birthday'

Then Tracey came over to me..
'Hello Les' she said, 'How lovely to see you again, I've really missed you not being in the office, care for a drink together after this'?
'Get your clothes back on Tracey' I said, 'Have you no shame? naked here in the restaurant, throwing yourself at me while your boyfriend Jeff is at the table'
'I'm only here for Maggies birthday'

Then Pat came over, she slipped her arm around me and kissed me on the cheek;

'Hello Les, I've really missed you, the 4 months you've been gone seems like forever, want to come and sit by me at the table'?
'Get your clothes back on Pat, I know your game (or even you're game) but I'm here to celebrate Maggies birthday so I'm staying up the other end of the table'

I'd just finished off my starter when Jill sat down next to me..

'Hello big boy' she said..even though I'm here with Simon, I think you're a really sexy guy and if you have 10 minutes'?
'Get your clothes back on Jill' I said, 'Simon's my mate and besides, I'm only here for Maggies birthday'.

And so it went on, a procession of naked women, draping themselves over my lap as I struggled to eat a second course..

Finally I gave up, I turned to Terry and said 'i'm out of here mate, I can't keep doing this, all these floosy women everywhere, it was then Terry learned over, kissed my ear and said,

'Exactly, come back to my place, we pass a Chemist that's still open and they sell viagra and rubber chickens'

Terry was useless, but me and Chicken are to be married this coming October.
6/28/2009 1:46:12 AM
Reported on Sky news this morning, was a story that the Government has sent out over 2000 job applications using many ethnic names, all in the hope of proving that racism still plays a huge part in determining a persons suitability for full time employment.

Mr Guiseppi Lotus blossom Mcloud, a failed Eskimo asylum seeker from Western Nigeria, said 'I thought something was afoot when even a fully skilled Elephant toenail polisher such as myself, finds it impossible
to get full time employment in all of Luton'

I also want to point out that me and my family took horrendous risks crossing dangerous countries such as Spain, France and Germany to get here, so it's an obscenity you expect that I live in such a small free council home as this with limited benefits for me, my two wives and 14 children..
I DEMAND change..a bigger house and a people carrier would be a good start.
6/28/2009 1:44:52 AM
Is it me that's wrong?  parts 1 + 2,

Part 1,

I've just read the headline in the Sunday Mail quoting Michael Jackson manager Frank DiLeo.
'It was the most painful moment of my life' as he said,
'I'm sorry children, your Father's passed away'
'No Daddy, no!' they screamed..

I'm lost here, the manager had to tell them?

Part 2.

Lucy Chekechiwa, grandmother of Chifundo Mercy James, who was adopted earlier this month by Madonna, is quoted as saying.
'I fought the adoption for over 3 years, I still love Mercy, she is my dearest'

Oh I know I've said it before about the father, but perhaps if you'd spent some of those three years getting her out of the orphanage?

I can't believe it, that poor little kid Mercy appears to have come from the biggest and most loving, caring in the world, did any of them bother to tell her?
6/15/2009 10:23:02 PM
Mercy James has been taken out of neglect and poverty by Madonna, one of the few 'stars' I concede do such adoptions out of love and not publicity.

Mercy is 4 years old and from an orphanage in Malawi.

Her Father was shown on Sky TV yesterday pretending to read an English paper, his look was forlorn, his sadness apparent...


If she is so special to you that you had to proclaim your anger and sadness all over the worlds news...

Why was she in an orphanage?
6/15/2009 10:20:13 PM
12,000 people die each year from Flu-related symptoms in the UK.
A sizable number indeed.

Today a Scottish woman became to the first person to die outside the Americas of the illness we have come to know as 'Swine Flu'
Our sympathies of course, have to be given to all those who knew and loved her.
I hope in time the pain blurs and your grief softens.

The amount of publicity surrounding this outbreak has been amazing, of course me being the eternal cynic , it makes me think anything that takes peoples thoughts off Government problems is extremely welcome to them..
Back to it though, the amount of scare stories, publicity leaflets, advertising costs and everything must be tremendous.
All for the sake of one death....regrettable as that might be.

So what are you going to do about the 1,168 people who died of MRSA last year with an infection rate
of 6 times more in hospital than anywhere else?

I see you encourage people to wash their hands whilst visiting..
I see you also beat all those people to it, by a country mile..

You just wash your hands of the whole problem.
6/15/2009 10:14:46 PM
Well England are out of the 20-20 cricket, beaten by the West Indies, rain and something called the 'Duckworth-Lewis' method..

What the hell has happened to those good old days when Johnny Foreigner came over here for his yearly thrashing, said 'Thank you Massa' and then buggered off home again?

I mean, c'mon... any game that involves a Duckford-Quackworth shitty, pissing, formula that requires Stephen Hawking to explain it to you, isn't likely to drag in the crowds is it?

So you can keep your bloody stupid little rain soaked rules and try letting men play for a change..
Instead of being 'rained off'
THIS is what I want to see on the next England scorecard

Bodlington, retired, fried by lightning. 7
Piddlesworth, drowned in a puddle at silly mid-on, 11
Crapworth, accidently hit in the goolies by the new ball, 14
Snottington-Smythe, deliberately hit in the throat by a rising bouncer, 22
Frogly (C) frozen to death by a sudden hailstorm, 17

See? THAT'S the type of heroic batting that turns a game..
Not that bleeding Crockford-Gooseshit rubbish..

I'd rather have gout in my willy than lose a match to the 7 times table..
And as for YOU Johnny Foreigner..remember your bloody place!
5/30/2009 2:24:57 AM
Jack Tweed was released from prison yesterday after serving half of his given sentence.
He immediately headed straight to the grave of his recently deceased wife, Jade Goody.

Great, just wonderful, what a caring, grieving, kind hearted man you are..
Question though..

Why were there about 8 photographers from all the national papers waiting to take your photograph in your moment of anguish?

I've been to my sisters grave many times, the last thing I ever want to see is someone taking my picture..

Ahh yes...that 15 minutes of fame is a bastard isn't it?
5/29/2009 9:21:27 PM
How irritating is that?

In this day of stolen identities and false photos put up on sites such as Collarme, Informed Consent, Friends reunited etc.

I find my incredibly handsome looks and godlike body has once more, been wickedly purloined.

And here, I name and shame the worst person to have done just that..
I'm sick of this so called 'Dom' passing himself off as who and what I am..

Even more, he's hacked my computer, stolen MY pic and put 3 different ones of some strange ugly old git who looks nothing like me.

so in the presence of the good and honest people that make up Collarme.

George Clooney you short arsed, beady eyed little slaphead,..I DEMAND my photos back.

And DONT use them again.
5/28/2009 10:57:05 PM
Absolutely nothing happened anywhere in the world yesterday, so that's my theme for today then.

Absolutely nothing.....
5/28/2009 9:31:01 AM
Yesterday, Terry Hill, a so called colleague, callously and uncaringly tried to end my life whilst I was carrying out my duties for Birmingham Council.

I realise there is a jobs freeze currently in operation, so I can fully understand 'Mad Dog Hill' attempting to create a job opportunity so to speak, but the manner in which he so ruthlessly tried to kill me and break the hearts of my loved ones, beggars belief.

Viciously driving into the back of me at speeds in excess of over 5 mph, I am today, writing this, whilst wearing a full body cast to help me recover from my horrendous injuries.

The fact 'Mad Dog' deliberately plowed his rusty old van through an entire group of 6 year old orphaned schoolchildren, who were innocently crossing the road, just to get at me, merely underlines his heartless and cruelly ambitious nature.

It's the Nuns I feel sorry for, 4 of them will apparently never walk again as he evilly slammed his van into their poor, tired and fragile bodies,

Added to that, a large group of old age pensioners who had mingled in amongst the kiddies, were mown day like the first cut of a garden lawn on a warm Summers day.

Police have estimated his impact speed at well in excess of 80 mph..
why he chose to do this when there were several notices proclaiming 'beware of blind people' openly displayed right next to a home for unmarried babies and a School, is beyond human comprehension.

'Mad Dog Hill' according to innocent bystanders had ample braking time, but following statements from reliable eye witnesses, deliberately accelerated into a small group of Puppies who were being trained as seeing eye dogs,

After my car received this bone crushing impact which shunted me forward several yards into the path of at least 14, 50 ton heavily laden Jugglynuts, he was last seen spitting and sneering at one of the poor little children, who was attempting to crawl to the safety of the gutter..

I don't expect 'Mad Dog' to be at work today, even his extremely low levels of shame must surely be extracting a high toll upon his concience.

But if he is..I expect many, nay..multitudes of e-mails expressing disgust at his ill conceived plan to replace me in my role as Contracts Manager.

To end on a brighter note, doctors have assured me following many years of operations and the enforced wearing of calipers, I may regain the ability to operate a very small, low powered wheelchair..
5/27/2009 6:24:28 AM

I've just purchased a handy 'Play in a day, Masters kit'

It comes complete with a leather hat, leather vest and (I think there may be a slight flaw in the packing here) a pair of pink lurex jogging bottoms.

They were of course many things lacking in the P.I.A.D.M.K.
For starters, no female sub to practice on, add to that no beating implements..(I have an old egg whisk but it was my Moms and I dont want to break it)..

The restraints they claim they supplied are pathetic..
I still dont think the string that tied up the parcel is a legitimate part of the kit, still, needs being what they must...

Its the vest I have a problem with..I'm sure I never ordered a 66ins chest, frankly, I look ridiculous.
Certainly not at all Dom like.

Its the only vest I've ever worn that I could see my ankles through the arm holes.

It reminds me of when I was a kid and poor, I always had to wear my siblings hand me downs..either miles too big or the wrong clothing..

Many's the time I went off to school in a red ballgown.

I was the first kid in Britain to undergo Chinese Mom and dad did anything to save money in those days.

Add to that my forced wearing of Ballet shoes until I was 6..those buggers took ages to wear out.
Mind you, I was the tallest kid in the school.

I think the cap suits me, its a bit big though and has a terrible habit of sliding over my eyes.

PS..any females out there into 'Parcel bondage' fetish?

5/27/2009 6:15:34 AM
Sometimes, just the headline I write is more than enough...

Because of the Governments 'Disability discrimination bill'
The Driver and Vehicle licensing centre are translating driver documents into Braille.

Oh my....England at its finest.
5/27/2009 6:14:20 AM
The 'Honourable' Member of Parliament for Bromsgrove, Julie Kirkbride, has admitted to paying £12,000 a year to Karen Leadley to work as her Secretary,

Besides the fact Miss Leadley lives 130 miles from Bromsgrove, she is also 107 miles from London..

Kirkbride is quoted as saying 'She is a much liked member of her staff'

Of course she is, you thieving crook..
She's your sister.
5/27/2009 6:12:41 AM
Well I'm a bad 'un.
It's official too, I even have the letter to prove it.

In Tamworth, England where I live, our bins are emptied every two weeks, in all fairness, we do have several of them,
A wheely bin for grass cuttings, another one for household rubbish and two blue boxes, one for paper, the other for bottles and cans.

My daughter came over on Sunday and horror of all horrors..she put my grandsons nappy (Diaper) in the one containing paper..

So when I came home last night, I found neither of my blue boxes emptied.

I did however find a typed note informing me that Tamworth Council do not empty bins containing foreign materials..

Hmmm..all the bone idle bastard had to do was simply reach over with his gloved hand, pick out the discarded nappy (it was sealed in a plastic carrier bag) and drop it in my larger bin.
But no..instead, they reported it to the council offices for some dickhead to type up a letter and hand deliver it to my door,

Seriously guys..I'd have thought one more nappy (Diaper) in the scheme of things was neither here nor there..
Lets face it, you're all full of shit already.
5/26/2009 10:20:39 PM
My new supply of condoms arrived this morning.

The box was pretty big but you'd expect that when ordering Durex for average Dom sized willy.
I think the standard size (marked medium) comes in at about 10ins in length and a baby's arm clutching an apple wide.

So why does it keep falling off?
I can't understand it, when I wear one, my willy looks just like a spoon standing up in the middle of a about disapointing.

Still, I have plenty of scotchtape and I'm pretty confident, no more problems will arise.

As you already know, we Doms are a multi talented bunch, even as I type this I'm practicing with my new 99p bullwhip,
I'm that good I can almost hit a wall from 2ft..

Jeez! I nearly had my eye out then, these bloody things are dangerous!
Now..where was I?
oh yes... cleanliness..

It's a well known fact, all we Doms smell gorgeous, It's probably a genetic thing.

Take me for instance, I shower every month, whether I need to or not...

I dont do my bits of course, I find there's truly no need.
The way I see it, as I sweat a lot down there and with the heat generated by my tight PVC underpants,
I tend to look upon the whole area as a self cleaning oven.

I do remember the one kinky bitch though, my subs are usually nipple pegged when I make them give me oral sex..
This one perverted bugger kept begging me to put one on her nose too..

hmmm...oh..oh yeah..mutter..mutter..mutter
5/25/2009 9:53:59 PM
I was at my brothers house last night and while talking with him, in the background on television, he had the 'Karen Carpenter' story on.

Richard her brother, said 'a few weeks before she died I noticed she was looking kinda thin so I contacted our financial advisor on what to do'..
He then did the worst act of choking on emotion I've ever seen..

Oh for Gods sake I can't be the only person who sees the obvious flaw here..
His sister was 'looking kinda thin'
And he called his Financial advisor?

For months you pious, sanctimonious idiot, your sister looked like she could slip through a drain cover, you KNEW that, yet like the idiot you obviously are, you never acted on it apart from a phone call to your money man?

You let your greatest asset go moron.. 
Fake remorse doesn't change anything and worse still, when poor Karen died, she took all the talent with her.

Frankly, she'd have been better cared for in Auschwitz than around you people..

Financial advisor indeed...have you never heard the term 'Doctor'?
5/25/2009 9:41:49 PM

Donald Duck hates me...Darth Vader isn't such a big fan either and Yoda?
frankly he let me down badly...
Darth I can understand, the penultimate baddy, Yoda not so much so, but who would of thought of Donald, planning my death so callously and with such uncaring ease..

I've just upgraded my Sat-nav...
While mucking around, I discovered I can pretty much download any voice into it that I want..
So for clarity and ease of direction I chose those three..

I have to say I did like Darth..especially when arriving at my destination he said,
'Your journey to the darkside is complete'

He was right too, I was in an underground car park with half the lights out..
Daredevil couldn't have felt his way out of the building I did.

Yoda was cool..

'Arrived at your destination you have'
I like him..

Now that little yellow bastard Donald, not only did he call me a 'stupid person' and that I had to turn around, he also told me to 'turn left in 200 yards' which would have put me in the middle of a lake..

He's the f%$king Duck, not me!

He tried to send me the wrong way down a one way street and left to his instructions I'd have ended up in Scotland and not Birmingham..
I've only got one thing to say to you, Donald you little git..
Orange sauce.

5/24/2009 10:02:39 PM
I did something I'm not too proud of yesterday, I put someone on 'block'.
Even after 10 minutes alarm bells were ringing in my head..

Just so a certain lady in question doesn't get too concerned, I don't mind anyone writing to me, a man can never have enough friends, right?

So, this 'block''s the first time I've ever done that,

Even the thousands of messages I get like 'Die now' or 'can I cut your eyes out with a rusty penknife?'
They all have a person behind them entitled to express their view..and those people know, regardless of what they've said,
I can handle criticism...

Even to them, I usually end it with 'have a wonderful day'

So yesterday I traded a few messages with a rather pretty lady, within minutes I was being addressed as 'Master' and it was hinted that she could be my webcam slave etc..
She even had the webcam to prove it..

Now on here, in this day of velcro collars, flittling around from one online partner to another..(I wouldn't be suprised for someone  to go down with a real bad case of cyber aids one day)...they miss the point..
I dont care what your situation is, but I know I have worth and so do you..

All things require time and space, so before I come out with the obligatory 'On your knees bitch'
I would have at least like to know something about you, even in if it's only your birthday....or blood group...or the length of your cats whiskers..

To the person in question (I'm sure you'll read this, you've already come back to me in another ID)..

Value your self more,  respect begins in you first you know, just need to add 'self' to it, that's all...

This is more a critique than a complaint, you have a lot going for you..but you need to realise that..
Like I said earlier, lady...

Have a wonderful day.
5/23/2009 10:41:47 PM
Well! I'm just watching 'Casino, Casino, the real deal' on Bravo television.. (Sky)

It's obviously set in a casino where contestants gamble against each other to win a huge cash prize.

The thing is, the two female dealers are dressed just like I like my ladies to be.

One is in a black basque, fishnet stockings and she's wearing a posture collar, the other is top to toe in red's a good job I wasn't there,

I'd be going home in a barrel.

5/23/2009 9:54:19 PM

Oh I'm having a bad day already, I wouldn't mind but it's only 5 45 am here..
I've just posted my first journal entry of the day and I had to go back to it 48 times to correct either the spelling or the grammar..

I put it down to my brain working faster than my finger..
sob...yes, that's right,
I type with just one finger, with a cold orange juice at my side, my index pinky leaps up and down like a demented Woodpecker with his arse on fire.

Trouble is, I've TRIED to type with more than one digit and although I think it's cool and funny, you read it like this.


There!...evidence indeed.

It's not all bad news though, this one, bent over and gnarled little finger of mine can churn out 30 words a minute..
But the magnificent mind behind it?


5/23/2009 9:37:46 PM
It's a well known fact that you can't buy love. 
But you can pay heavily for it.

I had some really great news yesterday, 3 years ago, a very brave and beautiful lady whom I work with, lost her breasts through cancer.

Now if that awful news wasn't bad enough, two weeks after the operation her Father passed away..

Still not bad enough for you?
The lady in question has two Children and not long after a mix of Chemo and radiotherapy treatment in which she lost all her hair..the wanker of a husband left her saying,
'He couldn't cope'

Every single word of what I have written above is true..

Now, there is a certain lady on here who I fight like cat and dog with,,,but I'll come back to that in a minute.

Although you'll never meet the girl I work with, I'll call her 'Karen' not her real name of course, but it will do.

Karen came back to work after being off for over 18 months, the drugs that were part of the treatment, had increased her weight tremendously, from being the slim and elegant late 30's woman who had worked alongside me, there was now someone carrying an extra 5 st (70lbs) which she was struggling to lose, but that didn't affect how we saw her nor felt about her.
Simply put, her smile and laughter lit up the office..
The only time she ever let down her wall of courage, was when in the depths of despair, she spoke of probably not being around to see her two young children grow..
I had to give a huge hug that day, either that or break down myself, blubbing like a baby.

Karen has been in remission now for almost 2 years, her hair is back, blonde and beautiful..(hey! I tried one of her wigs on not long after she'd come back..she was showing the other girls in the office how cheap and itchy it was)

Personally I thought I looked stunning and if any woman wants to offer me a job as a French Maid, I'm more than open to offers...laughs..

So I'd never noticed, men rarely do..every bloody time I went to get a cup of chilled water from the cooler, Karen and this Guy always seemed to be there..

I thought nothing of it, being an innocent abroad..
Karen and Jeff (yes Jan that's the one, you met him from the BBB) are an item.

One of lifes true gentlemen, a good provider, Jeff, a strong, intelligent and caring man is going out with our little Karen..

Two of the finest human beings I know are hooked up together..
And they love each other to bits,

The romance is 8 months old now and Jeff went for a vasectomy last week, so 'Jaffa Jeff'
as we will now know him, (a jaffa orange is seedless) has finally struck lucky, a man by every yardstick I measure a man by, has found his perfect lady..

And an ex husband who lied at the altar when he said the words,
'In sickness and in health' can now truly understand what he's lost.

To my two friends.
I love you both.
Good luck.

5/23/2009 1:03:02 AM
Following Thursdays installation of the new Archbishop of Westminster, he was quoted as saying that
'It took courage to own up to the abuses of the past'
(he was referring to systematic sexual abuse of children in the Churches care)

%"&&^%%$!! typical!

The Church had already agreed not to name the guilty clerics.
A spokesman for the Irish Survivors of Child Abuse, John Kelly, said: "The religious orders ran to the safety and sanctuary of the Ryan inquiry knowing their guilty evidence was granted privilege and immunity."

So there we have it, these so called flag bearers of morality, these modern day sodomites have once more circled the wagons and think that merely by owning up, they can absolve themselves of these terrible crimes..
How DARE they! who do they think they are... Politicians?

These are kiddies lives wrecked here, children who had been taught that God is Love and that Jesus is kind and caring..
The spiritual act by the bible, the physical one by these bastards.

Like I said, these 'pious' bearers of morality, should be there for you to offer help, not the first ones in the f*cking queue.

And they go back to their hypocritical daily lives, with no remorse or shame,
I'll tell you something guys, IF there is a kind and caring God, you bastards are in for a shock..

And my mind moves on to Mark, chapter 10, verse 14....
and I quote..

'Suffer the little children to come unto me'..

I've read it and re-read it,... it says absolutely nothing about shag the poor little bleeders first...


I rarely change or add to an original posting except to correct spelling or grammar.
Yet reading this, three hours after I posted it, I want to add another comment..
In my original posting above was the line...

'A spokesman for the Irish Survivors of Child Abuse'

Oh my, I've just realised the implications of the name of that group.
What about the untold numbers of Children who never did survive all that terrible abuse..
I'm so sad right now..
Please...tell me there's a heaven.
5/23/2009 12:16:44 AM
It was a reported on Sky news this morning that a Politician in South Korea, after being accused of corruption, has  died after jumping off a cliff.

Hmmm... seems like a plan..
5/23/2009 12:07:50 AM
It's spring, I said to her,
and the birds
are building their nests
in earnest.

You asked
where Earnest was
and how long
would it take
to drive there.

I knew
we'd never
5/22/2009 10:35:33 AM
Ok, it's time for another ramble, today was bloody awful, truthfully I should have pulled off my drive, shot off round the block, parked the car up and gone back to bed..
It started off great, great that is until I got to Dunton Island on the M42, 200 yards past that a 50 ton Jugglynut nearly squished me..
Oh I know in Rupert Brookes' poem, that some far corner of a foreign land shall forever remain England..
I nearly had a 300 yard stretch of motorway as my marker.

A few months ago I got a Chevrolet Matiz for work, I'll hang on a few minutes now while you wet yourselves laughing...
Done? ok..
I got rid of a Mercedes Elegance in place of this reject from a Noddy film, sure, the fuel economy is wonderful, something like 14 light years to the gallon, but street cred is well and totally wrecked,
We've all had birds shit on the car haven't we?
With a Matiz you have to dig yourself out..

You fill it up with an eyedropper, it has a top speed of seven and a half miles an hour and you need a calender to pull out into heavy trafic,

Instead of an airbag it has a 5th birthday party balloon and the tyres look like black polo mints.

I've got a bigger lens on my Sunglasses than it has a windscreen and it's the only car I've ever driven, that lets my eyelashes touch the front window while the back of my head touches the rear.

The seats are about as comfortable as the first pot I sat on as a kid and you walk like Stephen Hawking with piles after sitting down for 5 minutes.

It cries if you leave it out at night in the dark and you feel like a sardine when you climb into it..

Damn..I LOVE that car..
5/21/2009 9:48:01 PM
For over 30 years now I have enjoyed writing my drivel.
I look at books that I have filled with my scribblings going back as far as 1971, at times I recognise the words and poems that have flowed from my hand, other days, even though those stories are about my family or friends, it's as though a stranger wrote them.

I've always tried to model my journals on the 'Readers Digest' style of writing, oh you know it..

'Old Shep is gone now, yet in the silence of the early morning, I still remember him'...that type of thing.

Writing isn't really hard to do, to be quite honest, there are so many sources to draw from, that I could pass my days on here without pause or break, but other things, I'm quite happy to say, get in the way.

Because of an extremely painful early life, I am able to switch from sadness to laughter in the space of a word....while much preferring laughter, I think to be able to express that, you also need pathos within you.

Yet if I could turn back some celestial clock, I wouldn't have it any other way..
I am the sum of over 17,000 days..the lines on my face, life has put there, the aches and pains I feel are the cost of living those days, but so is the laughter, the joy and the love.

And now, as I move into the last part of my life (still unfortunately, without yet having shared a bath with a naked Jenny Agutter) I realise, my life hasn't really been hard, it's been blessed,

Two weeks ago my brother gave me the distinct impression he had found religion..
Like a lot of people who are approaching a certain age, he might just be growing that need to hope there is something more, a better life, a Paradise to dream about..
I don't need it..
You see, I'm already there.
5/21/2009 9:14:08 AM
Ayo Gorkhali!...'Here come the Ghurkas'!

Welcome to England, each and everyone of you, I wish you all, long and happy lives...
5/20/2009 8:12:10 AM
I read on Teletext last night about the discovery of the so called 'Missing
To be blunt I've no idea why it's taken so long, especially as in my younger days I went out with at least 3 of them.

Oh I'm serious, I've dated some quite hairy buggers in my time, in fact the one girl was so hairy she had her own tog rating.

Plus with her ability to 'walk' alongside on all fours, she saved me a fortune in bus fare.

In the 70's, Prelude did a cover version of 'After the gold rush'

I remember the one line from it,
'Look at Mother nature on the run, in the Nineteen seventies' 

So where am I going with this?
For Nature you can now read Religion..

Every new discovery by science takes away more and more of the small places
that a God can hide in.
Oh I know you can't argue with faith, no one ever can, but pretty soon that's all it will be..
faith that there is a God and faith there is
something else.
With no spaces left between.

This 47 million year old fossil, if it's true (and I'm in the Darwinian camp here) think on this..

No missing link, means no Adam and Eve, it means no garden of Eden, it tears apart so much of the Bible, it would remain more of a cheap dime novel than a book.

Simply put, this discovery shows us exactly where we have come from, from
the dawn of time right up to today..
In a way I hope it's true..
I long for more people to feel that way.

John Lennon, a true visionary was right when he wrote the words to Imagine.
'Imagine no religion'..
In a world without religious faith, there would still be twin towers standing in New York, millions wouldn't be infected with AID's because of a stupid stance over condoms, no Inquisition, no burnings at the stake.

No wasted lives in Monasteries or Nunneries
Ireland would be truly united, there would be no Palestine..

There would be no wailing wall to break your heart would catch a train in
People would live for today and make the most of their lives now, not give up dreams of the present, for the hope of a better tomorrow

It wont come in my lifetime, of course not..of course not..
We've already waited 47 millions years..a few more wont hurt..

But wouldn't it have been nice if a man called Jesus could have died of old age instead of in agony on a silent green hill?
5/19/2009 8:58:39 PM
The wisdom of Pooh....

I used to believe in forever . . . but forever was too good to be true.

Poetry and Hums aren't things which you get, they're things which get you.
And all you can do is to go where they can find you.

Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again?

If the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient.
It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.

Before beginning a Hunt, it is wise to ask someone what you are looking for before you begin looking for it.

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.

"Pooh, promise me you won't forget about me, ever.
Not even when I am a hundred."
Pooh thought for a little.
"How old shall I be then?"
Pooh nodded. "I promise," he said.
5/19/2009 10:23:05 AM

I've noticed on here that it's not so much what you write but more often than not, it's the name of the person posting or the catchy title that ensures a good readership.

So with this in mind I've decided on a new name change. 
Foolishly, I started off thinking it would be easy, Lord this, Master that...but there are so many here like that already.
THEN  I thought of Brett Scuttler..but no, let's face it, Scuttler is a lousy Dom name..

But at long last I've found it, a good name, a Masterful name, in fact I'm so sure this is going to increase my appeal beyond measure I've also decided to upgrade my mailbox. So all you females who want a TRUE Master write to...

Gaylord Codpiece @

(Oh and dont forget to kneel as you type it.)

5/19/2009 10:16:20 AM

I've never been one for Astrology, all this Mars is in ascension crap, Jupiter is in Capricorn and Pluto..well..Pluto's closer to being up your arse than it is any other Star, Constellation or whatever (apart from our Sun of course) Yet people make a fortune out of all this.. I wouldn't mind but the predictions are so bland and all encompassing it's ridiculous.

Yet I know so many people upon opening a paper, rush straight to the Astrology section and say..'Oh wow, I'm expecting a letter'! Of course you're expecting a letter twit! it's one telling you, your Gas, Community charge, Electricity etc is going up.

I was born under Aries..(whatever that means) apart from of course, the constellations they based all of this rubbish on, have moved in the several thousand years since, so (not that they ever did mind) Star signs, now bear no relation to the original Constellation charts they were originally based upon.

Besides, when YOU read your horoscope, it's really not only just talking to you but the other 5 million people who share your birth sign.. And if Horoscopes were true, why aren't they all the same in every paper? think about it.

So just for you..your own personal horoscope.

You are worried about the health of someone close to you, try not to, you'll be hearing good news sooner than you think.
It seems to you right now, that certain loved ones may not be pulling their weight, don't worry, this will soon pass.
Promotion prospects seem pretty grim at the moment, just sit tight, I know you feel under appreciated, but those around you know exactly what you do and how valuable you are.
Just hang in there.
Lots of people seem to want more off you today than they are prepared to give.
Perhaps they see in you, a better ability to with it.

This will bring long term rewards for you in the months ahead You are planning something special, but be realistic, don't let your daydreams get in the way of reality..and DON't let your finances run away with you.

My God, that Kandors good! he's described me perfectly..remember, this was brought to you free, but for a personalised reading send a cheque to the Horoscope sucker society, PO BOX 2354

5/18/2009 11:05:20 PM
Well I have to say there were some terrible journal postings this morning on Collarme.

Oh I know I'm no font of all knowledge and that sometimes my journals have possibly left you (as my Aunt Eva always used to say) 'Suicidical'

I just hope the one guy writing for what seemed like 50 years, was using his garden as a metaphor..
Being honest I lost the will to live halfway through it, worse still, not once did he mention a 'subbie tree'
500 words on cutting your grass, isn't really that entertaining..and I honestly hope you dont keep your promise on writing more about it.

And another one, you write that you wont pay any money to 'scammers'
Yet you end it by saying you'll pay for airflights, medicals, visas and relocation..after which you'll take her back to your place, where she'll be spanked, bound and 'collard'
Personally I've have taken her to lunch and got to know her a few times first'

And then we have our philosophers....

One wrote 'Life is a gamble' no it isn't, life is a fact, you either are or you are not..
and then your actions may be construed as 'taking a gamble'
But your life isn't a gamble in itself, it just is.

Ahh bugger it, tomorrow I'll do funny..(funny from my point of view that is)

Meanwhile, try to ..lighten up, it's a beautiful day
5/18/2009 9:22:15 AM
So I thought...Jeez..these subbie women are getting pushy, wanting this, threatening that,
demanding the other...then I realised I had the filter on the wrong setting..they were all Dommes wanting to beat the crap out of poor lil subby men..

5/17/2009 1:23:10 AM
Every time I come on to Collarme, I also notice the advertisements for other websites (which is why they're there dummy!)

The Training Of O, English Mansion etc..
But today I noticed 'Men in pain'
What's going on?

There wasn't a single photo of a Man getting married on there...
5/16/2009 9:49:04 PM
My harshest critic has excused me of being miserable.
(actually, I'm my harshest critic, but who am I to argue with a woman, especially a fully paid up Mistress, of all things?)

She accused me of bringing misery to the masses, well, that would be her and my one other reader then.

Thing is though, although she is always 100% in the wrong, sometimes she's right.  mutter...mutter...mumble

So for ...well you know who you are..

In the 80's, I employed 6 or 7 people, one of them was a guy who hated enclosed spaces (he'd be a dead loss on here then)
Let's call him..Clive (cos that was his name) and I employed him as a Heating engineer.

In the summer of 1986, I had a rush job on and I'd got myself, Clive and my electrician trying to get a full central Heating job done in two days (the new owner wanted the work finished before they moved in)

I'd hung and piped out the Boiler, Clive was whingeing because he knew he had to go below some floorboards under the living room that only had about 18 inches crawl room, and being claustrophobic hated going under them..
He begged me and the sparky to do it for him..which naturally, being sadistic bastards and revelling in his fear both of us said 'no'

Reluctantly he lowered himself down through a tiny trapdoor and sweating like a sweaty thing in a sweaty place, dragged himself, his tools and some copper pipe to the far end of the lounge.

We immediately slammed the trapdoor shut again and with two screws fixed it firmly in place..oh his screams were a delight to hear!

We got him out two days later, soaking with sweat and shaking like a naked man in the Antartic..

Of course I bloody didn't!
I'm not crazy and to do that to someone who has a morbid fear of enclosed spaces could tip them over the edge, but we did slam the trapdoor shut and listen to him drag himself back across at slightly less than the speed of sound.

But don't feel sorry for him, only the week  before, it was me who had been under other floorboards and upon shouting I'd better be careful, as there was a giant Wasps nest under there, immediately found him trying to poke it to bits with a 10ft  piece of plastic overflow pipe..the bastard could have got me stung to death..

On reflection I should have nailed him in..

See Mistress? that wasn't so bad was it?

5/16/2009 2:37:53 AM
In the newspaper on Thursday, yet another advertisement screaming out..


Earn thousands! be your own boss! choose your own hours!
Comprehensive 6 month course!
Our fully skilled staff will train you up to Gas Safe level in just a short 24 weeks!

I have lots of words to say to this, but one will suffice..

I'm a Plumber and Heating Engineer and I promise you, you won't learn the job in 6 years, never mind 6 months..
Like everyone who served an apprenticeship, when I came out of my time, I found I had just the rudiments to be a Plumber, it took many more years of experience to walk onto a job knowing there was nothing there that would faze me..
And these people say you can learn it in 6 months...yeah, right.

And by the way, before you decide to waste your money on this type of thing...just look how many jobs there are in the paper..not one in the Birmingham Mail, the biggest jobs section for building jobs in the Midlands.

Yes, the money can be good, 6,7,£800 per week is very commonplace indeed, but right now, better Plumbers than you will ever be are being laid off in their hundreds, save your money folks on this type of thing, but if you're too daft to listen...then enroll in my SUPER DUPER Plumbing Academy
it's only a 27 minute course and I'll do it you for £500 tops..
You KNOW it makes sense..

Please note, due to the hugely anticipated numbers that I know will take advantage of this wonderful offer, class sizes may contain up to 300 mean students..
5/15/2009 10:42:58 PM
So what's happening here then?

Twice this week, while I've been reading the online journals, the message box has gone red and the 'who's viewing me box' has shown my profile has been checked out.

So, being the curious bugger that I am, I've gone to have a look, the following (with their I.D's omitted)  are what I found waiting for me..  oh..and don't forget my photo is right on the top of my profile.

'Dear Mistress, i am intrested in serving a very strik (sic) Mistress, i am a good relible slave, intelligant (what????) and loyle, if this intrests you, please in in touch.
I am willing to relocat.

So besides being either totally illiterate and obviously dyslexic (which of course I can forgive) the bloody idiot is completely I LOOK like a woman? well ok, in my red tu-tu I'm fairly passable, but least use a spellchecker peeps..

The second mail was more or less, along the same lines, but this one (although well written) assumed I was a female sub, and as everyone knows, females subs are all chained to the bed by their neck collars this time of day,
The fact I was online should have immediately ruled that one out..
Oh...and of course my BLOODY photo again!
5/14/2009 9:19:48 PM
So here I am, almost recovered from the closest scrape with death I will ever experience, Whilst laying at deaths door I thought sadly of my passing, the only comfort I could draw was I knew the thousands of postings that would be put up on here mourning my loss,
I lay there thinking, will it number into the hundreds? the thousands? or was I going to be the Susan Boyle of Collarme and find the site crashing with the millions of messages of sympathy, weeping at my demise..

So when I looked this morning I found.....................

And this is it, worse still, the scrounging leech only wrote in hoping to make a claim on the priceless goodies I'd left behind...sniff.

Dearly, nearly departed Les,

I've just read your journalling... I do hope your man-flu isn't a contagious internet virus or I'm doomed to join you in the excessively high temperature and probable death sentence.

Your Will... Can I put a bid in for the Wombles album? If not, and I do understand if Jane feels that she cannot live without them, then can I have your Ipod, complete with your Top Ten music list? I've a real thing for the Birdy Song and the Cheeky Girls and it would bring me great pleasure listening to your ten favourite tracks whilst I await my death.

If you've already died before you get to read this, then know that I shall mourn your passing like I would that of a poor squirrel, victim of road death. I'd notify the Council to remove your remains and then hose down your last resting place lest the maggots remain.

I'm all heart, me.

Much affection x

Incidently, this 24 hour flu on EARTH do they know? the germs I mean, do they sort of say to each other..'that's it lads, the 24 hours are up now, let's bugger off home'..

Bone idle bastards, have they never thought of overtime?
5/14/2009 10:30:13 AM
If you only knew
the words I have spent
trying to describe
the feelings I've had
your mouth would ache.

and love...
forget about love
there's so little
more I can add

how I have loved those
who have attracted me,
how I have loved those
who have been my fall.
5/14/2009 10:20:52 AM
I'm at a funny age...these days I seem to be living a balancing act in most of my daily routine..
I have the choice of going to bed drier than a dead Dingos donger or run the risk of getting up 17 times in the night for a pee.
The fact is, I can't walk past a toilet without at least giving it a go.
Likewise I have to inspect myself every morning before I step out the door..matching socks? check..Hair combed? (well what's left of it anyway) check.
Nose hairs plucked? check..(how on earth do nose hairs grow 3ft in a night)?
Trousers on?..oh damn..
And it's not just external, the inside of me is going too.
I long back to the days before I had the attention span of a Goldfish, the truth is, Alzeimers would improve my memory, not ruin it.
I drive past Petrol stations only to run out of fuel 5 miles up the road..and I'm sick and tired of filling up a flask because I've forgotten my petrol can.
I find myself lost without a clue where I am, then turn on my Satnav and find I'm still in my garage.
I put things down and as far as I'm concerned, they've vanished into another dimension...and it's not just the washing machine and the back of the sofa in my house that loses things...frankly I'm going to take off my underpants one day and find 13 odd coloured socks, a bra and 62p in loose change.
Oh but it's not all bad news, who else can put on Star Wars and think it's the first time they've seen it?
I can look at my body and think this is the best it's ever been.
Every day is a culinary delight..and I know I still have a chance with Jenny Agutter
5/14/2009 10:16:05 AM
Salvadore, the afternoon sunlight,
Is folding around me..
The dishes are done.
The buildings here,
Tall as our mountains,
Slice through the windows
And cut off the sun.

The opening lines to one of my favourite songs.
It's taken from 'The Capeman' by Paul Simon.
There was even a musical based on the Capeman which unfortunately flopped badly, the CD never sold that well either yet it won acclaim as one of his best works.
I've been a great fan of music now for over 50 a very young boy I used to listen to the 45's my elder brother and sister had saved up to buy and play repeatedly on an old record player.
I used to be surrounded by the sounds of 'Are you lonesome tonight' by Elvis and watch my sister 'Rock around the clock' to Bill Hailey.
Then I had the quiet years..some songs stick in my mind, not because they were good but for other reasons, like my Mom laughing out loud to 'My old man's a dustman' by Lonnie Donegan.
When I was 15, I worked as an apprentice Plumber (tuppence a week and all the Rats you could eat)..I was in a place called Ward End helping a Plumber called Albert put some guttering up (calm down girls, I know it's a wild turn on)
Out of a nearby bedroom window poured out 'The sounds of silence'
From that day I was hooked on Paul Simon...
He stamped out his greatness 3 years later with the most wonderful song of all time..
'Bridge over troubled water'..when Art Garfunkel hits those last notes, the hairs still rise on the back of my neck..simply, simply magical.
It's strange really, look at any top 10 from the 60's or 70's and I bet most people can sing along with 80% of the songs, do you reckon kids will be doing that to todays music in 30 years time? I doubt it.
And I realise I have become my Father (without the heavy drinking and gambling though) I do the same things he did, shouting at my daughter to turn off LJ Bukem or the Killers..I deem it music unworthy of filling my ears.
Dad was almost a Brummie..born on a farm in Water Orton called 'Forge Mills' it was subject to a compulsary purchase order in 1920, my Grandad mourning the death of my Grandmother following the birth of my Uncle Les, let it all go, losing every penny in the process..they all decamped to one of the poorest areas in England..
We've all heard of black holes etc..Nechells was the proof they existed, quick to pull you in, an eternity to let you go.
Over the entrance to Dantes inferno hung the sign 'Abandon hope all ye who enter here'
Nechells beat it by a country mile..
I am playing my song as I type this..I find it inspires me (not very well I hear you say) hairs are rising already and it's time to let this particular posting go..
I hope sometimes, someone, somewhere, enjoys my writing..
I hope at times, my words are just like that 'Bridge over troubled water'
I hope that sometimes my words, will ease your mind.
5/14/2009 7:50:37 AM
Time's winged chariot is slowly gaining ground..

I know now there is no hope, my affairs are in order and I'm preparing to meet my maker, Geppetto
My bequests are made and in order,
So to my eldest daughter, my priceless sausage collection, to Bob, my half full jar of belly button fluff.

To the Royal Tank regiment I leave my two pairs of underpants, that they may use them as new armour plating for their main Challenger 2 battle tank
They are nice and crisp now and well...if they should save a life...

To Nikki, my full Donny Osmond collection, yes, 'Puppy love' has been slightly overplayed but '12th of Never' is still in mint condition

To Jane, how could I not? enjoy my full library of the Wombles with the same appreciation I did, I know it is in safe hands..

I must bring this to an end soon, my little spindly legs are cold and aching, worse still,  my body temperature is raging at an unheard of 98.8f

I am at this moment, wearing a full sized Horse nose bag to catch the copious amounts of leaking bodily fluids..
Mortal dehydration is not too far away.

I hope you will remember me in my writings, I hope my undeniable wit and humour will sustain you through the cold years to come..
But just remember, it's not a man here who dies today, it is a Father, a Lover, a grandad, a hero..
Gargle and sniff...

No, I really mean Gargle and sniff...ny nose bag is full and I can gain an extra 10 minutes by emptying it..

5/13/2009 11:16:20 PM

In the Mail last week, it was reported Gordon Brown is dropping one of the most
inept idiots I've ever known to serve in Government...
Oh I know that description could apply to almost anyone in the cabinet at
the moment, but in this case it's the Home Secretary, Miss Jacqui Smith

It appears her position has become untenable following her recent expenses
claim for two pornographic films..
Oh please..

I don't give a damn what these fiscal vampires claim within the realms of
personal entertainment, lets face it, £20 here or there is nothing in the
scheme of things, and if he gets his rocks off watching a French poodle
have it off with a German Dachshund, then let him , besides, both breeds
are far sexier than that grinning, gormless idiotic looking wife of his.

If that's the only reason she is moving on, then Gordon Brown honestly
needs his head looking at, mind you, he can hardly push her out into the
cold for any other reason can he?

EVERYTHING anyone says, thinks or does has to be run past him first, so
it's no good letting someone take the blame for something he's agreed on
anyway is it?
Still, never has that old saying been more true..
Success has a thousand fathers, failure is an orphan..
But what else can you expect with this tired out old bunch, of chancers,
liars and thieves?

This government have no shame because they are shameless..

They now begin to proclaim British virtues following a decade of a
relentless attempts to destroy it,

They have no patriotism apart from that of the scoundrel...they announce it
now because it is their last refuge.

They have no sense of history which is why they they tear down our future.

They have no sense of justice because they are not just..
They would create a society based on 'guilty until proven innocent'
Yet pack out their government with those who break the laws of of both our
legal system and our land..

Are you listening you smarmy bastard Mandelson? or you Blair? or you Blunkett?

They wish to enforce identity cards upon us because they themselves have no
identity, except that of a thief in the night.
They would inflict upon us 'Nacht und Nabel' without even a second

They sell out who we are, cut by deadly cut, until we are lost and driven
under, buried beneath the charges of racist, homophobe and 'little
They loathe who we are and what we stand for, then belittle and insult us
for holding on to our fading values

In this coming reshuffle, this rearranging of deck chairs as HMS Great
Britain slides beneath the waves, they talk of bringing back experienced
heavyweights to steady our ship..

They talk of bringing back Blunkett and Clarke, the first who has the
morals of a tomcat on heat, a man who bends rules and destroys marriages
and then the second, who thought it was fine to flood our streets with
murderous criminals....then lie about the number

They hate us for finding them out, as if they haven't destroyed enough
already, they cheat the system every step of the way. ...and now as the
political clock ticks, they want time, to claim and steal even more..

And they cry it is 'within the rules' parliamentary rules certainly,
christian and moral ones?...never in a million years..

And they talk of being 'In power' when in truth they should be here to
serve.. yet on a certain level they are..they serve themselves...first,
second and last.

And I'll end this simply..with the most damning statement I can write..

My beautiful grandson, Joshua Green was born just over 3 months ago.
Because of this government, this band of modern day morons, these smiling
bunch of self serving thieves..

He came into this world owing just over £34,000
Thank you Mr Brown.
5/13/2009 11:09:55 PM
Expenses row,

This has to be my last posting on the subject, because unlike their greed, my anger has run it's course,

but NOT my memory, when it's time to vote..

There has been a mad rush to pay back thousands of pounds that MP's still claim 'are within the rules' and that 'they have done nothing wrong'

Well if that's the case, why feel the silly urge to pay them back?

While I have no respect for these scrounging leeches, I can still admit a grudging respect for the effort put in to scam us.

But please, we all know why you're doing it, and it's not shame or a sense of fair play (otherwise you wouldn't have done it in the first place) no, it's so you have another chance of keeping your snouts firmly fixed in the public trough for a further 5 years, now piss off and stop trying to take us for even thicker idiots.
5/13/2009 11:06:10 PM
My top ten songs on my ipod.

Aaannnddd at number 10 pop pickers!'s 'Careless hands' by Des O'Connor

Dropping down to number 9, 'I'm a pink toothbrush' by the great Max Bygraves..

Holding steady at number 8, it's 'Two little boys' by Rolf Harris'

Storming in at number 7, it's 'Gotta no respect' by Joe Dolce..

Falling three places to number 6,  the 'Birdy song' by the Tweets

Staying at number 5, 'Uncle Bulgaria' by the wonderful Wombles

Dropping down from number 2 to 4, 'Puppy love' by the great Donny Osmond..

And numberrr 3!, it's 'Combine 'Harvester' by the Worzels

And straight in to number 2, yes, it's 'Touch my bum' by the Cheeky girls

And for the third week at number one, it's 'Barbie girl' by Aqua..

Sniff...just beautiful..
5/11/2009 2:24:50 PM
He called it a 'Thunderbolt'

My kid brother that is..

I was at his house last night for my eldest brothers birthday..
As usual, Pete and his wife Shirley put on a fantastic spread, loads of Lager, wine etc, wonderful food (as always).
My family were all there and just like normal, Pete had got three big bubbling pots of Curry going,
There was the usual girly stuff, I dunno, Chicken Madras or something..some other Eskimo strength lamb and then,

Petes creme de la creme..

'Thunderbolt beef curry'...yeah..yeah, yeah,
Pete, your 'Thunderbolt' could easily be improved by throwing in a couple of chocolate flakes..
I've eaten hotter ice creams....

In all fairness, it was a cheeky little curry, amusing without being day you can cook me a hot one :)

Thanks for last night Bro' of mine.
I love you.
5/9/2009 12:42:19 AM
Listening in on an Al Queda planned terrorist attack..

So... we will strike at the very heart of those infidel dogs that are currently waging war against Islam!
But who shall we hit first? that war mongering dog Tony Blair who has done his utmost to destroy us?
Or that pious calvinist cur Gordon Brown?
Perhaps if we move more troops from Iraq to Afghanistan we can bring the sword of Allah down even faster on those defilers of Islam!

NO..NO..we need to end this swiftly! we need to strike at the heart of allied power and sever the head off those most important to their struggle..

So who do you have in mind?
I think we should take out Barbara Follett!

Who's she?

The Minister for Tourism, that's who!
Are you mad my brother?
She is untouchable! have you seen how much she claims in expenses on security?

5/5/2009 10:27:58 PM
On page 167 on Ceefax, Warwick University has revealed they have built the first chocolate powered car..
So besides women being able to offer the excuse they didn't realise how low the tank was before the car ground to a halt, they will also now be able to say..they felt a little peckish and ate it.
5/4/2009 9:53:36 PM
People often tell me I'm a master of the art of apparently doing...nothing.
Yet I feel after 40 years of breaking my back earning a crust,
that I'm entitled to while away a few hours playing my Wii, or slinking off for a game of golf,
I still work hard these days, certainly a lot harder than some,
Most people do their 9-5 jobs and here's muggins working all weekend fitting a central heating boiler or a new bathrom etc..and then, after 4 hours rest, it's Monday morning again..
I'm trappped within a working class mentality, one that if I worked every weekend for a month then take a day off on a Wednesday, I begin to feel guilty on a certain level..
The rich don't do this, they understand that life isn't just work and no play and that it does make Jack, a very dull boy indeed,
So just like Billy Connelly, I'm going to become 'windswept and interesting'
But to do this, I need a little time off..
I have lots to do this Summer, my new extension needs to go up, I'm going to Tunisia,(not been yet but I love historical sites so Carthage is on my 'to do' list)
Oh and I want to go over to Stratford, I want to see Romeo and Juliet there..learn a few of the lines,
just so I can look into the eyes of a beautiful woman and she will say of me...

He is the courageous captain of compliments.
Romeo and Juliet, 2. 4
5/4/2009 9:33:57 PM
You couldn't make this up...

Two Sri Lankan terrorists have been given permission to stay in England because if they were deported back home, they faced possible torture and death,
They have been awarded asylum because if Britain sent them back they promised they would kill themselves...according to 3 Judges, this abuses their 'Human rights'

Am I the only one who sees the irony in this?
Britain..yet again the dumping ground for every murderous terrorist piece of trash the world has to offer.

Meanwhile the UK has still not come to a decision on whether or not to allow Ghurkas the right to settle permanantly in Britain.

So there you have it...share our beliefs and fight to defend our way of life, the Government will shit on you,
Be a human piece of shit yourself and you not only win the right to live here but we'll fully fund it for you too.
4/29/2009 11:23:10 PM
I've just phoned the hospital for info on this Flu outbreak, the line was terrible, all I got was crackling
4/29/2009 12:08:43 PM
Birthday poem for my friend.

Instead of counting candles,
Or adding up the years,
Just think of all your blessings
As the 5th grows ever near

Consider special people, (me)
Who love you, and who care, (me again)
And others who complete your life
Just by being there.

There's me and Skye (the wonder pup)
There's your sister and your girl.
And if you add up those alone.
Would you trade them for the world?

Plus, 60 is a special time,
And as you look back on your life.
You can get the Nurse to wipe your bum.
And then light up your pipe.

In a cloud of smoke,
You'll sit and think.
And give life, all your thanks.
And then before they feed you lunch,
They'll change your pee soaked pants.

There!! feel better?

ps..She'll go mad when she reads this, she's only 49  :)
4/29/2009 12:05:04 PM
Why am I dreaming of leaning you against the window,
And pressing your soft lips to mine,
Is it to see the Moon shine on your shoulders?
Or is it so we can release the thunder that crashes inside us?
4/29/2009 10:56:06 AM
I dunno, only 3 days after writing I never take a break in England, here I am just back up from a night in Devon.
I have to say, not only did the place look nice (especially Torquay) the weather was also beautiful.
Of course you can't fool me THAT easily, it was obvious from the drag marks in the sand, that all the frozen Polar Bears had just been cleared off the beach, but even a very careful inspection of the sand showed no sign of any freshly melted glaciers..

So what's my gripe today then?
Lager at £3.50 a pint, that's what!
Plus a full English breakfast (with extra crispy bacon) that cost slightly more than the Crown jewels..
I have to say though, it was very filling, that's of course if you were an anorexic Irish republican Mouse 3 weeks into a hunger strike.
Worse still, the bloody waitress had the nerve to actually say 'How did you find the bacon'?
I so badly wanted to reply..'I moved a baked bean and there it was'...but I knew if I did that, she'd only end up spitting in my teapot.

I wonder what it is with British service these days?
I'm sure they've lost total sight of the fact that we pay good money for them to serve us, it's not like I need you to engage in witty and rivetting conversation either, a simple 'Please' or How can I help you?'
will suffice for me, everytime.. instead I sit there cowering with just my beautiful blue eyes peering over the menu..
I agonise over the choice of either paying for Salmonella, Dysentry or half a pint of Cholera

3 days later the food turns up, cold, greasy and with so many lumps of fat in it, a Channel swimmer could grease himself up to do the crossing there and back.
No wonder my photo looks like a giant zit.

And THEN...after all this I thank her..mind you, I do that out of prudence..
Besides having to eat food even the average Ethiopean would throw out..
at least I don't go home full of the waitress's spit.
4/28/2009 3:57:46 AM
I'm finding more out about this site every day, at first I thought people mainly ignored my inane postings and ramblings on Collarme, that was ok, I write these journals more for me than anyone else...consider it my..ahh Diary...laughs

THEN I discovered my 'New messages' bit at the top of the page and discovered almost 100 admirers and about 200 comments..
So I had a look... to be truthful, I had to throw a lot of them away, the ones threatening to cut my fingers off, gouge my eyes out etc ...they soon went, and after many hours of careful sifting, editing and burning, I was down to my hard core of ..


OK, so I was pretty desperate, but I kinda like the idea that a 46 lb Rwandan woman with a limp and a glass eye found me I'm keeping her.

The second one is..oh, you know who you are...swoon... lol.

The third one I don't understand at all, oh, I'm being serious, I's in bloody Spanish..
I've replied thanking her of course, trouble is, I only know one phrase in Spanish and I'm fairly confident it's not going to win her heart..still, we'll see.
So for you my darling Pepperella..

'Su burro tiene un repugnante cojea'
(Your Donkey has a nasty limp)

sigh.. I'm all a tremble now.. :)

OH WAIT!!! I've just had another one, she might be German but I really know how to charm these Bavarian women..
This is a sure fire chat up line..
I've just sent it as you read this..

'Meine Großmutter ist im Tünche'

(My grandmother is in the Whitewash)

THAT should have her beating a path to my door!
4/27/2009 9:57:55 PM
Two days ago, I answered one of those Sunday paper ads that offers a fully guaranteed 'Willy enlargement'

I sent off £39.50p and they've sent me back a giant magnifying glass.

DOUBLE Bastards!!!
4/27/2009 9:54:36 PM
4/27/2009 8:50:48 AM
I was watching Sky news last night before I went to bed and it's the first thing I put on each morning too.
So there I was, toast in hand, listening to this weather forecaster giving me the upcoming weather reports.
Sure enough, as usual, she dedicated 3.5 micro seconds to the British weather, of which, 3 micro seconds of that was spent on London.
And THEN the bitch announced that strong winds were coming up from Iberia..IBERIA?????
Of course I know where the Iberian peninsular is but c'mon..move with the times will ya?
In fact I'm going to nip it in the bud right now with a stinking e-mail to Sky because otherwise, THIS is going to happen.

Weather report, Sky news, 2009 September

The winds that have recently plagued the Iberian peninsular moved across Southern Gaul earlier today,
Germanicus has also been put on full alert
Brittanicus should also brace itself to receive up to 3 firkins of rain, as far north as the land of the Picts.

The Byzantium Empire is experiencing a beautiful late Summer but this is only expected to last a few more days, after that it will move across the uncharted regions of the Kush.
Meanwhile Nubians can expect almost drought conditions for at least several months ahead.

Persia is expected to remain relatively calm and should experience no further problems

4/21/2009 8:33:55 AM
And it's another sexy day in Paradise..

The only trouble is, why do we always only seem to get lovely weather like this when we're at work?
Although I love England, I stopped having holidays here 20 years ago, to be honest,
I got tired of hiding behind dead Polar bears that had perished through the cold, frozen to death by the wind coming off an icicle covered beach.

Around Britain, the sea always provoked only two responses, the first being, I instantly lost 3 toes and the second was a high pitched scream, as my testicles slammed into my adams apple.
Added to the fact that whatever two weeks I chose,  always coincided with the start of the British rainy season.

So like I said, since around the late 80's I've always gone abroad.
The first seven or eight years I holidayed in France (with the odd sprinklings of Tenerife or Minorca.)
The last two you could more or less count on the weather, France was a bit more hit and miss,
I've known it hotter than the Greek islands and sometimes rainier than India in the middle of the Monsoon.
Yet every single time I still rate France (just after Greece) as some of my consistently better holidays.
Vive la France...

The Caribbean believe it or not, is gorgeous, but certainly not as hot as the Greek islands or Egypt,
I've enjoyed temperatures in Greece as high as 42c and no, it didn't kill me, how could it as I sat beneath sunshades and sunglasses drinking vast amounts of Mythos lager?
The only guys who suffer are the ones who worked in it, me?
I was on holiday.

I have to say those breaks have really helped me out in sticking to my '5 a day' fruit intake.
Now, you can count on me quaffing down (only in the interests of a balanced diet mind) a banana daquiri, a vodka and orange, apple cider, rum and coconut and more times than not, a refreshing white wine and cranberry juice..

Honestly, my skin is glowing..

So for me, unless global warming suddenly hits us like a ten ton lorry, and despite Gordon Brown's best attempts, my breaks will be taken abroad,
Besides.. outside the Euro zone, it's cheaper to be there, the problem with holidays here is that everywhere you buy food or stay, the shop owners and Hotels seem to charge you enough to buy the place never mind just eat or sleep in it..

Sure I understand they're trying to cover 12 months costs in a 5 month season but I'll be damned if I'm going to pay it as I watch the rain pour down while sheltering behind that dead Polar bear.
4/20/2009 1:38:53 PM
I usually shop at Sainsburys or if I'm pushed, Asdas.
Today I made the huge mistake of doing my weekly haul at Morrisons.
God almighty what a dump.
Staff that looked like they'd been rejected from a Lon Chaney movie and aisles packed with human life one step up from Amoeba.

Now if I offend anyone, tough, I've just been half crippled by idiots slamming their trolleys into every part of my Achilles heel.
I'll be walking like Stephen Hawking after a bad stag night for the next 3 weeks..all because these pond life who haven't got a clue, on how to do anything but sign on with a stolen pen, just dont seem to be able to walk in a straight line.

The place was packed out, of course I've had a day off work (Flexi day, use it or lose it) but the rest of my fellow shoppers and window lickers looked like they were on day release from prison.
Frankly I was scared out of my wits,
Most of them were alkies, freshly scrubbed, ironed socks, bright red noses and if not for their trollies they'd have been staggering from section to section.
But the big giveaway?
Having their 'White Lightning' put straight into paper bags.
Which a good 99% of them opened between the checkout and the revolving doors.
Oh the choice is crap too! no good Curries, Beer was expensive and Jack Daniels..well!
Thieving bastards is what I say.
But the real giveaway? you HAVE to put a pound in the ******* TROLLEY before you can use it!
It's like saying 'We KNOW you're pondlife, now get your food, try not to steal too much while you're in here and we think you're a bunch of thieving bastards'
Never again..
4/20/2009 12:42:23 AM
Like most people I've been moved more than words by Susan Boyle on 'Britain's got talent'.
Watching the clip on Youtube (where I first became aware of it) I found besides being carried to another plane by the voice of an angel, I also thought what a terrible waste of talent spanning almost 47 years..
I hadn't quite fallen into the same trap as those who watched it live, but yes, I probably would have, I do tend to judge on first appearances and my first impression of Susan was..yeah, well...

Then one of the greatest singing voices I've ever heard found me completely blown away and I found myself holding my breath, as her voice soared effortlessly through notes I could only dream of hitting.

And I wonder how many other great talents are out there as I type this?
There must be lots of them, from singers formed from God's chorus, comedians funny enough to make you cry and entertainers who show you the true value of living.

I have no real talent...apart from a Masters degree into getting myself into trouble, so for me, I won't have too many regrets about if someone had cared to give me a polish, underneath, they may have uncovered a diamond.

Now my brother Pete, I can count on one hand how many people are as funny as him.
Pete never lets facts get in the way of a good story and 500 years ago, he'd have been a wandering Minstrel, weaving stories into the night and let their laughter ring out through the ages.
It's not only my priviledge to have heard him tell those tales but an even better one is the fact he is my brother and my friend.
Having said that, his musical talent doesn't stretch out as far as Susan's.
Truth is, Pete's singing, sounds like a Duck farting in the fog.

And then I thought talent comes in many shapes and forms, some people can make you laugh, some have the capacity to entertain, some have the gift of moving you to tears.
But talent isn't just those things you know.

A good heart is a great talent, someone who can reach into your soul and help ease that pain, has a gift of equal value to any soaring voice.
Compassion is a talent, sure, a gift too, but a talent nonetheless.

Some people have words, some have soul, others have rhythm, now whereas our Pete really does sound like that Duck..
rest assured when it comes to rhythm.. I dance like one.
4/19/2009 6:43:54 AM
I've had a pretty restless night, everyone dreams, even those who say they dont, it's just some, unless woken in the middle of it, don't always remember,

Last night I dreamt an Angel visited me, she sat on the edge of my bed and we spoke for around 30 minutes..
I put this down this morning..

Is there a place somewhere? he asked
A Geographic marker,
For all those rivers of tears,
That parents have cried
For their children’s fears,
That wives have shed for husbands
Who never returned from war,
Or another, for sons that have wept
For lost loves, for fathers and mothers?
I would like to know to what ocean they flow,
What never to be filled abyss buries,
All these rains of our years...
This is what I asked.
And the angel after just listening to me speak and ramble on..
Leaned forward on my bed and softly took my hand..
'It's here she said, here'
And gently put my hand on to my heart.

My heart is the Abyss.
4/19/2009 6:38:09 AM
He takes the bible from the motel
Then he leaves it at the next,
He tells you 'That's the way he spreads the word'
He plays the radio whilst driving
And he gently hums the tune
To every country song, he's ever heard.

His father was an Engineer,
It seems that he's the same..
As he builds the lines that turn into a poem.
And all the words he put together
He now believes himself,
As he claims that they are stories of his home.

Every road a different story,
And by now he knows them all,
It's just another tale that he can tell,
He tries to change the message
But his life gets in the way..
There are certain thoughts his mind can't really dwell.

Eating Bacon in the morning,
As he walks down memory lane,
His memories a half forgotton map.
He thinks he needs a new one soon,
Then he eases in his chair..
And there's just a little time to take a nap.

It's just another destination,
But it's the best that he can do,
Another mile to go from here to there,
And does it really even matter
Whether it's one year or it's more?
The life he has is more than he can bear.
4/19/2009 6:37:12 AM
No love can last forever...
No love remains sublime.
But sometimes there's a moment
in the canopy of time.

A fleeting, precious moment
when all the world stands still,
That subtle special second
that only love can fill.

Small minutes of seclusion
that only lovers share..
Mere moments in our lifetime
may never venture there.

A place of perfect passion,
a glade of joy and tears,
Where love may reign, enduring,
throughout the passing years.

Then when our time is ended,
and days are judged complete,
There may be, in the Heavens,
a place where lovers meet.

So why should we be troubled
For who can question why,
if spirits are immortal
Then how can true love die?
4/19/2009 6:34:23 AM
We live in an ever shrinking circle of morality,
In prehistoric times, morality only really included the members of your family or clan.

Everyone outside of this was your 'enemy' someone who would steal your food, your lifestock, your women...someone to be wary of.
Then as the population grew, civilization happened, for starters we needed to trade and you rarely do that with someone who wants to kill you.

So we expanded our circle, we learned to tolerate more, we learned to understand.
It grew to cover a village, a town, then a city, it became a country, something to look up to, to be proud of..

Then 30 odd years ago something changed..I don't know what, but instead of something that should have grown to a worldwide morality, it began to shrink again..and we're living in dangerous times..

The dreamers talk about world peace when we can't even name our neighbour three doors down...we dwell on the words of John Lennon and discover that love is not enough, then we try to 'imagine' a world without conflict when it's not even safe to walk out of our street...
our morality has turned full circle..

Who amongst us, can now put their hands on their heart and say we would walk strange roads without a care, or not feel highly agitated if a gang of youths are walking towards us?
I'm a grown man..I can look after myself but even I now carry the thought 'is this it'?

I fear for the future of all my generation and those that follow.
Like it or not, we are living in days which will be known as 'Golden times'.
When the oil runs out, when through stupid lack of foresight, when we lose our electricity and our gas, who do you think will be barricading their homes and living in fear?
us or them?..soon, not too many years from now, the only people you can trust will be your family, your clan..

And our morality will have turned full circle.
4/11/2009 5:14:50 AM
'They came in search of Paradise'

And that's just what it was like..
Long white, talcum powder beaches..palm trees swaying in a light breeze and fresh coconuts just waiting to be picked up off the floor.
Add to that, food to die for, warm seas and even warmer breezes.
I'd get up each morning about 6 am, shower then walk 30 yards to the shore and watch the sun rise..
at 7 am, I went into the Gym and ran for 15 minutes, another 10 minutes of excercise and then off to breakfast..
The food on offer was incredible...there was nothing you couldn't have..
every cereal known to man, bacon, eggs, pancakes, even that old staple diet of the British..chips.
And the service? even better..
I did so many things out there it was incredible, amazingly, a 4 mile bike ride, swimming, Archery, and horse riding soon became part of my daily routine..
The time just flew by.
Normally by the 10/11th day I'm ready to come home, this place, I truly left with a heavy heart.
My brother Pete made me smile one day,
I'd gone into the the Hotel foyer to get away from the noon day heat and found an e-mail off him..
He had sent me an e-mail.
I'll print it out here in full..

'I know your trying to protect me, searching for another truth,
with your language and your poetry against my ignorance and youth
( long gone now though),
hey I did not come to argue, my life never made much sense,
I just wish that I could hug you , you're my only defence .
Top that bro'

20 minutes later I was back outside by the pool, with a Banana Daquiri in hand and the sun beating down from a sky so blue that even Van Gogh couldn't have painted it..I drank it slowly thinking about my brother Pete..
And as I lay there without a care in the world, over the music system came another familiar friend..
'When you're weary, feeling small, when tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all..'
Those lyrics top anything ever written.

I remember riding a horse one day through the Mangroves Swamps, BlackHawk Eagles circling overhead and shells left of massive Crabs that the birds had dragged on the river bank to provide an easy dinner, the numbers of them were was nature at its finest..
I loved every minute..The diving was something I wouldn't suggest you do though..
After just 10 minutes tuition in the hotel swimming pool I found myself the next day 60ft down swimming round the wreck of a small boat that had sunk 20 years was the most stupid and dangerous thing I've ever done..and I kid you not..
More to the point, they not only encouraged it, they pressurised you to do it..all for money..mine into their pockets.

I won the Archery..after doing it every day for two weeks and after many hours of helpful advice I'm now able to put 5 arrows in a 6 inch circle at 30 or what?..just call me 'Robin(son) Hood'
The rifle shooting was poor, my eyes aren't so good these days.. .22 bullets went everywhere but the target..but having said that, I only shot poor people, so no harm done there then.
I ended every night quaffing down the best part of a bottle of Champagne..hey, it was free and the setting sun demanded it..

Not a single Mosquito took me as a lover and I think I've found a perfect cure against them..a previous 2 week course of B1 does it every time..mind you, the fact my blood was pure alcohol might also have helped.
So...the amenities were brilliant, the food was even better and every drink under the sun was all inclusive, I really did want to stay there another week so the following might suprise you.

'They came in search of Paradise'

I've taken that from the old Bounty add because that's exactly what the place was like...I am so glad I've been there, you will never know..
Would I go again? not in a thousand lifetimes..

7 out of every 10 Cubans are the friendliest people you'll ever meet and I nearly fell off my bike 50 times just by waving back to those lovely people who smiled at me like a King simply for cycling past them..

The other 3 out of 10 are the worst crooks you'll ever meet...the trouble is, they all seem to have jobs at the Hotel..
The 2nd day I had my very expensive Australian bush hat stolen, from my Chalet room of all places, then 400 cigarettes I'd bought on the plane, my personal towel went (that was taken in the Hotel lobby)
various toiletry items, my suitcase which had been stored and locked under my bed was gone through, (that's where I had put the cigarettes)..sun cream was stolen, and you want the really damning indictment? a resort that has over a 1000 people a week they have no lost and found department...think about it for a moment..NOTHING is ever handed in.
In fact, one day while reading through the hotel information pack I found the small paragraph that said..
Do NOT leave any expensive items lying around your Chalet that might tempt the staff to take them..
It continued 'Cubans are a very poor people and what you might consider an every day item, they will consider it a that makes it ok then does it?
I'd have given my holiday not just 10 out of 10, I'd have given it 15..but with all the theft that went on to not just me but everyone around me..I'll award a 9.5 instead..but I'll leave it now with a few points if I may..
Go to was fantastic, but please, take nothing of value, they will ask you for the very clothes off your back..they certainly did me..
You know those Caribbean weddings you read about?
A certain Bride had ONE wedding shoe stolen from her room the day of her was never for her, not so much a walk down the aisle but a gentle hop..and that's true..

Cuba..they came in search of paradise..unfortunately 3 out of every 10 staff, they recruited from hell.
What a fantastic holiday..
By all means go...just once though..
I'm off to the Seychelles next..
4/11/2009 5:07:18 AM
My body is doing it again.

Besides nose hairs that appear to grow 10ft in one single night,
besides producing enough sleep around my eyes every 8 hours that I could build a sand castle, besides having a pot belly developing that wouldn't look out of place on a starving Rwandan,
it now appears I've started manufacturing 17 gallons of dribble a night.

I woke up this morning and my pillow was wetter than a used tea bag.

What's going on?
Internally I'm waking up drier than a dead Dingos donger, only to find I'm now sleeping on the equivilent of a water bed mattress with three nail holes in it.

I NEVER used to dribble this much! well ok, when Jenny Agutter was on in Logans Run maybe, but that's the only example I'll concede..

So I've come up with a cunning plan..
I can't stop this latest unwanted body function, but I can take advantage of it, especially as I seem to be thrashing around so much in my sleep I run the equivilent of 19 marathons..
So each night before I go to bed, I'm throwing all the dirty washing under the Quilt,
I'll also throw in a few dry detergent tablets..
So with the thrashing, the dribble and the soap powder,
I'll wake up to clean washing each morning, all I have to do is peg it out..

Hey if you're interested, I even do reasonable rates..

Failing that, fancy a sleep over?
You can practice your Scuba diving.
1/21/2009 11:20:39 AM

As a kid I seemed to have it all stacked up against me..

I was little, thin, hungry, my clothes were usually hand me downs and I had the confidence of a dead flea

(I may have to retract that statement, if like last time, 43 dead fleas write in to complain at the comparison)

But seriously, my early life as a kid until I was around 16 was attrocious, in fact, I was so poor as a kid, the Sparrows threw me bread,

I even applied to be a Church mouse but they turned me down saying, even they didn't accept that level of poverty..

Oh but that wasn't my ultimate shame..last night brought it all back to me..

I caught a bit of an old gameshow on TV. It showed the 'Captains' picking people out to take part in their team..

Remember when they did that at school? picking out sides for football, cricket or rounders? The cleverest, tallest, most popular two kids in the school would stand up in front of us and make their choices..

'I'll have Paul' says the one.. 'Steve' says another 'Dave, you're with me' 'Roger, get out here'...and so on..

And there was me, waiting to be picked with the other rejects that weren't fit enough for Micheal Jacksons 'Thriller'

'Simon, come out here'.. but..but..simon lost both legs in a Go-kart accident, why you picking him? I thought..

Carl, we need you..again the shame runs through my mind as they push out Carl in his new Iron lung and wheel him to the goalmouth..

''re in defence, just be careful with your guide dog ok'?

'Terry, you're centre half, and make sure you dont crack your body cast like last time ok? your Mom gave me hell for that' And so it goes..

and eventually there's me and Jeff who appears to suffer from continuous epileptic fits..and they toss the final coin..the one Captain leaps up in the air, punching wildly..'yesss' he screams..

'Jeff, you're on our side'...

1/21/2009 11:17:49 AM

So there I was, perusing profiles in the 'other' place. I have to say, I do enjoy that type of thing, seeing what makes other folks tick, so to speak.

After about 2 pages I came across a posting by a lady saying that she wished people would update their pictures a little more often.

Let's face it, expecting to see a 30 year old person after swapping several e-mails, can be a bit of a shock, especially when your first thought upon meeting is,

'It seems he couldn't make it, but how nice he sent his Dad to let me know'

Now me..I look exactly like my photo..yes, that's the one, a cross between a half chewed rubber Bulldog and a badly neglected Pound puppy.

Worse still, it doesn't end there, add to that little mix, a chest even a pigeon would be ashamed of, legs like two pipe cleaners and a swollen pot belly that wouldn't look out of place on a starving Rwandan..

And my puny arms?...don't even get me started on my puny arms.

But, as my hero Popeye used to say..'I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam' hmmm...could Popeye be from the black country? ..just a thought.

Now..I only frequent the BBB a few times a year (oh the shame in admitting this) so I look for faces I'd know off IC.

I was even pestering my friend Jan saying 'So who's that then'? She'd reply, 'that's Lady Turnip, or Master Cupcake etc' And I'd go..'eh?..but...but they look nothing like their profile pics'..

It got worse..

Sometimes she'd reply (after yet another one of my banal questions) 'That one there is Mistress Toadstool' and I'd think...'Mistress'? are you sure? (cos' I'm thinking more like 'Master')

Of course there ARE many exceptions to the rule.

XXXAdeenaXXX looks exactly like the woman she is, sensual, stunning and gorgeous. sub columbia? just beautiful.. Topthoughts? exactly like it says on the bottle, nice guy, almost as big as his heart.

I DID recognise a few though, plus the fashion show when the MC announced several names certainly helped..

But me?...

well quietlywaiting summed me up perfectly when introducing me to morriganna (Hi morriganna)..'this is 'Kandor'

(she said as she cleared her throat and spat on the ground)

God almighty, what a crappy name I have..even I nearly fell asleep at that.

Mind you.. At least I do look like that half chewed rubber Bulldog.

1/21/2009 11:16:24 AM

I'm never one for giving up....ever.

I laugh easily.

I can cry just the same...what is a man without compassion? It doesn't make me weak, it makes me strong.

As a child I've had my back against the wall so hard, I've left body prints in the concrete... But I never rolled over and said 'That's it'

I've lost so many people I've loved it's ridiculous..but you wont ever find me wishing to join them. These are the cards I was dealt. I live with them.

I have friends, friends who know and love me, for all my faults..and those who judge me?..'Let he who is without sin'....

I may look like a man who shaves with a Crocodile, but in real life, few run away screaming...

I have the pertest of Bums and wonderful broad shoulders...laughs.. Popeye, eat your heart out.

I can make you, really laugh, not on here though, you need to be near me..preferably dressed as a Nurse or a Policewoman.

I have empathy..I can make you feel better and restore your soul.

I see the good in most things..and why not? everyone has some degree of good in them.

I can read situations and know more or less how things will end..although on here, that's pretty much a done thing.

I'm widely read, the fact is, I can bore you on most subjects and if you ever want to win a quiz pub night? Get me in your team. Not arrogant, just true.

If I pay someone a compliment, take my word for it, I mean every word and what I mean is true.

I know when to stop.

1/4/2009 6:53:40 PM
Well it's time for one of those.
2008 has certainly had its fair share of ups and downs.
The family were pretty subdued this time last year, it was the first Christmas without our sister who had passed away a couple of months earlier.

That first year is the hardest of them all, first Christmas, first Easter, first anniversary etc..
At times it got pretty difficult, worse still if you knew me in real life, I'm not one for pouring my heart out, nor sharing my woes.
This is where I do that, safely hidden behind a glowing silver screen.

I was busy rehearsing for a show I'd been invited to take part in 12 months ago.
What an amazing bunch of lovely people, each and every one of them did nothing but make me welcome.
I have to say, I miss the whole social aspect of it very much, thank you 'J' for getting me involved, even if my talents never even came close to matching my enthusiasm, thank you so very much.

I usually have an holiday around March, somewhere like Egypt or Tenerife, this year the said show put a delay to that, my friend boring Bob was heartbroken, he was looking forward to a repeat of our last holiday where we almost drank the hotel dry one evening.

The show in April (I think to the directors suprise at least) was an amazing hit..
over 2000 people never once threw tomatoes at us..a wonderful, wonderful 6 nights.

Spring slid into Summer and immediately slid back out again, the Summer really, was non-existent..what's happened to all this global warming then?
As far as I'm concerned you can bugger the Polar bears.

July saw yet another missed holiday, the people I usually go to Greece with had other, more pressing plans..bummer too, I've had some of my best ever holidays with you guys..I can't wait until we do it again.

Work was busy...but I guess it always is,
I honestly think Shylock runs Birmingham Council these days, they demand that pound of flesh every single working does make me smile when people talk of 'cushy' Council jobs..they should try mine for a week.

September for the first time in years, saw all my immediate family on holiday together, easily the best holiday of my life.
And speaking in my capacity as the Pool Champion of Corfu..(sorry Ant, I couldn't resist it)
what a blast, we just HAVE to do that again..

Autumn came along, Autumn always does..and in late October, after 13 terrible months, I finally laid my beautiful sister to rest, every day I thought about her and finally...just finally, I was able to let her go.
Because of her dying, I had been fighting a severe depression all throughout the year.
I will love you all my days our Bren.

I lost another good Childhood friend not too long ago, strange to think that so many have died and all so young.
That is the true legacy of Nechells..the place where they made the sign to Dantes Inferno..'abandon hope all ye who enter here'

To all those lovely people who I've upset this year, I apologise, all I can say in my defence is..'you never knew my mind'
I sincerely mean the apology though.

My year was redeemed by the best Christmas I've ever known and the wonderful people who have moved in closer to my heart.

So the year is done, the few miserable words I've put down here cannot possibly reflect the roller coaster that has been my life..

Once more to 'J' and all the guys (and girls) in the Coleshill Operatic society, thank you very much.
You will never, ever know how much you helped me during some of my darkest times..

I wish you all a very happy and prosperous New year.
1/4/2009 6:49:30 PM
I have no words beyond these prayers,
These markers in my book of life..
They're yours, for none much better came.
They're all I have.
All things the same.

Each platitude is polished smooth
Like pebbles in a running stream.
The water flows to the distant seas,
And writes upon it, like a dream

I should have far more words than this.
But flu has taken half my mind.
They too have run to distant shores
Without my words,
I'm lost...I'm blind.

They left me as I slowed in life,
From names I gave them in my youth.
And what remains will do, must do..
My polished stones in search of truth.
12/23/2008 8:00:52 PM
Does it GET any better than this?
There I was, thinking, well ok, I've got enough money to buy all the gifts I want for those I care about this Christmas, whilst on the other hand, I could do with earning a few pounds to make up spent cash,when THIS falls into my lap!
Easy St at last!

Dear Sir,

I have on 30th day July 2006 received a payment credit instruction from the Government of Ghana to credit about four individual Construction Companies with their FULL CONTRACT FUNDS from the Millennium Challenge Account with our bank,

But why i contacted you is that one of this (sic) companies is not existing again and the company has a problem in between the owners ,and that resulted the down fall of the company , and I have been keeping this secret for my self because I want to wait and see if anybody will come for the payment ,

but nobody came for the money , so i went and deposited it with a Local Bank in anonymous name to avoid any trace from any body.

The total Amount is ( 10.7 million United State Dollars ) and Be informedthat every arrangement regarding how to move this money from here to your country through Diplomatic Services has been made , and there fore , by virtue of its nature as being utterly CONFIDENTIAL , top secret should be maintained Because I am still in the active service,

so i do not need anyform of implication especially now I am in the verge of my retirement to endanger my career.

Finally all the necessary modalities will be workedout to enable us carry out the fund claim under a legitimate arrangement,

I have resolved to offer you 50/50%, but the most important thing I need from you is trust,
I will give you more details about the transaction whenI receive your affirmative response together with your direct telephone number and your address, more clarification information.

Thank you and remain blessed.

Cordially yours,
Mr. J.B AlHassan
Budget and Accounts

And of course I will remain blessed, for several reasons really and not one concerning this lying, cheating Bastard.
Obviously, written English is his sixth language, also why a guy who asks for trust after allegedly scamming 10 million dollars thinks he's going to get back himself is beyond me...I mean, how lucky is that?
right at the end of his career he gets to sit on 10 million in unclaimed funds because the company owners have fallen out.
I tell you what, I dont care how badly I fell out with someone I certainly wouldn't forget that amount of cash.
So anyway, here's the deal.
I DO trust this guy but I need say..£5000 off someone reading this (only so I can go out and verify his good character you understand) in exchange for this, I'll cut you in for 2 million,
Send me an email for further details will you?

12/7/2008 7:40:25 AM
Like Rambo.

Part of my job managing a Gas repair contract is I have to do what we call 'Forced entries'
Literally we will force entry into a property to carry out an annual Gas safety check.
Birmingham Council have about 58,000 Council properties, the majority of which need a safety check on its appliances, and it's not just us who think's law.

So last week, there I was doing 7 of these jobs in a day, the first one was ok, one very unhappy tenant waiting to let us in, but at least she was there to do so..
The second one was a tad weird..I'd knocked the door, shouted through the letterbox, nothing, not even a sound, so in we went, my Carpenter eased the lock in about 5 minutes (and trust me on this) if it had been another guy called Jason, I don't care what locks you've got to keep us out, I'll lay you £20 the guy is in within about 3 minutes, with no sound or damage.

But anyway, I'm in charge of this little operation, it's up to me to check out the place first to ensure it's safe for those who follow, so it's me who goes in first, everytime and under all circumstances.

I shouted out once more 'Birmingham Council gas safety check' as I walked along the hallway..nothing, not a sound..further along the hall and leaning up a wall was one of those reproduction swords, this one was straight out of 'Lord of the Rings'..worse still and unlike most, it had been sharpened and honed, you could almost shave with the bugger.
So I picked it up (mainly to make sure no one turned up behind me and skewered me with it) I do a terrible job of looking like a Kebab and I've no wish to practice it.

I checked out the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom and last but not least, the bedroom.

As I entered the bedroom I noticed hanging from the ceiling, a large punchbag..the tenant had also been using it for stabbing practice, it was literally in shreds.

Oh..and it was swinging..

Just beyond the swinging bag was a door leading off to a walk in cupboard..and I knew 100% the tenant was in there..well I looked down at my right hand and in it was a sword..question was, did he own two? worse still, did he own something better?

I know for a fact I wasn't going to that door, so for 10 minutes as we capped off his gas supply I spoke to it..

You know what?
it was the longest 10 minutes of my life..

I'd just love to break into a house where the tenant wasn't Rambo
12/6/2008 6:37:17 AM
I was called a yam yam tonight...

YAM YAM. The Black Country is "a loosely-defined area of the English West Midlands"; its name is apparently a reference to the colour of the coal-filled local soil.
Aside from coal and pollution, it is "known for its distinctive dialect," which is the subject of an upcoming BBC story:

People that live in the Black Country are very proud of the way they speak. They have their own dialect and vocabulary as opposed to just being a different accent.

One of the most famous features is the 'yam yam' sound when saying certain phrases. 'You are' is pronounced yo'am and 'are you' is pronounced 'am ya'.

Vowels are also often changed. When people greet each other they use the phrase 'Yow awight' meaning 'you alright'.

Of course, I couldn't leave it there..

From a 'Brummies' point of view (who as you know, speak Queens English) we are often dismayed that the gutteral, sub human Black Country drawl is usually portrayed as a Brummie Accent, which, if you listen to us side by side it's quite obvious they are completely different. It's not just the accent either. The following two lists, are firstly people mutated in the black country, the second one is of us earth bound Angels born in Brum, the list may suprise you.

Black Country,

Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Jack the Ripper, Vlad the impaler, Saddam Hussein, most of the Wolves team, Tony Blair, Fagin, Blackbeard and 'Ferret faced Joe' from Tipton


Mother Teresa, Queen Elizabeth 2nd, St Micheal, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Winston Churchill, Princess Diana, Pope John-Paul 2nd, Birmingham City Football Club, and finally..God.

Incidently, have you seen the Wonderful Christmas sale currently being held at 'Toys am we'? the store is right next to Dudley Castle.

And finally, other interesting facts on the Black Country.

The Black Country was sited on Europes first ever Leper Colony. The most devestating plague in history (The black death) began in Wednesbury, it decimated half the British population.

Hitler dropped more Bombs on the black country than any other theatre of war.
It was estimated it caused over £500 million pounds of home improvements.

Porton Down, the government research station for biological warfare was originally going to be sited in the Black country.
It was hastily built elsewhere after someone pointed out in the event of a major contamination, how would they know?
12/4/2008 5:00:43 AM
They gather by the hundreds
on a cold December morning,
In jeans, sweatsuits and
sunglasses, sipping flask warmed
tea from bright pink cups.
Sharing hugs, kisses, smiles and tears,
Which fall thicker than the leaves
of the surrounding park,
And never forgotten names are murmured
to each other, of sisters, mothers,
aunts, wives and daughters,
Loved ones lost on the field
of the cruel battle we call life.
Everyone walks for someone
important to them.
The battalions joined by love begin to march
and smile for the Sutton Observer or Tamworth Herald
And the crowds who have gathered to watch,
The pink T-shirts,
the pink hats, and several pink scarves
wrapped around bare heads
that have yet to have their
hair return.
But who needs hair when you wear a crown
Of victory and hope,
Bright and pink in the sunlight,
And the steps of those lost but not forgotten,
Walking in time,
With those who will always remember.
Heroes all.
12/4/2008 4:53:47 AM
Not a lot of people know this, but I was the West Midland knitting champion for over 17 years.
My specialty was in collecting the finest belly button fluff and knocking up (over several long winter evenings) a Pom-pom hat fit for a King.
Of course for the actual bobble, only male button fluff will do, let's face it, no self respecting Bobble hat is going to look any good with a soft ball is it?
But I digress, my skills of course, far exceed a simple headpiece, oh no! I can make toeless, low ankle bootees, balaclavas, with detachable ear muffs, mittens for one handed people, combined people and wheelchair sweaters and last but not least, Pigeon scarfs....for a full and comprehensive list of all items, please write to...
12/4/2008 4:40:50 AM
I'm absolutely tired of all the political correctness thats seems to encroach more and more on our everyday lives.
I was at Twycross Zoo last weekend with my grandaughter and I said to Katie 'look, there's a Mongoose'
Upon me saying that, a Zoo keeper rushed over to tell me off and said 'If I said such a horrible thing again I would be thrown out of the park', it appears they have to be referred to as a 'special needs' Goose now.
Frankly, I'm sick of it.
12/4/2008 4:38:59 AM
10/1/2008 9:15:27 PM
9/28/2008 1:03:47 PM
9/16/2008 12:04:47 PM
9/15/2008 7:48:45 AM

I guess most people these days own mobile or as the Americans call them, cell phones, a bit of dangerous technology for you here folks, just use it wisely.
It works by keying into their mobile phones, just type in the number.
9/14/2008 12:09:15 AM
I've never made a promise,
That I knew I'd not be keeping,
I've never sown anothers field,
I knew I'd not be reaping.
I've never seen a need for lies,
When that lie had best lie sleeping,
For who of us would never leave
When the light of dawn comes creeping?

I've learned, that in light of day,
All lovers fade to friends;
And though we may have said goodbye,
Our leaving never ends.
And I've spent my words unwisely,
As a sailor often spends,
I've borrowed and forgotten
Too much of what life lends.
9/8/2008 9:26:35 PM
9/8/2008 9:44:03 AM
8/31/2008 6:22:05 AM
It's all in the name.

My real name is fairly nondescript, not one you'd remember too easily, the sort that if you didn't see me for a few years you'd think..'well yeah, I remember the hump, the beady eyes, the weak chin and the pigeon chest' etc..but what the hell is his name again?
So perhaps I should just use my middle name and then my moms maiden name...I think you'd remember it easily enough then..and who wouldn't want such a cool name to be known by?
even 40 years after his death, everyone still remembers the great Jim Morrison.
8/30/2008 8:09:58 AM
Hmm..I think I have to do some serious updating on here, however, it's a quick holiday in Greece first..
8/23/2008 8:10:43 AM

A few of my friends came round yesterday for a Poker evening..
There was about 6 of us, Me, Matt, John, Bob, Paul and Simon. (just had a thought there, if I had a friend called Mark I could have been playing the four disciples)
I'd laid on some beer, the guys usually bring some along too and when it was all unpacked and standing on the side I noticed we only had two different types, Carling and Carlsberg..(which is probably because it's the cheapest)
The stupid amount I woke up to this morning is ridiculous...everyone it appears brought 24 cans..sure, we drank 6/7 each but now I must have near 100 cans of Lager to plough through...
And we started talking about the drinks we knew as young men and children..
We started with 'Pop' (soda) and worked our way through..
First of all I remember 'R Whites', then Corona, Iron Bru before it became Irn Bru, Kia-ora, the only place I ever saw THAT was on the pictures..
remember Quosh? due to my name, I was plagued with Robinsons barley water...then there was Tab and Tizer..oh yuk..but I have to say the worst was it sold a single bottle is beyond me.
With regards to non beers, for the girls, the height of opulence was a Babycham, Cinzanno, Cherry B or Campari..and if you wanted to look really classy... Cointreau.
Others come to mind far more easily..
I remember my Mom drinking bottles of ale, usually Toby Brown or Manns..
Beers were Watneys, Courage, M+B or Ansells, Davenports supplied our 'Beer at home'..people of my age group can all mostly remember the song..
We drank Double Diamond and on posh occasions pushed the boat out with a Dubonnet, (s'il vous plait)
We drank Mackesons and sat in blue smoke filled rooms with our eyes burning..
I got legless on Worthingtons and once so badly on Woodpecker I've never touched the stuff since..
We all had stories to tell of the nights we staggered home, so drunk most of the trip was done on our hands and knees, we remembered the blinding hangovers and stopping off at the Chippy to line our tummies somewhat too late..
And as we spoke into the early hours as the coming Winter constellations began to rise we realised something..
Those days are gone forever..
My last memory of those few hours ago, are two of my friends walking home and hearing their voices dwindle in the distance..lost in a melancholy refrain..

Any time any place, anywhere,
There’s a wonderful world we can share,
It’s the right one, the bright one....
It’s Martini....

8/16/2008 7:15:04 AM
It seems strange to think that a whole year has passed since we were all together for that last time.
And I can remember you our Brenda, calling out for us all to be quiet as you tortured us with a CD of Cliff Richard, each song as it was being played, you insisted, that this track above all others, was the best one he'd ever made.
How brave you were back then, hiding your pain, your worries and all the fears that someone in your position no doubt had to have felt.
The last year before that was an unrelenting series of hammer blows that slowly ripped us apart, 'the cancer was bigger' 'the cancer had spread'..
The cancer was...everywhere.
Yet on that last party night to celebrate Samanthas birthday, there you were, dancing, laughing, telling jokes, trying to cheer us all up and playing the clown Just so that we could cope with what we all knew, was our imminent tragedy.
And then, just a few days later you entered the hospital for what was to be the last time...and still my beautiful sister, you were brave..braver than I know I could ever be.
How we talked, how we laughed in those remaining three weeks....we spoke of our earlier lives when the only thing that protected us from grinding poverty and hunger, was each other..
You were not only my sister Bren, after Mom died, you became my second mother, my confidente, my best friend...and I knew that you were always there for me, proud of me, that you loved me.
I am who I am today because of your love and support, you are the rock on which I build all things.
And Cliff was right you know Bren, his words were so, so right.
In the lines from one of your favourite songs.

'Those miss you nights...are the longest'
8/11/2008 5:17:29 AM

She folds me in half..
Between painted fingers
plucked up and up..
Like a strawberry...
For the gentless kiss, then the softest bite...
And you know what?
I can think of worse ways to die.

One day perhaps...
8/11/2008 5:14:10 AM
I've written a story of my life, not all of it of course as I plan to live forever (so far, so good)
A little piece from the 'Story of my days'

I started there in its last year, because it was the final year that pupils were going to be taught there, the School budget didn't stretch as far as repairs,nor cleaning, not much anything really.
Loxton St was literally falling apart, damp classrooms, leaking roofs ...
It was also a Boys School ....So I'm definately writing this one as Kandor and not my alter ego, Gaylord Codpiece.
It was the start of friendships that were to last over 40 years, it was the end of some I'd known for most of my childhood life.
Loxton St was grim, it was cold in temperature and warm in relationships.
My class was in the School Annexe, just sheds really... I was in Class 1/1 and I came 4th in exams that year.
I found school easy, the first reason being was that I found the work simple..I found it simple because whereas some kids only learn at School, I've learned throughout life, if you looked for me, most of the time I was in a book..I still do that, at least 2 books a week, one for entertainment and one to teach me something.
I used to love the smell of Bloomsbury St Library in the late 50's,
The smell of musty books is still with me even today.
I used to love that big long oak handrail that ran from the door up to the book counter,
There was no upstairs in those days..there were just books and different worlds, different times and different ages,
Different thoughts...
On different pages..
Tell me, when I die...what happens to my light?
8/9/2008 6:59:25 PM
I spent most of yesterday crying.

I know it's naughty but I download songs and audio books onto my ipod.
My taste is pretty varied, anything from Bruce Springsteen to Charles Aznavor (with sprinklings of Paul Simon and REM in between)
The audio books I have include 'The God delusion' by Richard Dawkins, a French Linguaphone course, Astronomy lectures  (am I an anorak or what?)
But Friday I excelled myself, it's taken almost 4 days to get it all, but my latest is Roman and Greek culture covering 1200 b.c. up to 400 a.d.
Don't start slitting your wrists yet, it gets better.
So I'm driving to work yesterday and I pressed play...
First of all, came on a little musical introduction, then a voice burst out saying 'Welcome to the 26 part course on Woman and Gweek culture'
Ehh? I couldn't believe it..
now it's not like I take the pee out of folks who have a speech impediment etc, but I'd have thought the basic requirement of any audio tape is to at least have the reader pronounce the words correctly.
I swear to God it's like listening to the life of Brian.
The narrator talks about Gweek pottewy, he mentions Ancient Bwitains, he speaks about the fwiends of Wome...all this while I'm knocking over old ladies as I try to drive doubled up with laughter.
I mean, did you know it was Agamemnon who led the Gweeks at the siege of Twoy? I didn't.
Worse still, he pronounces Agamemnon in 20 different ways, sometimes he can't even end it and calls him Agamemnnnnonnnononon (and on and on)
Then another pwoblem (damn) arises, even though it's half a Gb, I can never get rid of it..the entertainment value is just too immense..
normally I play tapes just before I go to bed but with this one, I can't risk it.
I know if I do I'm going to end up speaking the same way..
'Fwends, Womans, Countwymen, lend me your ewars, I come not to pwaise Ceasar, but to bury him'
8/6/2008 9:48:03 PM
Once again the genius of Kandor rises to the fore.
In a day and age where lots of women go in for facelifts, nips and tucks etc, I've just thought of the best cosmetic operation a woman can fact I'm thinking of placing an add in the Sunday papers, alongside the ones for a giant slipper, incontinence pants and expanding waistbands on trousers

So Ladies, throw away those silicone boob implants!..
Instead fill them with helium..think about it.. say after the op, you see a guy you fancy, all you need do (via a cunningly hidden valve in your belly button) is instantly inflate from a size 34C to a beautiful 46DD or if a guy is checking you over and you dont like the look of him, deflate down to a size 30 AA..
And the real bonus? I need spell it out for you?
Helium is lighter than your biggest boob size you could lose up to 68 pounds in weight..
For free surveys write to.
Les Robinson at PO box 45
8/6/2008 9:34:15 PM
Wouldn't it be a terrible thing if the faith you had was so fragile and weak it could be destroyed with a few simple lines in a posting.
Now mine is stronger than steel, I can count on it, I can lean on it, I can build on it..
And yes, I can walk through the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil.
For mine is the strongest faith of all.
Mine is the church of me.
8/3/2008 4:37:15 AM
My God I'm looking old today, in fact I look so old I think some of my face lines are in latin.
Worse still, it's sort of snuck up on me, once people used to describe me as Baby faced ..ok, I was only 7 months old but they did that until I was around 20..then gravity sort of declared war on me.
So I was know these people who go in for a 'nip and a tuck'?
I'm thinking of having one on my willy.
I reckon I'll be able to keep an errection for at least 6 months.
7/28/2008 11:14:55 AM
For some unknown reason I've been thinking about the 'Pimple' at Castle Bromwich for the last few days.
It was about a 300 yard walk from the 56 terminus which was over the road from the Clock Garage.
There used to be about 6 of us who caught the bus, then hid upstairs away from the Bus conductor as we'd only all paid a tuppenny fare.
On reflection the conductor must have known we were up there and exactly how much we had spent on our ticket, but most turned a blind eye.
Some threw us off way before we got there as tuppence in those days, only got you as far as Ward End Park, if that was the case, we simply walked the extra three miles.
There was good scrumping to be had back then, plus there was no Collector road or Castle Vale to worry about, just a few scattered farms meandering alongside the River Tame as it wended it's way towards Kingsbury.
We mainly scrumped cooking apples, they were big, green and sour,
But that didn't stop us eating them and many's the time we got back home with faces the same colour as the apples and swollen up with tummy ache.
I remember the one time we must have had about 20lbs of them each, Mom used to encourage us to bring them back home so she could make apple pies and other goodies, well we started off with 20lbs, trouble was, we often still kept eating.
We also picked up other things along the way, in the Autumn we brought home bags of Conkers and sold them for a penny each in the playground, the 'prize' conkers of course, went for a whole lot more.
Then there were days the Farmers caught us, that happened several times but they were always good about it, all they ever did was quietly escort us off their land.
Sometimes we helped ourselves to crops, but like the silly kids we were,
instead of bringing home pounds of potatos or carrots etc, we used to bring back half a ton of Rhubarb..
Mom used to go mad.
Having said that, what type of Mom did I have who encouraged her kids to bring home stolen vegetables? I'll tell you, it was a Mom who struggled to cope on feeding and clothing a family of 10 on £6 18s a week...out of which came £2 a week rent.
So we brought back everything that wasn't nailed down.
It's strange to think, but I look back on those times with fond thoughts and memories, somehow I've managed to bury those cold hungry days in my subconcious, the days my mom never used to eat because there wasn't enough to go round, the days she desperately waited for payday because the corner shop had refused to give us any more credit., the days I know she must have dreaded, yet still faced head on, like Christmas and birthdays because of the extra cost they brought, then there was the start of School terms, with new shirts and shorts needed., because even the hand me downs eventually wore out beyond repair.
I had just paused this posting for a while because I've pictured my Mom knitting and darning..always, always working, whether it was cooking or housework, or cleaning at Lewis's..for her it was never ending.
I have this silly fantasy..every time I go there I think about it and it is, I would love Mom back with me just for a day so I could take her shopping in Asdas,
I would love to watch her face as she looked at food she had probably never even seen in photos..
And as the meats and products grew higher and higher, I would reassure her that 'It's ok Mom, you just keep packing it in, don't worry, I've got it'
You see, my mom used to count every penny, she had to, not for her the luxury of buying a new product and finding out she didn't like it, not for her, new shoes or clothes that lay in the wardrobe, unliked and and unworn..not for her...oh I wish.
7/18/2008 11:33:37 PM
What happens when a woman you love very much and who is the mother of your children discovers a lump?
Why do the seconds seem like days and the days seem like eternity?
How do you cope when she is so frightened about it all she is too scared to tell you?
I don't fold or fall apart, if you put my back against the wall, I'll fight all of hell to get back into the sunlight..
But this...I'm powerless, I'm lost and I can't do a single fucking thing...except pray..and heaven knows I'm not religious.
Next week can't come soon enough.

7/16/2008 10:35:26 PM
I've never been one for Astrology, all this Mars is in ascension crap, Jupiter is in Capricorn and Pluto..well..Pluto's closer to being up your arse than it is any other Star, Constellation or whatever (apart from our Sun of course)
Yet people make a fortune out of all this..
I wouldn't mind but the predictions are so bland and all encompassing it's ridiculous.
Yet I know so many people upon opening a paper, rush straight to the Astrology section and say..'Oh wow, I'm expecting a letter'!
Of course you're expecting a letter twit! it's one telling you, your Gas, Community charge, Electricity etc is going up.
I was born under Aries..(whatever that means) apart from of course, the constellations they based all of this rubbish on, have moved in the several thousand years since, so (not that they ever did mind) Star signs, now bear no relation to the original Constellation charts they were originally based upon.
Besides, when YOU read your horoscope, it's really not only just talking to you but the other 5 million people who share your birth sign..
And if Horoscopes were true, why aren't they all the same in every paper? think about it.

So just for you..your own personal horoscope.

You are worried about the health of someone close to you, try not to, you'll be hearing good news sooner than you think.
It seems to you right now, that certain loved ones may not be pulling their weight, don't worry, this will soon pass.
Promotion prospects seem pretty grim at the moment, just sit tight, I know you feel under appreciated, but those around you know exactly what you do and how valuable you are.
Just hang in there.
Lots of people seem to want more off you today than they are prepared to give.
Perhaps they see in you, a better ability to with it.
This will bring long term rewards for you in the months ahead
You are planning something special, but be realistic, don't let your daydreams get in the way of reality..and DON't let your finances run away with you.

My God, that Kandors good!
he's described me perfectly..remember, this was brought to you free, but for a personalised reading send a cheque to the Horoscope sucker society, PO BOX 2354
7/16/2008 12:46:56 PM
I see Paul Grey, the former Revenues and Customs boss, the guy whose department lost the personal details of 25 million people has been awarded a pay off of over 2.3 million pounds.
Meanwhile on the same day, the Government has said it intends to take back tax credits paid to 1.5 million people, people who didn't really know they were being overpaid.
This, while costs and prices are rising faster than most people can bear..
Still, SOMEBODY has to pay for these bonuses..especially for scapegoats who had to take the blame for Politicians.
7/15/2008 9:27:35 PM
My early years were simply just a 'short back and sides' usually cut by an ex Army barber who only knew two styles..and the second one was 'the hide in a cupboard for a week'
Then I got brave..I plucked up enough courage for a 'Boston' which was more or less the same cut but with the back squared off...that lasted until I left school.
Besides, the red haired spikey hedgehog look was a wow with the women..(yeah, right)
My hairstyle when I was around 16 was a disaster..I looked just like the French woman..
Mireille Mathieu    sob..
I was dragged screaming out of that one into the 'Feather cut'
Feather was the word alright, I had a head like a plucked chicken.
I kept that until I was around 21, then I haven't a clue what happened..
It got worse,
I put it down to my sister Brenda cutting my hair and slicing half my ear see after that, I grew my hair past my shoulders..better that, than join the 'the spitting image of the Vincent Van Gough' club.
From 23 to 28 wasn't too bad, then like fool, I had it permed, I looked exactly like a Belisha beacon with the bulb gone.  in my defence, was I think I was taken over by Aliens.
That lasted two years, until I went prematurely grey so I had it cut, it's stayed more or less the same these last 20 years..thinning out of course with each passing year.
And I now have this theory, a man past 45 doesn't really lose hair, these days as it goes off my head, it merely relocates.
I no longer worry about going bald, for starters I can either back comb my nose hairs, my eyebrows or the long strands that seem to be flowing 2ft out on my ears...every day I seem to look more and more like Princess Leia out of Star Wars.
And now?
I woke up this morning to the hairiest toes and knuckles I have ever known...just what nature has in store for me, if hair is a form of protection, I dread to think.
I've posted a recent pic was taken Saturday night, go on, take a look now before my head hair falls out and I have a French Bob growing out of my eyeballs.
7/14/2008 8:22:11 AM
Oh bugger! I'm turning into my Dad, having said that, he was a great man who I loved very in that case...bring it on.
7/14/2008 8:19:58 AM
So our idiot of a Home Secretary has decided to make knife users visit
Hospitals to show them the shocking consequences of their actions..
I thought they'd have already seen all that, when they were pushing the
blades in.
And then as if that wasn't bad enough, they intend to make them visit their
actual victims..
Are these people really so stupid? the last person I'd like to see in
hospital under those circumstances is the feral scum who put me there..
Oh hang on, after thinking on this for a while..I've just had a
thought..... I can arrange for a few of my friends to be there at the same
time to ensure they get home 'safely'
But seriously, are they really so bereft of ideas that all they can think
of is this?
Oh..and further taxes?..always, always, always...further taxes.
Surely no one can seriously consider voting for them at the next
7/12/2008 3:05:11 AM
Isn't it amazing, how the word 'No' before an adjective when describing our current crop of Politicians, always seems to fit like a glove.

No honour,
No integrity,
No compassion
No idea,
7/12/2008 1:00:44 AM
In London yesterday, 4 young men lost their lives to our ever growing knife culture, on the same day in Sheffield, another teenager lost his life in a shooting.
so it's Scumbags 5..civilization 0.
Someone should seriously tell our Politicians to get their boots on.
7/11/2008 9:34:15 PM
As a kid I seemed to have it all stacked up against me..I was little, thin, hungry, my clothes were usually hand me downs and I had the confidence of a dead flea (I may have to retract that statement, if like last time, 43 dead fleas write in to complain at the comparison)
But seriously, my early life as a kid until I was around 16 was attrocious, in fact, I was so poor as a kid, the Sparrows threw me bread, I even applied to be a Church mouse but they turned me down saying, even they didn't accept that level of poverty..
Oh but that wasn't my ultimate shame..last night brought it all back to me..
I caught a bit of the new 'Superstars' series on TV.
It showed the 'Captains' picking people out to take part in their team..
Remember when they did that at school?
picking out sides for football, cricket or rounders?
The cleverest, tallest, most popular two kids in the school would stand up in front of us and make their choices..
'I'll have Paul' says the one..
'Steve' says another
'Dave, you're with me'
'Roger, get out here'...and so on..
And there was me, waiting to be picked with the other rejects that weren't fit enough for Micheal Jacksons 'Thriller'
'Simon, come out here'..
but..but..simon lost both legs in a Go-kart accident, why you picking him? I thought..
Carl, we need you..again the shame runs through my mind as they push out Carl in his new Iron lung and wheel him to the goalmouth..
''re in defence, just be careful with your guide dog ok'?
'Terry, you're centre half, and make sure you dont crack your body cast like last time alright?
your Mom gave me hell for that'
And so it goes..
and eventually there's me and Jeff who appears to suffer continuous epileptic fits..and they both toss a coin..the one Captain leaps up in the air, punching wildly..'yesss' he screams..
'Jeff, you're on our side'...
7/11/2008 9:27:19 AM
I read in the Daily Express today that the Doomsday book in 1086 put the value of Birmingham at 20 shillings (£1)
Allowing for inflation, yeah...that would be about right.
7/10/2008 11:18:13 AM
It's happened again..that same bloody woman who cut my hair last time had another go at me yesterday..
There are two hairdressers in the salon and I deliberately waited until I thought the other one was free, I then sat myself down in the chair (after being carefully draped with what yet again looked like a rubber toilet mat) and bugger me, I only looked up, and there was Atttila the Hen smiling sweetly, and asking me how I would like my hair wrecked this time?
I'm seriously going to have to learn Swahili or Serbo Croat or something, as it appears she has no command of the English language whatsoever..
I mean, what's difficult about 'a number 5 please with a square back and trim the sideburns'?
Exactly! and yet here I am, 'Mr fell over and had my hair cut by a Flymo' for the next 4 weeks..
I've seen better hair on a Grape.
I know now she REALLY does hate me, it's not even pretend, most hairdressers take great care not to let those sharp irritating little hairs get behind your shirt collar..
Not this cow...
I swear she gets the trainee to actually scoop up other peoples clippings so she can add those to the ones she blatantly tips down my neck.
I walk out scratching like a Leper..a penitant Monk couldn't wear the shirt I have to drive home in, it's that bloody itchy..
And yet AGAIN I tipped her!
What's the matter with me?
The woman puts me through hell, ignores my every word AND I end up giving her money for the's like I'm bloody married to her.
7/10/2008 11:14:45 AM
I love Salt and Vinegar crisps soaked in tabasco sauce..(note to potential readers, WASH your bloody hands BEFORE having a pee )
I could easily have qualified for a Sioux dance party after putting tabasco soaked fingers on the tip of my willy..
Anyway, my daughter bought me a giant bumper bag of crisps from one of those cheapo Lidl or Aldi stores in the week..
WHAT'S going on?
There was nothing in there like smokey bacon crisps, or plain, or Salt and vinegar..
These were cheap crisps I'd never heard of..Badger and Coconut, Pigeon and Lime,
Duck and Cockroach...the worst thing is, they tasted like it too.
They were without doubt, the crappiest, most evil tasting crisps I've ever eaten, Still, what do you expect for a giant bag only costing 20p?
I've got another load coming..
And those Lizard and grapefruit look extra appealing.
7/10/2008 11:12:36 AM
I've just finished my life story, of course life stories by the author go
instantly out of date (In my case I want it to go WELL out of date)
I will of course update it each year but well...we all know the final page
is not for me to write but will, hopefully be written by family or my daughters..
There's lots of stories in it..loads far too personal to write down here,
Its about 180 pages long..the story starts off with a beautiful little red
haired baby who never lost his looks, right up to last Tuesday night when
I'm filling up a plastic car with 'Petrol' via a hosepipe that my
Grandaughter plays in..
I've left it on a poignant where I give my Grandaughter a big hug and kiss never know what the day might bring.
I've written it for several to purge my 'Devils' another to
let my children know exactly what made me laugh or cry..
I also wrote it so they know the treasure each of them has brought into my life..
I've been a very lucky man..
I've come a long way from my first days in Cromwell St, I've been priviledged to have shared a lot of it with the best Parents and family a man has ever had.
Sure, they have or had their faults..but hey...dont we all?..
My early life, my daughters still laugh at..of course they do, I've broke my back knowing that yes, they might have heard about poverty but they've never known it and while I draw breath, they never will.
Not for them always having that empty feeling in their tummy..not for them clothes that were so threadbare or so out of style your school friends laughed at you....
Not for them a thin Jumper, raggy shirt, shorts and oversize wellingtons while you walked to school in 4 inches of snow..
Then crying with chilblains when you tried to warm up on a School radiator. children laugh till the tears fall from their eyes because I laugh
while I tell them all about the 'Story of my days'
And I wouldn't have it any other I've written elsewhere it's not
the sucesses that form us in's our failures..these are the things
that drive us on..the fear of losing what we have and the worry of bills we
cannot pay.
I've had all that, I've mostly put it behind me..but the night
whispers the truth..I think it always has..I also think it always will.
I've tried to live a good life..I've tried to be all the things I think a parent would want of their problem is, they never hung around
long enough to tell me.
But have I? I dont's not for me to judge..only my family or
friends can do that..
I was born on the 31st of March, a raggy bummed kid with red hair and an Aries temper..
No man can choose their beginning but I do know I came into this world loved...
Lets hope I leave it the same way...
7/10/2008 10:22:42 AM
I have a theory that all Badgers are born dead.
Oh I know it sounds ridiculous, but after much thought on my part, it's the only explanation possible.
Also I think they only breed in the road, to date (and I'm in my 50's) I've never yet seen a live Badger..... but I've driven past hundreds of dead buggers.
So the facts are obvious and I'll state them again...Badgers are all born dead..
So the next obvious question is, how do they breed?
Easy...the dirty little perverts are all practicing necrophiliacs..(I think I've just opened up a whole new branch of Botanical science)
Likewise it's obvious Scientists have been lying to us about germs and's blindingly clear that Kangaroos are far more numerous, I've seen about 20 Kangaroos in my life (at Zoos etc) but yet again, I've never
seen a single throw out all this anti-bacterial rubbish and buy Kangaroo killer KNOW it makes sense..just imagine how much easier you'd sleep each night knowing your home was totally and utterly, Kangaroo resistant.
I going to lie down now for a few hours, these scientific breakthroughs are more tiring than you might think.
7/9/2008 1:07:22 PM
Is there anything sexier or more beautiful than a woman locked in a stainless steel collar?
7/9/2008 1:06:14 PM
What will I write about,
When there is no more love?
When our personal sun has faded away
And even the stars are gone,
With you and I huddled...
Around a dying fire,
With nothing to say.
Will those dark winds,
Wrap us up, once more together
Like sullen cloaks..
Or will those final embers,
Of wood, paper and old furniture
Become rose coloured memories,
Of something we once grew?
And will we dream in the dark,
Of the once forever springtime,
Where we let the sunshine
Touch our skin,
When we were not afraid to feel or breathe ,
Or give ourselves to each other…
I'll reach for my pen now,
And tell you all the things
I want to say.
7/8/2008 9:38:45 PM
On teletext this morning (page 318).
Was the headline 'Pensioners over 70 have more sex'
Then they gave out some statistics that said married men had gone up from 52% to 98%..almost double.
Then the women said theirs had only gone up from 38% to 56% (which pretty much explains a lot on exactly what type of sex the men were really getting up to..(dirty old buggers)
Well it's either that, or that old slut Edna at number 38, up to her tricks again...
But just for a minute I thought wow! I can't wait to be 70 and double my sex life..
But then another thought hit me, say you had sex only once every 12 months..then in another hot flush of youth you had sex again that very same year..then that's a 100% the statistics aren't all that good are they?
Oh bloody hell..I've just counted up the number of times I make love..
I can't wait to be 70.....

AND I've finally solved it, whilst having a shave 10 minutes ago, I realise what being 30, 40, 55, etc means
It's how many wrinkles I have to the square inch..sob.


7/8/2008 1:29:19 PM
Hmmm, Tuesday night and I haven't got a clue what to talk about, having said that I never really do.
I'm one of those people who just type as I think, so with that in mind (and because I'm very cute) I'm going to have a 'ramble'
I deserve a ramble, I've not had one for a very long time..
Work was pretty lousy today, nothing good happened and neither did nothing bad..I hate those days..I can't remember who said it but I once read every day should have either tears or laughter in it..well the laughter comes easily enough but the tears seem to have gone away on holiday.
Now that's not such a good thing as you might wish, it's the tears that make the highs worth I'd loathe a long smooth life where it was all mapped out before me, I'm one of those people who truly does love what I have always termed 'The roller coaster of life'
Oh I know..I went to see Gladys today, it's my friends mom, Gladys lives in a Nursing home, my friend lives in New Zealand, every few weeks I go visit her, take a box of chocolates (trust me, a rarity if these goddamned awful places) and take a few photos..I then send them over to my friend for her to look at.
Today was bad, It was Gladys' birthday, she is 84 and has some of the worst Alzheimers I have ever seen.
Oh, she has her good days and her bad ones..except the so called good days are terrible.
Over the years I've been seeing her, she has never once known who I am or where she is.
Of course I never tell my friend that, like I said, I take lots of photos, what my friend doesn't know is I throw most of them away..
Lord save me from the fog of a lost mind.
So 'Happy birthday Gladys you old bugger' and I forgive you for dribbling on me and biting my finger as I held a chocolate for you to eat (she has bad athritis)
I booked to go to Cuba yesterday, one of my great loves in life (besides myself) is travel, I'm lucky I can do it, I'm lucky I can see and do things that were simply beyond my comprehension as a child, I'll be going for the New year..
I'm not doing a musical this year either (there's a new picture posted a few minutes ago from my last show, I have a beard on it and frankly I look like Father Christmases' grandad..)
rest assured my main pic is me right now, looking as cute as I can be.
Well that's it, ramble over, sorry to have wasted your time..
Hmmm.. a tight ballgag strapped on red lipstick covered lips..there! I've made the obligatory reference to D/s..feel better?
Have a good one,
7/8/2008 1:01:42 PM
Every morning she's there,
as I drive past the gym, 6:30 am,
Running on the treadmill,
In the far corner...with the TV overhead.
And me, being cursed with imagination,
Like twisting vines running through my mind,
I think about her, why she's there...
Are the children at home and still asleep?
It's hours before school...
Did she leave her husband in bed?
Quietly so's not to wake him...
She then drives empty streets with green and red lights
Up against the black sky like will 'o the wisps on a Christmas tree..
Hung low after season...
And now she runs, to tighten, to work on the legs
And tummy that bore his children,
The skin that stretched and decided age thirty-five
Was beyond her reach ...
But if she works hard now and sweats..
And her muscles and body begin to tighten..
She can show her husband the sweet young thing he married,
Is still there...
And then perhaps..she wont hear him whispering to his lover..
On the phone.
Maybe as she runs on that rolling rubber mat,
She's saying to herself with each loud step,
'It's me you'll choose to grow old with..
To hold my hand in our silver years..
And her feet pound the treadmill
Panting until sunrise,
And as my car rolls by..I imagine,
It's all for love ..... all for love.
7/8/2008 12:48:04 PM
Frozen down the centuries,
An epitaph to time,
Cut by the hands of an Angel,
The face of David, looked at mine,
Carved of stone, He echoed life
He justified our time.
The art of man, the glory...
A talent so sublime,
So now I stand before him
And wonder at the touch
Its more than just a statue
And its meaning stands as such
It tells of what's within us.
The voice that longs to speak,
It makes us Lord of all we see
And it answers all we seek.

I had taken my family to the South of France that year for our annual holidays, because it was such a long drive I had broken the holiday by staying in Paris for a few days, while there we visited the Louvre Museum.
I remember standing in front of the 'Mona Lisa' with my daughter Melanie, then aged 7, I remember looking down at her as she stared up at one of the worlds great works
She seemed lost in thought and as I looked down at her, I hoped beyond anything else that she had inside her something that I have always carried, ...a love of great Art.
She broke off from her thoughts and looked up at me and said...
'You know what Dad?'
I said 'What Mel?'
She said..'I'd love an ice cream'....
7/7/2008 10:30:22 PM
Well I've booked a few holidays..Greece and Cuba, so now I have some chill time to look forward to.
7/7/2008 9:41:01 PM

He was can stop the clocks.
And you can prevent the dog barking with a kick..
But there's no music, no laughter, no sound of soft drum..
And alas there's no no mourners need come.

The clouds hide the trails of the planes overhead..
So no one else knows that the love is now dead.
No need for crepe bows on the white Public Doves
And no need for Policemen in black cotton gloves..

You were more than my North, my East, South and West..
You were the single most person, I truly loved best...
You were the reason I laughter, my song
If I thought it was forever..I was wrong.

My poems aren't needed can lock up each one
I will live now in night... hide away from the Sun..
I will think of the Sea and commit there my dreams
For I truly am lost in what happiness means..

7/7/2008 10:21:37 AM
On the day London saw it's 19th murder due to knife crime,
Gordon Brown appealed to the public to cut food wastage..
Nice to know he still has a grasp on reality.
7/6/2008 1:27:47 AM

Salvadore, the afternoon sunlight,
Is folding around me..
The dishes are done.
The buildings here,
Tall as our mountains,
Slice through the windows
And cut off the sun

The opening lines to one of my favourite songs.
It's taken from 'The Capeman' by Paul Simon.
There was even a musical based on the Capeman which unfortunately flopped badly, the CD never sold that well either yet it won acclaim as one of his best works.
I've been a great fan of music now for over 50 a very young boy I used to listen to the 45's my elder brother and sister had saved up to buy and play repeatedly on an old record player.
I used to be surrounded by the sounds of  'Are you lonesome tonight' by Elvis and watch my sister 'Rock around the clock' to Bill Hailey.
Then I had the quiet years..some songs stick in my mind, not because they were good but for other reasons, like my Mom laughing out loud to 'My old man's a dustman' by Lonnie Donegan.
When I was 15, I worked as an apprentice Plumber (tuppence a week and all the Rats you could eat)..I was in a place called Ward End helping a Plumber called Albert put some guttering up (calm down girls, I know it's a wild turn on)
Out of a nearby bedroom window poured out 'The sounds of silence'
From that day I was hooked on Paul Simon...
He stamped out his greatness 3 years later with the most wonderful song of all time..
'Bridge over troubled water'..when Art Garfunkel hits those last notes, the hairs still rise on the back of my neck..simply, simply magical.
It's strange really, look at any top 10 from the 60's or 70's and I bet most people can sing along with 80% of the songs, do you reckon kids will be doing that to todays music in 30 years time? I doubt it.
And I realise I have become my Father (without the heavy drinking and gambling though) I do the same things he did, shouting at my daughter to turn off LJ Bukem or the Killers..I deem it music unworthy of filling my ears.
Dad was almost a Brummie..born on a farm in Water Orton called 'Forged Mills' it was subject to a compulsary purchase order in 1920, my Grandad mourning the death of my Grandmother following the birth of my Uncle Les, let it all go,  losing every penny in the process..they all decamped to one of the poorest areas in England..
We've all heard of black holes etc..Nechells was the proof they existed, quick to pull you in, an eternity to let you go.
Over the entrance to Dantes inferno hung the sign 'Abandon hope all ye who enter here'
Nechells beat it by a country mile..
I am playing my song as I type this..I find it inspires me (not very well I hear you say) hairs are rising already and it's time to let this particular posting go..
I hope sometimes, someone, somewhere, enjoys my writing..
I hope at times, my words are just like that 'Bridge over troubled water'
I hope that sometimes, my words will ease your mind.

7/5/2008 2:06:47 AM
I'm at a funny age...these days I seem to be living a balancing act in most of my daily routine..
I have the choice of going to bed drier than a dead Dingos donger or run the risk of getting up 17 times in the night for a pee.
The fact is, I can't walk past a toilet without at least giving it a go.
Likewise I have to inspect myself every morning before I step out the door..matching socks? check..Hair combed? (well what's left of it anyway) check.
Nose hairs plucked? check..(how on earth do nose hairs grow 3ft in a night)?
Trousers on?..oh damn..
And it's not just external, the inside of me is going too.
I long back to the days before I had the attention span of a Goldfish, the truth is, Alzheimers would improve my memory, not ruin it.
I drive past Petrol stations only to run out of fuel 5 miles up the road..and I'm sick and tired of filling up a flask because I've forgotten my petrol can.
I find myself lost without a clue where I am, then turn on my Satnav and find I'm still in my garage.
I put things down and as far as I'm concerned, they've vanished into another dimension...and it's not just the washing machine and the back of the sofa in my house that loses things...frankly I'm going to take off my underpants one day and find 13 odd coloured socks, a bra and 62p in loose change.
Oh but it's not all bad news, who else can put on Star Wars and think it's the first time they've seen it?
I can look at my body and think this is the best it's ever been.
Every day is a culinary delight..and I know I still have a chance with Jenny Agutter.
Hmm..why am I here?
Ahh yes, 3lbs of carrots please.
7/4/2008 10:21:13 PM
We live in an ever shrinking circle of morality,
In prehistoric times, morality only really included the members of your family or clan.
Everyone outside of this was your 'enemy' someone who would steal your food, your lifestock, your women...someone to be wary of.
Then as the population grew, civilization happened, for starters we needed to trade and you rarely do that with someone who wants to kill you.
So we expanded our circle, we learned to tolerate more, we learned to understand.
It grew to cover a village, a town, then a city, it became a country, something to look up to, to be proud of..
Then 30 odd years ago something changed..I don't know what, but instead of something that should have grown to a worldwide morality, it began to shrink again..and we're living in dangerous times..
The dreamers talk about world peace when we can't even name our neighbour three doors down...we dwell on the words of John Lennon and discover that love is not enough, then we try to 'imagine' a world without conflict when it's not even safe to walk out of our street...
our morality has turned full circle..
who amongst us, can now put their hands on their heart and say we would walk strange roads without a care, or not feel highly agitated if a gang of youths are walking towards us?
I'm a grown man..I can look after myself but even I now carry the thought 'is this it'?
I fear for the future of all my generation and those that follow.
We are living in days which will be known of as 'Golden times'
When the oil runs out, when through stupid lack of foresight, we lose our electricity and our gas, who do you think will be barricading their homes and living in fear?
us or them?..soon, not too many years from now, the only people you can trust will be your family, your clan..
and our morality will have turned full circle.
6/29/2008 5:36:10 AM

It was reported in the Daily Mail last week that the use of 'Sniffer dogs' on Muslims is causing great offence.

Fido Woofington, speaking on behalf of the 'British security and sniffer dogs association' said it was indeed a goddamned awful duty, but even though he agreed with his fellow poochy members, in the interests of British security they would still continue to do it.

6/27/2008 12:06:32 PM
In the Daily Express today, they printed the supposedly most safest plane seats to be sitting, in the event of an accident.
According to their reports, the safest seats are right behind the pilot (great as long as you're not slamming into the ground like a dart at 500mph)
Over the wings is bad..(Wings are where they store the aviation fuel and there is a great chance of being poached to death)
And so it goes..
personally I'd just prefer to get on a plane that does the whole trip safely and brings me back with a tan caused by the sun and not 10,000 gallons of Kerosene.
6/26/2008 8:26:16 AM

I thank the others for their applause,
who take my words in like air
to sip a taste of me
and know something of this man
who plies words for puzzles
to understand.

But if my words have risen high enough,
as black and white Roman candles,
if they've made any noise
to compare with a storm or song,
if they've pulled a memory into your light
for you to fondle tenderly tonight,
just remember that to me they have failed.

I let my dreams get away from me...
I wanted something too much.

6/24/2008 12:00:19 AM
Long ago, I fell in love
And falling broke my heart..
Over time I thought it mended,
Then once more, it fell apart.
I keep it now in cotton wool
So my heart no longer feels,
I'll let it sleep a season,
And give it chance to heal.

Long ago I knew of love
And loving spoke my heart;
I left it undefended,
A target for each dart.
I'll have you know
Such wounds I'll bear ...
They do not speak of defeat,
For hearts can not be hidden
Without their loss complete.

Long ago, I fell in love
And falling, broke my heart...
In time, it may be mended;
Then once again, I'll start
I'll try to not fear falling
And fly on love built wings,
And I'll write down what you mean to me.
As I hope for all love brings..
6/21/2008 10:02:45 PM
dark mascara running

scarlet lips smeared

fragile ribbons torn
6/20/2008 9:04:04 AM
My friends Father died last week, outside of her family I was the first person she called up to give me the dreadful news,
If I may say so myself, I'm pretty good at treading that very fine line between darkness and light, I managed to turn my friends tears to ones of laughter, I don't have many gifts in life but I do have that one, I sent her this e-mail today, she read it at lunchtime.
And of course..I've changed her name..

Hello ******
I hope this finds you and your family coping a little better after these last few terrible weeks.
The next year will be a pretty hard one to get through, it's what people call the year of anniversaries..first birthday without him, first christmas, first burglary etc..
But rest assured, you WILL get through it, just remember you are not alone in this as you can draw on the love and support of those around you.
Your dad, sent me a letter about 6 weeks ago, it was filled with things he didn't feel able to tell you at the time but he did express a
wish that I forwarded it to you after what we both knew would be the inevitable conclusion.
Here it is, printed in full, I have the original copy should you wish one day to read it.

My dear adopted daughter..

(there are several names here all crossed out, but at the very end I can just make out the word 'Jane')
I just want to tell you June...., that every single day since we first bought you as cheap child labour off that passing Gypsy woman, how much happiness you've brought us..
Well not THAT much happiness of course, in fact far less than most, but probably on a comparable level with say... the Yorkshire Rippers parents..
I often look at your baby photographs (the ones we couldn't manage to burn and of course the photos that the Zoo managed to retrieve from tourists travelling through the monkey fields of Zambia.)
But here, as I sit writing this letter, I realise we have failed you in so many ways..
For starters we spent a fortune trying to eliminate your terrible body odor, perhaps forced bathing was the answer and a route we never pursued....we apologise for not persevering further.
Also I'm sorry for your education, please ask the person reading this letter out for you to pass on our deepest condolences.
There are of course certain things we cannot be blaimed for, but of course, as your registered owners we feel the fault still lies with us.
For starters your appalling dress sense....
The 'littlest Hobo dragged through a hedge backwards' look never quite worked did it?..nor did your terrible choice in wigs..still, one day Stevie Wonder may get desperate for female company and if he perhaps suffers a
minor stroke and loses all judgement,, he may hopefully ask you out on a date.
But please do NOT make this your lifes know how desperate you
can get.
Judy, we tried so hard to have your extra toes removed but to no avail..besides, I read not long ago that mutant feet are coming into
fashion..failing that, you may possibly get a minor role in the new and upcoming
'Monsters from Mars' blockbuster
I need to end this Joan with something that has troubled me greatly these last few years..
I remember that wonderful guy you introduced us to to a couple of years back...
I realise he may have been a bit mentally ill, simply because he was with you, but I will never forget how handsome, witty, funny and charasmatic he was.
So this is my one true wish, the only thing I ask of you.
Jackie, this is hard to say (being your adopted Dad and all)
But if you really want to make me happy..I would like you to sleep with
that wonderful, wonderful guy called Les Robinson. (IT'S true honest!)
Full and pleasurable sex is the least you could do for him..especially in the knowledge it would make me so happy.
Ask him to see you one lunchtime, wear your reddest lipstick and ask him to kiss you..(for at least a minute) the rest should follow nicely.
I love you Jane..I am so proud to have been your father..until we do this again.
6/18/2008 11:29:29 AM
What a bloody day! if I fell in a barrel of nipples I'd come out sucking my thumb..
6/18/2008 11:21:44 AM
I had to call into the home of a friend I'm sort of looking after today, I noticed on her sideboard she had a rather large tin full of Medicines.
It reminded me of my childhood, looking back, there always seemed to be a round tin of Germolene, once you prised the lid off you invariably found it was just a thin ring of ointment that had semi crusted around the edge....oh, and it usually had an unidentifiable piece of something in it.
Half a bottle of Calamine lotion...that was another one, especially with hardened runs of the stuff on the outside of the bottle..
Mom dabbed that on us for Heat was only years later I knew them to be bedbug bites.
Blackjack, Moms mainstay..good for anything from Boils and Splinters to open heart surgery.
A folded square of cheap cut what you needed off to size,
They lasted about 3 seconds and had the sticking power of Teflon.
Medicines..loads of most folk we never threw them out just because we'd got better..
Among those beauties you could always find a ribbed bottle of white medicine with a perished cork in it...never did find out what the medicine was though.
A old razor blade..Dad used one for cutting off bunions, hard skin and slicing boils.
Fullers Earth..Why? I dont even know what it is..
Cough medicine, brown thick and sticky..I think it stopped us coughing by glueing the insides of our throat together..
Witch Hazel for red eyes although usually Mom tipped wet tea leaves into a bit of damp the 'eck..the flavour floods out.
A much used nit comb..usually in Brown or black
And some nameless purple lotion...
No one ever seemed to fill our tin up yet it never seemed to empty.
I know something never found Aspirin or allergy stuff.. A headache you got on with with it and think back..who did you know with an allergy?
6/18/2008 10:58:35 AM
There are two things I rant and rave about..actually, that's wrong, in truth there are about 502..but my main ones are religion and lying stinking weaselly politicians..
The fact is, it's got that bad I can't eat and watch either of those things on the television..simply because I'm sick of scraping food off the screen...
The are seven stages that a person goes through from being either a theist or a true atheist...the half way point being four i.e. somone who believes the existence of a God is if 1 is being a true believer, someone who doesn't just only believe in the existence of a God but firmly knows it to be true and the other end being a true atheist, then on that scale of 1 to 7..I'm about 113...
People recoil in horror at this..what's the matter?
did you think me not believing in God automatically makes me a Nun beater or a child molester or even worse..a Villa fan?
Of course it doesn't..the truth is, I live my life as a (hopefully) kind and compassionate man..I just don't need the so called 'reward' at the end of it, and frankly, the whole concept of religion is laughable..
And it wasn't like I never tried either..
Years and years and years and years ago (when old Shep was a pup)..
I believed..I used to pray with a fervour even the Pope couldn't have matched..I used to pray that a God would make my dying Mom better..need I tell you how it ended?..and trust me, that is just one of a hundred examples.
So I liken it to this..imagine you have a phone in your house..this phone of course, has to be paid for..
Now imagine the phone never rang..not once, never mind how often you wished it to.
Worse still whenever you picked it up to make a call, no one was ever there on the other end, regardless of whether you shouted, screamed or whispered, no one ever replied, not one single time..
tell long would you keep using that phone?

Sodom and Gomorrah,
The trials and pains of Job,
The casting out of Eden
The exodus of old,
The killing of the first born,
The floods that drowned a world.
The crucifix of Christ our Lord
The swine before the pearl..
These acts of such a 'loving' God
Brings just one thought to mind..
Instead of watching over us..
Perhaps he hates mankind.
6/18/2008 10:04:19 AM
I spent years not writing,
believing that someone else
had to call me a writer,
before this bird would fly...
now I apologize to myself frequently
I had starved myself too long,
without realizing what writing is for,
That it has to please me first,
Before anyone else will ever care..
So, if you want to write too,
Then forget about everyone else,
and do it
for the one reader alone to whom it all matters..
The one that's inside you, waiting for you,
to make the poem begin...
6/13/2008 9:25:06 PM
I went in to a pet shop. I said, "Can I buy a goldfish?" The guy said, "Do you want an aquarium?" I said,
"I don't care what star sign it is."

I told my girlfriend I had a job in a bowling alley. She said "Tenpin?" I said, "No, permanent."

I was reading this book today, The History Of Glue. I  couldn't put it down.

This cowboy walks in to a German car showroom and he says "Audi!"
6/12/2008 10:02:19 PM
I had an e-mail off 'Genes reunited' this morning and I thought to myself, about time too! those Levi's I had stolen off my washing line in 1974 were the best pair of jeans I ever had.
So imagine my crushing disapointment, when I discovered it was something asking me if my Dad was a war hero and would I care to look it up?..
This is their opening sales pitch..
'Perhaps you'll discover John Robinson fought the enemy from the trenches or flew a Spitfire through dangerous skies...'
Well they got the name right sure enough, John Robinson was my Dad (incidently it was his birthday yesterday, 'Happy birthday Dad')....I love you and I miss you.
I grew up for many years on the war exploits of my Dad and my Uncle Les (the man I was named after)
Dad told me he was a Tank driver in the war..he was too,  Dad spent the war in Coventry, driving Tanks from the Alvis factory onto the railways for movement further on..the only action Dad ever saw in the war was a fight in the local chip shop.
Now my Uncle Les told me he was a REAL Ack-ack gunner no less..
shooting down all those enemy planes trying to bomb Birmingham..
Uncle Les WAS an Ack-ack gunner...but he was stationed in Anglesey..I discovered many years later he never once saw an enemy plane to fire at..never mind shoot it down, now me?
I'm a hero..lots of my many fans on here don't know it, but I spent 6 months in 'Nam...sheer hell on earth..
You know the worst bit?
Dagenham never even had a good Chippy.
6/11/2008 8:14:45 AM
I went to see a friend of mine yesterday who has had a bit of a fall.
The accident resulted in her needing a walking stick to get about on while her knee heals...
Her walking stick is wood with one of those black little rubber stops on it..
So I'm thinking..
Why dont they make (instead of those little rubber stops) a little rubber human foot instead!
Or if you want to get exotic, you could put a rubber shaped Ducks webbed foot on it, or in the cold weather a little Ice skate..
The possibilities are endless, you could put a little Football boot on it or a small wellington for when it's raining..
Why are people so bloody boring?
6/9/2008 8:31:38 AM
My cat was attacked by a duck this is the second time it's
happened so I'm thinking, is orange sauce the best thing to go with him?
My two cats are pathetic, oh sure, they're fine with field mice and voles
etc but anything bigger than a Colorado Beetle they just fold or break the world tree climbing record.
So for street cred if nothing else, this bloody duck is going to be taught a lesson.
I cannot have waddling and quacking thing thinking they can rule my garden
and everything in it, the bloody duck will be taking a dip in my garden fountain next.
Besides, I already feed so many waifs and strays that I almost keep 'Pets
are Us' in business, I have Skank to feed (an old stray cat who try as I might, I can't get to become part of my family) then there's 'Mrs Sutton' another cat who definately DOES have a home but is just a greedy pig.
Also I have two pigeons nesting in my tree, they seem to want bread or corn placed out for them at what appears to be 5 minute intervals.
Then there's my Fox, I always leave my spare rib bones out for him/her, and last but not least, my occasional hedgehog.
In fact next time I see anyone collecting for an animal charity I'm just going to take a few pounds out the box.
Ahh yes..that duck..I'm going to feed him some of my friend Jills fairy cakes..lets see the bastard try and fly off then.
And on a final note, have you noticed how Dave O'Connell looks like he's
shaved with a Crocodile?
6/8/2008 10:05:44 PM
I've been in a sort of 'Pythonesque' discussion with a friend of mine these last few days...(wow! there's a big word for 6.00 am on a Monday morning)
We've been sort of arguing who had the poorest childhood , things like the clothes we wore ..what type of cardboard box we lived in (I USED to dream of having my own cardboard box)
It's all subjective you know, take my childhood for instance..
22 miles I had to walk to School and uphill both ways.
I walked from Ashted Row to Cromwell St School, just short of a mile.
I did this 4 times a day as Mom wouldn't let us have School dinners.
One of the bad things about living so far from the place, was I didn't see many friends unless it was a School term.
There was no bus from where I lived, you either walked or that was it.
I know we used to live in Cromwell St in the mid 50's and the rest of us just just continued going to that far off distant school even after we moved away.
It was an easy walk in the good weather but in Winter I got there so cold I was crying.
And in the rain? well...dodging raindrops doesn't work.
I was too poor in those days to have long legs, so the trip for me was around 2 million paces, plus Mom said I had to save money on shoe wear by hopping as far as I could.
Sometimes she even made me walk there on my hands to save even more cash.
I guess that's why by the age of 8, I had palms like a Bricklayer.
Not that I ever had to worry about growing out of my footwear either, I wore Wellies most of the year round, my feet froze in Winter and the sweat sloshed over the top in Summer.
I wore hand me down clothes that had been passed from brother to brother..the snag? the brother I'd got mine off, was 8 years older than me and just a tad taller.
I could button up my shirt and still pull my head through the collar.
So, to sum it up, you kids of today don't know you're born..and I'll leave you with the perfect example (and it's true)... when we had filled the old tin bath in front of the fire by boiling 27,435 kettles of hot water..
What happened to ME do you think, if my kid brother peed in the same bath we were sharing?
Not a bloody thing..I had to stay in there while my Mom continued scrubbing us..
Hence my nickname from the late 50's 'wee Leslie' (I may just possibly have made that last bit up)
So my friend, you're a lucky, lucky snob, in fact even today I bet you're the type to get out the bath to take your wee.... laughs.
6/8/2008 10:01:31 PM
Oh my friends, it is now time to write with an elequence and a beauty few on here could a time to let words flow, words that could only be compared to the meandering water of a cool mountain stream, words that will wash over you, cleanse you and purify your soul..
Or failing that...
I fly a lot..normally I have at least 2 holidays a year, sometimes three and the one heady year of 2001, I had 5, Greece twice, California, Eire and the war fields of France...but I digress..
in the 70's when I flew in from Majorca etc you would fly over vast tracts of England, green and unspoilt, yes you saw little hamlets and villages, then London or Bristol would loom up in the distance and finally Birmingham, my home.
But have you done it recently?
It appears we are building on all of southern England..we are losing the quintessential character of the British countryside.
People go on about global warming, do you want to know something?
It's not that at all, what wars will be fought over in the future won't be oil or will be over land, water and living space..population growth will kill us.
So anyway.
One of my heroes in life, the great (and late) Thor Heyerdahl, he of Kon-tiki fame, wrote many years ago 'When we have paved over our last field, when we have cemented over our last blade of grass, when we have cut down our last tree, then we will be as orphans on the street'
Want to know something else? (go on, it's free)
We're getting there.
As a footnote.
Thor Heyerdahl owned a sundial and on it were inscribed the words...
'Can I tell you the time? of course I can, it's time to work for an honest man'
I love that, isn't the memory a funny thing, I've not thought of his words or sun dial in over 20 years.
6/8/2008 9:59:46 PM the Notre Dame Cathedral is on fire and old Quasimodo is trapped up in the bell tower..
A large crowd gathers and people are screaming 'Jump Quasimodo before it's too late!'
Quasimodo leans out of the bell tower, points to his hump and shouts 'Unnnggg Darrrr Neeeehagggarrrr doonnng deee!'
The people all look confused and ask 'What's he saying?'
No one knows so they suggest the Cathedral Priest should call up to him.
The Priest arrives and shouts 'Jump Quasimodo before it's too late!'
As the flames lick ever higher, Quasimodo points to his hump and shouts 'unnnnnggg darrr neeeeehagggarrr doonnng deee?!
The Priest doesn't have a clue either so they send for Esmeralda who shouts up..'Jump Quasimodo before it's too late!'
Quasimodo points at his hump and shouts...'Unnnggg darrrr neeeeehagggarrr doonnnng deee?!'
The crowd all scream out again, 'What's he saying?'
Esmeralda replies..
He just said 'What do you think this is? a fucking Parachute?
6/1/2008 9:30:24 AM
It appears we are paying £33 million per year on child allowance for people working in England, most of it going on the 36,000 Polish children still living in Poland, while their Parents try to carve out a living over here.
By the way, I like Poles, it's just these were given as an example..
An even larger sum is paid out in Child tax credits.
Although it's reciprocal (huh? my definition of that word is 'related' or 'proportional') but anyway. child allowance here is £997 for the first and £652 for the second, in Poland it's £160 each offspring.
Well hang on, £33 million IS a lot of money (roughly 6 months expenses for an average MP)
I'm sorry, I'm just a dim Plumber, but why are paying money needed to live HERE at our rates when they are still in a country where £160 is considered an adequate allowance to raise a child on? I the only one who's going barmy?
It reminds me of a time in the 70's (and this is true) that I was asked if I was interested in doing VSO (voluntary service overseas) the giste of it was, you did a job for which you were paid the local wage, you see being a Plumber, my job was much in demand..
The local wage bit seemed good until I realised that wanted me in places like Rwanda (where the average yearly income was half a Duck and a case of Leprosy)
So I put down for Beverley Hills..the bastards never even got back to me.
6/1/2008 4:13:57 AM
Yet one more diktat being handed down from Europe.
It appears Brussels has ordered us to remove the word 'Gullible' from our dare they!
6/1/2008 3:56:59 AM
Anne Moffat the Labour MP for East Lothian was attacked and mugged a week last Friday.
Even though it was broad daylight, she was knocked to the ground, beaten and then robbed by (in her words) drink and drug fueled scum.
Anne Moffat voted strongly for 24 hour drinking, she also voted heavily in favour for 'Top up fees' and the relaxation of Cannabis laws..see any flaw in your voting policy yet?
Welcome to my world.
6/1/2008 3:55:58 AM
I was flicking through the TV channels this morning on Sky and I came across a religious programme called 'The Word'
It appears that if you write in (and of course get your name on their mailing list) you will receive a 'free' bright green prayer handkerchief.
You can use this by holding it against the area you feel the pain or discomfort.
(A malignant growth? hey DON'T waste valuable time going to the Doctors, this bright green prayer handkerchief should cure it)
Then it cut to a very old lady who until a few minutes before, had needed crutches to get about, ordinary movement she said, had been 'impossible'
Then God laid his blessings upon her and throwing her crutches to the ground, away she went..bopping to the music.
Just a question though..(not counting of course, great age and atrophied limbs etc)
Why the shit did God make her such a crappy dancer?
5/25/2008 9:01:54 PM
5/6/2008 11:28:35 AM

Well it shows how bored I am!
I've just done one of those I.Q. tests

It appears I have an I.Q of 133 and according to their way of assessing it I'm as follows... 

'Your Intellectual Type is Insightful Linguist. This means you are highly intelligent and have the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results'

Then how come I'm only a raggy bummed Plumber from Nechells?

5/4/2008 11:06:54 PM

Long ago and far away,
In a land that time forgot,
Before the days of Dylan
Or the dawn of Camelot...
There lived a race of innocents,
And they, were you and me,
Living in another time
In the Land of Memory

We'd never heard of Microwaves,
Or telephones in cars,
And babies were breast, or bottle fed,
And never grown in jars.
Pumping iron got our wrinkles out,
And 'gay' meant fancy free,
Hospital wards were single sex
In the Land of Memory

We'd never known of Rock bands
That were Grateful to be Dead,
And planes were not called Jefferson,
And Zeppelins weren't Led.
And Beatles lived in gardens then,
And Monkees in a tree,
And Madonna was a virgin
In the Land of Memory

There were no 'Safety Cameras'
No Perriers to chill,
And fish were not called Wanda,
And cats were not called Bill.
And middle aged was thirty five
And old was sixty three,
And ancient were our parents
In the Land of Memory


We had our share of heroes,
We never thought they'd go,
Least not like Buddy Holly
Or Marilyn Monroe.
For youth was still eternal,
And our lives were yet to be,
And Elvis was forever,
In the Land of Memory


We fell for TV heroes,
Eric Morcambe seemed so nice
And when Cinema made movies,
They never made it twice.
We didn't have a Star Trek Five,
Or Psycho Two and Three,
Or Rocky/Rambo Twenty one,
In the Land of Memory

Oh, there was truth and there was goodness
In that land where we were born,
Where navels were for oranges,
And Peyton Place was porn.
Harold Wilson was in power
And Hoss was on TV,
And God was in his heaven
In the Land of Memory

So now we face a brave new world
In slightly larger jeans,
And wonder why they're using
Smaller print in magazines.
And we tell our children's children
of the way it used to be,
Long ago and far away

5/3/2008 1:45:10 AM
And so the 'Labour' party has taken its worst beating in over 40 years under (or because of?) its new leader.
But of course that's only half of it..
There are many reasons why yesterdays events came about, we could say that the Labour party is unrecognizable from any Labour party my father ever knew, we could point the finger at several wars Labour have involved us in..(isn't it strange how they all mostly seem to involve oil rich areas or access to that oil)
We could say we've had enough of politicians arrogance or the way that once they are in power they care less about us than they do ensuring they and their families have their noses fixed firmly in the trough.
But I have my ideas why Labour have taken such a beating and why Politicians fall somewhere between an Amoeba and a Sewer rat on the 'trust and honesty scale'
This Labour party is the party of high taxes..don't take my word for it, just look it up.
They are a party that hates the motorist, from 'safety cameras' to possibly the highest fuel taxes in the world (oh look, there's that 'tax' word again)
They penalise the poorest people in society, those least able to pay such taxes..
They are a party (to quote Neil Kinnock) who know the value of everything and the price of nothing..and like I've already written, these modern Ali Babas dont even try to anymore, they just put it all on expenses..
But this lot excell, they really do..
Brown has promised to listen to us..
Words, just weaselly words..when a Politician promises to listen to you it only means two things..he's either after your vote or he's trying to save his over paid over expensed job..
How can you trust a Party who breaks it's word on a promise of a referendum?
How can you trust a party who brings in top up fees after saying it had no plans to introduce them?
How can you trust a party of crippling taxes levied on the poor?
How can you trust a party that ensures we are the only country paying NHS prescription charges?
How can you trust a party that bring in a law called the 'Human rights act'
An act that denies those 'human rights' to everyone except feral scum who ensure we are too frightened to retaliate or raise our heads above the parapet?
We are moving towards a siege society where we will be watched, controlled and made to toe the European line..when did I vote for that then?
This so called 'Son of the manse' (and how I hate that term) is nothing but a two bit lying charlatan..what have the British people done to deserve this?
From Margaret Thatcher, to the inept idiot John Major, to the lying, self seeking war mongering Tony Blair,
Lord save me from religeous zealots, always first to pull the trigger, always first to detonate the bomb.
And now? we are led by a Weasel weaver of words who doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself..
A politician only listens to you if he thinks he can feel the cold hand of destiny pulling his little squiggley tail out of his trough..
comment on this if you like, but just don't try to defend them, the British deserve better than this, we really do..
I hear these lying scumbags go on about about making 'hard choices'
Rubbish... they just don't get it do they?
Democracy is about making easy choices, choices wanted by the majority of the people..
Choices like the death penalty restored for murdering children and those too weak to defend themselves.
Choices like if laws are passed affecting our way of life, they should be made here in Britain.
The choice to walk the streets safely, the choice to send your child to University on merit and the choice not to have to think 'how much will it cost me' first.
What happened to Blairs mantra of 'Education, education, education'?
What happened to the choice to write down 'English' as your nationality..?
The Irish can do it, so can it appears, every other race in these crowded, over priced islands..
I'm done.
Turn out the light will you?
5/1/2008 11:33:07 PM

I thank the others for their applause,
who take my words in like air
to sip a taste of me
and know something of this man
who plies words for puzzles
to understand.

But if my words have risen high enough,
as black and white Roman candles,
if they've made any noise
to compare with a storm or song,
if they've pulled a memory into your light
for you to fondle tenderly tonight,
just remember that to me they have failed.

I let my dreams get away from me...
I wanted something too much.

5/1/2008 11:31:32 PM
In 1977, I had my Wedding Suit made at Callaghans, a 'Bespoke' Tailor next to the the Alexander Theatre by the Horsefair in Birmingham.
Sure enough he took all my measurements then promptly mixed them up with a Peruvian peasent named Sanchez.
Now Sanchez I never met..(I dont think he was allowed out of the Fairground on his own)
But over the years by looking at photos of my 'Made to measure' wedding suit I've tried to determine what his life must have been like..
For starters his social life must have been pretty dire..I guess looking at my suit he would have made a hopeless dancer..with one leg 5inches shorter than the other.
His obvious pigeon Chest was no real Chick puller either.
Showing appreciation at concerts must also have proved a little difficult as it appears he only had a 11 inch long left arm.
I'm still lost in admiration at the way Callaghans cunningly almost hid all that extra material for Sanchezs deformed back and the careful cutting of the one Lapel to disguise his heavy tilt to the one side..
Yes Callaghans outdid themselves that beautiful sunny day back in 1977..
They made a suit for a peasent that would have made him look like a King..
Unfortunately it was me that wore it..
I spit on 'Bespoke'
5/1/2008 11:27:15 PM

I've been reading 'Sunnyside Down' these last few weeks, (growing up in 50's Britain)
normally I'll get through most books in a few hours especially when it's by a favourite author such as Wilbur Smith etc..
So anyway, I thought I'd give it a go, we were both lads, both of us grew up in the 50's I'm sure to find a little common ground at least.
It started off quite well, He spoke of poverty, hardship, few clothes, getting Groceries on the 'Book'
At first I thought, another kindred spirit.
He grew up in a sprawling village, I spent half my younger years in a vertical one.
He wrote of his Father walking in from work with the Daily Telegraph under his arm...My Dad read the Mirror or the Despatch....when he could afford it.
There are photographs of him aged 8 in a suit wearing a shirt and tie...I had falling to bits, hand me downs and Wellingtons, I wore Jumpers that hung all over me and sometimes shoes that were either too big for me....or even worse... too small.
To do well in his 11th plus he was promised a new Bike...I was only promised one thing in my life....a good hiding if I brought home trouble.
I read how his Parents had travelled, Both, for example went on an adventure holiday to New Mom went on an Adventure to Manchester to escape a Step Father who bullied her every day...she was 14.
His Father owned a Car..Mine never did his whole life..even today, driving anywhere far is still MY big adventure..I appreciate it because I can...
I smiled when he spoke of getting Groceries from the corner shop on 'the Book'..
At last I thought, common ground..then he wrote how they had to settle it once it had run into several hundred pounds..
We had a 5 pound limit on our book,
For several reasons really, the first being above the 5 pounds, the Shopowner knew we couldn't pay..
The second being that because of the first, we'd have tried our luck elsewhere...
That several hundred pounds he wrote of might just has well have been 7 million to us.
He shows a wedding photo taken outside a place called 'Beeston Towers'
The families are all dressed up in their finery...every single one of my lot would have looked like they worked there...
At last...they talk of eating together, then once again I am left adrift as he writes of Lamb Chops and first courses, he speaks of puddings and desserts..
I knew of none of those things...not until I got married.
And I used to keep turning to the front cover to look at this smiling boy who claimed common ground in the touching points of my life..
And the more I looked, the less I found...
He spoke of hardship and poverty while I thought back to hunger and cold, he spoke of Christmas Parties and Car drives with his Father and I remembered being humiliated at School dinners and being left behind at the school on their daytrips because my Parents couldn't afford the Half Crown.
And then he wrote of taking a year out when he was 19 to work as a Trainee Teacher in West Africa.
I closed the Book.
5/1/2008 11:23:08 PM

Give me a blank page and a pen,
That I may write you a poem
The likes that the world has never seen.

Let your features dance before me
In every waking moment,
And let your words linger in my heart
With the force of a heartfelt prayer.

Give me your hand and your life,
and I will give you happiness beyond reproach
My words will live a thousand endless years.
And I will make you...immortal.

5/1/2008 11:22:33 PM

Sometimes lives pass without a comment..a bit like that tree that falls in
the forest with no one around to hear it.
I can't let Milton go like that...not in silence and not without a sound.
Milton was a young cat aged only about 6 months.
He was owned by my daughter Nicola who had him from a Kitten.
She loved him very much..
Milton died this morning... he was killed by a passing car on the main Glascote Rd in
Truth is Nicola should never have had him, she lives in a two bed flat
without a garden..I guess Milton must have used his other 8 lives up
unnoticed and unseen..

This morning was his ninth.
It's the first time Nicola has really known death..not a bad feat to get to
the tender age of 22 with is it?
She's spent all of today crying..
Missing her first pet..Milton..
Well I'll end this now..
Milton...I heard your tree fall.

4/30/2008 11:33:04 AM
Oh no..I've just realised this means I'm going to have to write all those 'amusing' journals again...
 Age: 27
 San Diego, California